After completing a circle on Apokolips and confirming that Darkseid had no time to target the earth for the time being, Dane finally felt free.

He introduced Orion to the Justice League. Except for Batman who secretly created a new folder, the other members welcomed his arrival. After all, Dane was the guarantee.

First impression is very important. Although Orion is Darkseid's son, he still looks good as long as he doesn't go crazy.

He is a type that is righteous at first glance. As the heroic unit of the New Founding Star, Orion has always regarded himself as the embodiment of justice, and he has always been strict with himself in accordance with the rules of the New Founding Star.

Although Dane is a little skeptical about the justice of the new founding star, under the deliberate cultivation of his heavenly father, Orion is basically a great young man who understands justice.

Although he killed many people when he went crazy, there were very few good people on Apokolips, and Dane had no interest in being a critical defender, so he basically only had good things to say when introducing Orion to the Justice League.

When Orion saw Clark, he greeted him warmly, which made this big boy from Kansas who had never left the earth feel a little baffled.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you, the person who fought alongside you was not him."Dane said, pulling Orion into the super prison, and saw Superman talking to himself. The

Doomsday Superman in prison uniform was sitting on the bed, giggling, and dancing from time to time.

"What is he doing?"Olian couldn't help but ask.

He thought he was the only one suffering from mental problems, but now it seems he has a fellow patient!

Apokolips is really poisonous.

Dane didn't know what was going on in his heart, so he pinched his hands and chanted a curse , Orion's eyes slightly lit up with two magical lights, he was stunned for a moment, and then he said in surprise:"A dead soul?"

He has a lot of knowledge and can see that Louise is just a ghost.

Dane nodded and said with some emotion:"That woman is his wife. Before the invasion of Apokolips, Darkseid used a conspiracy to make Superman lose. Reason, and accidentally killed her by mistake. Louise was still pregnant with their child at the time."

Olian's body shook and he became a little silent.

Dane noticed his appearance and smiled slightly in his heart.

He deliberately brought Orion here to see Superman, because Orion and Superman have similar problems now. If Orion Without trying to solve the problem of being unable to control himself, one day in the future, he may make the same mistake as Superman.

This gives Orion a sense of urgency. When he loses his mind, no one knows what will happen to him.

Originally he wanted to chat with Superman, but now he was too preoccupied to have that intention.

Dane led him into the room specially prepared for him in the watchtower. Before leaving, he whispered:"Grid , remove all monitoring"

"OK, sir."

A slight response appeared in the void, the volume was very low and almost inaudible.

If Orion had paid more attention, he should have been able to hear it, but he was so preoccupied that he didn't notice it at all.

Return to the hall , the two Batmans didn't know what they were discussing in front of the console.

Seeing Dane come back, Batman said:"He is Darkseid's son.

Dane nodded:"He just introduced himself, you don't need to say it again." Batman frowned and emphasized:"There is still a power within him that he cannot control." Dane nodded again:"

He also said this." Batman raised his voice:"Since you know everything, you should know very well that he is very dangerous!""

"Then you can't spy on someone on the first day and leave him with no privacy at all, right?"

There are tiny cameras everywhere in Orion's room. It's not clear whether he knows about Dane, but Dane can see it clearly.

This is not the way to treat guests.

"Since he is in such danger, he should be monitored at all times to prevent him from suddenly losing control."

On this point, Doomsday Batman and his peers have the same opinion. In the face of possible harm, personal privacy is nothing. Batman is best at digging into other people's privacy. Otherwise, how would he find the other person? What about the weakness?

The other members didn't comment on it. They knew too little about Orion, but since Dane decided to bring him in, they wouldn't oppose it even if they didn't support it.

"Although Orion is the son of Darkseid, he grew up on the New Founding Star. He received a decent education, is upright, and is willing to make his own contribution to the cause of justice.

I think you shouldn't be biased against him because of his origins"

"I agree!"Plastic Man blurted out that before he decided to become a superhero, he was actually a thief, so he believed that the prodigal son would never pay for his return.

But Batman obviously wouldn't care about his opinion. Plastic Man and Orion are still different in nature. The other party is not only He's an alien, and he's Darkseid's biological son, his biological son!

"I don't care about his background, but the power inside him is a time bomb!"

Batman was very insistent, not insisting on driving Orion out, but insisting on conducting necessary surveillance on him, even if this would make the other party very unhappy.

