"Holly.Shit! Green Lantern cursed,"Deathstorm didn't tell us that he still had such abilities!""

Superman looked at the soil above with a solemn expression. His clairvoyant eyes saw that the originally dead superheroes were waking up. They opened the coffins, dug up the soil, and stretched out their withered arms from the soil, like a group of zombies.

The first corpse to jump out of the mud was a hero with yellow lightning radiating from his chest.

"Shazam? But he looks completely different from Dane"

"That's Billy Bassant, the Shazam of our world."Cyborg answered Green Lantern's question, and then without hesitation raised the white noise cannon and fired at Shazam's body.

The white light shone on Shazam's face, revealing the other person's gray skin and chaotic eyes. He The inside of his eyeballs seemed to be covered with a layer of haze.

But this did not affect Shazam's ability.

Facing Cyborg's white noise cannon, Shazam defeated it with lightning with both hands. Those lightnings directly It penetrated the energy emitted by the white noise cannon and attacked Cyborg's body. However, Cyborg absorbed all the lightning. He is a biochemical cyborg. As long as the electric energy does not exceed the upper limit of his endurance, it cannot hurt him. And he is dead.

Shazam's magical ability is no longer as strong as it was when he was alive. The only ability that can still be compared with when he was alive is his body as strong as a Kryptonian. So Doomsday

Batman immediately ordered him:"You Deal with Green Lantern and keep him out of my way!"

Shazam said nothing, executing Doomsday Batman's orders like a walking zombie.

Although he didn't have much power left, it was still enough to persist in a battle. His flying speed broke the sound barrier in an instant, hitting Green Lantern's The body took him out of the underground base.

Above the layer he penetrated, the dim sky of old Gotham was revealed, and Doomsday Batman flew out in the direction of the hole.

"catch him!"

Superman and Wonder Woman caught up.

Batman first connected to the watchtower's communication:"Deathstorm, can you control the dead?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could I possibly control a corpse?......That's not necessarily the case..."Deathstorm originally wanted to scold Batman for his whims, but when he thought about himself, he was a little unsure.

"It seems that I have never told you about my birth. I am a unity formed by the combination of a living person and a corpse...."

"Under the influence of the Storm Matrix, right?"

"Yes, the Storm Matrix can combine multiple life forms and merge them into one individual, but even I can't make the corpse move. I can't do things that the Matrix doesn't understand."

Batman said:"In other words, as long as the matrix...In other words, whatever the master of the matrix can recognize, he can do"

"Is such that."

Batman thought this must be the reason. Whether it is him or another one, he must have never stopped researching all superheroes, so Doomsday Batman must know all the members of the alliance very well.

But he hasn't figured it out yet. , how did the other party"resurrection" these corpses.

Just as he was thinking, an arrow suddenly shot out. Batman turned sideways and grabbed it.

He turned around and saw that it was a face that had already been Rotten, dressed in green uniform and dressed like Robin Hood's dead body

"You must be joking."He thought that joining the Zhenglian as an ordinary person was already very abstract. He didn't expect that there was something more abstract.

But the"Robin Hood" took a step back. The arrow in Batman's hand suddenly exploded and was hit by the explosion. Excited, the surrounding dust instantly obscured their vision.

Although Batman and this"Robin Hood" did not know each other, he knew each other's identity.

Oliver Queen, a famous rich man and libertine in Star City, on the surface he did not know how to learn. The rich second generation with no skills is secretly a superhero who maintains urban security.......Why does it sound a bit like déjà vu?

Anyway, his codename is"Green Arrow."

Batman knows this because he investigated Amanda Waller in the original world, and this person appeared in the new team she formed.

As ordinary people, Batman at least has some black technology, but Green Arrow has nothing but all kinds of fancy arrows and superb archery skills.

He's actually a member of the Justice League? Batman can't figure out the meaning of Zhenglian here accepting him. Can he really be effective in the face of all kinds of monsters and monsters?

In the smoke, Batman had turned on his infrared vision, and he clearly saw a figure approaching him furtively.

He was somewhat speechless, and he could almost understand what Dane and the others thought of him when his equipment was still lagging behind. What a shame!

The nanoparticles in Batman's palm began to reorganize, creating a small Batarang, which he threw with a wave of his hand.

The sound of the batarang is very slight, and there is a sound-absorbing structure inside. Green Arrow was hit by the dart without knowing it at all, and the strong current instantly paralyzed his brain center, causing him to lose the ability to move.

Batman secretly thought:"It seems that these corpses are still driven by the brain, so the key to making them move is probably the brain."

He immediately told everyone about this discovery:"Everyone, try to attack those things. brain!"

"Of course we know, that’s how it’s done in movies, right?"The two Flashes said in unison.


