Let's move the time forward slightly. When a series of wars broke out in old Gotham City, the underwater world remained peaceful.

The Justice League did not inform Aquaman Arthur about what happened on the surface because they knew that as the king, he must be very busy now.

And this is indeed the case.

The original Atlantis was a parliamentary system. The king did not need to do everything himself. He only needed to listen to the proposals of the parliamentarian representatives and be a fair referee at critical moments.

Even someone like Arthur Curry, who had never been educated in royal politics, was able to govern the country with the help of Parliament.

To put it bluntly, the king has only a symbolic meaning at this time, which is only slightly stronger than the British royal family.

Orm was one of the few heroes who wanted to take charge of the parliament in the thousands of years of parliamentary system. He could have become the first emperor of the empire like Octavian.

It's a pity that he chose the wrong opponent and fell short.

In this ruined King of AtlantisAmong them, the parliamentary system has long existed in name only.

Apokolips carried out a large-scale purge of the kingdom's top leaders as soon as it attacked the underwater kingdom. Even Arthur in this world could not escape, and other council elders and nobles could not escape.

This has resulted in the current lack of people in Atlantis who can share government affairs, and the king needs to handle everything in detail.

In fact, Arthur regretted it on the first day after Mera left. He knew nothing about government affairs at all!

Fortunately, what Atlantis needs today is not a politician with perfect political performance, but a king who can inspire people. He does a good job at this point.

In addition, the current population of Atlantis has been greatly reduced. If you really have to bite the bullet and manage it, Arthur's prestige can barely support it.

Arthur feels that managing a country is ten times more difficult than going to the battlefield to fight!

He would rather fight a powerful enemy now than bury his head in the documents and not be able to escape.

I don’t know if it was in response to his wish, but a powerful enemy really attacked!

"Your Majesty the King! Enemy attack!"A guard hurriedly entered Arthur's study.

Arthur was immediately overjoyed. He quickly threw away the quill in his hand and pulled out the golden trident inserted beside him.

The whole person instantly changed from sluggish to energetic.

"Where is he!"

As soon as Arthur finished speaking, the whole room suddenly started to shake!

The guard was swaying in the shaking water, and Arthur quickly stabilized his body and held the guard back.

He said to the guard with a serious expression:"You Go and evacuate all civilians!"

The guard nodded quickly, turned and left.

Arthur looked up at the ceiling, suddenly raised his hand, pointed the golden trident upward, and shot out like an arrow from the string, and his hard body penetrated the ceiling like a bullet. , came to the outer waters.

He took a closer look and found an acquaintance

"Superman?"Arthur rubbed his eyes again. This time he could see clearly. Where was Superman? On the other side's chest was a"U, this is Super!"

Speedmaster seemed to hear something. He turned his head, his eyes turned red, and his heat vision shot out directly.

Arthur quickly raised his trident to resist, but was still knocked away by the impact of the heat vision, and his body penetrated several Atlantean underwater buildings.

However, the Speedmaster did not continue to pursue the enemy with one strike. Instead, he turned to other directions and looked around, as if he was looking for something.

Arthur was in the ruins, feeling pain everywhere in his body.

But after all, he was a descendant of Poseidon, so this attack didn't actually hurt his roots.

As an undersea person, especially a descendant of the royal family, his physical strength, endurance, and healing power have been significantly improved in an environment surrounded by sea water.

In other words, in the sea, Arthur is actually very fleshy.

Only Atlantis' special metal refrigeration weapons or underwater technology can harm his body.

But even though his defense was strong, it still hurt when it should, and Arthur didn't like pain.

But now is obviously not the time to care about such things. Speedmaster suddenly attacks Atlantis. As the king, he must protect his people!

Arthur pushed his hands back and rushed out of the building again. The trident pushed forward. The water flow in front separated to the left and right, and the water flow in the back condensed behind him. Not only did it not become a resistance to him, but it helped him swim faster.

Speedmaster saw a cruel smile on his face when he saw that the fishman Neptune still dared to charge towards him.

He quickly ducked sideways to avoid the sharp edge of the trident, and then punched the sea king, knocking him away again.

But this time Speedmaster obviously didn't intend to let him go. He moved forward, caught Neptune before he hit the bottom, and then pulled him back and punched him again.

Arthur was beaten to the point where he was helpless and had stars in his eyes. He was a person who relied on his wild instincts to fight. In terms of fighting skills, he was far behind Orm.

If it weren't for his stronger muscles and better physique, he might not have been his brother's opponent in the showdown on the sea in the"Aquaman" movie.

Now he encounters an enemy with stronger muscles and a more abnormal physique than him. If Arthur doesn't change his mind and fight with his brain, he will be beaten to death by the super master!

