
When Doomsday Batman was released from Firestorm mode, he lost control of the zombie army.

This makes these zombie heroes even more irrational and crazy.

But it's not completely without benefits, because without Batman's rationality, these zombies won't even be able to use their abilities, but they are much easier to deal with than before.

Wonder Woman divided several zombies like chopping melons and vegetables, and looked up at the battlefield in the distance.

She had sensed the changes in zombies very early on, so she knew that these things were not a big problem. Without rational support, these were just corpses with rough skin and thick flesh.

The number of zombies has been reduced rapidly due to the efforts of the Justice League, and the most important thing is Constantine's side.

At this time, Constantine, as the summoner, was cautiously standing aside, watching the battle between Paimon and Satan not far away.

Although Satan looks like a martial artist, he is actually very insidious.

This is a black mage who is very good at curses.

When Paimon was engaged in close combat with the opponent, he soon felt that his body began to weaken, and the energy in the demon body was slowly draining away.

On the contrary, Satan's power is getting stronger and stronger, and the increase is equivalent to the decrease in Paimon's power."Zero three zero"

"You're stealing my power!"

Paimon was surprised that you, a big and thick guy, actually did such a shameless thing.

Satan did not completely conceal his actions, and this kind of behavior could not actually be concealed.

He sneered:"Who do you think I am? ? A reckless man? I am Satan!"

Having said this, he no longer suppressed his power, and knocked back Paimon's light body with a heavy punch.

The gem on Paimon's head flashed, and his body suddenly disappeared, and another one appeared not far away the next second. location.

And where he was originally, Hellfire exploded. It was a trap.

"You are not only insidious, but also cunning. Paimon chuckled, full of aristocratic style.

The Seven Rings of Hell are different from other hells. Because the level of civilization is relatively high, the demons there look more like humans.

But this will only make Satan feel more appetizing. He gently Licking his fangs, Constantine's sad face loomed on his big tongue.

Watching the battle from a distance, Constantine's face immediately darkened when he saw this scene, but then he seemed to remember something. As if, he hurriedly searched for it on himself

"where is it? Where is it?"

After a moment, he took out something from the inner pocket with a happy face. It was a tooth as big as a palm, slender and hook-shaped.

This is a dragon's tooth, which can be used to perform a black witchcraft..

Constantine started immediately. He learned the previous lessons and needed to make some modifications to the magic formula when using magic in another world.

Soon, he clasped his hands together and held the dragon's teeth in his palms, muttering something in his mouth.The dragon's teeth dissolved in the sound of the spell and turned into ashes.

"Brother, do you want to die, or do you want to continue to be in that bastard's mouth?"

On the battlefield, Paimon stretched out his finger and tapped his mask. It's not easy to deal with. The opponent doesn't look so easy to kill.

And he can actually absorb his own power. It's so scary~

Why don't you just abandon Kang? Forget it, Standing, the little he paid was simply not enough.

Paimon still had some confidence that he could kill Satan, but Satan was still a king-level demon. To kill such a guy, just It requires the use of some relatively powerful magic.

But once that kind of magic is used, it will inevitably cause landslides.

He himself does not care about the life and death of the earth, but this consumes too much and is not cost-effective.

If Constantine is willing to It would be fine to give him his soul, but his soul has been reserved by Dane, and the price he can give is not high enough. At least he is a little reluctant to let Paimon use magic with super-limited power.

Paimon sighed. He breathed a sigh of relief, but he had no choice. Who asked him to sign the contract and break the contract under Dane's eyes, unless he was tired of living.

Then this trip could only be a loss-making business.

Just when Paimon planned to use super magic When Satan was crushed to pieces with one blow, the face of Satan across from him suddenly became a little strange, as if he had eaten something bad.

Satan felt very uncomfortable, and a disgusting feeling sprouted from his body, making him feel uncomfortable. Wanting to vomit.

But he is a demon!

Have you ever seen a demon who has had a bad stomach? Even if this is the reason, Satan thought about it and couldn't figure out what he ate to cause him to be like this.

Paimon How could such a thief demon let go of such a good opportunity? Although he didn't know what happened to his opponent, he did not hesitate and immediately started chasing and beating Satan.

Satan only felt that there was something in his stomach. He was in a chrysalis, but before he could check the situation inside his body, Paimon's fist hit him into the sky.

