As soon as he got the Life Equation, Dane's mind was filled with countless knowledge about genes and biology. Some of the knowledge Dane knew about, and some were things he had never dabbled in before.

The diversity of life forms alone amazed him.

When Lucifer created the world, although he used God's template as the initial blueprint, he was a rebellious angel and his arrangements for his creation were different from God's. He did not create other gods like God.

Therefore, in the world created by Lucifer, he is the only God.

In order to show that he was different from God, he gave a very important thing to the beings he created, that is, freedom.

Lucifer did not interfere with the fate of the creations, nor with their natural evolution. On the contrary, this gave his creations a variety of directions for the evolution of life under absolute natural rules.

There are the most basic carbon-based life forms, there are also rare silicon-based life forms, there are artificial intelligence life forms, and there are synthetic life forms.

There are super-speed beings whose lifespans last in seconds, and there are slow-speed lives whose lifespans last tens of thousands of years.

There are even some forms of life that exist as pure ideologies, which was an eye-opener for Dane.

If he can completely digest the things in the life equation, Dane's understanding of the nature of life will directly jump to a new level. It is not impossible to even create his own life race one day.

"Are you satisfied with this gift?"Lucifer saw the joy on Dane's face and smiled.

The most important reason why he was able to give away the life equation so simply was because he himself did not actually need this thing.

As a god who has already created the world, The knowledge of life has been in his hands from the beginning, because he has completely witnessed the entire process of the world from creation to destruction, so he does not need to learn from the equation of life.

Dane is indeed beaming with joy, seeing the equation of life For his sake, he didn’t blame Lucifer for his lingering presence,"No matter what your plans are, I owe you a favor for this matter. Lucifer smiled and nodded, then looked at Darkseid:"Now he probably won't ask you to hand over the Anti-Life Equation anymore, so can today's matter be written off?""

Darkseid sneered and pointed at the exposed core of Apokolips below.

"In this case, you want me to write it off?"

Dane turned his attention back to Darkseid at this time, and he smiled softly:"The condition of the earth is better than that of Apokolips. The death toll on the entire planet is as high as 80%, and I didn't hold you accountable. Responsibility, what are you dissatisfied with?"

To put it harshly, Apokolips totally deserves this!

"But you asked me to compensate for the losses in your world!"

Now that he has sat at the negotiating table again, Darkseid naturally transformed his identity into a politician and began to seek benefits for his own world. With

Apokolips like this now, it will take ten thousand years to return to its original state. And it will take a lot of manpower and material resources to complete this matter.

Unless Dane is willing to return the last Mother Box to them, but is this possible?

It is a trophy, just like Darkseid cannot hand over the Anti-Life Equation Just like going out, he knew that Dane would definitely not return the Mother Box without even asking.

Now the proportion of the dead population on Tianqi is not lower than that on Earth. It doesn't matter how many demonoids die, but the loss of the New Protoss is. It is unbearable.

With the low fertility rate of the New Protoss, it may take longer than the recovery of Apokolips to recover to its heyday.

In this case, he will also have to bear the consumption required to rebuild the earth. Isn't this adding a burden to him?

So now he doesn't even want to agree to the first condition!

In fact, for Dane, the general purpose of coming to Apokolips this time has been completed. Although Darkseid is not dead, Apokolips has become half-broken, and they will have no time to take care of the earth for at least tens of thousands of years. In tens of thousands of years, the earth will have already rushed out of the solar system. At that time, if Darkseid wants to come back, he will have to prepare a good start. Preparations for a full-scale war.

But the earth is now in dire straits, and Dane does not want to waste too much time helping them rebuild civilization. If this process can be accelerated, that will be the biggest gain of this trip.

So he must definitely not do the first condition. Don’t give in!

Lucifer was a little troubled:"Darkseid, you may not know yet, but the Heavenly Father of the New Founding Star has already led an army to come here."

He waved his hand and summoned a star map, which showed that the fleet of the New Founding Star was crossing the star sea.

Since the position of Apokolips has been fixed, they can fly over based on the coordinates.

Darkseid was a little silent. As expected, Heavenly Father, an old man, It's better to take advantage of the opportunity and come here to get some bargains.

"I think the two of you should discuss it again and find an agreement on terms acceptable to both parties. Apokolips doesn't want to just send away an enemy and have to face a second one in the blink of an eye, right?"

