Dane immediately put his hands together and performed a technique for Darkseid to catch the Omega ray with his bare hands. The energy of the ray hit the palms of his hands and was eventually extinguished there.

"Your Omega Effect seems to be less powerful than before!"

As Dane expected, the dream of Apokolips weakened the connection between Darkseid and the planet, and the Omega Effect's property of being indestructible was greatly reduced. Not only that, Dane felt that it even had the power of heat vision. Even though he expected this, the power was weakened too quickly.

Dane's original expectation was that the omega rays could be weakened to about 70%, but the current power of the omega rays is... But it was only 40%, maybe even lower.

Darkseid put away his ray and stared at Dane with a cold gray face.

"I don't understand how you did it? But you made a big mistake! Dane raised his eyebrows:"Do you remember what you did to the earth?" I think you should easily accept the status quo."

In his impression, Darkseid is not a sore loser. As a villain, although he is sinister, he does not lack the proper grace.

"If you want revenge, you can come to me or Apokolips, but you should not release that man, even though he is just an illusion.

You have no idea how dangerous he is, even though it is just an illusion, but now, the illusion is about to become reality!"

"What are you talking about, no who are you talking about?"Dane frowned.

This dream was a dream spun by Apokolips himself, so Dane didn't know all the details of the dream, nor did he know who Darkseid was talking about.

"you do not know?"But he didn't expect Darkseid to be more surprised than him. Isn't this something you did?

Dane shrugged his shoulders:"I admit that I did something, but it was obviously out of my control.

Darkseid's face darkened:"You put a weapon on my territory that you can't even control, but you should at least know what you put out, right?"

Dane thought he was trying to make excuses. , just smiled and said nothing.

Just when the two were temporarily in a stalemate, the entire space suddenly shook.

The core of Apokolips consists of two parts. One is the outer core formed of liquid metal, which is where the two of them are now, and the other is the solid inner core formed of various complex radioactive materials.

What just vibrated was the solid core under Darkseid's butt, which was producing violent vibrations for unknown reasons.

"I see, the reason why you've been staying here is down there, isn't it? Are you suppressing something?"

This means that Darkseid can't act rashly now, and Dane is a little ready to act.

"This is your fault, Dane Davis, and I don't have full control over him anymore. He's getting stronger and I'm getting weaker.

Once he completely replaces my position on Apokolips, then he will become the king of this world again. At that time, all the world will enter the dark age again. At that time, you will understand how kind I am to you.."

The more Dane listened, the more he felt something was wrong. What does"becoming the king of this world again" mean? What does it mean to talk about the generation of kings before Darkseid?...

The core suddenly shattered, and the unknown power seemed to condense into substance, leaking out like a living thing. It looked like the parasitic venom on the set next door had gone wrong.

Soon, the pile of mud-like things gathered together and formed a huge palm, with an eye and a mouth appearing in the center of the palm.

"You know you can't stop me, Uxus"

"Maybe you are too confident in yourself, Zonos, don't say this is just your shadow, even your true body is no match for me now."

Zonos is the real name of Yuga Khan.

Yuga Khan is actually Yuga Khan!

Dane never expected that the dream of Apokolips would actually invite this great god out.

"Okay, now I believe you're not bluffing."Dane said solemnly.

Yuga Khan is the only fierce man in history who can climb back down from the Wall of Origin. Compared with him, Darkseid is simply a harmless little trouble.

"I didn't expect him to appear here."

If it were anyone else, it would at best be just an illusion created by Apokolips. As soon as the dream breaks, all the shadows will disappear like bubbles in the sun.

But Yuga Khan is different. As a great god who voluntarily hangs on the Wall of Origin , while he was trapped by the origin, he also entered a state similar to omniscience and omnipotence. Maybe he would be able to turn the shadow in the dream into a real clone.

And once Yuga Khan created a clone, no one could I wonder if he will use this as a medium to turn the clone into the main body and the main body into the clone, thereby breaking away from the wall of origin.

"The reason why your condition has seriously declined is because most of the strength in your body has been sucked away by him, right?"

"Asking knowingly."Darkseid snorted coldly.

Dane said thoughtfully:"You trapped him here because you wanted to use the power of Apokolips to suppress him, but with the loss of your power, Apokolips no longer listened. Instead of your instructions, it will obey the orders of its true master"

"Are you here just to tell me this thing that I already knew?"

