Alien invasion!

Apokolips has never encountered anyone who dared to invade their world in many years. Even the heavenly father of the new founding star did not dare to do such a thing. This really made everyone more knowledgeable!

Yuga Khan looked up at the sky and let out a thunderous roar.

The rocks and soil on the ground snaked up, wrapping around his body like a creeper, and then regrouped and merged to form a huge body composed entirely of rock minerals.

In the fire tornado in the sky, the Eye of the Moon Ring flickered for a moment, and invisible power acted on Yuga Khan. The next moment, the body made of rock exploded, and then collapsed.

But the disintegration was quickly stopped, the split body re-united, and the scattered rocks climbed up against the common sense, replenishing Yuga Khan's body.

As long as you step on the earth, Yuga Khan can receive a steady stream of energy support from the Apocalypse Star.

His illusory dream body can only rely on the power of external objects, but he does a good job, and Apokolips obviously also intends to cooperate with him.

Whether it is one's own power or the power of external objects, power is power, it all depends on how the user controls it.

And Yuga Khan has obviously completely controlled Apokolips, and he is the real master of Apokolips!

Poor Darkseid, I don’t know if this counts as NTR in person, but he still doesn’t know how to do it!

Yuga Khan's figure continued to rise with the support of Apokolips, and he soon approached the center of the fire tornado. He opened his hands to the sky, as if he wanted to catch the"person" inside.

Everyone within a radius of thousands of miles saw this Titan-like body, and awe arose in their hearts.

The demon from the abyss was not afraid. In addition to the hands supporting the edge of the fire tornado, a pair of pale arms stretched out from the abyss again, and they were tightly grasped with the hands stretched out by Yuga Khan. They moved up and down, and the four hands were clasped together. The air squeezed out from between each other's palms creates air explosions between the incoming and outgoing, and the flying airflow can easily tear apart steel.

However, during the process of squeezing and rubbing the palms of both sides, infrasound waves were formed that spread extremely far. Creatures closer to each other fell to the ground and twitched under the influence of the infrasound waves. Some of them rolled their eyes and spat, and some simply fell to the ground.

Only Superman, Orion, Big Barda, and Grell, who was hit close to the battlefield by Big Barda, can resist the damage to the body caused by infrasound waves, but staying in this environment for a long time is simply like torture.

Superman immediately grabbed Orion and prepared to escape from the battlefield, but his actions caused Greer, who came here, to accidentally discover that this decisive woman threw the pentagram in her hand without saying a word.

This weapon appeared from the blind spot of Superman's vision. It happened that Superman had poor hearing at the time due to the effect of infrasound waves, and this unexpected blow actually hit him!

Fortunately, the weapon in Greer's hand was not the trident, the artifact passed down from generation to generation in Atlantis. Otherwise, Superman would have been stabbed through the chest and died here.

However, the huge force coming from the five-pronged sword knocked Superman away from him. He had no choice but to let Orion get rid of his hand, and Greer grabbed the mantra rope around his waist (one of the trophies collected from the massacre of the Justice League) and threw it away. , tying up Orion.

Orion was beaten to autistic state by Yuga Khan before, and he has not recovered yet. Now that he is bound by the mantra rope, he can't help but want to destroy him.

When Greer saw that the man had been obtained, he immediately turned around and ran away without tangling with Superman.

But at this time, Superman had already flown back from a distance, so fast that he created a sonic boom!

Greer saw that the situation was not good, his eyes lit up red, and omega rays were emitted from them.

Superman obviously did not expect that the opponent would have such a move. When he tried to dodge, it was already too late. He was hit by a ray from the front. This time, he was no longer unscathed. The suit on his chest was ablated and his muscles were scorched. , the chest hair was burned completely

"Omega rays.!"Superman said in shock.

Besides Darkseid, is there anyone else who can use omega rays? Who is this woman?

But Greer didn't feel proud, on the contrary, she felt bad because she didn't want to attract Darkseid's attention.

And she originally thought that this move could completely kill Superman! But she didn't expect that he could actually bear it. This Superman was much stronger than the one she killed before!

Greer turned around and ran away, but a meteorite fell from the sky. The same gray skin, the same red eyes, and even the same cold and ruthless temperament.

"Darkseid! Greer gritted his teeth and said

"You have a power in you that is not yours, woman."Darkseid said expressionlessly. He has no female descendants in this world, so he has no idea who this woman who looks somewhat similar to him is.

As for the obvious similarity of gray and rock-like skin, Darkseid only thought it was the influence of the Omega Effect.

In fact, Darkseid himself became like this after getting the Omega Effect.

