Compared to the destruction Dane caused on Apokolips, in fact not many people died directly or indirectly at his hands.

Although Dane initially wanted to weaken Apokolips, he changed his mind after seeing Yuga Khan's methods.

Yuga Khan obviously has the ability to control the souls of the new gods at will. This is the result of the full cooperation of Apokolips. The more new gods die on Apokolips, the more their souls will be enriched in the core of Apokolips. , and was subsequently absorbed by Yuga Khan, ultimately making him stronger.

Dane thinks it makes no sense. As a serious god of death, I can't go against my clerical duties and exterminate the planet, but now you have given up the position of god to your son. A shadow constructed from a dream can save you from the massacre. The people on the planet come to infinitely increase their power.

Is there any fucking reason for this? Is there any royal law?

Yuga Khan couldn't hear Dane's inner complaints, but he did deliberately sit back and watch or even promote the death of the new gods. Their souls provided fuel for Yuga Khan's giant body, constantly strengthening the body. strength.

Now Dane can no longer slap half of the opponent's face off. Yuga Khan's body hardness is much stronger than before, and he is continuing to strengthen.

Dane's demon body was still stuck in the center of the fire tornado, and he could only get out half of it, but he could feel that the repelling power of Apokolips against him was getting weaker and weaker.

On the one hand, Yuga Khan extracted its power, weakening it in the face of Dane.

On the other hand, as the magic of the abyss spreads on Apokolips, Dane's power is also increasing.

If an extraterritorial demon like him wants to invade a special world like Apokolips, even if the away game cannot be converted into a home game, at least the advantages of both sides must be equalized.

Otherwise, if you rush in, you may be directly bullied to death by the enemy at home using your power.

Although his demon body could not completely enter Apokolips, the battle between the two was always going on.

Thanks to Yuga Khan, he has a"good son" who has been wreaking havoc in his body. Although it can't hurt his roots, it also involves some of Yuga Khan's energy.

This is reflected in Yuga Khan's outer body, which shows that he always suffers from slight sluggishness at certain moments.

Of course, Dane couldn't miss this opportunity. He took advantage of every opportunity and slapped Yuga Khan on his face, neck, chest, shoulders and other upper body parts, beating the dignified Yuga Khan beyond recognition.

This is also because Yuga Khan has too few cards in his hand now. His birth relied on dreams, and it was achieved with the help of Dane. Dreams are not under Dane's control, but they are also not under Yuga Khan's control. Khan's control.

He only took advantage of Apokolips's"preference" for him, so that he could use Apokolips's"power" to get to the present, but this does not really control the situation, so what he can do is still very limited.

He can use his power arbitrarily within the scope allowed by Apokolips, but the power itself cannot completely violate the wishes of Apokolips.

He can kill the new gods on Apokolips at will because mediocre life is not of great significance to Apokolips. As long as Yuga Khan can win, in a thousand years there will be another group of high-quality people on Apokolips. The new god comes out.

Most intelligent life forms have their own personalities. If Apokolips could be personified, it would be a personality that loves war, likes to conquer, and advocates the supremacy of the strong.

Therefore, it doesn't care how large-scale the war happens on itself, and it may even enjoy the process.

The fight between Yuga Khan and Dane is what Apokolips is happy to see. The two great gods are fighting. Such a war has not happened for a long time since the age of ancient gods. Apokolips even trembled with excitement..

This"tremor" turned into a major earthquake that swept the world, and I don't know how many new gods died because of it.

"What a crazy world from top to bottom!"

Dane laughed in the sky. It is difficult to understand the crazy thinking, let alone a somewhat"crazy" planet?

But both Dane and Yuga Khan knew that this war would not only determine their mutual victory, but It also determines the ownership of Apokolips.

Only the strong are worthy of owning Apokolips!

Although Darkseid has not clearly failed, he has clearly lost in the battle with Yuga Khan. This makes Apocalypse Most of the favor of the star is concentrated on Yuga Khan.

If Yuga Khan also loses to Dane, then Apokolips will not hesitate to recognize Dane as its master, and the Omega effect will be transferred from the New God to Dane On his body, help him become another"new god"!

Therefore, the battle between Yuga Khan and Dane is not only a battle between invaders and counter-invaders, but also a battle of"tradition", where the winner takes all and the loser Eat dust!

Darkseid must also know this, but he doesn't care.

After defeating Yuga Khan, he will continue to fight Dane and regain the identity of the main god.

