The operation to clean up the little demons is going smoothly. As long as their specific locations can be determined, the Justice League can directly carry out precise strikes through the teleportation equipment.

After several days of hard work, the little demons released by Satan were basically eliminated by the Justice League.

Fortunately, the population on the earth is now sparse, and these little devils have not yet posed any major hidden dangers. Humanity can no longer afford another loss.

After all the little devils were cleared away, Dane went to Batman:"Now that your peer has made a mistake, what are you going to do with him?"

"It's not up to us to decide what to do with him."Batman first said a meaningless scene, and then said:"Actually, he didn't cause any irreparable damage. He is still different from Superman."

The only person the Doomsday Batman really wants to hurt is Cyborg, and the one who did it was Reverse Flash.

As long as the anti-life equation is removed from his consciousness, Cyborg will still forgive him, not to mention the relationship between them. The deep comradeship means that the current earth also needs Doomsday Batman.

Dane saw the imprisoned Doomsday Batman in the ordinary prison of the watchtower. He was reading a book inside the glass wall.

Hearing the sound, he raised his head , saw Dane and Bruce.

There was some expectation in his expression:"Darkseid's side...."three seven seven".."

"He is still alive."

When Doomsday Batman heard this, his expression became solemn.

But Dane then said:"But for a long time in the future, he will not care about us anymore, and I have reached some agreements with him. Apokolips will serve the earth for a long time. as compensation."

This is indeed good news. Doomsday Batman's mind is spinning rapidly, but there are pros and cons to this matter. Apokolips' assistance must not be so easy to obtain.

"So the Earth needs you now."

The Doomsday Batman paused. He looked at Dane and found that his expression remained unchanged, still the same as when they first met, making it difficult to see through.

Batman, standing beside him, kept looking at him with a scrutinizing gaze. Staring at Doomsday Batman, as if he is always on guard against him

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"No, but we don’t have a better choice, do we? No one can do this better than you."

Cyborg has almost turned into a cold artificial intelligence. He may be suitable for scientific research or behind-the-scenes work, but he is no longer suitable for dealing with people.

And the Doomsday Flash is barely qualified as a soldier, let alone a politician. Well, this is not his field of expertise.

As for other people on Earth, Amanda and other members of the Sky Eye Society were originally very suitable to preside over the reconstruction of the Earth, but unfortunately, these officials who maintain the normal operation of society and government functions were originally Apocalypse The key target during the interstellar invasion.

And the person who performed the cleaning mission was Superman. There were so many grievances between them that Superman, who was still under control at the time, slaughtered all the high-ranking officials without any mercy.

Now they are waiting for nothing on earth. At this time of prosperity, it is really difficult to find a qualified leader. Unless Batman can rest assured to let Gotham City's original talents take over, those monsters and monsters still have a way of gathering people's hearts.

Talents who have studied at Arkham University Basically, they have listened to Professor Joker's lectures, and they have deep knowledge on how to fool the general public and how to form gangs. They also have a group of rebel fans in their hands.

If the Doomsday Batman does not restrain these people, It won't take long for this group of people to become a separate warlord force, and this time, their footprints will no longer be limited to a small area like Gotham.

Doomsday Batman soon realized this, and therefore he I accepted the job without any objection.

This is exactly what Dane hopes. In the multiverse alliance he envisions, the person in charge of this parallel world is Batman.

As for Superman, he will become their trump card. When necessary, he will be released and used in the name of meritorious service.

Dane believes that compared to Batman, the villains on the earth are more afraid of Superman, who almost wiped out the Zhenglian with one person.

With the previously controlled Conscious experience, Doomsday Batman should be able to understand Superman better, which will be beneficial to their future relationship.

"Now that you have decided, we will let you go after we resolve the hidden dangers."

During the Doomsday Batman's rebellion, he almost didn't hurt anyone except Cyborg. He didn't need to stay in prison to serve his sentence.

Dane turned his palm over, and a white light spot appeared in the middle of his palm. It shone on two Batman gave them a warm feeling in their hearts.

It was as if the shackles on their hearts had been removed.

"so...Is this the end?"

Although he knew that Dane was reliable, Batman still asked subconsciously.

"Is it true? You will know if you try it."Dane said with a smile.

Batman didn't object. This matter is very important and deserves verification.

So he stretched out his hand to Doomsday Batman, who looked more vicissitudes than himself, and the other side also stretched out his hand, and the two of them As soon as they clasped their hands, the flames burned on them instantly.

In just a moment, there was only one Batman left on the scene, and it was Batman with the flames burning above his head.

"How does it feel?"