Just when Superpower was punching hard one after another, Arthur finally remembered that he still had a magic attack. He grabbed the golden trident and activated the divine power in this weapon. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The divine power turned into lightning and radiated out, hitting Speedmaster with a crackle. Speedmaster's hand went numb, allowing Arthur to escape.


Using the golden trident as the origin, countless lightning bolts suddenly appeared underwater, hitting Speedmaster one after another.

But unlike Superman, Speedmaster's magic resistance is amazing. Even magic lightning will not work for him. It's not painful at all.

But he doesn't have time to struggle with this fishman here. There is no kryptonite in this world. The energy in his body is limited and must not be wasted here.

He plans to fight quickly.

Arthur Seeing the murderous look in the opponent's eyes, he felt something bad in his heart. He regretted why he didn't contact the other teammates in Zhenglian before coming, so that he didn't even have any backup now.

Speedy headed towards Asia with magic lightning. Se rushed over, and Neptune waved his trident, but the edge of the trident was carefully avoided by the other party.

He had high magic resistance, but could not block the edge of the artifact. Speedmaster was still very cautious.

But Arthur played a trick at this time , water-like ripples appeared on the trident. An infrasound wave disturbed Speedmaster's brain and made him uncomfortable, but he was very adaptable. But just after Speedmaster adapted to the infrasound wave, Arthur suddenly converted the sound wave into a high-pitched voice. The powerful sound waves made Supermaster's ears feel as if a full-volume speaker had been inserted into his ears instantly, making his head buzz and his body stiffen for a moment.

Arthur took advantage of this moment to suddenly turn the trident upside down. The halberd was thrust towards Supermaster's chest, like spearing a fish.

Shocked, Supermaster quickly twisted his body, but he only had time to avoid the vital point. His left shoulder was still penetrated directly by the golden trident, bringing out a handful of Blood.

Stimulated by the pain, Speedmaster went crazy. He did not expect that he would be injured by such a fish-man. You must know that the target of Neptune is Neptune, which is a piece of rubbish. Speedmaster asked him to He did whatever he wanted, even asking him to kneel down and lick it, but Sea Overlord had no choice but to do it.

Now in front of his peers, he was actually injured. This was simply a fucking shame!

Super King let out two thick rays from his eyes The heat vision pushed Arthur directly to the bottom of the sea. The heat rays continued to burn Arthur's body. Soon, his recovery ability gradually failed to keep up with the rate of destruction of the heat rays.

But just when Arthur's body was about to be burned through At that moment, the position where Supermaster's body was suddenly lost the sea water, revealing a vacuum area.

Caught off guard, Supermaster's body fell downwards. Although he quickly remembered that he could fly, the heat ray had stopped subconsciously.

Arthur A life was saved.

Speedmaster suddenly looked up and found two"mermaids" controlling the water flow there.

It was Mera who came. The two Meras used water magic at the same time, draining away the water around Speedmaster. Body of water. 900

One of Mera's eyes glowed blue, and he clenched his hands suddenly. Countless tiny water spikes suddenly appeared on the vacuum water wall around Speedmaster, each one as hard as if made of steel.

Originally, Speedmaster could not be afraid In this kind of attack, steel was like paper in his eyes.

But unfortunately, the target of the water thorn was aimed at the wound on Speedmaster's left shoulder, so the blow was successful. Speedmaster looked up to the sky and screamed in pain.

The water After the thorn entered his wound, it turned into thin threads and directly entangled his bones and nerves. The pain was almost like Ling Chi!

In a rage, Speedmaster immediately rushed towards Mera.

Mera, Queen of the Sea, immediately The two of them changed the nature of the seawater in front of them, turning the ubiquitous seawater into as hard and thick as a city wall, making every step forward for the Speedmaster feel difficult.

The injury had a great impact on his combat effectiveness, because Speedmaster is not actually a very brave fighter.

He is not like Batman, who has tried to persist in fighting even when his mental and physical conditions are extremely low. Speedmaster, who is accustomed to fighting in crushing battles, does not know how to stay calm against the odds and endure the pain to continue fighting.[]

Now every time he moved, he could feel the injured muscles screaming, and every painful muscle pull made his spirit become more timid.

What's worse is that he doesn't have kryptonite to replenish energy here, and he doesn't dare to spend the little energy in his body to recover from his injuries. He still has Darkseid's mission to complete.

So after several pulls with the two Meras, Speedmaster decisively pulled back and swam toward a building in a certain direction, directly penetrating it.

Mera didn't know why, but neither of them dared to chase immediately. After all, if you think about it rationally, they were completely inferior to the Speedmaster in terms of hard power.

After Mera, Queen of the Sea, saw Speedmaster leaving, she immediately flew down to check on Arthur's condition.

Mera, on the other hand, was a little suspicious of Speedmaster's purpose. While she quickly contacted Wonder Woman, she carefully followed Speedmaster's direction..

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