The lightning beam destroyed almost all buildings, but there were some things it couldn't destroy.

For example, Superman was directly repelled by the power of the lightning beam and flew to no one knows where.

After the outermost layer of unknown substance on Yuga Khan's body was destroyed by lightning, the inner core was exposed.

The core is a humanoid figure. Although it still looks tall, it no longer has the terrifying shape at the beginning.

But Darkseid was not happy about this. Yuga Khan was not so powerful because of his huge size.

As the strongest main god of the New Gods, Yuga Khan once raised the level of the New Gods by himself.

In that era when the old gods were still shining with the afterglow, he led the new gods to achieve countless prestige. Such achievements even impressed Apokolips, and they took advantage of the dream to"resurrect" them on Apokolips.

There is absolutely no way such a great god can be defeated so easily.

Sure enough, when the lightning dissipated, the entire piece had turned to glass.In the center of the pit, a dark cocoon-like thing stood in the center.

Darkseid didn't want to know what that thing was at all, and immediately shot out omega rays from his eyes, trying to destroy the cocoon.

But what he didn't expect was that after the omega rays hit the cocoon, it did not burn the cocoon as Darkseid expected. Instead, it connected Darkseid to the cocoon like a thread.

Darkseid suddenly felt that the power in his body was draining, just like when he suppressed Yuga Khan in the center of the earth's core, but the speed was obviously faster, and Darkseid could not even cut off this connection on his own initiative.

Dane, who was standing above the thunderclouds and watching all this, also noticed Darkseid's predicament22. He frowned slightly. Yuga Khan seemed to want to suck Darkseid dry.

After all, Yuga Khan is not the real body. This body is made up of illusory dreams. If the dream is broken, he will cease to exist, and the consciousness belonging to the original body from the wall of origin will return again. Where it should go.

Therefore, Yuga Khan is bound to prevent this situation from happening, which may be why Darkseid has not discovered that all of this is a dream.

He was busy fighting with Yuga Khan and had no time to think or carefully observe the surrounding situation.

"Are you just going to stay there and watch?"Although Darkseid is being drained of strength by Yuga Khan, he will not yell like a coward. Instead, he is in the mood to stab Dane.

"hold onto."

Dane cannot completely resurrect Yuga Khan. Once this guy is freed, he will be hundreds of times more troublesome than Darkseid now.

This is a ruthless man who dares to physically body the Origin Wall in order to satisfy his thirst for knowledge. Who can Knowing how he will bring disaster to the entire universe after his resurrection.

Darkseid still pays attention to sustainable development. The speed at which he destroys civilization is actually not as fast as the birth of new civilization.

This is also the Green Lantern Corps, or the new founding. The reason why Xing turned a blind eye to Darkseid's policies even though he didn't like them.

If Darkseid dared to imitate the director of the Family Planning Commission next door and snap his fingers to the entire universe, what would Heavenly Father do? , the old gods, and the little blue men in Oa will seal him even if they try their best.

Just like the evil spirits, until the end of time.

Dane's eyes flashed, his sclera turned black, and his irises turned gold , the divine power is switched to the power of death.

Only the power of a higher level can cause enough damage to a great god like Yuga Khan. The dark clouds are actually the same color as other white clouds, but due to the difference in vision and light The refraction problem caused it to appear gray or even black.

But as the power of death in Dane gradually spread, the dark clouds began to truly change into black clouds, and the power of death dyed all the clouds into deep black. The power of death infected the clouds The water droplets turned their power into water. These clouds rubbed against each other, and even the lightning that broke out became invisible black lightning, full of the breath of death.

Dane grabbed the black cloud with both hands, as if grabbing a piece of The curtain that covered the sky and the sun, he pulled the cloth and shook it vigorously. Wind and rain came with lightning and thunder, and the lightning of death struck Yuga Khan.

As an ancient new god, Yuga Khan has great influence on energy. His sensitivity and control are currently unmatched by Darkseid.

But he does not have a real body at this time, so he can only do the dojo in the shell of a snail. Although his skills are close to the Taoist, he cannot withstand the flying bricks of a young man with great strength!

Therefore, he had to shrink his strength and use more energy to resist the invasion of the power of death.

But even so, his body was still suffering from the erosion of the power of death. Yuga Khan said with a ferocious face:"Death! This is that bitch power."

The power of death became powerful, and even suddenly increased in power.

Dane felt it the most. He noticed that the power of death had just increased slightly, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curved. Although he did not see death, She must be paying attention here.

Yuga Khan quickly decayed under the influence of the power of death, and his entire face turned into skinny bones like a mummy, and his armor looked loose.