His body kept rising, directly pushing away the clouds above and spreading them into cloud waves like water waves.

Satan tried to He fought back, but his physical discomfort prevented him from exerting his strength perfectly, so he could only bear Paimon's beatings again and again.

He was beaten from the ground to the air, and then from the air to the ground, as if he was being kicked like a ball. Same.

This made Satan very angry. He took a deep breath and the hellfire was growing in his throat. Instead of spitting it out, he swallowed the hellfire back and let the flames rage in his stomach.

He felt There was something in his stomach.

But Paimon appeared in front of him like a flash at this time, and suddenly punched his abdomen, hitting the hellfire inside.

Satan's eyes bulged, he opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue.

In On the tongue, there are two vague bodies protruding like reliefs, seemingly entangled with each other

"Paimon, kill them!"

Constantine's words came into his mind, and Paimon immediately understood what was going on. He was surprised that Constantine actually knew such crooked things.

Just now Constantine used the dragon's teeth to release a Black magic, using the soul connection between him and his peers, cursed Satan's soul.

Even though he was tortured, Constantine in this world has not forgotten his black magic. When he heard Constantine's He immediately answered the question. He would rather die than continue to be tortured by the devil in this way.

So he cooperated with Constantine's witchcraft to find Satan's soul in Satan's body, and then fought with him..

With Constantine on the side using black magic to assist him, although he can't kill Satan, making the other party uncomfortable is not a problem.

And their ultimate goal is to make Satan's soul change from a hidden state to a visible state, and then let Pie Meng completed the final blow!

Paimeng quickly figured out the whole thing in one second. He couldn't help but secretly praise Constantine. He was quite loyal. The opponent had already exposed his weaknesses, so it would be easier to kill him..........(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Just like killing people, vital parts can cause fatal injuries without much effort.

Paimon didn't mind being dirty, so he immediately grabbed Satan's tongue and pulled out the souls of Constantine and Satan at the same time. Using his other hand as a knife, he quickly swung his eyes and hands to completely separate the tongue from his body.

Satan's weakness, the soul, was now upon this tongue, and his body fell as if it had lost all its splendor.

But the matter is not over yet. Even if the other party only has one tongue left, he still has the ability to regenerate his entire body.

Therefore, Paimon's body's magic power surged, and he opened his mouth so wide that the corners of his mouth were almost split to the back of his head. A beam of energy spurted out, and the string of tongues were involved in it.

Satan screamed,"Constantine!"

"Die with me, you motherfucker!"This was the last roar from Constantine's soul.

It didn't take long for the string of tongues to turn into ashes under the burning magic power.

Poor Satan was killed by Constantine before he even used 100% of his ability. Din was stunned.

Paimon returned to the ground and stared at Constantine with a strange look.

"Why do you look at me like that?"

"Do you know that you just killed not only the demon, but also your peers? Constantine didn't take it seriously:"

I asked him and he said it didn't matter.""

Pamon has to give him a thumbs up, brother, it's you who is the most ruthless!

Farther away, where the old Gotham is, the Justice League has reached the final stage of cleaning up the zombie army.[]

The Flash ran back and forth and finally broke the neck of the last zombie.

He looked at the old bruises in his hands and felt like vomiting.

He and Barry Allen originally worked together to chase the Reverse Flash, but unfortunately he ran faster than the two Flashes and they could never catch him. 2.6 In the end, I didn’t know what Reverse Flash was doing. He suddenly opened a wormhole and went in. Barry Allen, who was closest at the time, followed him in without saying a word.

He originally wanted to go in, but he took a step too late.

Sometimes The Flash is a little helpless. He always takes a step late at critical moments. I don’t know what will happen to Barry Allen this time.

Green Lantern cleared the enemies in the sky and flew back to the ground, landing next to the Flash

"All cleaned up?"

The Flash nodded:"I just ran a full circle to make sure I didn't miss anything. Then he raised his hand and motioned to the blood on his hand with some nausea:"You said, these things won't infect people like in the movies, right?""

Green Lantern glanced at him and shined his light ring on him, causing the Flash to cover his eyes involuntarily.

After a few seconds, he took back the ring:"After scanning with the light ring, no unknown germs were found on your body. At least not now."

The Super Queen fell from the sky and crushed a corpse with her feet. Blood splashed on her long legs, which made her extremely cruel.

"I heard that the bat has been caught. If you have any questions, can you just ask him?".

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