On the ruins far away from the battlefield, a dirt bag suddenly bulged out from a pile of rubble. A few seconds later, the dirt bag exploded, revealing the face of a pale-skinned woman covered in dust.

This is Greer who finally escaped.

Since the power of Omega has left her, Greer is no longer the original weird appearance with gray skin and red eyes. She has become more human and has the same beauty as an Amazon.

"this force......"

At this time, Greer had a headache. The power she had taken from Orion seemed to be incompatible with her, and she was still unable to use her arms as well as her fingers.

You are the biological son of a dark lord, why is the power in your body of light nature? This makes no sense!

Thanks to the power of the stars, the good news is that her life is temporarily maintained and she will not die due to the departure of the power of Omega.

The bad news is that due to the properties of the Star Power, most of her black magic cannot be used. As long as a little dark power is born, it will be wiped out by the Star Power.

She suddenly regretted absorbing this power. Apart from keeping her alive, it was simply a hindrance.

What's more, she is still trapped on Apokolips, unable to obtain the ring, and unable to find the Flash. She cannot leave the current parallel world"657" at all.

Could it be that before her destiny is fulfilled, she will die trapped on this garbage planet?

Greer will never allow it!

She immediately checked her equipment. She slaughtered the entire Justice League and naturally accepted everyone's relics.

But when she traveled through time and space, she couldn't bring too many things with her. They had just been scattered due to the aftermath of the God War, and now she didn't know how many things she could keep with her.

If she hadn't lost the power of Omega, she wouldn't need to use these weapons at all, but now these things may be the most important weight to enhance her current strength, and she has to make careful calculations.

Although most of her black magic cannot be used and she has lost her Omega power, her physique as a new god is still there, and the combat experience she learned from the Amazons is still there. She still has the opportunity to plunder the power of other new gods through fighting. Strengthen yourself, just like Darkseid did back then.

Loot and make the new Protoss even more powerful!

If you want to become stronger, you must continue to conquer and plunder. This is the way of survival for the Apokolips Protoss.

It's just a small defeat. Greer and her mother have been waiting for thousands of years, and they don't mind preparing for another thousands of years. As long as they can completely kill Darkseid, she can afford to wait for many thousands of years. She Have such perseverance and patience!

Thinking of this, Greer walked away with a resolute face. She knew that this land was full of battlefields, and there were new gods everywhere for her to harvest and plunder. They would become her food and help her reach the top again.

"Darkseid, just wait, as long as I am not dead, I will end your life, I swear!"

While the war on the Apocalypse was in full swing, the situation on Earth was not much different.

Dane didn't know yet that Darkseid had let Anzi steal his home, and Batman in Storm Matrix mode awakened All the superheroes lying dead in the cemetery, but because of the rush of time, even the doomsday Batman who caused all this did not expect the emergence of such a variable as Constantine. Few people know that after

Justice League, there are also There is a Dark Justice League active in the magical world, and its members are basically magicians from the other world.

Although Doomsday Batman refused Constantine to join the Justice League, he did not deny the role of these magicians, so he Secretly suggested that they form their own alliance and hide behind the scenes.

Unlike the Justice League, the Justice League Dark often has to deal with enemies who are on the weird side. If these enemies are revealed to the public, they can easily cause panic to the public.

Aliens, science Everyone understands and is used to things like madmen, but when it comes to dealing with monsters, monsters, ghosts, demons, devils, evil gods and the like, the public obviously doesn’t have such a big heart. Therefore, Justice League

Dark is in this situation The Underworld was born. No one except the other world knew that there was such an alliance secretly guarding the inner world. Even Superman didn’t know much about it.

At the very beginning of Superman’s transformation, it was the power of magic that helped Batman and other remaining survivors. The members survived the initial Great Purge.

But magic also has limits. A Superman with no bottom line, even the power of magic can hardly fool him for too long. The Dark Justice League was eventually eliminated by Superman.

But Constantine is different. He became the biggest trouble in destroying the Justice League Dark, and it was only with the power of Darkseid that he was finally killed.

After his death, Doomsday Batman deliberately buried him in the Justice League Cemetery. Respect for him is also a subconscious insurance measure.

Constantine is as troublesome as those superhuman beings who are as powerful as gods and must be under Batman's supervision!

But if something goes wrong with the person who supervises him, the supervision will be Lost its effect.

Using Constantine's body as a medium, along with the souls in hell, the big demon Satan opened the door to hell and released countless little demons......