His eyes glanced at the Super Queen covertly, and only Dane saw this glance. , he knows what Batman means

"Some people are hard-wired."

Although Super Queen works under the umbrella of the Justice League, she herself is outside the alliance and is always separated from others. The reason is that the purpose of Super Queen's good deeds is not to support the ideal of justice. , just because this will make Dane happy, she is still essentially a militant murderer.

Batman will not ignore this just because she is killing bad guys now.

This shows the difference between him and Dane, Batman always cares about the purity of the League, from thoughts to actions, and strictly requires everyone not to make mistakes.

He believes that the Justice League cannot make mistakes.

But Dane can tolerate imperfect people, because he knows that no one can make mistakes. (accg) is flawless, and neither is Batman.

"Everyone deserves a chance, Bruce, you're stretching yourself too thin. Batman pursed his lips:"I just think that what the earth needs now is stability.""

"But the world is not stable. Dane sighed, the DC world has nothing to do with stability.

"I understand your concerns, don't worry, I can solve the madness in his body."

I believe that Orion will actively cooperate. Compared to Batman, he is actually the one who is most afraid of losing control.

This time the Apokolips battle has come to an end for the time being, although there are still many things to do in the follow-up. But they are all long-term and slow tasks, and there is no rush.

Dane can finally rest, but when night falls, he knows that it is too early for him to rest. At nightfall, Diana puts the truth rope around Dane En, his tone was a bit dissatisfied

"You lied to me again. You clearly said you were just going to investigate, but you ended up doing everything by yourself! Dane was tied up and could only explain in good words:"The plan is a plan, but there is an accident like Batman. I think we should be grateful for this. If you are not here, the earth will probably be invaded by Daksai." Germany successfully hijacked..."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Diana exerted force on her hands and pulled Dane's body in front of her.

She pushed with both hands, and Dane lay on his back. Looking sideways, half of the earth's outline shone outside the floor-to-ceiling window, like a sapphire.

Dane suddenly realized that Diana's accusation was false. She was clearly looking for an excuse to"punish" him!

Diana opened her long legs and sat directly on Dane, grabbing the mantra rope with one hand as if grabbing the reins.

Then Dane watched helplessly as she disarmed little by little. Her lowered eyes were extremely arrogant, like a queen.

Dane said helplessly:"You want to play like this?"

"This time, I'm going to be on top, so don't move!"

Dane gestured to the mantra cord on his body, indicating that he couldn't move it at all. In fact, the mantra cord has no meaning to him now. It's just like a small prop, which can only be used to add some fun.

He knows Diana She is still a little angry in her heart. As a strong Amazon warrior, it has always been a knot in her heart that she cannot face strong enemies with the people she likes. Rather than being angry with Dane, it is better to say that she is angry with herself for being weak.

Yes. Therefore, Dane had no good way to solve the problem. He could only use his strength to prevent her from thinking about these troubles.

After a round of damage, Diana did not know when to switch from offense to defense, and the reins that were originally on Dane were Now it's on her.

She turned her head, her face flushed. Although she had been defeated again, she still said stubbornly:"I'm not convinced!"

I know you're not convinced, so if you don't give in, I won't stop!

Dane worked hard. Although the sound insulation here is good, Dane still set up a silent barrier. Today, it seems that Diana is going to They fought him to death.

So until dawn, Diana was a little confused, but Dane didn't stop yet!

Her voice almost became hoarse:"You...You are a monster!"

Dane slapped her, and Diana finally couldn't hold on anymore, so she fell down!

Dane followed up with victory!

The earth circled outside the window again, and Diana was exhausted and finally fell asleep.

Dane wiped There was some non-existent sweat on his forehead, and he couldn't help but secretly complained that it would be fine if he could do this kind of thing for an hour or two, but if it lasted longer than that, he would really just feel numb.

He was not in a hurry to find Mera. , but lay down the same way, hugged Diana and fell asleep together.

Early the next morning, Diana was woken up by the sunlight outside the window.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a messy scene, and even the mantra rope became wet..Click.Click.

Recalling what happened yesterday, Diana was still frightened. She almost thought she would die on the bed.

If that happened, she might become the first person to die on the bed in the history of Paradise Island. Warrior, I don’t know if she will become a laughing stock.

But the recovery power of demigods is extremely strong. Yesterday she seemed to be dying, but today she has become energetic.

Diana looked at the man on the pillow , pressing a gentle kiss on his face..

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