He is not an invincible new god. But he will never stop his ambition, so Apokolips still has not completely given up on him. As long as Darkseid does not give in, he will always have the possibility of making a comeback.

But now, the key to the battlefield is still focused on Yuga Khan And the demon god Dane. At this moment, Yuga Khan's eyes shone with dazzling light, and the endless lava burned in his eyes like the fire of hell.

Dane saw that deep in those eyes, there were countless fuels The heroic spirits of Yujia Khan provided infinite energy to Yuga Khan's body forged from the rocks of Apokolips, turning it into a divine body that could truly rival the body of the Demon God!

It had the hardness of the entire Apokolips Star, if not Attacks that can shatter stars and shatter continents cannot even scratch his body!

But at this time, in order to promote the formation of the divine body of Yuga Khan, Apokolips has consumed too much energy and is no longer able to stop it. During the invasion of the demon god Dane, the demon god's body, which was thousands of kilometers long, fell from the fire storm as if the sky were falling, like a huge celestial body hitting the earth!

Yuga Khan caught the demon god's body with both hands and immediately came out. Hug!

At the moment when the demon collided with the earth, infinite light and heat burst out, and an unimaginable explosion occurred!

A few nanoseconds later, a huge mushroom cloud rose, and the fighting Superman and Orion were exploded. The power was involved, and he was involuntarily swept up and squeezed by the strong wind, allowing the diamond-like wind wall to oppress his body. The already fragile space structure of Apokolips was once again broken, and dense space gaps were scattered around the battlefield. , crazily absorbing the air and energy generated by the big explosion.

Those large and small space gaps made both Superman and Orion feel very deadly. While drifting with the flow, they could only try their best to avoid those gaps.

This thing, as long as If you hit it even slightly, you will be torn into two parts immediately! No matter how hard the body of steel is, it will not work! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But in the center of the mushroom cloud, a big pale hand It suddenly rose up, like a huge tree rising from the ground instantly. The five fingers of that big hand came together to pinch the largest space gap in the surrounding area, as if it were a real object!

Under the grasp of the big hand, the space instantly formed folds, and the folds stabilized Yuga Khan's body.

With such a huge body structure, coupled with the connection with the body of Apokolips, the power and strength are indeed extraordinary, but the corresponding gravitational coefficient is also abnormal. Gravity is the folds of space, and they will be attracted to each other by the same folds.

There was no way Yuga Khan could avoid it. He subjectively wanted to avoid it, but his body was moving towards the crack in time and space, so a ray of light passed by.

There was no sound or any light effect. Compared with Yuga Khan's shocking attack just now, which seemed like the sky was falling and the earth was falling, this attack seemed so inconspicuous, but Yuga Khan's divine body cracked!

Using space as a blade and locking it with time and space folds, Demon God Dane made a diagonal slash at Yuga Khan, who had the strength of a planet's rigid body, and successfully cut off half of the opponent's body.

After all, Yuga Khan still had some time to spare and avoided the critical point in time. The body cut by space quickly healed under the action of soul burning.

After completing this oblique cut, the blade-holding arm of Demon God Dane was also cut and shattered by the power of space. The effects of force are mutual, and so is space and time. It treats everything equally.

But Dane didn't care. His arm was just like Yuga Khan. The faith of the hell demon was poured into his body continuously, and his arm immediately returned to its original state.

He stood up from the ground and just raised his feet slightly, the earth was broken. He raised his arms and the air was torn. He exhaled and shouted, like thunder coming to the world. Four arms hit Yuga Khan. Every time Comets are hitting the earth!

Superman had no choice but to give up his super senses, but despite this, he was shocked to the point where his ears bled and his eyes swelled in the aftermath of the giant battle.

As for Orion, it was even more unbearable. He was already in a state of irrational rage. All his senses were released and he could not restrain himself. He could only passively accept the huge information.

The aftermath of the battle swept through his body, causing countless internal injuries to his internal organs. At this time, he was even more miserable than Superman, with blood coming from all seven holes!

But this situation made him regain some sanity. In such a harsh battlefield environment, the animal nature in his consciousness could not help him tide over the difficulties, so his body spontaneously awakened his rational consciousness, hoping that his wisdom could help him. gain life

"We have to get out of here right now! Orion yelled at Superman.[]

Superman's eardrums in both ears had been ruptured, and he couldn't hear what Orion was saying at all, but he could see that the other person had regained consciousness, and he roughly guessed what he was saying.

So Superman nodded and immediately pulled Orion to fly in the opposite direction of the Giants' battlefield, as fast as if there was something chasing the soul behind him..

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