On the watchtower, Grid reports to Batman

"The harmonic beam has been launched, confirming the separation of the two parties."

Batman breathed a sigh of relief and finally caught up.

When Batman ran away from the battlefield at the end of the world, he started to follow this guy. The battlefield was chaotic at that time, and he was a master of stealth points, so he didn't cause any trouble. People's attention.

When he saw Doomsday Batman flying into the sky, he realized that the other party's target was probably the Death Storm.

The forces from the same source merged with each other, and of course he also knew about this characteristic of the Storm Matrix. But he didn't expect that Doomsday Batman would dare to be so crazy.

You know, even if Firestorm is formed by the fusion of two people who get along relatively well with each other, the fusion often becomes unstable due to different opinions.

Let alone the fusion of a strange person. Personality, and it is also the fusion of a guy like Deathstorm who has been fused with a dead body. Even if the Doomsday Batman can keep his own personality occupying the main body, it will inevitably change under the influence of another personality. Under normal circumstances, Batman will never It's possible to do this. The Anti-Life Equation is indeed weird, and Batman is even more wary of this thing.

Deathstorm was wearing communication equipment. Although it was damaged in the battle, he quickly used his own abilities to repair it.

"Death Storm, don’t contact the other party now, come back immediately!"

It was Batman's voice. Deathstorm glanced at Batman on the opposite side. The fear that he was about to be swallowed up by other people's consciousness rose again.

He turned around without hesitation and returned to the watchtower according to Batman's order.

"Did you escape? Is there someone inside giving him instructions?"

Although he fell short, Doomsday Batman didn't react much. He had expected that his actions would not be smooth sailing, but under the influence of the equation, he still hoped to make more attempts.

So he chased in the direction of Death Storm's escape. Go.

As soon as he entered the watchtower, a kind of special ultrasonic wave began to emit from the surroundings. Under this sound wave, the structure of Doomsday Batman appeared a little unstable.

But Doomsday Batman quickly smoothed away this instability..

Batman, who was watching all this in the control room, sighed. He knew it wouldn't be that easy. It would be fine if the two of them merged into Firestorm. Their inconsistent consciousness is their biggest weakness, so as long as they create a trace of discord, It is possible to separate them through external force.

This is Batman's previous research on Death Storm, as well as the information revealed by the other party. Batman originally wanted to counter Death Storm or Fire Storm before doing this investigation.

But Doomsday Bat Xia is different. He obviously used some method unknown to them to put the storm matrix into his body.

So this method has little effect on him.

"Grid, you hide it well."

So far, Doomsday Batman does not know the existence of the Grid. It is a surprise force.

The Grid fell silent.

The next moment, the door of the control room melted, and Doomsday Batman walked in with his head on fire.

"It's you?"He was a little surprised, but he felt it was reasonable.

There is no enemy who knows himself better than himself.

"I failed."Doomsday Batman lamented

"You are a little anxious. This should not have happened to you. Is it because there is something wrong with Apokolips?"

Both parties are Batman. There are some things that don't need to be said, and they can be guessed.

Batman knows that the doomsday Batman who is controlled by the anti-life equation has not lost his wisdom. If he can change the things he did before If you look at the order, today's result will be completely different.

If he fused the Storm Matrix first and then started the war, he would definitely catch the Justice League by surprise.

But today's action seemed very hasty, and it was obviously not prepared in advance And

Batman doesn’t believe it. He has been hiding and seeking with the blackened Superman for so long, hiding in Tibet with the remaining resistance forces. He has always been under the control of Darkseid. This doesn’t make sense.

"You all underestimated Darkseid. Although the earth was vulnerable to the armies of Apokolips, he also showed disdain for us and even delegated the actual execution power of conquest to Superman and Steppenwolf.

But he has been paying attention here, paying attention to this world that once brought him failure"

"When were you controlled by him?"

"Here's the thing, I simply don't know."Doomsday Batman shook his head. Although his thoughts have been distorted to be absolutely loyal to Darkseid, it does not prevent him from speculating on the main advancement.

"But I think it should be a remote control device, or something like a time bomb. It doesn't show up at ordinary times. It will only start to play its due role when he needs it."

Batman nodded clearly. They still know too little about these things beyond the scope of science. Just like now, if Doomsday Batman hadn't firmly stood in Darkseid's camp, Batman wouldn't believe in such a person. To actually surrender to the Dark Lord

"Your stealing the Storm Matrix wasn't your initial plan. It was the idea you came up with after seeing the Death Storm, right? Why?"

Doomsday Batman suddenly smiled and said:"Although we had a pleasant chat, it does not mean that I will answer all your questions. You should know that I am stalling for time."