Greer stared at Darkseid. , she threw Orion down smoothly, Darkseid glanced at the ground, and he recognized Orion's identity at a glance. He just didn't know that this son of Proton, who had become the new founding star, was returning to Apokolips now. What he came for, but it doesn't matter anymore.

Darkseid is now obsessed with the idea of ​​​​annihilating Yuga Khan. He cannot allow the two gods to fight on their own territory, but he cannot participate and can only watch the show.

This is an unbearable shame and humiliation for Darkseid, who has a very high self-esteem!

So he urgently needs stronger power. Now that Apokolips has switched sides and entered the arms of Yuga Khan, then Darkseid He can only think of other ways to supplement his power.

Right now Greer is a very good energy pack. Although Darkseid doesn’t know where the opponent got the Omega Effect, that is not what he wants to consider at the moment. Yes, he just wants to seize the opponent's power to strengthen himself!

Greer felt that the atmosphere was getting more and more wrong, and knew that Darkseid might have murderous intentions towards him, so he decided to strike first. He was just a clone in parallel time and space. How strong can she be?

She is the woman who massacred the entire Justice League!

In addition, she has just absorbed a lot of the power of the old gods not long ago. At this time, in terms of energy index, she is not necessarily weaker than Darkseid. Rael tried her best to cheer herself up.

So before Darkseid could attack first, she suddenly jumped on him, aimed her eyes at Darkseid's eyes, and shot two omega rays down, burning them instantly. The other party's eyes were scorched and blackened from the eyeballs to the sockets, giving off the smell of barbecue.

Things went more smoothly than Greer had imagined, but it was so smooth that she felt uneasy in her heart. (Read Baoshuang novels, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this moment, Darkseid finally made a move. He ignored his burned eyes and grabbed Greer's waist with both hands. He pressed hard with his thumbs. It entered the opponent's ribs and shattered them easily.

Under this huge force, Greer wailed in pain, but she still gritted her teeth and continued to output at Darkseid's eyes.

But she didn't know this It was what Darkseid wanted, and Greer soon discovered a terrible thing. Darkseid was absorbing the divine power in her body.

"No! You can't do this!"

This move was inspired by Jia Khan. During the stalemate between Darkseid and his father, Darkseid was not just passively absorbing power, he was also learning from his opponent.

In order to defeat Enemies, Darkseid can learn from his opponents without hesitation.

Now what he is applying to Greer is one of his results. Through the direct blood connection, he can seize the power of his offspring.

But until just now , he was sure that the woman in front of him was actually his descendant, but he did not remember such a thing.

But this kind of thing was not important at all. From Greer's body, he absorbed the power of Omega from the same source , although inferior to him in quality, there is still a large amount of the power of the old gods to supplement it, which is a surprise for Darkseid.

Greer still fell into Darkseid's plan. If If she chose to escape earlier, Darkseid might not be able to catch her, but using the power of the same source to deal with Darkseid was a major decision-making mistake.

At this time, she had to endure the force being ripped away from her body. Every time she wailed in pain, the hatred for Darkseid in her heart increased, but this emotion could not change her current situation.

After Darkseid had absorbed almost all of it, Greer could only With half her life left, when she lost her use value, Darkseid threw her away as if she were throwing away a piece of garbage.

Greer's weak body fell to the ground, almost losing her remaining half life. Dropped.

After Darkseid absorbed the divine power in Greer's body, he finally felt the power filling his body again.[]

Although Greer has absorbed a large amount of the power of the old gods, it is obvious that she cannot digest and integrate these energies well, otherwise she should not have been taken away by Darkseid so easily.

I still suffer the disadvantage of being young, and the gap in experience, especially as a"god", is too big.

Darkseid stared silently at Orion who was bound by the mantra rope. Orion could not move and could only look at Darkseid lying on the ground.

The father and son now reunited in this way, which was beyond the expectations of both parties.

Darkseid originally thought about absorbing Orion's power, but after thinking about it again, he gave up.

He skipped Orion and ran directly towards the battlefield.

When Darkseid walked past Orion without saying a word, Orion actually felt like he was surviving a disaster, but he was relieved too early now.

On the other side, Greer, who was full of hatred, crawled over with amazing willpower. After losing the power of Omega, her skin turned pale, just like a human being suffering from a serious illness.

That slender hand grabbed Orion's body. He wanted to struggle, but when he saw the hatred in Greer's eyes, he was stunned for a moment.

"I will never die here, my brother, I still have an unfinished destiny. I will kill Darkseid and kill all of you......."

What she said next was completely incomprehensible to Orion, but he could probably tell that it was an ancient spell.

Immediately afterwards, the star power in Orion's body quickly moved towards Greer's body, and Orion was still immersed in the shock of Greer calling him brother. By the time he realized it, the witchcraft had been completed. Unable to terminate..

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