What the Justice League is looking at is what Reverse-Flash looks like after he becomes The Flash.

They saw the scene on the screen where"The Flash" used his resonance ability to insert a hand knife into Cyborg's chest and claw out the heart.

"Wow, this is really barbaric!"The Flash couldn't bear to watch, but at the same time he was also curious. It turns out that the Speed ​​Force can be used in this way.

Then, they saw the Flash in the video reveal his true face, a yellow Flash.

"The color scheme of this dress is really tasteless."The Flash couldn't help complaining.

At this time, the transmission channel of the watchtower sounded again, bringing the Flash of the doomsday earth to this space station.

As a member of this world, what he has to do is comparable to the Flash of the original world. There are many more heroes, so they can't come back as quickly as Barry Allen.

"what happened? I heard something happened to Cyborg?"

By the way, there is another matter.

Batman continued to look at the big screen, but he told Grid:"Grid, you enter Cyborg's neural network and check what's going on with him now."

"OK, sir."

The watchtower is connected to a wireless network, and the grid enters Cyborg's brain through the wireless network.

Batman manually dragged the video progress bar in front of the big screen, but to the surprise of Diana, Superman and others, he The progress bar in their hands was dragging forward, not backward.

Then they saw another person appearing in the video, Batman in the apocalyptic world

"Batman? What is he doing here? Superman wondered,"Deathstorm, you don't seem to have mentioned this matter."

"I feel like this matter is less important than Reverse Flash."Deathstorm said disapprovingly.

Apparently he didn't realize that in the parallel world, Batman corresponds to Night Owl, otherwise he should pay more attention to it.

"What is he doing here?"Batman asked in a deep voice.

"I don’t know, he just said hello and left by himself."Deathstorm shrugged.

Now everyone in Zhenglian felt something was wrong.

Superman looked at Batman and said,"You never do anything meaningless, right?"

Batman nodded, and he began to search for surveillance videos from other places on the computer.

He noticed that Doomsday Batman seemed to be deliberately avoiding surveillance. No, he was not avoiding surveillance, but on the network of surveillance lines. Doing tricks.

At this point in the video, before everyone could wait for Doomsday Batman to reach his destination, the screen suddenly turned into a ball of snowflakes.

"How is this going? Superman looked confused.

Green Lantern was thinking:"The surveillance was disconnected here. He destroyed the surveillance circuits and made them unable to work, so nothing was recorded.""

So the previously deleted videos actually don't have much real content. They can only show that all this is Doomsday Batman's mischief, but there is no way to let them know what Doomsday Batman did. The surveillance video was indeed used by the other party. Tools for them to consume their time

"It seems that I in this world have a little secret that I am hiding from us.."

Green Lantern looked at Batman subtly:"Yeah, who says it's not?"

"But I already know how the Reverse Flash got into this space station."


"Remember Dane’s warning?"

Diana said immediately:"We can't let the cosmic treadmill run idle."

"It seems he did say that."Superman was thoughtful, but unfortunately he didn't understand things like parallel time and space and quantum mechanics very well. He didn't understand why at the time.

"Once the cosmic treadmill is idling, speedsters from other ordinary worlds will occupy the empty seats. It seems that I in this world started the treadmill without our knowledge."

"But why would he do this?"Diana asked doubtfully.

Batman also checked the power usage of the energy power room at that time and found that during that period, the power consumption in the energy room was particularly intense.

"He seems to be trying to overload the cosmic treadmill, but why?"

"Catch him and we'll find out. Clark, can you see where he is now?"

When Clark heard this, he immediately opened his perspective and farsighted eyes, and roughly scanned every corner of the earth.

"No, I found it."

This is normal. After all, the blackened supermen in this world have been dealing with Batman for a long time without catching him. Doomsday Batman has already had deep experience in avoiding supermen.

"It seems that to find him, we need to go against common sense. Where is Constantine now?"

"I heard he's in New London, where there seems to be some remaining wizards gathered...."

In New London, Constantine entered a shabby shop with a cigarette in his mouth, which turned out to be a bar.

"Constantine? You bastard is not dead yet?"

Constantine heard the words and looked over, and found that the speaker was a hot gothic beauty with black hair, black silk stockings, a black dress, and flaming red lips. She is a stunner!