Darkseid was weighing the pros and cons, and Dane saw that Lucifer did have a troubled expression on his face. After all, he had just received someone else's benefits, so he decided to reciprocate the favor.

"Well, I can help you restore Apokolips to its original state, but you must agree to the first condition of our previous negotiation!"

Darkseid raised his head and looked at him inexplicably. After thinking for a moment, he also made up his mind:"If you can really do it, then...I can comply with your request."

Lucifer smiled. The matter was finally done. Now it depends on Dane's performance.

Today Qixing is still in a dream state. Therefore, Dane, as the dream god, has the ability to distort reality on it.

As long as it is. Defining everything that Apokolips currently encounters as an illusory dream, then Apokolips will return to the state before entering the dream after waking up from the dream. To accomplish this, it is necessary to let Apokolips understand that he is in a dream without leaving any trace. Dream, and then subtly expose the dream. Don't be too blunt, otherwise the nightmare will easily come true.

If Apokolips does not reverse the current unfavorable situation before waking up from the dream, once it returns to reality, the status quo cannot be modified.

After all, you can ignore it in the dream There are no laws, but reality still requires basic laws. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Therefore, in order to prevent Apokolips from being frightened by external forces, Dane must disguise his power and let Apokolips Thinking that he is one of his own.

Just in time, the Mother Box in Dane's hand can help him accomplish this.

Using the Mother Box as a medium, Dane can completely disguise his power and breath into the familiar appearance of Apokolips, and then cast the Dream God The ability.

And the Mother Box itself has almost inexhaustible energy. It only helps Apokolips to repair reality. The real energy comes from itself. This deal is still a good deal.

Dane faded away from his demon. body, transforming all the power in his body.

Compared to the God of Death and the Demon God of Hell, the power of the Dream God is a weaker form of divine power in him, but with the support of the Mother Box energy, he still successfully linked his power to On Apokolips.

Darkseid felt a familiar feeling on Dane, and knew that it was the power of the Mother Box. The corners of his mouth twitched.

Not long after, the entire Apokolips suddenly trembled as if it had been alarmed, and the planet The remaining living people sighed, not knowing what else they would experience.

But this time, a strange force swept across the entire planet. Under the influence of this force, the planet seemed to be gradually recovering.

The matter that had been thrown away was like It flew back as if it had been attracted by a huge attraction, filling the broken part above the core.

The battle damage caused by the divine war was restored under the influence of the mysterious power, the huge pit was filled, the canyon was bridged, the mountains and rivers returned to their places, and the rivers returned to their original positions. Tao, the space has regained stability, and even the buildings have been repaired and returned to their original state.

Those Apocalypse people who died due to accidental injuries in the aftermath of the God War have also been resurrected. Except for the souls that were burned as firewood by Yuga Khan, they have There is no coming back.

To some extent, all the damage caused by Dain on Apokolips can be restored to its original state through the power of dreams, but it was killed by Gak Khan and Darkseid's omega rays. The person disappeared forever, completely distraught.[]

Dane also kept an eye on it. Although Yuga Khan burned many souls and was the main culprit behind the near-annihilation of the New Protoss, he still kept a cautious eye and did not allow too many New Protoss to reappear that could have been resurrected.

He enjoys the weakness of his enemies.

Lucifer and Darkseid witnessed the entire process of Apokolips from being almost dead to returning to life. It was like time suddenly went back, and the damaged Apokolips blinked in the blink of an eye.It's back to the way it was before the war started.

Despite being an enemy, Darkseid was still amazed by his opponent's abilities.

Compared to him, Dane knows too much, which means that he is destined to have enough coping methods when facing anything.

Lucifer also clapped his hands in admiration:"Even if I want to achieve this level, it can't be easier than you."

He doesn't have the ability to dream like Dane. If it were him, he could only It is to repair Apokolips in the real world. As a split body, his ability to modify reality is not that exaggerated. At least when repairing the entire planet, he will never be able to do it as easily as Dane, not to mention that he looks like he is completely Just like effortless.

When all the repair work was completed, Apokolips itself began to rotate again and once again entered a never-ending position.

Planets like Apokolips do not move in clear trajectories like planets in the third world, but flash like electrons.

Therefore, even if the New Founding Star's army comes, they will not be able to find the location of Apokolips.

Dane lightly snapped his fingers, and something invisible spread out, and the entire Apokolips seemed to shake slightly. it woke up

"I've accomplished what I promised you, now it's your turn"

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