"Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Atom Smasher, Hawkman......God, these are the dead members of the Zhenglian in this world."

As soon as Superman said this, the newly awakened corpses rushed towards him.

Martian Manhunter first fired his laser eyes at him, pushing Superman's body back. Hawkman used the gravitational potential energy to hammer the N metal mace It hit Superman on the face and knocked him away.

The Atom Smasher transformed into a mountain giant and stepped on the spot where Superman landed, shaking up countless dust and sand, and trampling several zombie heroes who had just crawled out.


Green Lantern temporarily got rid of Shazam's entanglement and rushed to support him.

However, Hawkman waved his wings and stood in front of him, not allowing him to pass.

"These are all dead, right? In other words, I don’t have to worry too much!"

Green Lantern seemed to be asking someone, but he had already rushed over in the next second.

Hawkman tried to attack Green Lantern with a mace, but he was the first to smash him away with a giant hammer manifested in green light.

Atom Smasher aimed at He reached down to catch the Green Lantern, but his growth in size made his speed much slower. He simply couldn't catch Hal, who was once an excellent pilot.

And now he has a bigger trouble to face. Yes, under his feet, a huge force"Nine Zero Three" suddenly upwards, knocking him over.

It was Superman flying out!

The Atom Smasher's huge body fell backwards, as if the sky had fallen, a huge Shadows shrouded the heads of the Doomsday Batman and Wonder Woman who were fighting.

They quickly dodged and were hit by a"bang". The Atom Smasher's fallen body caused a violent earthquake.

The hill that had already collapsed sank again, and Wei En Manor was also crushed into ruins in this catastrophe.

However, on the collapsed hills, many superheroes familiar or unfamiliar to the members of the Zhenglian emerged from the ground and were reshaped by the doomsday Batman.

"Not only can he make those corpses move, he can even restore them to their prime......"Wonder Woman said solemnly

"We have to get him under control quickly."

Wonder Woman looked at the dirt bag next to her in surprise. After he broke it open, a pair of huge bat wings emerged. The wings opened, revealing Batman's body.

"A bat? Are you serious?"

Batman's face was expressionless and completely unmoved.

Beside them, three more lights flashed across in the blink of an eye, which were the Flash and Reverse-Flash who were chasing.

Batman observed the large number of dead people and thought about them. May not be able to cope with it

"We need support."

As soon as he finished speaking, a beam of teleportation light fell from the sky.

"I heard someone needs support?"Super Queen walked out first.

Death Shazam rushed towards Super Queen, and his chest flashed with ominous lightning.

Super Queen was a little unresponsive for a moment:"Is this Shazam?"

Wait until Shazam struck the magical lightning on Super Queen, and she counterattacked with heat vision

"This power is far inferior to Dane's!"

After that, she endured the lightning on her body and flew towards Shazam, punching the larger Shazam away.

At the same time, other Zhenglian members walked out of the teleportation channel.

"We heard from Constantine that you are in trouble?"The vixen looked at the battlefield and found the group of zombie-like superheroes.

"Okay, now we have to fight zombies again?"

Before the war started, Constantine had already predicted what was going to happen here through divination, so he ran away early.

However, he was still a human being. Before running away, he did not forget to tell Zhenglian about the situation here. Others.

The teleportation light gradually dissipated, and most of the Justice League members had arrived, looking at the zombie army opposite with surprised expressions.

Batman immediately said:"They are all dead, so there is no need to show mercy!"

Everyone heard the words and immediately prepared themselves.

Doomsday Batman's body was burning with a firestorm and fell in the middle of the zombie army, and he sighed.

Although he had expected the situation in front of him, he originally wanted to go slower, but he never thought it would be like this. He has long faced off against all members of the Justice League.

But now that the situation has progressed to this point, he can only continue

"Everyone, kill them!"

The zombie army attacked the Justice League under his order.

Doomsday Batman himself left suddenly. He had no intention of participating in the war.

The rest of the Justice League were busy dealing with their respective opponents, and the other zombies The Legion has more people than them. Although they are no longer sane, their fighting instincts alone can cause a lot of trouble to the Justice League.

Therefore, everyone is busy with the opponents in front of them. Only Batman notices Doomsday Batman's Leaving, he immediately chased after him.

Constantine hid outside the battlefield and tried to use black magic to analyze the situation of the zombies, but failed.

