Dane, like Darkseid, was knocked away by Yuga Khan's fist. His body rolled like a drill and penetrated the earth's crust, even passing between the battlefields of Orion and Superman.


The battle between these two men was not over yet, and they both looked at Dane flying past them in confusion.

Orion's mania has penetrated deep into his bones, and now he just wants to fight anyone.

So after a brief period of confusion, he targeted Yuga Khan, who came to their level next, and launched a charge towards him.

"My blood, you look like you could use a little help."

Yuga Khan could tell at a glance that Orion was of his lineage. He immediately enlarged himself and turned into a giant in an instant. Just his hand was bigger than Orion's body.

He With a flick of his finger, Orion was flicked out like a marble. Yuga Khan's finger was like a wake-up call for Orion, directly knocking him back to his sanity, but also knocking him out. His body was beaten almost to pieces.

Superman immediately stepped forward to catch Orion's body, but was also struck by the impact from Orion and rolled upwards with him, along with Dane and Dak. Like Said, he penetrated the earth's crust and finally flew directly out of the formation."Two Zero Zero" and they had just left the ground when the entire continent shook violently as if a serious geological disaster had occurred inside. The strong earthquake spread, with a superhuman force. Starting from the visual position, countless ground cracks appeared like the Great Rift Valley in East Africa.

The next moment, a huge creature stood up from the rift valley. It was a giant with horns.

Superman didn't know who this giant was, but he Knowing that this was definitely an enemy rather than a friend!

So he immediately flew towards the giant, his eyes bursting with heat vision towards the giant.

Yuga Khan used his hand to block, and the heat vision hit the palm of his hand, just like a mirror reflecting heat vision. Bounce the energy away.

The heat vision flies around randomly, cutting all the buildings like butter. I don't know how many people will be accidentally injured.


Yuga Khan laughed loudly:"You are actually a Kryptonian!""

When Yuga Khan was still in power, Kryptonian civilization had not yet declined, and they and Apocalypse led by Yuga Khan often had wars due to territorial disputes, and both sides suffered losses.

But Yuga Khan did not Hating the Kryptonians, he believed that the Kryptonians had the same potential to be promoted to the gods as the New Protoss.

As a qualified tyrant and conqueror, Yuga Khan hoped to bring the Kryptonian race under his rule, but at that time The Lord God of Krypton united with other old gods to prevent him from making the trip.

Yuga Khan caught Superman easily with one big hand. Although he had grown huge, his speed was not slow at all. He was fast. Superman didn't even react.

You must know that he had just absorbed the nuclear reaction energy inside Apokolips. At this time, his ability was even more powerful than ever before, but he was completely unable to resist Yuga Khan's grasp!

"I am coming!"

At this time, Orion, who had regained consciousness, immediately rushed over to support him. He and Superman were not in the same group, and he had not forgotten that the two of them were fighting just now, but rescuing his teammates was his instinctive reaction.

Orion's body exploded Emitting strong star energy, he held the energy escaping from his body with both hands, and then pushed forward.

A burst of light illuminated half of the sky of Apokolips as bright as day, and then the energy in his palms began to face Yuga Khan's output.

The power of the stars hit Yuga Khan's face, pushing his huge body to stagger.

Superman exerted force in his palms, used both hands and feet to push away the thick man with huge force. With his fingers, he successfully escaped from Yuga Khan's control.

Orion's powerful energy burst did not cause substantial damage to Yuga Khan. After the smoke cleared, the black substance on Yuga Khan's face He squirmed and healed the wound.

No, it couldn't even be considered a wound at all, because Orion could clearly see that there was no blood, blood vessels or muscles inside the wound. The opponent's entire huge body was just a large leather sheath. , if this"holster" cannot be completely eliminated, it is impossible for him to be injured.

But the explosion of star power just now is the largest energy attack in Orion's history. If this does not work, he has no other means.

Yuga Khan waved his palm casually, and it did not touch Orion, but it set off a storm.

The wind pressure blew Orion away like tens of millions of tons of material, and his body fell backwards , directly penetrated dozens of super-strength alloy buildings.

Due to the friction and impact of his body with metal in a very short period of time, the high temperature and high pressure generated almost detonated all the buildings.

Therefore, wherever he passed, he triggered The continuous explosions were like a fire dragon rampaging through the building.

The storm set off by Yuga Khan with just a wave of his hand had already destroyed a quarter of the buildings in Darkseid's palace complex.

Superman emerged from the smoke at this time , directly hit Yuga Khan's abdomen, trying to penetrate it.

However, Yuga Khan laughed"haha", and a gap opened directly in his abdomen, allowing Superman to pass through the gap, but he failed to Yuga Khan caused a little damage.

