In front of Darkseid, Dane directly talked to Superman on the other side of the planet.

"Superman, are you there yet?"

"I've gotten to where you are."

In the core of Apokolips' eastern hemisphere hundreds of thousands of kilometers down, Superman is holding something like a handbag. Even the surrounding thousands of degrees of heat cannot melt it.

If someone from the Justice League is here , you must be able to recognize this thing. This is exactly what the quantum bomb looks like after it is miniaturized.

As early as when Dane and Yuga Khan were fighting, he took advantage of the relative stability of space to kill the death storm long ago. The prepared quantum true bomb was transported here and handed over to Superman.

Now, he asked Superman to transport the quantum true bomb here. The purpose is self-evident.

"You should know what to expect, Clark, once the bomb is activated, your chances of surviving are very slim."

This is a euphemism. In fact, once the bomb is activated, Superman will never survive like Apokolips.reason

"I know, and I want to do it."Superman stood in front of the core with a firm look on his face.

"what have you done?"Darkseid heard Dane's words and had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Like you, Darkseid, I have also made some preparations for your planet, just like the gifts I prepared for you before. Darkseid frowned:"Yuga Khan is indeed the trouble caused by you. What did you do?""

"Yuga Khan was really just an accident. I made Apokolips have a dream, but I didn't expect that it would give him a dream."

Darkseid suddenly realized that the strange Yuga Khan was just an illusion, but he was able to compete with him for the power of Apokolips.

It turned out that he came from the dream of Apokolips.

But let a planet dream, even Dax Darkseid has never heard of it before, which is simply unbelievable.

He has long known from Lucifer that Dane has the ability of the dream god, but Darkseid, who has always been supreme in force, does not think that this power comes from"dreams". What effect does it have.

If it were Sandman Morpheus, he might still be a little wary, but Dane Davis is clearly just a little dream god. Darkseid obviously didn't expect that he could use this ability to create such a big thing. Things come out

"As for what I just did, there is a specialty product in our world called a quantum bomb. It has a lethality that far exceeds that of a nuclear bomb. Just one of it can disintegrate a planet."

Darkseid's expression changed and he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Dane smiled and said:"I know that Apokolips is special. I originally thought it would be difficult to disintegrate it, but Yuga Khan exposed the core of Apokolips. , in this way, things become simpler."

Darkseid fell into a brief silence, and then he suddenly said:"How do I know that you are not lying and using a fictitious thing to deceive me?.?"

Dane asked unceremoniously:"Then how do I know that you are not deceiving me? Maybe the Speedmaster guy is just hiding in a corner. This is all just your bluff."

Darkseid Dang Ji said:"If you want to prove it, I can let the Speedmaster detonate a nuclear bomb first and let you check whether it is true or not."

Yo, give me this trick?

Dane sneered:"That's okay, but I only have one quantum bomb in my hand, which can only be verified once. If you want to see it, I can accompany you."

The matter has reached a deadlock.

Dane and Darkseid stared at each other, neither of them willing to take the lead in making concessions.

During this period, Dane's body gradually began to take shape, and his facial features regained their appearance.

The demon god's body is immortal, and it is just destroyed once, which is nothing.

With the subsequent supply of energy, he quickly built another body for himself, but compared with his body size of thousands of kilometers when he appeared, the current demon body is much smaller.

This shows that Yuga Khan self-destructed this time, causing many people to die on Apokolips. Fortunately, Darkseid still had time to confront Dane here.

Dane decided to remind him:"Darkseid, you should remember that your enemies are not just us!"

Of course Darkseid knew what he meant. The situation on Apokolips should be very serious on the New Founding Star. There will be a reaction soon.

And he saw Orion before, so he must have returned to the New Founding Star and is reporting the situation to Heavenly Father.

Looking at it this way, Darkseid really can no longer waste time. He knows his old opponent very well, and the opponent will never let go of this opportunity to eliminate Apokolips in one fell swoop.

What's more, if Heavenly Father knew of Dane's existence, the two of them would most likely join forces to kill all the Apokolips.

After final weighing, Darkseid found helplessly that if both sides really had to suffer losses, the price he would pay would be too high.

What he lost was the entire Apokolips, while Dane only lost a few men, and they couldn't hurt his roots at all.

This is actually an unequal transaction.

After a long time, Darkseid could only say:"You win."

If he had more chips in his hand, Darkseid would not say this, but no, Apokolips is more important to him than everything

"what do you want?"