"No, I came here originally to kill you. Dane said bluntly,"But now I find that he deserves to die more than you.""

"You should belong to Apokolips, Dane Davis, you should be more than just a mortal"

"I am no longer a mortal, Darkseid, but I will always be an Earthling. After dealing with Yuga Khan, I will still kill you!"

"That depends on your ability!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After the two of them finished speaking, the solid core suddenly completely shattered, and a dark mud-like thing appeared in front of Darkseid and Dane.

Dane With his divine eyes, he could see that the surrounding energy was converging on the black"mud ball", and the"mud ball" was becoming larger and larger under the nourishment of energy. After a moment, the huge"mud ball" transformed into a A giant face wearing a double-horned helmet. In front of this face, both Dane and Darkseid were as small as ants.

"Uxas, it seems that you have found a good helper, but this is not enough to change your current situation. My son, give back everything you stole from me!"

After Yuga Khan finished speaking, the black"mud ball" expanded instantly. Dane and Darkseid retreated at the same time. Lightning and omega rays attacked the"mud ball" at the same time.

However, the two energies were blocked by the"mud ball"."It was absorbed, and two huge palms stretched out from the"mud ball", grabbing Dane and Darkseid on the left and the right.

Asking for flowers ,

Dane felt that the energy in his body was draining, Yuga Khan This greedy guy wants to drain his energy!

Dane immediately converted the energy attribute in his body into the power of death. The power of death is poisonous to living bodies.

The power like a curse spread along the palm of his hand When it came to the body of the"Mud Ball", Yuga Khan's palm seemed to be stiff for a moment. Dane took this opportunity to open his palm and break away from it.

But the situation with Darkseid on the other side was not so smooth. , he had spent too much power before, and he was a direct bloodline of Yuga Khan, so it was difficult to resist Yuga Khan's control.

Dane sprayed lightning rays from his eyes and would capture Darkseid The giant hand was cut off, allowing him to regain his freedom

"You are the Dark Lord, can you cheer up?"

Darkseid's face darkened, and he lit up bright energy beams with both hands, manipulating the surrounding liquid metal to bind the"mud ball".

Dane opened his eyes of death, and a strong death aura filled the surroundings, and he aimed The target suddenly transformed into a dark flash. The next second, his body had penetrated the"mud ball", leaving a big void in the center.[]

However, the"mud ball" suddenly shrank and shrunk itself. Of course, this was only a relative term. To Dane and Darkseid, his body still seemed very huge.

Yuga Khan was finally interrupted by Dane's actions and could no longer absorb the energy of Apokolips. He decided to deal with Darkseid and Dane first before continuing his actions.

Darkseid was punched in the face before he had any time to react. The power of this punch knocked him out of the core area and flew towards the surface of Apokolips.

Yuga Khan also wanted to repeat the same trick on Dane, but Dane was much faster than Darkseid and did not let Yuga Khan succeed.

The two started fighting directly in the star core. The aftermath of the battle exploded the flowing metallic liquid into countless waves. The metal hit the rock formations like sticky waves, causing turbulence in the plates.

This turmoil extends upward until violent earthquakes occur on the surface.

Every punch and kick of Yuga Khan and Dane was like beating Apokolips itself as a sandbag. The buildings and people on the surface were scattered and broken like the dust shaken off the sandbag.

"I have to say, you are the most talented young god I have ever seen!"

"You're not bad either, old guy!"

It's hard to believe that this is just a shadow of Yuga Khan, not even a clone. This is just a dream transformed by a thought from Apokolips. But a thought from Yuga Khan gave this phantom a comparable The strength of Darkseid.

No wonder Darkseid is afraid of his father, this guy is so fierce!

But the more he is like this, the less Dane can let this guy succeed. Once Yuga Khan is allowed to return from the origin, If the wall breaks away, it will be a disaster more serious than Darkseid.

Dane thought that when the time comes to fight this guy's body, they will have to throw planets at each other to cause damage to each other's body.

At this time, by Jia Khan suddenly changed the surrounding gravity field, and Dane's speed was slightly reduced by the pull of the force field. Jia Khan took advantage of this opportunity to suddenly attack, and punched Dane in the face!

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