"Yes, because I am also stalling for time."

As soon as the two people finished speaking, a space-time wormhole suddenly opened up in front of them. It appeared without any warning and was extremely sudden. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Two figures appeared in the wormhole, and soon It was like two lightning bolts.

The Flash! Reverse Flash!

As soon as Barry Allen stopped, he immediately prompted Batman:"Bruce! reverse lightning......"

Before he could finish speaking, his figure flashed, intertwined with the yellow lightning scurrying around in the void.

But Batman knows what he wants to say.

Reverse Flash doesn’t need a cosmic treadmill, he can travel through time and space!

If you let him go today, there will be endless troubles in the future. A person who can travel through time and space at will can create time branches at any point in time. This is equivalent to creating infinite time and space as long as he is willing. Doppelgänger!

If he is let go this time, there will probably be countless reverse-flash groups to fight against the Justice League in the future, and they can only deal with it passively. Only those who are thieves for a thousand days, how can they guard against thieves for a thousand days?

Compared with Batman who obtained the Storm Matrix, Reverse Flash has now become the most troublesome problem.

Batman frowned and immediately said to the Flash:"Barry, you must catch Reverse Flash as a last resort."...Kill him!"

The Flash, who was in the Speed ​​Force, gritted his teeth when he heard Batman's instructions and killed people. This was an extremely difficult psychological barrier for him to overcome. He could not make a promise to Batman.

Reverse Flash observed the Flash The expression on his face, and the feeling of joy that was so refreshing in his heart suddenly rose up. He couldn't hold back his happiness, and couldn't wait to share it with his favorite idol.

"That's it, that's it. Flash, I like your troubled expression so much. I want to know, when you know who the murderer of your mother is, can you still remain as kind as you are now?"

Barry's body trembled and he almost fell out of the Speed ​​Force.

But then he stared at Reverse-Flash with burning eyes:"You know something, right?"[]

Reverse Flash couldn't help laughing:"Of course I know, Barry Allen, this is not the first time I have time traveled. I know everything that happened to you and your family."

"who is it!"

At this time, the Flash could no longer hold back. He roared and rushed towards the Reverse-Flash. The burst of speed at that moment was such that even the Reverse-Flash could not react for a moment. The Flash directly pushed him out of the Speed ​​Force.

The two of them were pushed out of the Speed ​​Force. His body rolled into a ball in the watchtower, and finally fell into a cabin.

Batman's quick eyesight and quick hands shot the batarang again, and the nanodarts once again synthesized shackles to imprison Reverse Flash.

But this thing was tried last time, It's not that easy to use against Reverse Flash. Batman hasn't studied the Speed ​​Force yet and doesn't know how to counter it.

Batman just hopes to delay it for a while so that the fastest Flash can kill him.

But Barry obviously couldn't complete the job, so Batman planned to do it himself.

However, Doomsday Batman stopped him. In front of the Storm Matrix, Batman could only try his best to deal with it. He couldn't defeat this unreasonable ability.

But Reverse Flash But instead of escaping as Batman expected, the old god was imprisoned on the ground, smiling sinisterly as he looked at the emotionally out-of-control Flash in front of him.

Barry Allen lifted his mask and grabbed Reverse-Flash by the collar.

"You know, you know who the murderer is! You know who killed my mom!"

"Yes, I know, I've always known, I've been there every time. (Okay)"

Every time?

Barry Allen was stunned.

Reverse Flash laughed:"Don't you understand yet, I was the one who killed your mother! It’s always been me! I was there every time you cried and burst into tears, ah, you should really see what you looked like at that time, it was so wonderful!"

Reverse Flash laughed, not only coughing from laughter, but even tears from laughter. He told The Flash the truth more than once under such circumstances, and every time he felt more sincerely happy and excited because of The Flash's expression.

Even the Doomsday Batman felt that he was as sick as the Joker.

The Flash was trembling all over, he was extremely angry and extremely frightened.

Every time? How many times? In countless parallel time and space, the man in front of him has been killing him. Mother? Why is this?

"This is the destiny of you and me, Barry Allen. You and I are destined to be eternal enemies. Without me killing your mother, you would not have become the Flash. If you had not become the Flash, I would not have become the Reverse-Flash. I Completed a closed loop of fate, you and I are destined to be entangled until the end of time!"

"ah——!"Barry couldn't stand his madness anymore, and his arm vibrated quickly, drilling into Reverse-Flash's chest like a drill.

But Reverse Flash just grabbed his arm, with a strange smile on his face, which seemed to be mocking but also relieved..

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