Wonder Woman appeared in high spirits in front of everyone and received many looks of ridicule or envy.

Poison Ivy, who has become very familiar with the Justice League these days (Poison Ivy in the current parallel world, short hair) quietly pulled her over and chatted aside.

After a while, a burst of exclamation came from

"Is it that exaggerated? a whole day? Why not?"Poison Ivy swore that she really only asked this question with the mentality of an academic discussion, and there was absolutely no other meaning, um.

Vixen and Dr. Light Kimiyo showed a meaningful smile on their faces, but Diana did not She didn't think there was anything to be embarrassed about. Westerners were very open-minded in this regard.

She nodded immediately and said to Poison Ivy:"He is really great, I almost died!""

Poison Ivy was secretly stunned. Even the demigod Wonder Woman could say this. That"strength" is very strong. To be honest, Poison Ivy also wanted to try the feeling of dying, but there is no such thing among humans. She can fall in love with men.

Over the years, she has only sparred with the female warriors of Paradise Island. She is an old lady.

But if it is a special situation, she is not incapable of adapting. Her principles are very flexible.

Poison Ivy Before she gained the ability, she was a very studious female student, so she, Vixen, Kimiyo and others humbly asked Diana for advice.

Dane felt very strange, doesn't the secret of this kind of thing lie in men? What do you mean by asking her for advice? She is very good!

Shouldn't she come to me?


While several girlfriends were chatting enthusiastically about some inappropriate things for children, the Super Queen snorted coldly and walked outside without saying anything.

She was very annoyed. She had been lusting after Dane's body for a day or two. , but was guarded by Wonder Woman every day.

You are a great palace! As for showing off in front of my mother?

Poison Ivy saw the Super Queen leaving and the displeasure on her face, and she couldn't help but feel sad A hint of gossip.

Strictly speaking, she is actually closer to the Super Queen. After all, the two of them have a lot in common. For example, they are not good people, but it is difficult to say that they are completely bad people. They are half a bucket of water. , neither up nor down.

But before she could follow, she saw that Dane had walked in the direction of the Super Queen.

Poison Ivy was surprised, brother, are you too anxious? Point?

She quickly looked back at Wonder Woman and found that she didn't seem to pay attention to the situation here. She was still chatting with the vixen Kimiyo. The car was going very fast. Poison Ivy felt the wind on her nose whistling by the speed of the car. It almost rubbed her.

Didn't she see it? Poison Ivy was a little suspicious, but suddenly she seemed to have thought of something, and she felt like she suddenly realized it.

Wonder Woman seemed to be no match for Dane, so she deliberately let it go and wanted others to share the burden. Firepower?

Diana didn't know that Poison Ivy had so much inner drama. Of course she saw the little moves between the Super Queen and Dane, and she was not blind.

As for why she let it go, she could tolerate other women, so why couldn't she tolerate the Super Queen? ?

It’s just that the previous Super Queen really made her look down on her. She was just a murderous maniac. She guarded the other party tightly. In fact, she essentially wanted to reverse her weird personality. The

Super Queen did not underestimate her strength. As a human being, if she doesn't change this problem, she might cause some trouble in the future.

If Wonder Woman's fans know this, they might be heartbroken. The goddess in their minds can actually do it. What kind of spirit is it to do this for a man and personally help him train and train the harem?

Greatness cannot be described, it has to be called self-dedication.

After Diana's painstaking correction, the super-queen's attitude towards life is There has been a big change, at least she will not show her contempt at every turn. As for the heart, it is not something that Diana can change. The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

The super queen's arrogance comes from the heart , this is her personality and her charm. No one can suppress this pride, not even Wonder Woman.

Perhaps only in front of Dane will the Super Queen obey from the heart.

After thinking about this, Diana no longer demanded so much from the Super Queen.

Not only did the Super Queen bother with her discipline, but Diana was equally annoyed with her discipline, so she simply left it to Dane to handle.

This was also Thanks to the foundation laid by the big stallion Zeus, Diana was very open-minded about this kind of thing. She didn't want to be as jealous as the Queen Hera.

Moreover ,...

Although Diana was very tough-talking, she really needed someone to help share the firepower. What happened yesterday left her still frightened, and it was really too much for her to do it alone.

The reason why I targeted the Super Queen before was that besides wanting to correct her character, the most important reason was to tell the Super Queen in this way and let her distinguish between the big and small kings....

The Super Queen came outside the watchtower. She was not wearing any equipment and was directly exposed to the starry sky, allowing countless cosmic rays to shine on her.

She knew that Dane was following behind her, so she glanced back from the corner of her eye without leaving a trace. When she saw Dane walking out of the hatch, she immediately jumped up and flew towards the earth.