Darkseid took advantage of the opponent's weakness , immediately broke away from the control of Yuga Khan.

While he was under control, he had just tried to use the anti-life equation to try again. If Yuga Khan not only dropped a thought, but dropped more, such as a soul Something, he might be able to kill the opponent.

But it is a pity that Yuga Khan is obviously also a cautious person. He did not lower his soul. I don’t know whether he was guarding against Darkseid or because he simply couldn’t do it. Arrive.

Dane did not naively think that Yuga Khan was helpless about the current situation, if he was really the fierce man in the legend. Sure enough, the next moment, Yuga Khan seemed to have completed some ritual, and he stepped on On the earth, rocks were gathering towards him. The rock and soil of Apokolips, which was as hard as diamond, turned into soft"butter" and curled towards him.

But Yuga Khan's appetite seemed endless, and he His body turned into a shadow, as if he wanted to fill the entire Apokolips into that shadow.

Dane was running the power of death with all his strength, but the tricks that had worked before were undoubtedly useless now.

He could kill any kind of The creature can also kill a phantom constructed from dreams, but it cannot kill the entire Apokolips. This may be the restriction set by death for all the gods of death. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

God of Death It can take away the soul of any living person, but death does not allow the God of Death to do such a heinous thing as exterminating life on the entire planet, so the power of death will show mercy before facing the life force of the entire planet. This is the characteristic of the power of death.

The God of Death is not an evil god. , divine power is not black witchcraft or dark magic. It is upright and upright, taking away those who deserve to die, but leaving behind those who deserve to live.

Respecting life is the true meaning of death, so whether it is death, it is still the God of Death who has been given the power of death by her. Well, it is basically impossible to commit such a massacre as annihilating the entire planet.

And Yuga Khan draped the entire Apokolips on himself, and Dane's death power shrank in front of the weight of life. This is"death" to lifeCompassion, Dane can be forced to continue, but he will be disgusted by the power of death, and may also make death angry.

"I didn’t expect that the dignified Yuga Khan could break the situation in this way. I underestimated you."Dane almost laughed angrily. You carry the life of the entire planet on your back. Do you think I dare not engage in mass extinction?

He can still do it without using the power of the God of Death!

Just when Yuga Khan put the entire Apocalypse on his back, When the power of the star was concentrated on himself, Dane stopped pretending and turned it on!

Suddenly, the entire Apokolips Star began to shake violently, as if the entire planet was colliding with a certain world.

Everyone living on Apokolips Star The intelligent life forms, whether they are the new gods who are at war or the slaves who are still struggling as cattle, horses and cannon fodder, all raised their heads and looked at the sky. A hurricane shaped like a fire tornado rolled up high in the sky. As the wind rises, strong winds blow across the earth, setting off 357 waves like ocean waves.

In the center of the fire tornado, a pair of giant eyes with a moon ring opens, staring at the earth of Apokolips, as if the gods above the sky are looking down on all living beings.

Those who raised their heads and stared at The creatures who looked at the eyes of the moon ring were so stunned, as if they had never seen such a strange thing in their lives.

They stared ignorantly at the abyss in the center of the moon ring, and the abyss was also staring at each of them..The next moment, countless life forms changed. Their faces began to distort, their limbs began to reorganize and change, and their skin and flesh swelled like balloons, as if something was being reborn in their bodies.

Apokolips was already hot. The earth seems to be getting hotter, and the smell of sulfur begins to permeate the world[]

The life forms that were the first to change had already completed their transformation, and what came out of their skins was not a butterfly, but a demon, a demon full of strange styles.

Their figures are always testing the limits of human vision, as if just one look at them will drive them into a state of nausea and physical discomfort.

The abyss descended, and Dane's demon body was completely connected to his spirit and soul.

Dane, floating in front of Yuga Khan, opened his eyes, which were the same moon-ringed eyes as in the sky.

The fire storm above the sky continues to roll, bringing more and more abyss magic to this world

"Yuga Khan, if you and Apokolips want a war, I can give it to you. I am a god who responds to your requests! Dane smiled slightly. Tens of thousands of meters above his head, a pair of giant pale hands suddenly appeared on the edge of the fire storm. The fingers were long and the nails were neat, just like a pair of regularly trimmed human palms.

The hands were on the left and right. Support, the scope of the fire storm expanded, and more abyss magic flowed out of it. They dripped on the ground like pitch-black ink, and turned into dark caves in the blink of an eye. A group of people with the same sanity-like shapes walked out of the caves. Demons.

The gate of the abyss opens here!.

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