Batman Storm clenched his fists and felt it, but found no signs of his consciousness being controlled.

So he replied:"It seems that it has been successfully cleared."

There's a clear duet to his voice, but the timbre is the same

"You try to see if you can repair the missing memory." Dane said

"cannot."The combined Batman responded quickly,"Clearing memories does not seem to rely on the ability of the Storm Matrix."

"oh? Dane raised his eyebrows and stretched out his hand,"Can I?""

Batman thought for a while, but did not refuse.

Dane pressed his thumb on the other person's burning forehead, and his consciousness instantly entered the other person's brain. After a while, he retracted his finger.

But his brows furrowed,"That's weird. , it's like it's completely missing."

Dane originally thought that the memory was just fragmented and could be put back together, but now it seems more like it was wiped out and disappeared completely. When

Batman saw this, the fire on his body suddenly lit up again. Flash, separated again and became two people.

As soon as Batman recovered, he said to Doomsday Batman:"Since you have a way to put the Storm Matrix into your body, you should also have a way to take it out."

The reason for the separation was that both of them were instinctively rejecting each other.

Dane was a little surprised:"What do you want to do? Do you want to strip Firestorm of its abilities?"

Faced with Dane's question, Batman nodded. He didn't like superpowers. His thoughts were still the same. He felt that humans should not have superpowers, especially those that are easily out of control.

"Yes, you can, but it can only be peeled off when the storm matrix is ​​complete, and it also needs a carrier."

"Can't we just put it back into Firestorm's body?"

"It is a pity that his body has been damaged in the battle. In other words, if we want to separate the storm matrix, we will have to find a new host for him.."

Batman was a little silent. As one of the hosts of the Storm Matrix, he knew the power of this thing very well. If it was not handled well, it could easily cause big trouble.

To put it bluntly, as long as their bottom line is lower, life is a plaything in their hands.

"Let me tell you, saving the Storm Matrix is ​​actually the best choice for you two. Dane said with a smile.

"Anyway, you are always suspicious. If you put it on someone else, you will still be on guard against it all day long. It is better to keep it yourself.

As long as you are not willing, he will not appear."The"he" here refers to the fusion of the two people.

Doomsday Batman thinks this is a good way, and after experiencing a series of events, he understands the importance of mastering power more than before.

If he had mastered it before As for the Storm Matrix, maybe he wouldn't need to ask the Justice League from the parallel world to help.

But when he saw the distrust in Batman's eyes, he was still a little helpless. Trust, this kind of thing, is very important to build. It is difficult, but it only takes a moment to collapse.

The reason why Batman is eager to peel off the Storm Matrix is ​​because he does not trust Doomsday Batman. This is a ruthless man who even himself is always questioning.

"I understand your concerns, but after all, you also hold half of the Storm Matrix. Only by holding it in your own hands can you best supervise it, right?

Besides, have you forgotten that your main active place is another world, where you are just a passerby?"

Batman was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and his expression was a little dazed. Yes, he actually forgot that this is not his world.

In the future, he and Doomsday Batman will live in two separate worlds, and the Storm Matrix will be with him forever. Without using it for a day, the two of them probably wouldn't have a chance to reunite again.

So he accepted Dane's suggestion and didn't ask for the matrix to be stripped from his body.

But Doomsday Batman was very sensitive to the fact that things were not that simple..Before the Earth can truly be restored to its original order, they obviously still need the help of the Justice League. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The agreement between Apokolips and Earth was made by Dane, and Daksay De must only recognize the strength of Dane. If the Justice League completely leaves the earth in 4.1 and never comes back, Apokolips may return immediately to destroy them.

Considering this, the Justice League It is almost destined to stay in this world. Even if the other party does not stay here for a long time, they will not cut off contact with this world.

Doomsday Batman thought about it and found that they have no right to refuse at all. The world seems to be attached to the Justice League. It has become a foregone conclusion.

But no one else who is still in the joy of victory seems to realize this status quo.

This makes him a little worried.

At this time, Dane grabbed his shoulders and pushed him out of the glass prison

"You just think too much. Do you think the earth is like this? Is there anything worth coveting?

One or two, the persecution paranoia is so serious. This is a disease and must be treated!"

Listening to what he said, Doomsday Batman smiled helplessly. Indeed, as Dane said, with the earth in the shape of a bird now, there are not many places for exploitation. Even Satan opened the door to hell. Only a few little devils came to the earth.

It can be seen that even the hell side is not interested in the current earth, and the Justice League has a normal world as its backing.

Doomsday Batman is worried about this problem, just like a It’s ridiculous for a beggar to worry about rich people taking his job.

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