The majestic star power continuously entered Greer's body, replenishing her depleted vitality.

Orion, on the other hand, lost the power of the stars and became visibly weaker, but under the constraints of the mantra, it was difficult for him to resist effectively.

And after absorbing the power of the stars, Greer's power surpassed him, making it even more difficult for him to take effective actions.

But at this moment, the nascent power in Orion's body suddenly broke through the shackles, and more intense violence grew from the bottom of his heart than when he fought Superman before.

Greer had just fully extracted the power of the stars and was about to face the violent power in Orion's body.

Orion's body muscles bulged high, tightening the mantra rope, and the rope became thinner and thinner under the tremendous force.

Greer murmured:"It's impossible, this is the mantra. No one can break free from it, not even gods."......"

Before she finished speaking, Orion's bulging muscles broke the mantra cord, and the broken cord hit Greer in the face, as if mocking what she had just said.

Orion was no longer rational at this time. He stretched out his giant hand, grabbed Greer's slender neck, and picked her up like a little chicken.

Orion's size at this time was almost the same as Kalibak's, and the aura on his body was like a wild beast. Even with Greer's temperament, he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

She seems to have accidentally released a real monster, but she must not die here, she still has...She still has...mission unfinished...

Perhaps the power of fate came into play. At the moment when Orion was about to kill Greer when he went berserk, two beams of heat vision interrupted Orion's"entertainment" activities.

Under the heat of Heat Vision 687, Orion had to let go of his hand, allowing Greer to escape from the clutches.

She was also a sensible person and immediately rolled away from this place.

Greer had just absorbed the power of the stars. Although she had temporarily saved her life, it was only a life. She didn't even know what this power was, let alone how to control it.

This left her helpless against Orion's rampage.

With murderous intent in his eyes, Orion looked in the direction of his heat vision. It was Superman who had just recovered from his chest injury.

He had just swam in the underground magma again. The core of this planet was his charger. Although it was not as efficient as sunlight, its quality far exceeded that of the yellow sun.

Just look at Orion's skin and flesh being burned to pieces by the heat vision. This kind of attack mixed with the energy of Apokolips has a certain degree of restraint for the New Protoss.

Orion roared and dived towards Superman.

Superman was not afraid and flew forward as well. The wind pressure from his cloak made cone-shaped traces in the surrounding dust.

The two figures collided in the air, intertwined with each other, and the shock wave bombarded all nearby creations within a ten-kilometer radius.

Even Greer, who was escaping, was blown away by the aftermath caused by the two of them.

Superman and Orion maintained the posture of pushing up a bull, and when they looked around, they were actually in the same posture as the two giants in the sky!

High in the sky, the devil's hands suddenly exerted force, and he directly crushed Yuga Khan's rock-made palm!

The strength of Apokolips is indeed far higher than that of ordinary planets, but this condensation is too scattered and cannot fight against Dane, the body of the demon god that was obtained through countless demon sacrifices.

Yuga Khan naturally knew this, so he launched his ultimate move!

His lower body was connected to the Apokolips Star, which followed Yuga Khan's orders and gathered all the dead New Protoss heroes on him.

For countless years, the outstanding heroic spirits collected by Apokolips are enough to fabricate a spirit of all spirits. Now, Yuga Khan has gathered the power of these souls to create a divine body comparable to the body of the devil!

The demon's hands stretched downward, trying to grab Yuga Khan's body.

But Yuga Khan opened his mouth, and a red energy wave was emitted from his mouth and rushed into the abyss.

Under the light of the fire, Yuga Khan finally saw that face, which was exactly the same as Dane Davis.

This brought quite a shock to Yuga Khan.

He was very sure that Dane was not very old. Not to mention compared to gods, he was considered young even compared to ordinary humans. How could he have such accomplishments at such an age?

At this time, Dane's Death God's body also appeared on top of the Demon God's body, staring at Yuga Khan together with the huge moon-ring eyes.

After a moment, Dane suddenly flew backwards, the body of the god of death suddenly merged with the body of the demon god, and the eye of the moon ring became vivid.

The hands holding the fire tornado pulled again, expanding the exit until it was large enough to accommodate the demon god's body to pass through.

Darkseid only frowned slightly when he saw the invasion of the demon body.

He was unable to stop the opponent, and the two sides were still working together to fight against the enemy. The top priority was to kill Yuga Khan first.

So Darkseid immediately launched an attack on Yuga Khan.

He held the Omega Effect in his hands, and his entire body penetrated Yuga Khan's rock body, as if he wanted to go deep inside.

