When the incident has progressed to this point, the biggest crisis on the doomsday earth has basically been solved.

With the Mother Box in hand, Apokolips is now almost equivalent to Dane's back garden. He can go there whenever he wants.

The barrier of Apokolips is useless to him.

Dane was very curious about what Lucifer said about the fleet of the New Founding Star, so he took the time to go to Apokolips again. Unexpectedly, Darkseid didn't stop and started fighting with the fleet of the New Founding Star again.

Because of the lag in intelligence, the fleet of New Founding Star was ambushed by the fleet of Apokolips, resulting in many casualties.

Darkseid's method of reuniting the lost hearts of the New Gods is very simple and crude. He has established a new enemy for the New Gods....It can't be said that they are old enemies.

The new founding star, Apokolips' feud, has gloriously become Apokolips' new target.

Originally, the new founding star came all the way, so logically speaking, he should be at a disadvantage after being ambushed.

However, it didn't take long for them to discover that Apokolips' strength seemed to be declining, which made Heavenly Father determine that Darkseid must have encountered a strong enemy and lost his strength.

After being forced into a state of war, the fleet of New Founding Star simply switched from defense to offense and began to fight with Apokolips.

Both sides had their own strengths and weaknesses, and the fight turned out to be evenly matched.

When Dane came to Apokolips, he found that Darkseid was fighting fiercely with Heavenly Father in the universe, which meant that he could roam freely on Apokolips.

He searched the entire planet and found no trace of Dabarda, but he did find Orion, who was under house arrest01

"You didn't leave?"Dane entered the prison without anyone else.

Darkseid was not here, and no one on the planet could stop him.

Orion seemed a little haggard. He raised his head and found that it was Dane.

"you...What are you doing here again?"

There's something wrong with your attitude. Aren't you with the New Founding Star?

But soon Orion lowered his head again, and he realized that it seemed meaningless to ask these questions.

Dane pointed a finger, and the force that imprisoned Orion was released. The field was destroyed, allowing him to move freely, but the opponent did not move and remained in place.

Dane was a little surprised:"You betrayed the New Founding Star? Planning to hang out with your father?"

"I don't! And he's not my father!"Olian roared angrily, the red light in his eyes flashed away, and a violent aura rushed straight to the sky.

But Dane stretched out his hand a little, and put his fingertips on Orion's forehead, interrupting the other party's spellcasting.

This was from One of the uses learned from the Life Equation can calm down a raging spirit, which is quite similar to a Taoist soothing spell.

After Orion calmed down, he was a little surprised. He quickly said:"What did you just use? It can actually Let me calm down!"

Dane opened his palm, and a light spot appeared. After Orion saw it clearly, he immediately closed it and took back the light spot.

"It’s called the Life Equation, the opposite of your father’s anti-life, and it soothes the spirit. Orion ignored his address to Darkseid, but seemed to want to say something, but hesitated.

Dane said unceremoniously:"This thing is very precious, even I am lucky." You just got it, you don’t want to ask me for it, do you? It seems that our relationship is not as good as this."

Olian lowered his head and said nothing.

Dane rolled his eyes and suddenly said:"Your situation seems not quite right. You almost lost control just now. What happened?"

Olian was a little hesitant. He still couldn't see clearly who Dane was, and they had only been together for a while. Strictly speaking, they had no friendship at all.

The friendship was not deep, so naturally he had reservations.

Dane could see that Overcoming his hesitation, he smiled and said:"Except for your father, I may be the only person in the world who knows how to solve your problems. Are you sure you want to guard against me like this?"

After hearing what he said, Orion thought for a while before telling him about Greer.

"Do you know what that woman's name is?"

Does Darkseid have a daughter?

There seems to be some impression in Dane's mind that she is an illegitimate daughter born from an Amazon female assassin.

Orion shook his head. He only heard the woman call him"brother" at that time. This is just suspicion, but the identity of the other party cannot be confirmed.

However, as a new god who has lived for a long time, Darkseid often conquers the universe and conquers the world. It is normal to have one or two illegitimate children.

Dane doubts That woman was Greer, a key character who set off a big incident. He didn't expect that she would come here without him knowing it.

He knew exactly what the woman was looking for. In the comics, the next host of the ring is a Greer's goal is to steal the ring of a woman named Jessica Cruz

, and then use the power ring to bring the anti-monitor from other universes to her world.

But the material entity of the power ring has long been in Senis was destroyed in the bomb detonated by Tuo, and now only the remnant soul of the evil spirit is left in Dane's hands.