He raised his palm and pressed towards Superman, just like a mountain hitting Superman. Superman tried to dodge, but no matter how fast he flew, he was always in front of Yuga Khan. Within the range of his slap.

Yuga Khan distorted the surrounding space. What Superman could see seemed to be only a few dozen meters, but in fact it was tens of thousands of kilometers of space superimposed. He wanted to fly out at all. He could do it in a while.

In the end, Superman had no choice but to stop, and held Yuga Khan's palms with both hands, as if he were holding up the entire sky.

But"the sky" could not tolerate anything, and Yuga Khan held his palms together , Superman once again fell into the palm of his hand.

He once again superimposed thousands of layers of space in the middle of his palm, so that no matter how fast Superman flew, he could only spin in his palm. At this time, I don’t know when in the sky A large group of dark clouds began to appear, and the dark clouds flashed with thunder snakes, brewing a shocking thunderstorm.

Yuga Khan looked up at the sky, and an ear-splitting voice came from his mouth:"Old God!"

At the same time, two bent and refracted red rays hit Yuga Khan's left eye, and Darkseid took the opportunity to sneak attack him. The omega ray penetrated Yuga Khan's eyeball, and from The back of his head flew out, and then the beam made another bend in the air, penetrated the back of his head, and shot Yuga Khan's right eye out from behind.

"It's now!"Dakseid shouted loudly towards the sky.

In the thundercloud, a pair of eyes looked down from above. The moment Yuga Khan lost all his vision, the thunderstorm started, and a beam of light that made it impossible to look directly came from above. From the bottom, it directly hit Yuga Khan's body.

The huge body was retreating steadily under the attack of the lightning beam, and the unknown substance that made up Yuga Khan's body turned into fly ash under the burning of the divine thunder.....

This beam of light reaching the sky was so dazzling that all creatures within a thousand miles radius witnessed the terrifying power of this"scourge".

Greer's expression changed drastically when he saw it.

She studied under the Amazons, and her research on the old gods was no less than that of a real Amazon historian. She didn't see it at first glance, but the continuous attacks of lightning made her realize its power attributes.

"It's the Thunder of Zeus! How could this happen? Is there still Zeus on this planet?"

Under the influence of her mother, Greer has a basic sense of awe for the gods of Olympus, although not much.

But seeing miracles at such a close distance, even her faith is not firm at all. , deep in my heart, I couldn't help but feel a feeling of fear.

Big Barda stood aside and stared blankly at the miracle in the sky. The white thunder light was so dazzling, just by looking at it, it seemed like it was going to It was like burning her eyes.

At this moment, Big Barda's spirit suddenly fell into a trance, and her mind was dragged into her own mental landscape.

"Ms. Big Barda, I'm sorry to meet you in this way."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this time, in front of Big Barda, there is a female life form that is glowing with white light. Her body seems to be completely made of light. If you look closely, you will find that she The white light on her body faintly reflected the colorful brilliance.

Big Barda was a little wary:"Who are you?"

"My name is Cortana, I am a Dream God, and I have been ordered by my master to help you, ma'am."

"Who is your master?"Big Barda asked curiously

"Dane Davis, he’s my master."

Big Barda didn't know why. After hearing the name, all her worries seemed to disappear, and she immediately relaxed.

But she soon became nervous again:"That one falling from the sky outside......."

"That is the power of the master. Cortana replied, her voice soothing.

"The master is fighting a powerful enemy. You'd better leave here quickly. The aftermath of their battle is very destructive. Your current 0.1 position is not safe."

"But I can't do it."Big Barda said depressedly. She also tried to resist, but Greer didn't know what method she used to make her body completely unable to obey her own control.

"I can help you with this."After saying that, Cortana's eyes flashed, and Big Barda suddenly felt much lighter.

"Please take your chance, Ms. Big Barda. You only have one chance to get rid of her......."

After saying these words, Cortana's body flashed and disappeared without a trace.

Big Barda's brain was in a trance again, and her spirit had returned to the real world.

She turned around and saw that Greer was still focusing on the light beam in the distance and did not notice anything unusual about herself.[]

Big Barda holds the Megaton Short Staff tightly in her hand. She only has one chance, so she can't charge it for too long, otherwise she will be noticed by Greer. Therefore, the angle and timing must be chosen well, otherwise it will be easy for Greer to detect her. Counter.

She saw the white light in the distance suddenly spread outward, and the thunder spread out in all directions. The dazzling light made Greer couldn't help but squint her eyes.

It's now!

Dabarda immediately raised her short staff and took the opportunity to aim a sap at the back of Greer's head, smashing her directly into the spreading white light pillar.

And she herself retreated directly and ran away!.

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