But when Darkseid actually entered the inside, he realized how strange this body was. It was filled with souls. They gathered in front of Darkseid, some of whom he knew, and some of whom he had never heard of.

"Uxas, son of Yuga Khan, why do you disobey your father?

Darkseid put his hands behind his back and sneered:"A dead person, what's the use of asking these questions?""

This kind of speech that showed no respect for the dead immediately aroused the unknown anger of all the undead. They roared at Darkseid, but did not step forward for the time being. Suddenly

, Yuga Khan's voice sounded in the void:"Kill him!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

All the undead took action instantly (cdcb). The endless souls reshaped their bodies during the attack, transformed from souls into flesh and blood, and launched an attack on Darkseid. Attack!

Darkseid was instantly overwhelmed by the crowd. Omega rays flashed through the gaps in the crowd, killing countless souls. However, there were still a huge number of soul bodies coming one after another, as if they didn't care that they were both physically and mentally destroyed and wanted to kill him. Die Darkseid.

This kind of fanatical attitude towards executing Yuga Khan's orders is even worse than that of a demon!

He is worthy of being a tyrant who once ruled Apokolips. This prestige is beyond even Darkseid's reach..

Darkseid rushed to kill in the crowd, and he didn’t know how many enemies he killed or how many enemies he killed. Time was stretched here for a long time. He continued to emit omega rays, and his eyes were almost dry!

However, not only They were engaged in a melee, and in the outside world, Yuga Khan was also fighting with the demon.

The aftermath of their battle spread to the inside of Yuga Khan's body with a destructive energy, and all those fighting in his body were immediately The shock made people fall over, unable to fix their body shape, and could only let themselves roll around like a two-color ball.

In the outside world, half of the demon god's body had invaded Apokolips. It was not that Dane didn't want to hurry up, but Apokolips spontaneously Resisting his invasion, blocking his entry with the power of power.

With Yuga Khan at the helm, Dane, who had been able to enter this world easily, ran into a little trouble. It took him a while to... It's normal to be at a slight disadvantage when it comes to playing on the road.

But he won't just wait. There is a vertical slit on his forehead that slowly opens, revealing the magic eye inside. There are seven different colors in the magic eye. Energy is swimming.

These are the Seven Deadly Sins. They have been completely surrendered by Dane, making them dare not go east or west. They are now very obedient.

The Demonic Eye shines with a brilliant light, and its light shines on the earth of Apokolips and the creatures on the ground. , the seven deadly sins follow the guidance of the light and breed in the hearts of intelligent creatures.

After the living bodies transformed into abyss demons, the surviving Apokolips people once again encountered another kind of demon attack, a demon that was deeply rooted in the hearts of the living bodies and eroded the souls of the living bodies. , the seven deadly sins appear!

"You actually threw this kind of thing into my world, do you still deserve to be called God? mean!"[]

Yuga Khan curses loudly. Don't think that he won't talk trash. He is willing to try any useful trick. This is much more down-to-earth than Darkseid.

Who can show off like him? When fighting, he doesn't put his hands properly and always carries them on his back.

In response to Yuga Khan's verbal ridicule, Dane just sneered:"If you are a man, just confront me head-on. You use the power of the entire Apokolips to fight me. It is reasonable for me to send a few men to cause destruction." ?"

During the process of speaking, Dane slapped him down, and a harsh wind sounded. The giant hand rubbed against the air and produced tail flames. There was a loud"bang" sound. Yuga Khan lost half of his big face in an instant, and half of what he said was gone. I had to hold it back.

This made Yuga Khan furious. Half of his face quickly reorganized, and he raised his two fists to fight with Dane.

The battle in the sky erupted with alarming sounds, and the infrasound waves overflowing from the battle wantonly harvested nearby lives that had no time to escape.

As the two giants fought, the entire Apokolips shook, and the already unstable space split along the junctions between them, forming incomplete puzzle pieces.

I don’t know how many unlucky people died under the cracks in the space, and even their souls were involved in the alien space from which they could not escape.

The entire Apocalypse truly entered into chaos, and countless lives died in pieces.

The new protoss soldiers who were summoned had no idea where their enemies were. They were just fighting against the other new protoss who suddenly appeared, and then died.

The New Protoss soldiers who were lucky enough to survive were killed by various natural disasters and space turbulence, and died worthless.

"This is not the glorious battle I expected......"

There was a young man from the New Protoss walking on the battlefield in despair. Space cracks appeared and disappeared around him. He seemed unaware of such a dangerous situation and walked on the road like a zombie.

Immediately afterwards, a crack in space swallowed him in like a big mouth.

Life is meaningless here, only gods look down on all living beings!.

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