The previous condition was just to let Dane withdraw. What Darkseid gave was just a verbal promise to forget about the past. Although he considered himself a person who kept his promise, this promise actually had no binding force, and they were mutually exclusive. There is also a lack of trust foundation.

Now that Dane has shown his bargaining chip, of course what he wants is not just a promise. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dane is thinking, originally he wanted What he wanted was to let Darkseid die directly, but now it seems that this goal is difficult to achieve.

In the process of fighting Yuga Khan, he suffered a lot of losses, unless he can incorporate the hell of this parallel universe into his own control, otherwise he will always have to worry about running out of energy. Now he is quite worried about Prime Minister Cao, he will not lose the battle, but there is always not enough food and grass.

After withstanding a blow from Yujia Khan at close range, He no longer has absolute confidence in killing Darkseid completely.

And if he wants to include this parallel world as a member of the Multiverse Alliance, he also needs to provide a stable development environment for the earth's civilization..

If Darkseid dies, wouldn’t Dane have to face it alone if Yuga Khan comes down from the Origin Wall in the future?

And if Darkseid dies, those fanatical believers who believe in him may They will also flock to him to cause trouble. He is not interested in staying in this parallel universe to solve these troubles. It is better to let Darkseid live and restrain his dog.

Thinking about these questions, Dane has already thought of what to ask. Requested

"First of all, you must make compensation for the war crimes you committed on Earth, including but not limited to compensation for resources and technology, as well as all consumption to help the Earth rebuild civilization."

Dane confessed that he is covetous of Apokolips' technology. If he can absorb Apokolips' technology, the earth's civilization level will soon jump to one level.

Using the doomsday earth as a buffer zone, his earth can completely compete with Apokolips. Technical exchanges are mainly about learning the engineering technology of Apokolips.

Darkseid looked at the devastated Apokolips and was speechless. At least the earth is still intact, but Apokolips is incomplete!

You are Dane Davis. He is the biggest war criminal!

But Darkseid said that his mood was relatively stable, so he resisted and continued to listen.

"Number two, you must hand over the Anti-Life Equation"[]

Darkseid's eyes suddenly became fierce:"Impossible!"

Dane's face also showed a fierce look:"That thing was originally sealed on the earth, you should return it to its original owner!"

Darkseid's whole body was covered with blood. The energy was stimulated again, and the surging divine power condensed on him, as if to form a piece of armor. His menacing look made him want to have another fight with Dane.

"If you want my Anti-Life Equation, you have to kill me first and then take it back!"

For the anti-life equation, he even ignored Apokolips!

Dane also concentrated the divine power in his body and squeezed the remaining degraded Apokolips aborigines on Apokolips in a place where they could not see them. , a large number of Apokolips people died.

Dane was also furious. As long as the Anti-Life Equation is still in Darkseid's hands, he may use it to cause trouble at any time.

This can be seen from Batman's incident , this thing is used to develop spies, moles, etc. It is almost invisible and impossible to guard against.

Dane does not want the people around him to be tricked out of nowhere, so if Darkseid (Zhao Haozhao) does not plan to If he hands it over, he will spend all his cards to kill this guy here! Besides, in the state of Apokolips, the blessings it can give Darkseid are pitiful, so it’s not like he hasn’t completely killed him. The other party's possibility.

Just when the negotiation between the two broke down and another divine battle was about to begin, a beam of light suddenly appeared between the two. The light spread its wings to the left and right, blocking the two warring parties.

Dane didn't care. Who is it? The magic eye above his head flashed, and a beam of high-energy rays instantly radiated from his eyeballs, bringing the newly appeared guy and Darkseid into the attack range at the same time.

And he also secretly contacted Superman to be ready at any time. Detonate the quantum bomb.

Although Superman will definitely die, what Darkseid doesn't know is that Dane can bring people back to life in dreams. Whether Apokolips is really destroyed or just a false alarm depends on how he is the dream god. Guide the final direction of the dream.

Darkseid did not stop. He condensed all the energy together, radiated it from his hands, and also brought the newly appeared guys into the attack range. He wanted to intervene between him and Dane The battle between the two depends on whether your strength is strong enough!

The huge energy collided with a crash, creating a small sun again above the exposed core of Apokolips. The already thin atmosphere of Apokolips collapsed again, exposing it to countless Cosmic rays are still in the starry sky...

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