"Did you just lose track of Reverse Flash?"He began to forcefully change the topic.

"He runs so fast, even faster than us!"

"And as you might expect, he also uses the Speed ​​Force, but I can feel that his Speed ​​Force seems a little different from mine."

What Batman didn't know was that when he was in contact with The Flash, Reverse Flash had sneaked up on him.

In the realm of speed, Batman seemed to be completely still in Reverse Flash's eyes.

Green Arrow's arrow was not to hide his figure, but to help Reverse Flash cover up.

Similar to Batman's analysis, these corpses are controlled by the brain, and Doomsday Batman reshaped their actions. Brain.

If Superman's biology was better, he would be able to find that the brains of these zombies are different from normal brains, more like biochemical electronic brains.

He knows himself better than anyone else, so he wants to eradicate the Justice League first His brain, eradicate Batman first!

But just when Reverse Flash was about to pierce Batman's chest like killing Cyborg, magic sparks suddenly burst out from the Bat suit, and a shock wave directly knocked Reverse Flash away.

Batman Only then did he react and immediately called for support:"Barry! I need you!"

"I am coming!"X2

Two lightning bolts suddenly appeared on the left and right sides of Batman. Batman pointed at the reverse lightning:"Catch him!"

When the Flashes heard this, they immediately stepped forward and grabbed Reverse Flash's hands, one on the left and the other on the right.

Only then did Reverse Flash recover from his coma:"How is this possible! Don’t you have super powers?"

Batman's suit was also mixed with eternal metal. With the help of Constantine, a protective spell was fixed on it, but he definitely couldn't tell the enemy about this kind of thing. He waved his hand, and a piece of nanoparticles was It was thrown onto Reverse Flash and spread quickly, and the two Flashes let go of their hands at the same time. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) The nanoparticles quickly formed a straitjacket on Reverse Flash, holding him tightly trapped inside

"Do you think this kind of thing can control me?"Reverse Flash sneered and tried to use his resonance ability to break free.

However, the speed force that emerged from his body was quickly absorbed by the metal restraints on his body. The more he used the speed force, the weaker he became.

"you...what did you do to me?"

This is Doomsday Batman's Speed ​​Force absorption device. Batman has miniaturized it. Barry's expression was a little subtle. He looked at Batman carefully:"You created this thing specifically to deal with him, right? You definitely never thought about using it against me, right?"

Batman was silent for a second, which seemed like a month to the speedster, and then he spoke:"Of course."

I believe you, you idiot!

When Reverse Lightning saw the three people across from him, no one paid attention to him. His arrogant self-esteem was suddenly trampled on.

"It seems that your understanding of the Speed ​​Force is less than that of a mortal, Barry Allen, but do you think I am just a Speed ​​Force user?"

His words finally attracted the attention of Batman and The Flash. Barry saw the color of the Speed ​​Force lightning on Reverse Flash changing. It was a mixture of red and black energy.

"Like you, Barry Allen, I'm not only a user of the Speed ​​ForceOr the creator of another speed force, I call it the reverse speed force!"

After Reverse Lightning finished speaking, he suddenly spread out his arms. The nanoparticles were rushed away by an inexplicable energy. The spread of the impact formed an explosion, scattering all the superheroes!

This shock wave continued to spread out, and in just a moment, The underground base of the cemetery was completely destroyed, the tombs above poured down, and the entire cemetery mountain collapsed.

Clark's attention was attracted, and he subconsciously glanced down, and was immediately hit by a kryptonite ray from Doomsday Batman. Shot down.

Wonder Woman continued to chase Doomsday Batman, but this guy's position was so coquettish that Diana couldn't catch him after several attempts. Is it true that Batman is such a troublesome opponent now that he has superpowers?

Doomsday Batman knows that Diana Her Vulcan sword is extremely sharp and can cut almost anything, so she never gets close to her or engages in close combat with her. This makes most of Wonder Woman's abilities useless.

Even if she uses Zeus's divine thunder, it will not work. You have to hit someone hard, and Batman can even dodge omega rays......

Superman fell on the hill that had just collapsed, shaking up sand several feet high.

He stood up straight, and the wounds on his body caused by the kryptonite rays healed instantly.

At this time, he was a bit resentful of Batman. Doomsday Batman apparently got the method to suppress kryptonite rays from him, which made him extremely difficult to deal with.

As soon as Clark stood up straight, he noticed something was wrong with the surrounding soil. The next second, dozens of soil bags exploded, revealing mummies of different shapes. A ray of light landed in the air, shining on the mummies, making their bodies... Quickly return to normal form.

That light was emitted by Doomsday Batman, who was using the matrix to reshape the bodies of the mummies and restore them to their peak condition!.

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