Just when Doomsday Batman took Reverse Flash to dig a grave where Firestorm's body was stored, on the watchtower, Deathstorm informed the main members of the Zhenglian of what had happened previously, including Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and Green Lantern. Xia and other giants rushed back first

"What happened?"Superman saw Cyborg lying on the operating table and immediately observed the inside of his body through his clairvoyance eyes.

"His heart is broken!"

"But you told us he was still alive."Wonder Woman wanted to ask Deathstorm about the specific situation.

Green Lantern used the Lantern Ring to conduct a full-body scan on Cyborg and found that there were still some physiological activities in the opponent's brain.

"His condition is very bad. Although his brain seems to be alive, its activity is very low. I don't even know if he can think anymore."

Batman walked to the main console alone when everyone was surrounding Cyborg. He was calling up the surveillance here.

But after searching carefully for a while, he found that a surveillance video had been manually deleted. , he immediately started repairing it and wanted to see if it could be restored

"What exactly is going on? You said an enemy who looks like The Flash broke into this place?"Green Lantern was confused.

You must know that this is the Watchtower Space Station. After being transformed by Apokolips, it is basically a fortress floating in space. It is incredible that someone can sneak into it silently.

In a place where there is no foothold. Even the Flash can't do this. He has no way to run in space.

Deathstorm explained:"That person calls himself Reverse Flash. I suspect that he is another 17 parallel time and space sibling of the Flash. Their The abilities are exactly the same...

By the way, after I injured him, he used the speed force to run into a wormhole. Maybe he sneaked into the space station this way?"

"is it possible? Bruce?"Superman didn't hear the response. He turned his head towards the main console and found Batman typing on the keyboard. On the screen was a series of dazzling codes.

"Someone deleted a recent surveillance video. I can restore the original video, but it will take time."

Batman turned his head:"But I'm suspecting that the other party may have deliberately not physically destroyed the video files in order to waste my time."

"so......"Clark scratched his head.

Batman walked to Cyborg's bed:"If it's Cyborg, he should be able to restore the video soon."

"But now Cyborg simply can’t do it......etc...."Wonder Woman thought thoughtfully,"You want to bring Cyborg from our world? But our world needs him."

Now Cortana has followed Dane to Apokolips. In the original world, only Cyborg has the ability to monitor Dangerous situations around the world.

If Cyborg is brought here, Wonder Woman is worried that they won't have time to deal with what happens.

"We don't need Cyborg to come in person...."Batman said to the communicator:"Barry, I need you to come back to the watchtower immediately."

The next second, the transmission channel brought the Flash into the watchtower:"What happened?"

Batman immediately said:"Barry , you go back immediately on the cosmic treadmill and bring Grid here."

Wonder Woman suddenly said:"It is true that Grid is more suitable for this than Cyborg, but...haven't you always distrusted artificial intelligence?"

Diana's expression was a bit teasing. When Cyborg announced his research results to the Alliance, Batman's face was hard to look at.

Batman said expressionlessly:"This is not our world, and the grid can cause very little damage to this."

Now the doomsday earth has just begun to regain order, let alone the Internet, electromagnetic wave emission with slightly higher power Machines are very scarce, and even if there is any problem with the grid, it won't be a big problem.

Wonder Woman rolled her eyes, Batman was still the same Batman, nothing had changed.

After the Flash figured out his mission, he responded to the matter, but before starting to work, he still asked with concern

"Is this Cyborg okay?"

This question can only be answered by Death Storm:"It depends on his own will. Although I helped him rebuild an artificial heart, the real problem for him after losing the human heart is the change in self-perception. I don't know about you. Ever heard of the Ship of Theseus?"

Wonder Woman, as a doctor of Greek history and archeology, has of course heard of this famous paradox, and Batman, as a top student, has also heard of it. Superman once made up for this in order to deal with the gods and ghosts from Olympus. Knowledge in this area.

The Flash didn’t know much about Greek philosophy. He really didn’t know much about it, so he looked confused.

"The so-called Ship of Theseus or the Paradox of Theseus is a question about identity authentication.

It describes a ship that can sail the seas for hundreds of years, thanks to constant repairs and replacement parts.