This means that the actions of the zombie group are not driven by magic, and he, like other members, , I felt how bad it was for Batman to have powers.

But something worse soon appeared. A familiar figure appeared in the crowd. Constantine wiped his eyes, and then yelled:"I Fucking buried here too?"

Among the zombies, a zombie wearing a tattered windbreaker opened the devil's door with magic, and a group of demons jumped out, bringing the fire and brimstone of hell to the world!

That zombie was the dead Constantine, but What puzzled him was that it was impossible for corpses to use magic. Magic required concentration, and its essence was actually a kind of vitality. And zombies had bullshit vitality?

"Constantine? Funny, I thought you were supposed to be dead."

A voice came from the Devil's Gate. Constantine didn't know who it was, but there were many people who knew him in hell. Maybe he was a fan.

"I used your corpse to summon this gate of hell, what do you think? Is this a good idea?"

A pair of huge demonic claws grabbed the door of hell, and then a demonic face poked out from it, with yellow eyes and dark red skin, the appearance of a typical big demon.

But Constantine used his magic vision to When I went to see it, I was suddenly shocked.


The person coming is not necessarily a contemporary Satan, it may be a former Satan who failed in the competition or abdicated for some reason, but the opponent's magic level is undoubtedly the same level as Satan. The big devil's eyes lit up:"Interesting, you are actually a real one. Constantine!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then he opened his mouth wide and stuck out his tongue.

Constantine was horrified to find that there was a blurry human face on his tongue. Although he could not see clearly, Constantine's sixth sense told him clearly that that was his face

"Yes, you can see that, right? Constantine, this is your soul!"

The big devil laughed, making Constantine feel a little heavy...........

Before signing the contract with Dane, he had already predicted that a scumbag like him who often teased heaven and hell would only end up in hell, being toyed by the demons who had long hated him and gnashed their teeth.

"I have to say, Constantine, your soul tastes pretty good."Satan said, having already squeezed his body out of the Devil's Gate.

When he stepped on the ground of the real earth, fire clouds began to appear in the sky, and the only sunlight in old Gotham was completely blocked. This caused Clark's Notice

"what happened?"

Constantine looked at the vision in the sky, his face changed slightly:"What do you want to do? There should be no more things you want in this world."

After the invasion of Apokolips, countless people were killed. Hell has long been filled with countless sinful souls. It stands to reason that these demons should be full by now."

"We're here for you, Constantine, and for me personally, you've been a bit bland lately, so......"

Satan licked his canine teeth. On his tongue, a human face rubbed against the canine teeth, letting out a painful wail. That was the soul of Constantine in this world howling.

The demon held his soul in his mouth like chewing gum, and Constantine's soul could not bear this humiliation. His mental condition was extremely weak, and the spirituality of his soul was almost completely gone.

In other words, the chewing gum in Satan's mouth has been chewed until it is almost tasteless. He now wants to change a piece. At this time, Constantine from the parallel world came here and was sensed by Satan.

Taking advantage of the God-given opportunity of Batman's darkening in this apocalypse, he used the soul of Constantine in his mouth to activate the summoning magic, causing Constantine's body in this world to open the door to hell.[]

After listening to Satan's words, Constantine felt goosebumps all over his body. If he was going to end up like this after his death, he would definitely use a spell to blow up his soul before he died!

"Don't think about such beautiful things, just lick the gum in your mouth and stay in hell!"

Constant 2.9 Din activated magic and tried to push the gate of hell back to hell, but failed.

"Hahaha. Satan laughed,"Have you forgotten?" Constantine, this is not your world. There seems to be something wrong with your positioning of hell."


Constantine secretly exclaimed that he had forgotten this. He needed some time to reposition the location of hell, but Satan obviously would not give him such a chance.

"My children, come out quickly, although there are not many good things here anymore, just treat it as a party, go and ravage the world!"Satan laughed wildly.

Behind him, a group of little demons with bat wings flew out from the gate of hell. In a moment, it turned into a black mass.

"Constantine! What happened!"

Green Lantern transformed into a huge flyswatter and swatted a group of little demons to death, but in the blink of an eye more little demons appeared from the gate of hell, adding another fire to the already busy Justice League.

"Why is it the devil again?"

The plastic man was almost speechless. There have been enough demons on the earth, and he wants to do it again?

"We need Dane!"The Super Queen approached Wonder Woman, facing her back to back against the swarming enemies.

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