Darkseid, who was far away on Apokolips, suddenly felt that the connection between himself and Batman was broken.

This surprised him. It wasn't because he was conceited. Even gods might not be able to crack the anti-life equation. So why should a mortal?

But right now, he has no time to delve into this matter, because he is caught between the two great gods and has no time to care about what is happening far away on Earth.

The battle between the Demon God and the New God has entered a fever pitch. Both sides are thousands of kilometers in size. The mountains are the rocks under their feet, and the rivers and lakes are small puddles no bigger than their knees.

Every step they take is reshaping the topography of Apokolips, and every punch they throw is creating a new natural disaster. Since their battle, the earth has not stopped shaking for a moment.

As long as the giants don't stop, the earthquakes on Apokolips will not stop.

And how long did they fight?

This is a difficult question to answer, because in the dreams of Apokolips, the sense of time is blurred. Some people feel that a lifetime has passed, while others feel that only a few minutes have passed.

But hugeBut his figure began to be witnessed by more survivors.

No one can get close to the battlefield of the gods. The aftermath, even hundreds of kilometers away, can be felt as destructive as a hurricane.

So the so-called witnesses actually only saw the shadow of two giants fighting tens of thousands of kilometers away from a greater distance.

The two shadows towered into the clouds, hanging in the sky of thunderclouds like a shadow puppet show with the sky as the curtain. However, every movement of the shadow puppets caused the earth to shake and the sky to change drastically.

This is the only truth that the witnesses who are still alive can see.

"Who is it? What existence is fighting!"

In the ancient sacrificial temple of Apokolips, there are three old and new gods dressed like priests, tremblingly looking at the sky in the distance.

As ancients, they can feel that more than the young new gods. The energy dissipated in this battle.

The turbulent and manic power is like the eternal magma in Apokolips Star. Even the Mother Boxes are trembling under this power. The remaining two Mother Boxes of Apokolips Star are placed in This temple is guarded by the three of them.

As the highest technological crystallization of Apokolips and also part of Apokolips' power, the Mother Box Trinity instinctively bursts out with more powerful power and comes in handy.

Unfortunately, in the previous defeat , one of the Mother Boxes was lost to Dane, preventing the formation of the Trinity. This made Darkseid unable to organize a strong counterattack in the face of Yuga Khan's menacing attack, and Yuga Khan seized the Apocalypse. Control.

But fortunately, the worst has not happened yet. Apokolips has not completely given up Darkseid. The power controlled by Jia Khan is missing, which prevents him from simply driving Dane, the devil of hell, out of Apocalypse. Star.

This allowed the two of them to fight each other on the land of Apokolips. Apart from destroying the surface and ecology, neither side suffered much damage.

And more secretive confrontations were taking place all over the planet.

Yuga Khan needed To have more power to contend with the Demon God, he needs more heroic spirits of the New Gods. In addition to the New Gods who died in history, the younger generation of the New Gods are also his fuel.

And the Demon God’s lackeys, the Seven Deadly Sins It also spreads chaos and desire on Apokolips. The sins generated by the new gods will continue to generate magic power under the operation of the seven deadly sins, and will eventually be used by the devil.

Both sides are harvesting the new gods, but Dane's approach can still survive. The next life, because he only needs the New Protoss to contribute seven desires, at least for now.

But Yuga Khan is burning their lives as firewood!

In order to ensure that he still has a usable power bank, Dane has to He ordered his lackeys to protect the New Gods and not let them all die, but in the end they were all used as consumables by Yuga Khan!

As the invader, the Demon God tried his best to save the lives of the New Gods, but as the main god, Yuga Khan Constantly plundering the lives of his people, this magical scene is being staged on Apokolips.

This does not include Greer who is killing people everywhere to seize divine power. This woman is also taking advantage of the break between the two great gods to fight on the battlefield. So now on Apokolips

, the number of the new gods is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The legion commanders who have been fighting in a group don't know it, but the"priests" who control the second mother box understand it very well. , this situation cannot continue!

"We need to return the Mother Boxes to the Trinity and return the power to Darkseid!"

The oldest"priest" among the three made it clear. The Trinity has the power to reshape the planet. As long as Darkseid can merge with the Mother Box, he will have the opportunity to compete with the two great gods on the same stage!

The three believe that as long as the opportunities are equal, Darkseid will win in the end.

The choices of Apokolips and the people of Apokolips are not consistent. Apokolips chose Yuga Khan, but the people of Apokolips believe more in their dark monarch.