As soon as a board rotted, it was replaced, and so on, until all the functional parts were no longer the original ones.

The question is, will the resulting ship be the same Ship of Theseus, or a completely different ship? If it wasn't the original ship, then at what point did it stop being the original ship?"

"But Cyborg should still have his brain, right?"The Flash scratched his head.

"Yes, he still has a brain left, and it's a brain he shares with his electronic consciousness."Death Storm points out the most critical issue.

Ever since Cyborg became a biochemical cyborg, there have actually been two conscious subjects in his brain, one is the human Victor Stone, and the other is in the Mother Box. The electronic consciousness was born under the influence of Victor.

The electronic consciousness does not have Victor's life experience, so it actually does not have its own personality at the beginning, but it can learn, think, and will take over Victor's place when necessary. Mechanical body.

When the reverse lightning was about to completely kill Cyborg, Victor had actually entered shock. It was the electronic consciousness that remained calm that bought time for the death storm's sneak attack.

Although it seems that the electronic consciousness is not Like real life, it has the desire to survive and subjective free will, but as it continues to learn, sooner or later the electronic consciousness will sprout a real personality. The

Justice League knows that Deathstorm is not alarmist, because the Grid is Cyborg A new life form formed by separating his own electronic consciousness.

If the comatose Cyborg does not have a strong will to strengthen his human self, he is likely to be assimilated by the electronic consciousness and finally become something like A grid-like artificial intelligence life. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At that time, the human brain will become a dispensable"wetware", and one day it will be It was abandoned.

By then, Cyborg had truly become a new"Ship of Theseus""

"Maybe the grid can help in this matter, its life form is now very close to Cyborg"

"I'll go right away!"The Flash said immediately.

When they came to the energy power room, Batman's detective intuition made him frown a little, but he didn't have time to think about it. The most important thing now is to bring the grid over. The

Flash Station On the cosmic treadmill, Batman initially charged the treadmill. This purpose was mainly to warm up the treadmill and spin it first so that the tracks could keep up with the speed of The Flash.

"I'm ready!"

After the Flash said that, his legs spun like hot wheels, and countless lightning began to appear around him. The Speed ​​Force was connected to the treadmill, and afterimages began to appear on Barry's body.

"See you soon, guys!"

After saying this, Barry's figure disappeared in an instant, leaving only a gust of wind blowing things around him.

At this time, Batman finally knew where the sense of disobedience he felt when he entered the door came from.!

This place seemed to have just experienced an air turbulence before they came in, just like the wind pressure caused by 670 Flash when he just ran on the treadmill. Before they came here, someone had used the cosmic treadmill!

Batman! I was still thinking that the guy who called himself"Reverse Flash" probably came here through the cosmic treadmill. The next second, another strong wind blew on the treadmill. The

Flash appeared in the lightning, just as he said Just like that, I saw him again the next second[]

After he appears, Batman removes power to the treadmill and Barry slowly comes to a stop.

As soon as Barry appeared, he turned his attention to Superman, seeming hesitant to speak.

Superman was puzzled by his look and asked:"What's the matter? Why do you look at me like this?"

"nothing!"The Flash shook his head desperately when he heard this, and forced a strange smile on his mouth.

Superman still felt that something was wrong, but if the Flash didn't say it, he didn't know.

But Batman felt something in his heart. Things related to Superman would not yes......

"Did you get the grid?"Wonder Woman hasn't forgotten business yet.

"Brought it."Barry nodded quickly, opened his palm, and a black plug-in as thick as his forearm appeared in his palm. There was a dark green circuit on it, which looked full of science fiction.

"So let's get started."

Batman took the things, returned to the main control room, and inserted the plug-in into the central computer.

The black plug-in turned into nanoparticles and seeped into the computer. Not long after, the electronic face of the grid appeared on the screen.

"This is the grid, happy to serve you, Mr. Batman"

"Grid, can you restore the surveillance video from the watchtower?"

"Of course, it's easy."After that, data streams began to appear on the computer. They modified and reshaped the files at the speed of tens of thousands of codes per second. After a few seconds, the video files had been completely repaired.

Batman immediately opened the file, and Cyborg and Reverse Flash The battle is shown

"Oh my gosh, he does look like me!"The Flash exclaimed.

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