When Poison Ivy returned from the watchtower, she found a group of Amazon warriors gathered in front of the arena's gate, each of them stretching their necks to look inside.

She was a little curious, so she shouted:"What are you doing?"

The Amazon warriors seemed to be startled. They turned around and looked over with pairs of beautiful eyes:"Sister! You are back!"

As mentioned before, Poison Ivy The female subordinates have many remaining warriors from Paradise Island.

Even though Wonder Woman is back, these female warriors still feel the kindness of Poison Ivy and stay at her base to continue working.

Moreover, the Amazons who have experienced the war of genocide now question the concepts of"love" and"peace" on Paradise Island. Their efforts failed to change the disaster of the destruction of their homeland. Therefore, many young female warriors feel that their style should Tougher.

Poison Ivy's style is more in line with the expectations of these Amazons, so many people believe in her.

As for the Super Queen, she is so tough that she can almost be called arrogant.

For the original Amazon warriors, it is estimated that only a few people would like this style, but for the current Amazons, the super queen's character is just right for them.

Compared to her, Wonder Woman, who still adheres to Amazon's orthodoxy, is slightly inferior to the Super Queen in terms of reputation. This is why the Super Queen can give orders here.

Her character is more in line with the current taste of Amazon warriors.

Diana is trying to think of ways to correct the concepts of these little sisters. She is very persistent in this, especially being compared to the super queen makes her a little unhappy.

"What are you looking at here? Poison Ivy said and squeezed into the crowd.

"The Super Queen just brought a man back, and they are inside now!"An Amazon warrior explained to Poison Ivy with some excitement caused by some unknown reason.

"man?"Poison Ivy quickly realized that they were talking about Dane Davis. It turned out that they were here.

"Are they the only two inside?"


The Amazons are also women who love gossip. They all poked their heads and chirped, guessing what the Super Queen and the man were doing inside.

Although the arena is used for combat training and duels, it is very large, and in the audience There are many rooms under the seat, and the Super Queen's temporary residence is here.

So these young Amazons are gossiping, is the Super Queen fighting with that man, or is it"fighting"?

One by one Guessing around, I don’t know how many people had a lot of realistic movie and TV scenes in their minds, and their faces were very red.

Poison Ivy also listened curiously, but there were too many noises around, and she couldn’t hear clearly.

But also There was no sound of fighting inside. Logically speaking, if there was a sparring inside, there would be a lot of noise.

Because the two of them are extremely powerful types, a mere fighting arena may not be enough for them to tear down. of

"I'll go in and take a look!"Hearing the gossip around her, Poison Ivy had to admit that she was also curious. As for what she was curious about, she was probably the only one who knew

"Can we go in?"An Amazon warrior asked quickly.

But Poison Ivy took on the airs of being a leader at this time. She said solemnly and seriously:"You guys stay here, you can't go in, and you can't let anyone else in!"

Hearing this, the Amazons around them all had expressions on their faces that said,"I didn't expect you, leader, to be such a person." Privately, Poison Ivy has a very good relationship with them.

After all, she is a well-hidden lesbian. , very know how to cherish the beauty of women.

Ignoring everyone's rolling eyes, Poison Ivy walked into the arena alone. The

Amazons outside the door followed the rules and did not sneak in. At this point, the Amazons did better than all the gossip lovers. It's all good, they still have principles.

After entering, Poison Ivy first discovered that a piece of the wall in the arena was damaged. This damage was not there when she left. She guessed that it was left by Super Queen and Dane..

Were they really just sparring just now?

Poison Ivy didn't know if it was disappointment or something, the expression on her face was hard to see clearly.

But what about the people?

Poison Ivy looked around and didn't find the two people.

She had an idea. , continued walking forward, and came to the other end opposite the door, where the Super Queen lived.

As soon as she walked into the passage, she heard a vague voice, which sounded like pain, like pleasure, and sometimes High, sometimes low, although the tune is tuneless, it is full of emotion.

This tone is very familiar to Poison Ivy, it is the voice of a super queen.

Two clusters of blush rose on Poison Ivy's green face. She is not a little girl. Having eaten pork and seen pigs running, of course she knew what the two people inside were doing.

Sure enough, as she thought, there was something going on between the Super Queen and Dane.

But Poison Ivy didn't know if Diana knew about it. She was thinking at this time, should she leave here?

