Yuga Khan lost his balance due to the ground waves, and his huge body collapsed.

Dane did not miss this good opportunity, and immediately stepped forward and stepped on Yuga Khan's face!

Caught off guard, Yuga Khan was stepped on, and his head, which could not even be seen from the side if he stood on it, sank deep into the earth.

After the ground waves subsided, a tiny figure rose from the ground. Compared to the entire giant, he was too small and completely inconspicuous, but no one dared to ignore him.

Because it was him who had just overturned a giant that was ten thousand times his size.

Darkseid fell on Yuga Khan again, and the power of the Mother Box burst out between them, trying to break down Yuga Khan, the god's body built up by countless heroic spirits.

Dane was happy to see the result, but Yuga Khan obviously didn't think so.

"Don't even think about it!"

Yuga Khan roared angrily, and energy exploded all over his body. Countless rock-structured tentacles began to grow on his thousands-kilometer-long body. This kind of"hair"-like thing growing on his body appeared in Darkseid's eyes. In front of him was like a long forest of rocks.

Darkseid tore off these obstructive things with his own hands and searched for the core of Yuga Khan through the same bloodline. The poor dark monarch still doesn't know the"Seven Three" in front of him. The behemoth"Zero" is just a fictitious illusion, and the core is just a thought.

And it is impossible for him to grasp the thought. It can be said to be absent in this body, or it can be said to be everywhere.

Yuka Khan was so big that even though he wanted to catch Darkseid, just like a normal person trying to catch a flea jumping up and down on his body, he couldn't catch it, and neither could the"hair" on his body. Stop.

Dane did not stop his attack on Yuga Khan at this time. In order to seize the advantage of the attack, he even included Darkseid in the attack range. Both father and son were struck by his fist. Hammer!

At this time, the number of New Gods who died on Apokolips has reached a very dangerous level. The

New Gods are uniquely blessed and are naturally more powerful than ordinary life forms, but their low population is the reason why this favored group The race has always been the biggest problem.

After this war, Apokolips lost too many new gods. As a large number of new gods died, the density of new gods on various battlefields began to decrease. With this decrease, some smart people Awakened from the feverish state of war.

Finally, some people realized that this was not going to work. Under the influence of the feverish atmosphere of war, they could not cease the war immediately, and everyone was reduced to a mess. No one knew who was their ally..

But they can change to a different way of war, a way of war that they are all familiar with. More demon-like armies began to join the battlefield on their behalf, and those new protoss who had a temporary truce began to think about what happened.

The death of the new protoss The rate has been greatly reduced, and the direct result is that Yuga Khan can no longer increase his strength without limit.

Under the powerful destruction of Demon God Dane, and the efforts of Darkseid, a filial son, his indestructible divine body has also been destroyed. Cracks appeared.

Continuing to maintain such a size was no longer a reinforcement for Yuga Khan, but gradually became an unbearable drain.

In order to continue to maintain combat effectiveness, Yuga Khan had to shrink his The size of the giant gradually shrank from a giant thousands of kilometers away to less than a hundred meters.

Dane also shrank in size simultaneously. Maintaining such a length was also a huge consumption for him.

Although the demon god's body is huge, the number of Qian Kilometer's size is obviously maintained by some kind of magical means. Of course, Dane's method is more advanced. His size is maintained by squeezing the hell demons, just like Yuga Khan's size is maintained by squeezing the new ones. The souls of the protoss are the same.

Dane doesn’t know how many new protoss died on Apokolips, but he is sure that no matter how many people die on the opposite side, the demons consumed on his side are definitely more than three times that of the opposite side! This is the racial gap.

In and by During the battle with Jia Khan, he had been counting on his fingers to see how many new protoss could be killed on Apokolips. Logically speaking, the number was not large.

But when he calculated, he ignored the New Protoss heroic spirits who died in history. There is no such thing as reincarnation on Apokolips. As long as there are no souls scattered, the heroic spirits are stored in the core of the planet in the form of pure energy.

This time, Yuga Khan was released in one breath under Yuga Khan's squandering, which made Yuga Khan and the Demon God grow up for so long. Dane was a little worried at first, because his current situation was similar to Yuga Khan. The backup energy is not unlimited.

Although he has adapted to the rules of this parallel universe and can use the powers he obtained in other worlds, he has not yet found the hell in this universe, so the power of the devil cannot be linked to the hell here to gain support from the home field.

In order to use the power of the demon to fight against Yuga Khan, he could only take a long detour and let the body of the demon"smuggle" over from the hell of the original universe and deceive the rules of the universe.

