Paimon showed shocking strength as soon as he appeared on the scene, but it is a bit too exaggerated to say that with just one blow, he can completely and instantly kill the great demon who once served as Satan.

The huge head on the ground had disappeared at some point. When anyone noticed it again, Satan was already standing in its original position intact.

It's just that his face is gloomy and ugly.

"Well done, Constantine, well done."Satan sneered.

This is the dark wizard that their demons yearn for. If not for bad luck, the Constantine of this world should not have been captured by hell so easily.

The Constantine in front of them can always bring them surprises. Ding is the black mage that Satan knows. He is more valuable than Constantine, who has almost lost the taste in his mouth!

Constantine has just used a big summoning magic, but because he does not have to bear the cost, now Still looking relaxed

"Paimon, according to the contract, you must kill this demon or drive him out of this world completely before you can go back~"

Paimon just nodded, but before doing anything, he still did not forget to turn to look at Constantine:" Remember what you promised me."

Constantine immediately made an OK gesture with his fingers.

Satan was furious. These two guys didn't take him seriously at all.

So he liberated his magic power.

Originally, according to the rules, the demon's strength after arriving in the real world Will be suppressed by the rules, and no one will survive.

But now the world that has been devastated by Apokolips for 25 years does not have the ability to continue to limit the erosion of hell, and the magician who originally guarded the inside of this world is dead. What's worse is that there are loopholes in the rules of Guardian Shazam's death order.

Although not all demons can take advantage of such loopholes, Satan is obviously one of them. Satan, who was originally only the height of a normal person, has increased in size, and his lower body It began to transform, its feet turned into four hooves, its mane was like steel, and its skin and muscles were as red as blood.

And on top of Satan's head, a crown burning with hellfire appeared. He was also a king-level demon!

Satan's front feet were as high as Raised high, the bulging muscles of the upper body are extremely beautiful like a god. A devil actually gives people the divine illusion of a god.

Realizing that something was wrong, Constantine immediately recited a floating spell to let himself fly up, waiting for him to arrive. In mid-air, I realized that Paimon was also at this height.

The demon paused, and the mountains collapsed!

The magic power condensed on the demon's hooves was suddenly released towards the earth, and spread rapidly within a thousandth of a second, and the earth sank. , but above the surface, dust and rocks exploded into the sky.

Huge amounts of wind and heat spread in all directions, and the wind wall formed by the squeeze of air was indestructible and unstoppable!

Wonder Woman immediately put her hands on the shield, and the wind wall hit The shield wiped out the burning fire. Although she stood still, the ground she stepped on could not support her determination and will, and was shoveled out by the wind wall like a shovel.

Green Lantern used his will as a shield, but he floated on He lacked a foothold and an anchor position in the air, so he was directly thrown away by the wind wall, drawing a green parabola.

The other members were not much better. In this irresistible wind wall, everyone was Retreat from the impact.

Even the speedsters who were chasing each other were knocked out of the speed force state by this sudden wide-area attack, and followed the others.

Not only the Justice League, but also the zombie army, and those released by Satan The little devils were also affected, and the weak ones were directly crushed by the shock wave.

Only those with up to standard physical strength could survive this"appetizer".

When everything dissipated, Paimon gently stepped on what had become A real"basin" among the ruins of the original hill.

Thanks to his protection, Constantine was not injured. Paimon did not surprise the opponent's ability. Although he killed the opponent once instantly, it was both a sneak attack and a test.

Paimon Through this attack, I discovered the opponent’s true power level.

"You owe me a lot this time, Constantine, this guy is a ring master-level demon!"

In the anti-matter hell, there are only seven ring masters in the seven rings. Each of them has the ability to easily destroy all life in a ring. Although there is the power bonus of the ring, it is already a miracle.

But in front of me The devil obviously has no power and has reached the level of the Ring Lord just by relying on strength. This battle is not easy to fight.

Despite this, Paimon still showed a smile. He has stayed in the"harmony" hell for too long. Even he almost forgot how to fight.

Demons should use violence to plunder what they want!

So Paimon immediately flew out like a fast arrow and fought with Satan in the central area. In an instant, A new shock wave exploded.

Constantine immediately stepped back, wiped the sweat from the top of his head, and spit out the dusty cigarette holder in his mouth.

"Damn, these demons are so fierce!"

But they are not the only fierce ones. After a round of impact, those members of the Zhenglian and the zombie army who were temporarily repelled appeared again, and another war started. The earth was once again bombarded by energy, and the battlefield was no longer limited to Several fighting figures appeared on the ground and in the sky.

