At the center of the energy intersection of the explosion, the winged light was being attacked by two extremely powerful energies.


Dane and Darkseid heard the sound appearing in the center of the light at the same time, and their expressions changed.

Just because they have all heard this voice, they also know who it is.


The wings were slightly pulled inward, and the light gradually dissipated. At the same time, the energy fired by Dane and Darkseid at the same time was canceled out!

Although Dane and Darkseid were not In full strength, Lucifer was in perfect condition, but this gentle move still calmed down the two people who originally intended to fight to the death.

Lucifer appeared in front of them in suits and ties, with a pair of big white wings stretched out, completely invisible. hell demon look like

"You two, for my sake, can you just let it go?"

Dane dispersed the energy surging in his body, and his whole person became Buddhist-like.

"Lucifer, what do you mean?"

Darkseid couldn't understand why Lucifer stood up to stop them. Is mediation the job he should do?

But in fact, Lucifer didn't want to do this job. He actually enjoyed watching the show, but Unfortunately, he had to complete the task assigned by his boss even if he didn't want to.

"Darkseid, haven't you noticed yet? Why am I here?"

After hearing what he said, Darkseid realized that the location of Apokolips is hidden and is an unknown secret in the entire fourth dimension.

Even Lucifer can't do it without the power of his body. It is possible to detect the exact position of Apokolips.

Before Darkseid could ask, Lucifer explained:"The position of Apokolips has been exposed. The energy that just burst out from this position formed a huge flash point in the fourth dimension. , all worlds have observed the position of Apokolips"

"And, don’t you feel it? Apokolips has stopped."

The position of planets in the universe is always moving. In the fourth dimension, in order to prevent the enemy from measuring its specific position, Apokolips actually moves faster than the planets in the real universe, but now, it has stopped. Movement.

The relative position of stillness, coupled with the previous flash positioning, anyone who is interested will be able to immediately calculate the position of Apokolips. This is a very dangerous thing for the now-broken Apokolips.

"I think you are overly worried about this."At this time, Dane decisively added insult to injury.

"Even if no one else comes, I will let Superman detonate the bomb and blow Apokolips into cosmic dust. It will be destroyed anyway. My method is convenient, quick and painless."

Darkseid cast a deep gaze, murderous intent hovering over the entire Apokolips.

Lucifer said helplessly:"Dane, don't make trouble, I'm trying to find a way to solve the problem between you."

"I don't think there is a problem between us that you need to solve. Dane sneered:"And you seem to be a little too active recently.""

"Come on, weren't you negotiating just now? Why can't it continue?"

Dane sneered. He knew that Lucifer had his own little plan. Although he didn't know what it was, it must be related to escaping from God's control. But then he thought about it. The best way to fight Darkseid is to fight to the death. As long as there is a glimmer of hope for a bad ending, you might as well give it a try.

So he added:"Since you insist on getting involved in this matter, then give it a try. Neither of my two conditions can be missing!""

Lucifer first understood the specific conditions, and then thought about it for a while. Dane didn't expect anything, but he didn't expect that he actually gave a suggestion in the end.

"The reason why you want the Anti-Life Equation is not because you want to control other lives like Darkseid, right?"

Dane thought that was not necessarily the case. If he had the ability to control others, it would be difficult even for him to say that he would not be tempted to use it.

But since Lucifer asked, of course he said righteously:"That is Naturally, my purpose is just to prevent Darkseid from using this ability to take revenge on us. He has a criminal record! Lucifer turned his head and looked at Darkseid again:"Well, I guess you never want to hand over the equation, right?""

Darkseid nodded, and did not believe a word of what Dane just said.

He could already tell that this man was definitely not as pedantic as the rest of the Justice League. If given the chance, he would definitely use the Anti-Life Equation. Deal with him, or others on Apokolips.

Not only is Dane worried that Darkseid will secretly cause trouble on Earth, Darkseid is also worried about this. In the face of the anti-life equation, faith is meaningless.

This is both sides A fundamental point of disagreement, on which they would not give in under any circumstances.

So Lucifer proposed a third way

"What if I could make you immune to the Anti-Life Equation?"

