died? Reverse Flash is dead?

All this happened so suddenly that Batman, who had obviously expected so much, was a little unable to react for a moment.

It's a good thing that Reverse Flash is dead, but why is there always a lingering shadow in his heart?

He immediately looked in the direction of Doomsday Batman and found that there was no surprised expression on his face.

There was definitely something wrong, but he couldn't see it.

What plans did the other party and this Reverse Flash make before? How deep is their partnership?

Also, is Reverse Flash serving himself or Darkseid? If it is for himself, what is his purpose?

Batman has too many questions he wants answered, but Doomsday Batman is definitely not the one who answers every question.

As a master interrogator, when necessary, his mouth is stronger than any combination lock in the world.

If you want to know the answer to the question, Batman needs to really enter the other person's mind. Although he can't read minds, Batman has his own way.

"Death Storm, I have something I need your cooperation with......."

Under the attack of Doomsday Batman, Batman is gradually forced into a corner.

The advantages of equipment can no longer bridge the gap in capabilities. No matter how versatile Batman's suit is, it still cannot withstand the ability of the Storm Matrix, and was dismantled into a pile of scrap metal by the doomsday Batman.

Fortunately, Doomsday Batman doesn't know much about nanotechnology, especially the magic part of it, which is a"black box" to him. This is what allows Batman to survive until now.

But this is already the limit

"You should have let the other teammates come, Bruce Wayne."Doomsday Batman said with emotion:"But there is no way, that's how we are, we don't trust anyone, right?"

"The consequence of always doing everything yourself is not trusting others, resulting in no one around when 960 really needs help. This is why you will lose to me today."

Batman's backup plan in advance, the Flash, is now in a trance due to Reverse Flash, and his attention is completely absent from the battlefield.

Deathstorm has fled, leaving Batman alone. He is no match for the doomsday Batman..

But the expression on Batman's face remained unchanged, as if the sky was falling and he couldn't shake his heart.

"Death Storm, take action!"

Multiple beams of high-energy particle streams suddenly appeared around the cabin where the two of them were. They gathered together and hit the Doomsday Batman standing in the center, making him unable to move for an instant.

With the ability of Death Storm, he wanted to pinch a few A launcher is a simple matter.

This is a trap set for Doomsday Batman, but as the most cautious and smart man in the league, Doomsday Batman cannot walk into the trap by himself unless there are people of sufficient weight. As a bait, Batman is a person with enough weight.

But this also means that Batman himself is completely exposed to the trap. At the end of the day, Batman was hit by a high-energy particle stream, but he still has the ability to move. Although he can There were not many, but he still waved his hand and brought Batman into the attack range of the particle flow.

However, this was also what Batman expected!

The only remaining suit helped Batman resist the damage of the ray, and at this time he finally called the last helper

"Grid, it's your turn."

The powerful particle flow converged in the small cabin, gathering an extremely large amount of energy in a short period of time, but this energy failed to overflow to other places.

This turned the small cabin into a sealed entity. Field, a powerful energy field restrains Doomsday Batman, making it impossible for him (cgch) to escape.

But this cannot last long, and they all know this.

Death Storm controls the output of energy, but the grid assists in calculations behind his back The vectors of those high-energy particle flows were adjusted to prepare for Batman's next action.

When Batman's equipment became ineffective until his skin began to fester under the action of the intrinsic field, he finally took action.

He Pounced towards Doomsday Batman! In the surprised expression of the other party, the two merged into one in a burst of light. The storm matrix is ​​usually the fusion of two independent individuals, the higher the degree of compatibility between them, The smoother the fusion will be.

And in this world, what is more suitable for fusion than two almost identical persons? They are more like each other than twins.

Doomsday Batman obviously did not expect that Batman would dare to come up with such a mess. plan, never thought that he would dare to execute it, or even succeed!

So they became one under the influence of the Storm Matrix, and each other's minds were open to each other.

Doomsday Batman saw the first half of Bruce's life that was no different from his own , but entered a completely different branch of destiny when he met the man Dane Davis.

And Batman saw a dark knight who has always been the same, a world without Dane Davis. , a world that should have gone to complete destruction after Superman's darkening.

He still heard that strange voice in the other person's memory, a voice that sounded like iron and stone rubbing against each other, but full of power.