What could Dane do? Of course he could only keep up.

And he knew very well that the Super Queen did this intentionally, and he also knew that Diana deliberately indulged herself.

He sighed secretly. It was probably going to be another hard battle tonight. He hoped that the Super Queen would not be as tough-talking as Diana, otherwise it would be very boring 24 hours a day.

Duration does not equal quality. No matter how good a movie is, no one will watch it for 24 hours, right? Not eating or drinking. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A good movie usually lasts two or three hours. Even if some plots are not finished in one go, it can’t be divided into two episodes. If it lasts, it will be divided into three episodes: upper, middle and lower. It became a series.

But one episode of the series only lasts more than 40 minutes, and there is an intermission. There is no break in the movie, and the emotions are not coherent when leaving the scene in the middle.

Dane never likes incoherence, he always does it in one go. Many times the movie ends and he still has Easter eggs, and often more than one Easter egg.

When he came to the ground, Dane took a look. This seemed to be a base for the resistance.

There is a large ancient Roman-style Colosseum in the middle of the base. The reliefs on the walls are very Greek-style. This is obviously the work of the Amazon of Paradise Island. Dane often runs there, so it is easy to see.

At this time, there were several Amazons guarding the venue. They seemed to know the Super Queen.

"Go down and don't let anyone disturb us!"

The Super Queen has a very high status here. Under her order, all the Amazons left immediately, but some warriors still looked at Dane with curious eyes, feeling that he was different from other men.

Wait until the entire battle field Only Super Queen and Dane were left, and he smiled and said:"What? You want to fight me?"

0 Request for Flowers. The Super Queen has no nonsense. She kicks off her two long legs that are not inferior to Wonder Woman. The ground explodes and cracks open. At the same time, it gives the Super Queen super acceleration.

These long legs The identity is still very high, and Reporter Man's figure is not bad, but compared with the Super Queen who is almost perfect like a supermodel, there is no comparison at all. The

Super Queen quickly soars into the air at extremely fast acceleration. She jumped, allowing her to rush in front of Dane in less than a second. She raised her hand and punched Dane, and her fist pointed directly into Dane's eyes. It seemed that she had no intention of showing mercy at all.

But Dane was faster than She was faster. He tilted his head slightly, avoiding the front of the most powerful part of his fist, and gently pinched the Super Queen's wrist with his fingers.

The position of his pinch was just right, like pinching the seven inches of a snake, making Super Queen The Queen's forearm suddenly lost its strength.[]

Then he calmly turned around, pinched the Super Queen's wrist with one hand, and turned his back to the Super Queen's body in the air. With a move of his fingers, the Super Queen flew directly out with the inertia of the forward motion and crashed into the wall of the Colosseum.

In the smoke, a shining golden rope flew out. It was a surrender rope. The rope covered with thorns itself could also be used as a long whip and used as a main battle weapon.

The rope of submission cuts in the air, making a horrifying sound. When wielding a weapon like a whip, the tip is the most dangerous part, causing bones to break and iron to break.

But Dane stretched out his hand directly to meet the attack of the submission rope, and the top of the rope hit his forearm, making a"snap" sound, but it did not cause any results.

Dane then reached down and grabbed the submission rope, letting the freely flying tip wrap around his arm.

The Super Queen planted her feet on the ground and leaned back completely, trying to resist Dane's power and fight with him.

Dane felt that she seemed a little emotional. Is this a fight? I'm embarrassed to crush you.

So he wrapped the rope around his arm bit by bit like a kite, and the super queen's feet pushed out two ditches on the ground like an old ox plowing the ground.

Not to mention she was just a super queen, even if she had a cruise ship on her back, Dane could easily and happily drag her in front of him.

Just when the two people's positions became close, the Super Queen suddenly stretched out her hand. Due to the accumulation of a large amount of elastic potential energy, Dane's arm swung back with force.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Super Queen jumped directly onto Dane's body, wrapped her arms around his head, and locked her two long legs around his waist.

Just when Dane was thinking about whether she was going to pierce her ears or hurt someone with her glare, he suddenly felt something on his mouth. He squirted and something went into his mouth.

The enthusiasm of the Amazons seems to be the same whether it is Paradise Island or Alcatraz Island.

Dane knew that this battle could not go on, and the Super Queen opened up a new battlefield.

After a long time, the Super Queen raised her head, with a flame in her eyes, bold and direct

"Today, you are mine!"

It's not easy to meet a man who completely agrees with her. The super queen will not let go. She will deal with this man today!

Dane feels strange in his heart. He feels that there seems to be a mistake in the role positioning of the two. , why do you all like to go up there?

Taxis are very tiring up there!.

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