"You guy, you made me see very unpleasant things."

Faced with this sudden disaster, after experiencing the initial shock, Constantine quickly accepted the reality.

He cynically picked up a cigarette. It had been a while since he came to this world, and his cigarette was all gone. He is almost done smoking.

In this post-apocalyptic world where industry has been basically destroyed, it is almost impossible for him to buy the brand of the cigarette in his hand.

Ah, I really want to go home. In addition to the magic materials that are usually difficult to obtain here, you can get them cheaply. He is absolutely useless. He wants to get high, drink alcohol, and wallow among women.

But now, he can only confront a group of stinking demons.

The other Justice League has already fought with the demons and the zombie army, each of them A wave of energy, light, and matter flew together, destroying the entire collapsed hill over and over again, almost to the ground.

Satan stared at Constantine, and did not immediately attack. His powerful magic power Sensitivity can detect that there is something different about Constantine in front of him. There is a power of power lingering in him.

Power? This damn good thing that he can't get as Satan actually appears in this scumbag.

Satan He suspected that the other party might have been lucky enough to be favored by a certain god, but he really couldn't figure out what kind of god would develop such a scumbag into his dependents? It's not a shame! (Read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Facing the strongest enemy in history, Constantine took a deep breath and almost smoked out half of the cigarette.

Then he unbuttoned the shirt on his chest, revealing a slightly muscular belly. , there is a scar like an inverted pentagram......

Then Constantine pulled up the sleeves of both arms to reveal arms with scars. He put his arms together and the two scars formed the shape of an eye.

At the same time, Constantine muttered words. This time, his spell was 100% effective.

This is a summoning spell.

As a master of black magic, Constantine naturally also uses black magic.

Under his spell, the inverted pentagram on his abdomen flew out and expanded into a two-dimensional space in front of him.Case, under the influence of magic, the five-pointed star turned into a door, and an unknown magic power seeped out of the door.

Satan raised his eyebrows. He could sense that the magic power on the other side was almost as strong as his own.

Good guy, Constantine has summoned a demon lord who is almost as powerful as himself!

But can you boy control such a guy?

"Paimon, I'm sorry to bother you."

A tall and thin man walked out of the door. He wore a mask with an unclear face, and a crown with gems on his head. This was a demon from the anti-matter hell, born into a noble family in the Pride Circle, Paimengetti. Ya!

Although Dane has temporarily left that world, his influence has been causing turmoil in the demon world.

The Goetia family is a demon noble who surrendered to Dane, because Dane once allowed Paimon to witness the power of the demon god with his own eyes. The power, just a hint of that abyssal aura frightened Paimon, who had lived for countless years, and he no longer dared to resist.

The Goetia family was not only the first person to choose to be loyal to the demon god Dane, but also the first to fight with him. The demon nobles who have established diplomatic relations with the human world.

It is not yet clear what benefits this establishment of diplomatic relations will have on the international level, but it is an absolute benefit to Constantine, who is good at using black magic.

As a black wizard, the most worrying thing is What?

It means that the demons you summoned do not listen to orders. After all, most demons have ulterior motives. While abiding by the deal, they are always secretly thinking about how to eat the summoner.

When fighting against the enemy, you must also take into account the backstabbing of teammates. , this is very unfavorable for the dark wizard.

But Dane helped him solve this problem once and for all. Taking advantage of the Goetia family's surrender, Cons 5.3 Standin, as the number one dependent of Dane, the god of death, was the first to get the devil. The summoning power of the nobles allows him to use the power of demons without any cost.

And he is also an absolute high-level demon. This is a good thing that he has never dared to think of before.

"A new world. You guys really like to wander around in various worlds, just like Lord Lucifer."

"Paimon? One of Solomon's seventy-two pillars of demons?"

Satan frowned. He never expected that Constantine would have the ability to summon this high-level demon.

He had also heard of the name Paimon, but he had never met him.

However ,......Summoning such a demon, Constantine, what price will you pay?

Satan sneered:"It's just a demon that has been driven by humans. Do you think that such a thing can......"

Paimon stretched out his slender finger. The fingertips were very long and the shape was very different from human fingers. This finger made a light stroke.

A red line suddenly appeared in the void, and Satan's words stopped abruptly. Only the red line between his neck was clearly visible.

After a moment, a huge head rolled to the ground[]

The battlefield fell silent..

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