Kang Standing swore that if he had actually met this woman, he would have been impressed, but he couldn't remember anything.

"You forgot about me, right?"The woman was walking towards him with a glass of red wine in her hand.

When she came closer, Constantine could smell the faint aroma coming from her body. After just a slight smell, he knew what was in front of him. woman's true identity

"A vampire?"

"You're really weird. Haven't you known this kind of thing for a long time?"The female vampire's pale fingers traced across Constantine's chest. Her fingernails were neatly manicured, but they made him feel a little cold.

Vampires have no body temperature, but it was not her fingers that really made Constantine feel cold. , but the vampire's suddenly extended nails

"I knew you, this scourge, would not die easily. My dear, I am very happy that you are still alive, but you did not give me what you promised me after you slept with me that night, which makes me very unhappy."

The female vampire stretched out her sharp nails and stared at Constantine with cold eyes.

Constantine raised his hands as if to throw, and looked around. He found that the customers here were not ordinary people.

There were not only vampires here, but also some With werewolves, these two races who regard each other as enemies can actually sit and drink together in harmony.

This is a miracle that Constantine has never seen in his dreams.

"Madam, please believe me, I am definitely not the same person as the Constantine you know. He is a scumbag, a scum, and a bastard who knows no good, but I am a good person!"

But the female vampire put her long nails on Constantine's neck again, and her fingertips pricked with blood.

You can say such shameless words, but you still say that you are not Constantine?

The female vampire pointed her finger Next, the sharp fingertips cut open Constantine's clothes, revealing a silver taxi cross.

The fingers painted with red nail polish scratched the cross, and a small piece was ablated as if it was corroded. The female vampire screamed

"cross! This is impossible!"

In such an apocalyptic world, such pure holy crosses are rarely seen.

How could a guy who cherishes his life like Constantine not prepare one or two more protective artifacts on his body? The origin of this holy cross is not Small, he shamelessly asked for it while Gabriel and Dane were together.

At that time, Dane and Gabriel were busy, so facing this shameless guy, he could only throw out a necklace and tell him to get out of here..

This cross necklace was personally blessed by the Archangel Gabriel. The effect is much stronger than the crosses blessed by ordinary churches. It is almost as powerful as the purification power of holy water.

".Madam, you should be very careful when dealing with a wizard."Constantine arrogantly shook his coat with both hands, and it jingled as if there were a lot of things hidden inside.

The female vampire took a step back fearfully:"Well, it seems that not only are you not dead, but you are also able to catch something. Less good stuff"

"Okay, let's get down to business. I heard there's a dragon's tooth here. Is this true?"

If it weren't for the black magic materials here, Constantine wouldn't be willing to come to this kind of place, especially with so many dark creatures around. If they were ready to unite to harm him, this would also be a big deal for Constantine. But the next moment, Constantine’s premonition came true. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What a coincidence, dear, that is actually a fake news, the purpose is to trick you into coming here."

The female vampire suddenly laughed, her beautiful face full of a scheming smile.

Constantine suddenly felt that his magic power was draining, and a huge magic circle suddenly appeared under his feet.

He looked carefully and found this It is a magic of sacrifice and summoning. It is a sacrifice to Kang (who has good money) Standing and summons a big demon from hell.

"No, come again?"

Constantine was speechless. How come there are so many people in this world trying to trick him all day long?

"My dear, feel our enthusiasm and pay back everything you owed us before!"The female vampire's eyes turned blood red, and two long canine teeth were exposed.

Constantine was not panicked at all. He had already had full experience in this, but it was difficult for him to use magic to escape. Choice.

But soon he no longer had to think about this issue. Just when the magic circle was about to take full effect, a sonic boom suddenly came from outside the ceiling. The female vampire and other dark creatures froze in an instant. I don’t know who it was. With fear, he said:"It's him, he's coming!"

There was a loud bang, and the moonlight poured into the entire venue. All the dark creatures looked up. It was Superman. He tore down the entire ceiling and lifted it up.

"Sorry to interrupt your party, but Constantine, we need you."

Constantine threw away the cigarette holder he had finished smoking, lit another one for himself, and then slowly exhaled the smoke.

"Of course, this alliance can't do it without me, right?"

Before leaving, he did not forget to flirt with the female vampire,"Maybe next time, we can find a better place to sit down and have a drink."

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