Although he had never met, it was Batman. I believe that is the voice of Darkseid.

And this voice issued an order to Doomsday Batman, asking him to find a way to keep the Justice League. The fundamental purpose is to use them to threaten Dane and force him to submit.

But Doomsday Bat Batman obviously has his own ideas, and he hopes to implement a more permanent plan.

Then, he found the conspiracy between Batman and Reverse Flash in the memory of Batman. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I won't die, because my presence has already spread across all timelines, but if I can die in the hands of The Flash, this will become the biggest trouble for them......."

As for what the trouble was, before Batman could finish reading it, he discovered that this memory was being quickly deleted.

It's Doomsday Batman! He is erasing his memory!

Batman suddenly realized that no matter what their plan was, the target was probably Dane Davis!

But he didn't have time to think too much. At the junction of the two Batman's memories, the body of Doomsday Batman appeared. He was still wearing the shabby windbreaker and the original body armor uniform.

And Batman also appeared in front of him in his own image

"You actually thought of using such a method to invade my spiritual world. This is something I didn't expect. This is crazy."

"This is something I learned from a crazier guy and it seems to work."

Of course Doomsday Batman knew who he was talking about, so his expression became a little dazed, and he murmured to himself:"Joker"......"

The Joker is the only opponent who makes Batman feel frustrated. When Batman makes a plan using the Joker's thinking, the plan is no longer predictable by him.

"Our consciousness and body are merging."Doomsday Batman has resigned himself to his fate. At this time, his efforts have basically failed.

He failed to block the door to another world. When the Justice League can retreat at any time, Daksay Germany had no way of using them as bargaining chips to threaten Dane.

And the plan between Doomsday Batman and Reverse-Flash against Dane and the Flash was forgotten by him due to memory deletion. Now even he himself doesn't know about it. What is the plan, and whether it can succeed.

But at least he can"contaminate" Batman again. He is a person who has been transformed by the Anti-Life Equation. If he merges with him, Batman will also fall into the control of Darkseid..

In the combination of Fire Storm, only one consciousness will become the main body controlling the body, while the other will become a voice in the consciousness, a big face floating in the void.[]

The two Batmans need to compete in consciousness, but Doomsday Batman feels that he has a chance to win, because he is not only fighting on his own, but the anti-life equation that Darkseid left in his consciousness will become an important bargaining chip for him.

And Batman can only rely on himself. This battle of wills will end with the victory of Doomsday Batman, or so he thought. but...

"This is not necessarily the case."

The smile on Doomsday Batman's face stopped abruptly.

Because between him and Batman, a ball of light appeared. He knew what it was. It was the Storm Matrix!

Without any hesitation, Doomsday Batman immediately reached out to grab it. But Batman opposite him also had the same idea!

In the end, the two of them caught half of the light ball.

"With a small"click" sound, the light group cracked from the middle. This crack split the two Batmans who were already in the fusion state.

At the same time, there was also the layer of anti-life equation entangled in the consciousness of the doomsday Batman. the constraints brought by

"It turns out that this was your plan......"Doomsday Batman woke up, and immediately, the entire spiritual world was shattered like the storm matrix in their hands.

In reality, the fused Batman split into two and became two independent individuals again, but the light ball originally held tightly in their hands disappeared.

Doomsday Batman shook his head and woke up from his dizziness. When he looked up, he saw Deathstorm in front of him, who was wary of him.

"It's you..."

Just as Doomsday Batman attempted to harness the properties of the Storm Matrix to absorb Deathstorm, so too does Batman take advantage of this property.

He asked Death Storm to help, and when the two of them were fighting for the initiative of consciousness, they embodied the storm matrix in the spiritual world, and used the division of the matrix to separate again.

Just like the real Firestorm, only when two people merge into one will they become the real Firestorm, but similarly, only the Batman who merges into one is the Batman controlled by the Anti-Life Equation.

This split not only re-separated Batman's personality, but also split the power that controlled Doomsday Batman in half. It failed.

"Although I can't unplug the power of the Anti-Life Equation like Dane, but...I think the result is similar."

Batman got up from the ground. Although he was in a sorry state, Deathstorm could no longer look down on this man.

Because he had cracked the control of the anti-life equation as a mortal.

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