Hearing Lucifer's words, Dane was surprised. If there is anything in the world that can completely shield the anti-life equation, there is really one, the life equation.

Darkseid obviously also thought of this, he was very dissatisfied. He looked at Lucifer with understanding. Do you need to do this?

Facing the surprised looks from both sides, Lucifer smiled and opened his palms. A small white light spot appeared on his hand, surrounding the light spot. There are tiny light bands that are intertwined with each other, and the light bands look like the double helix structure of DNA.

This is what the anti-life equation looks like after it is embodied.

Darkseid's eyes suddenly became very dangerous, and he seemed to have some Ready to move.

The life equation is the opposite of the anti-life equation. If the anti-life equation denies the definition of life, then the life equation can be said to be the origin of life.

Legend has it that when the life equation was born, it was integrated (cica) into the DNA of all living things , so it stands to reason that it cannot be complete.

Dane cast a doubtful look at Lucifer.

Lucifer sighed and explained:"This life equation comes from a dead world...."

As Lucifer told it, Dane gradually understood the cause and effect.

At first, the young and vigorous angel Lucifer was reprimanded by God and ordered him to take charge of hell.

But at that time, Lucifer did not want to follow God's arrangements honestly. He left hell soon after falling into heaven and reopened a new universe in the outside world not far from the current parallel universe.

He wants to be the creator himself!

Lucifer, who had just fallen into heaven at that time, was still the strongest person under God, and still possessed six-sevenths of God's power. This power was enough to create the world, at least to create a smaller world.

Lucifer was very happy when he succeeded in creating the world. He learned God's method and used his own image as a template to create human beings and all living things, and truly became God.

But good times do not last long, and everything will eventually be destroyed, and Lucifer's world is no exception. Moreover, due to the lack of certain necessary things, the world he created destroyed particularly quickly.

Lucifer tried every means to save his world, but"death" still came as scheduled.

Before the last creature in the world created by Lucifer died,"death" condensed the essence of all life into one point, which was the equation of life, and she gave this thing to Lucifer.

Dane looked at the light spot in front of him:"So, you are saying that this is the life equation condensed from the world you created. Are you really willing to give it to me?" The life equation is dispersed and integrated into all living things. It is inside the body, so under normal circumstances it is impossible to make it visible, because as long as it is a living body, it has a part of it.

If you want to merge it, you must merge all the lives together and complete your life. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Or if there is only one life left in the entire universe, then the life equation will be concentrated on the last one.

But no matter which of the above methods is used, it is actually very difficult to do. Whether it can be done is on the other hand. People who really do it are simply crazy.

Only someone like Lucifer, who created the world himself and witnessed the destruction of the world, could possibly collect the equation of life.

This thing has no power. It is different from the Mother Box and the Anti-Life Equation. It is a collection of information that records all the history and emotions about life, as well as genetic codes.

But its most significant effect is that it can completely resist the invasion of the anti-life equation. As long as it is anything or any force that has been blessed by the anti-life equation, the life equation can negate it.

This is exactly what Dane needs at the moment, and it contains a whole world of life information. For him, it also has the function of studying the essence of life.

Although he really wanted it in his heart, Dane did not take it immediately. Instead, he looked at Lucifer very doubtfully.

"What are your plans?"

If I didn't know you were Lucifer, I would have thought you were called the Money-Giving Boy. Dane has gotten so many good things from him.

Even if he always takes advantage and is rude, I can't help but feel guilty.

Darkseid is still dead. Staring at the equation of life, he has a strong urge to plunder this thing.

Once he gets the equation of life, he will have the power to define life! All life in the universe will be under his control. This is absolute rule, absolute conquest!

But the thing is in Lucifer's hands. It is difficult for Darkseid to get it in his current state, and Dane Davis will never allow him to get it.

"Decide, Dane, whether you want to take this or not."Lucifer did not answer Dane's question, because he did have his own plan, but it was inconvenient to tell others. After thinking for a while, Dane decisively took down the life equation! []

No matter what his plan was, this Things are really rare. If he doesn’t take what is given to him for free, he will definitely regret it to death in the future!

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