But since it is a stowaway, you can't bring too many things with you, so the power and demons stored in this devil's body are also limited, and it will be difficult to replenish them after they are used up.

Dane was worried that the battle between himself and Yuga Khan would turn into a protracted tug-of-war. In order to ensure that he would still have ammunition to use, he deliberately opened the gate of the abyss to let the magic of the abyss pollute the world, and sent seven more sects. Sin tempts the beings of this world to become evil.

As long as there are enough lives on Apokolips that degenerate into demons, the body of the demon god can rely on these demons to survive.

If the winner cannot be determined in the end, Dane is also prepared to perform a"magic stain" to turn the entire Apokolips into a second hell and turn the away game into a home game. This will be difficult, but it is worth a try.

Fortunately, because of Darkseid's help, things did not evolve to that point.

When Dane and Yuga Khan shrank to only a few hundred meters in size, he discovered that Darkseid was now several hundred meters tall, not much different from their size.

As soon as Yuga Khan's body stabilized, Darkseid's Omega rays were launched. Dane also used his own magic eyes to launch energy rays at the same time, hitting Yuga Khan.

Yujia Khan's body exploded back under the power of energy, and the horn helmet on his head was thrown away, hitting the ground to form a small horn mountain.

The previous generation's Lord of Apokolips had his hair disheveled, and his failure was already evident.

After struggling to absorb more of the new Protoss souls, his powers began to stagnate, and now Darkseid can join the fight.

This is very disadvantageous for Yuga Khan. With similar strength levels, it is difficult for him to win against two people.

Not only does he know this, Apokolips seems to know this too, so Apokolips' support for his power is also weakening. Although the melee between the three has not yet begun, Yuga Khan knows in his heart that the situation is over..........

"This time, I came back too hastily, but it is not easy to drive me away. Uxas, as the current main god, don’t you think you should face me alone?"

Yuga Khan was full of strength and challenged Darkseid to a battle.

But Darkseid just sneered., without hesitation, invited Dane to join him. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Duel alone? What the hell!

Being able to kill the enemy first with numerical superiority is more important than anything else!

Darkseid is not an honorable warrior, he is a hero! The hero will do whatever it takes to win, even if he joins forces with another enemy.

Dane laughed, and together with Darkseid launched an attack on Yuga Khan, the ground rumbled and shook again.

Yuga Khan felt a little regretful that Darkseid was not fooled, but he was not afraid of the two opponents' active attacks and rushed towards the enemy with both fists.

Suddenly, the earth shook again. Originally, Dane thought that this battle would be very lasting. Although Yuga Khan's power could no longer be improved, he still had a lot of energy, enough to support his squandering for a long time.

Even if his opponents are two gods of the same level, Yuga Khan still has the ability to compete with the two gods. This is the gap in technology and experience.

At their current level, technology and experience are no longer necessary for victory or defeat, but in one-to-many battles, subtle differences in energy control determine the duration of the battle.

In other words, Yuga Khan is more capable of delaying. If he can delay his opponent until he makes a mistake, then it may not be impossible for him to turn defeat into victory.

But this kind of battle becomes a matter of who can make less mistakes. When the hope of winning is very slim, Yuga Khan is not the first choice.

Therefore, during the hand-to-hand combat with the opponent, Yuga Khan seized the opportunity to kick Darkseid away first, buying a little time, and then grabbed Dane with all his strength.

Um? This is thinking......Take me down first?

Dane was a little surprised, why did Yuga Khan suddenly treat me as a soft persimmon?

4.3 But the next second, he realized something was wrong, because the energy in Yuga Khan's body was rising abnormally, and the heat transpired the air, forming a huge updraft.

The temperature of the water vapor can't hurt the demon god's body at all, but this is not the case with Yuga Khan's next actions.[]

Under the gaze of the Demon God's Eye, all the soul bodies in Yuga Khan's body are condensing towards the center at high speed, slowly...It doesn't form something like a chain reaction so slowly.

He raised his head in surprise:"You actually want to blow yourself up!"

Yuga Khan just smiled coldly at Dane:"The owner of Apokolips can only be the god of Apokolips!"

Dane understood what he meant instantly, He looked up and found that Darkseid had been far away from the battlefield at some point.

He was definitely not having any communication with his father and son, so was this a silent understanding?

Even if Yuga Khan ultimately fails, the master of Apokolips should be Darkseid, not an outsider!

The fact that civilizations like Apokolips can continue to this day may not be just because of the power of the New Gods.

A moment later, a dazzling white light lit up on Apokolips, the planet was displaced in the explosion, and the world was once again enveloped in a continuous shock!.

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