"But the third mother box is not in our possession, and we don’t even know where it was lost!"

"Desaad deserves death!"

"And Steppenwolf, that guy who succeeds more than he succeeds and fails more often than not, I've long seen that he's not good news......."


Just when the other two people were venting their inner uneasiness, the elder scolded them.

"The top priority now is to make up for the missing link of the master as soon as possible, not to argue here!"

The two people groaned, but they didn't have any good solution. They could only focus on the older man. If anyone could come up with a solution, it was only this one. The older man thought about it. After a long time, he finally ordered:"Bring out the mother box!"

The two people immediately followed the elder's words and came to the elder with each mother box suspended in their palms.

The elder stared at the two mother boxes and muttered something unknown. The two of them just thought it was some kind of spell and didn't ask any questions. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But then, the elder asked them to carry the mother box to the altar in the center of the temple. The two men did so.

But the moment they turned their backs to the elder, two daggers pierced their hearts, and blood splashed onto the mother boxes, as if stimulating them.

The two people who were stabbed to death He didn't even have the strength to look back, and all the blood in his body was sucked dry by the Mother Box.

After completing the back stabbing, the elder dropped the knife in his hand and activated the altar. The Mother Box lit up with a dazzling light on the altar. , there is energy charging the Mother Box through the altar.

This is not an altar, but an energy field activator disguised as an altar, which activates the Mother Box.

"Although the Trinity cannot be recreated, using the vitality of the three of us as a guide, the two Mother Boxes can be forcibly fused to provide strength to the owner."


The two mother boxes began to rotate around each other at high speed. Powerful energy was emitted in the form of heat, burning the elder's body into ashes in just an instant.

It absorbed the blood of three powerful new gods. After gaining vitality, the Mother Box also began to fuse according to the elder's previous arrangement.

Although the fusion of the two Mother Boxes cannot have the power to transform the planet at will, it is completely fine to reorganize matter within a certain range at the atomic level. , after all, only one Mother Box was used to resurrect Superman.

And this ability can be directly given to individuals. What is this? This is the ability to modify reality on a small scale!

In the temple, the fused Mother Box burst out with amazing energy, then The energy formed a beam of light that led to the sky. The end point of the beam of light was fixed somewhere on Yuga Khan, and then penetrated directly through his body.

Darkseid seemed to be prepared. He opened his hands and bathed in the mother's water. In the light of the box, the ability of the Mother Box reappeared in him.

He waved his hand gently, and the surrounding material particles instantly shattered.

The heroic spirits who had rushed towards him in succession instantly collapsed, leaving only their souls. Trapped deeper by the will of Yuga Khan.

Due to the lack of one mother box, Darkseid could not perform any operations on those souls.

But when he wanted to continue deeper and follow the retreating heroic spirits, he saw in front of him Suddenly, Ichika came to the outside world.

This was when Yuga Khan discovered his abnormality and threw him out of his body.

Originally, he was thinking about whether he could trap Darkseid to death through the human sea tactic. In his body, the power of the same origin, coupled with the personality of the Lord God, once Darkseid dies in Yuga Khan's body, his strength will skyrocket, and it will not be a problem to even directly surpass the Demon God of Hell in one fell swoop.

This is also due to The reason why Jia Khan has always allowed him to do all kinds of things in his body.

But now it is different. Darkseid has been blessed by the power of the Mother Box, and he has become a virus in Jia Khan's body, which must be eliminated as soon as possible. Otherwise, they are likely to start a new tug of war in Yuga Khan's body.

This is very detrimental to Yuga Khan, who still has a hell demon to deal with.

Darkseid has just appeared, Yuga Khan slapped him at the cost of receiving a blow from Dane.

That slap was like a mountain roaring past. Darkseid's body was instantly pressed into a flat surface by this extreme physical attack, and then Bounced out under the extreme momentum.

He flew in from one end of the earth, flew out from the other end of the planet, and walked a straight line distance on the approximately spherical surface.

Compared with Yuga Khan's current size, Dak Seid is now worse than a mosquito. The size difference has reached such an exaggerated level. It is an extreme power in itself. Darkseid is naturally unable to resist.

But he is not dead either!

He absorbed the plunder from Greer. With the divine power that came from the Mother Box and the material reorganization power of the Mother Box, it is now very difficult to die.[]

So just a few minutes later, Chaga Khan felt unsteady under his feet. He looked up and saw that the earth was rising upwards, as if a mountain peak was about to rise from the ground, and as if a wave was crashing towards him...

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