Dane thought that Greer might have come for the ring, but she didn't know that the ring had been destroyed yet. thing.

His mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about what he could do with this matter. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Without the ring of power, Greer could not lure out the anti-monitor at all, so Dai Dai Well, there is no need to worry about this matter for the time being.

He looked at Orion and asked:"Is she still on this planet?"

"If she was smart enough, she would have left long ago."Orian shook his head.

This is true, this woman's goal is to kill Darkseid, and she will not put herself in danger before completing this task.

Dane thought with some fun, according to the comics progress, Greer's plan was successful, and she was indeed the person destined to cause Darkseid's death.

But it was a pity that Darkseid did not die completely, and was later resurrected, even though he had been there for a while. The baby.

Dane returned his attention to Orion:"You should already know by now that the violent power in your body originates from your paternal gene. In other words, it cannot be eliminated, because you You cannot remove your own bloodline."

When Orion heard this, he felt a little depressed.

"Heavenly Father should know this, so he gave you the power of the stars in the first place. His purpose is to help you suppress this violent energy."

Olian raised his head in surprise. He didn't tell Dane that the power of the stars was given by Heavenly Father. How could he know?

Dane ignored his surprise and continued:"There are two ways to solve your problem: First, it is Heavenly Father’s method of giving you a new energy and letting it suppress the energy in your body. The advantage of this method is that it is quick and immediate, but the disadvantage is that it treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

The reason why you can't control your anger and kill people frequently is because the power of the stars has suppressed that energy for too long, so that too much anger has accumulated. Now that the power of the stars has been taken away, the accumulated anger is all gone at once. caused by the outbreak.

The second method is to tame this power with your own willpower. The advantage of this method is that once successful, the power can truly become a part of you. Not only can it completely eliminate hidden dangers, but it can even push your strength to its peak. , even reaching the height of Darkseid is a piece of cake.

As for the shortcomings, you should have felt it. This method is difficult, very difficult. If you suppress it for too long, you will not be able to resist the impact of this violence on your spirit."

Olian's face is changing. Although there are two ways in front of him, he seems to be out of reach now, whether it is a temporary or a permanent solution.

The power that can rival the power of the stars is very precious in the entire universe. That is almost only comparable to the power of power.

Orion believes that if he is willing to return to the New Founding Star, Heavenly Father should be willing to give another power equivalent to the power of the stars.

But now Apokolips is at war with the New Founding Star , due to the conversation with Darkseid some time ago, Orion's faith in the new founding star is now wavering.

Moreover, he has witnessed the disaster that Apokolips has suffered, and it is inevitable that he has some sympathy for the mother star in his heart. Although he has lived on the New Founding Star much longer than Apokolips, it does not mean that he has no feelings for the 600 mother star.

So he really does not want to choose sides at this time. In this way, he will find the Heavenly Father. Naturally, the only way is to rule it out.

Once he accepts the favor of the new founding star, what if the council asks him to participate in the war to attack Apokolips?

Again, Orion does not want to choose sides, and he cannot continue to stay Apokolips, because Darkseid will definitely use him as a weapon and throw him into the battlefield.

When he loses his mind, he can't distinguish between friend and foe. Darkseid is probably very happy to throw him into the army of New Genesis and kill him.

"How about it? Have you made a decision?"Dane looked at him with a half-smile, and this expression made Orion feel slightly moved.

"Now I can't do either of the two methods you mentioned. You shouldn't just have an idea, right? Dane nodded frankly:"Let me tell you the truth, I am very optimistic about your ability and hope to recruit you to join my team.""

"you are right...Justice League? Orion looked at him with a strange look:"You just made a mess on my home planet!""

"Your home planet has done the same to my planet. Dane said unceremoniously, but he changed the topic:"But people always have to look forward. Now your father and I have reached an agreement on this matter, and all the past matters have been wiped out.""

Is it really written off? Orion expressed doubts. After all, New Founding Star and Apokolips had made an agreement at the beginning, but now they are not fighting the same thing?

Dane knew his concerns, but he hugged Orion very familiarly shoulder[]

"We are different from the New Founding Star. Diplomatically and militarily, the Earth is absolutely weak. If Darkseid hadn't been worried about me, he would have used the Earth to burn glass.

So you don’t have to worry about the Earth declaring war on Apokolips like the New Founding Star. We don’t have the ability.

But when you join us, we can help you harness that unbridled power within you, and we're good at it.

And with you here, I believe your father will be more concerned about your face and reduce his targeting of the earth. It is a win-win situation for us!".

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