As the scope of the battlefield expanded, the area affected was no longer limited to the vicinity of Wayne Manor, and the entire old Gotham City was shrouded in a continuous tremor.

Fortunately, this place has long been uninhabited, otherwise no one knows how many innocent civilians would have died in this battle.

And Doomsday Batman, who had escaped early, was flying towards space at this time, and he still acted according to his established strategy.

In his In my mind, the most threatening person in the Justice League this time is not Wonder Woman, Super Queen, or even Batman, but Death Storm.

With the ability of the Storm Matrix, Death Storm only needs a little time to defeat him. Can recreate a complete industrial civilization.

As for technology? Although most of the doomsday earth has been lost, the Justice League from another world has complete industrial technology reserves.

As long as they are willing, the doomsday earth can quickly restore its industrial strength, or Talk about war strength.

This is not good news for Apokolips.

And now that Doomsday Batman has been unable to contact Darkseid, this matter makes him very concerned. He doesn't know where Dane and his team are doing. Something happened.

But for Darkseid to activate his secret hand and be unable to transmit the information, there must be trouble on Apokolips that is difficult to solve.

Then Doomsday Batman should find a way, here The master was worried.

Through the ability of the Storm Matrix, Doomsday Batman easily changed his body structure, allowing him to adapt to the space environment.

His whole body was burning with fire that seemed to never go out, and he penetrated directly through the Watchtower Space Station.

Net Ge immediately raised the alarm:"Alert! There's an alien invader, and it's Batman!"

Batman? Deathstorm was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that it must be Doomsday Batman.

He invaded here?"

"How many people are there?"

"The enemy unit is one."

Deathstorm just wanted to laugh, but soon he realized that this was Batman. If he dared to come here alone, he must have someone to rely on. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu novels!)

So he asked Grid to immediately Hide the quantum state bomb well, lest it is snatched away by the enemy before your own people can use it. Remember the lessons of the Syndicate! The apocalyptic Batman is rampaging in the watchtower, and he doesn't say much after he has super powers. The art of stealth, and there was no time. He immediately locked on a moving energy source.

Deathstorm also felt the energy signal brought by Doomsday Batman, and was extremely surprised. This feeling was very similar to his. Ah!

He was cautious again, and this time he was saved.

Before they actually met, Death Storm first released waves with both hands at the location of the energy source he felt, and the energy waves directly tore apart the metal wall blocking the way. , revealing the Doomsday Batman behind him.

Coincidentally, the opposite side was also releasing waves. As if they had made an appointment, the two released energy waves at each other at the same time.

Two energy waves of different colors collided in the air, The escaping heat ignited the surrounding equipment, penetrated the wall of the space station, and exposed the starry sky outside.

The powerful negative pressure instantly sucked the two of them out of the space station, and the two superhumans were exposed to space rays.

Death Storm is a half-dead special being. He doesn't even need to transform himself, so being exposed to space has no effect on him at all. He rushes directly towards Batman.

And Doomsday Batman is not to be outdone, although he has not practiced in the air. Fighting, but Deathstorm was just a researcher before and had no fighting skills. Suddenly, the two of them were fighting back and forth in a weightless environment. The damage was basically zero.

The two have the same abilities and knowledge. They are not too far apart. Deathstorm specializes and Batman has broad knowledge. They constantly reinvent themselves in the battle and fight against the materials around them.

Space junk and floating dust objects have become deadly weapons in their hands. In this deep The space field once again became a tool for confrontation between the two sides, and for a while no one could do anything to the other.

But Doomsday Batman was not in a hurry, he was waiting for an opportunity.

And he waited for this opportunity soon, taking advantage of the opportunity for the two to fight again At that moment, Doomsday Batman quickly grabbed Deathstorm with a close move and tied him to his joints.

The forces from the same source attracted each other, and the two storm matrices began to merge.

"No! What are you going to do?"Death Storm screamed in horror.

The storm matrix can allow different individuals to merge into one, but the subject and object of the external personality are different.

Generally speaking, the party with stronger willpower will gain the authority to control the body, while the weaker one will One party will become an intelligent personality and can only chirp in the head of the main personality.

As for Death Storm or Doomsday Batman, it is obvious who has stronger willpower.

Death Storm feels that their bodies and consciousness are merging, and they struggle desperately , but he has been locked.

With little difference in basic abilities, it is impossible for him to defeat Batman Bian, even though the opponent has just obtained this ability.

But things often do not go as expected. Just when Batman is about to doomsday When they succeeded, a beam of matter harmonic interference hit them and separated them.

The fusion of the storm matrix was forced to abort.

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