The Super Queen's voice made her heart a little restless, as if grass was growing in her heart.

Suddenly, the voice inside stopped.

Poison Ivy thought it was over, quietly He breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to turn around and leave.

But then a voice came from inside:"There seems to be someone outside? Dane

's speechless voice sounded:"Is this weird?" The place you choose"

"No, I mean, someone I know well."Super Queen's voice was different from before. It seemed a little gentler. Poison Ivy, a woman, couldn't help but feel a little weak after hearing this.

Unlike Wonder Woman, on this battlefield where Super Queen had no experience at all, she He was defeated very quickly, but also obeyed very quickly.

Dane secretly sighed in his heart, men still have to work well, and they must be strong in all aspects. In this way, they will naturally be in a high position in the relationship between the sexes and receive positive feedback from the woman..

Dane didn't say anything. He thought that Super Queen meant to stop. He didn't care. He had always controlled his desires well and could control them.

Super Queen felt deeply, so when she felt Dane When she wanted to withdraw her troops, she acted quickly and regained her position.

After a while, she squinted her eyes and raised her head in intoxication.

Dane didn't understand what she meant. Do you also want to show off?

The super queen calmed down for a while, Say,"Do you want her to come in?"

She looked like the depraved Lilith now. Dane suddenly felt that the super queen's brain circuit might be able to chat with that little lunatic Harley.

Dane turned on the perspective and saw the person outside the door. It's Poison Ivy. I can't help but raise my eyebrows, thinking of the sweet Poison Ivy in his family.

Although long hair looks better, short hair seems to have its own characteristics. 0...

"How about it? do you want?"The Super Queen shook. Dane took a breath and almost restarted the fight.

"Don't mess around. Shouldn't this matter be decided by the parties concerned? It's not you who has the final say."

Super Queen heard Dane's subtext and rolled her eyes at him. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then she saw that Super Queen Biao was so helpless that she shouted directly at the door:" Poison Ivy, come in quickly!"

After Poison Ivy finished listening to the whole story, the blush on her face became more and more intense, and soon her whole face turned green and rosy.

But she actually listened to the Super Queen's words and opened the door. Went in.

Dane felt a little dazed. Such an expression had not happened to him for a long time.

Could this be a bit casual?

The Super Queen turned to face Dane as if she had used an electric light dragon diamond:"Dear Yes, this is the end of the world, there is not so much to pay attention to. Dane turned his head, regardless of his current state, and looked at Poison Ivy: Is that so?

Poison Ivy became much calmer after coming in. She is the leader of a base, and she is not a shy little girl. She is generous at this time. He glanced at Dane's weapon with a look of wonder in his eyes. It was indeed extraordinary.

What happened next fell into place. What happened in the room was unknown to the Amazons outside the door. They only knew that they were outside the arena. They kept watch until late in the morning.

In the end, only Dane came out.

Facing the unclear looks in the eyes of the Amazon warriors, he was not a bit shameless, but he couldn't help but still recalling the charming scene just now in his mind.

He was a little bit He was amazed, who would have thought that Poison Ivy would face real swords and guns for the first time.

At that time, he was curious and asked, only to find out that Poison Ivy had only fought friendly battles with the Amazons.

He had It was a sudden realization. No wonder this car felt like a 95-year-old car when driving. It turned out to be a top-of-the-line new car!

After about two hours, Super Queen and Poison Ivy walked out of the arena together.[]

Even though Super Queen is physically stronger than Poison Ivy 5.0, she actually didn't last as long as Poison Ivy who first entered the battle, which was somewhat embarrassing to the Amazons.

But she doesn't realize that she is a good person, and the more good she is, the more playful she becomes.

The Super Queen's eyes lit up when she saw Old God Dane sitting where Poison Ivy usually sat. She didn't care about how many people were present and sat directly on Dane's lap.

He kissed Dane hard on the face and said with a hint of aftertaste,"You are awesome. That stinky woman was right. I almost didn't wake up."

Dane glanced at her and said, I was quite speechless. This woman was not an ordinary tiger. How could she say such a thing so openly?

The surrounding Amazons were not fools, and the Super Queen's language was not subtle either. Their cheeks were slightly red, but they looked at Dane boldly and fervently.

Dane felt those sights as if they were real, almost roasting him.

In the end, it was Poison Ivy who helped him out. She waved her hand and told everyone to get out.

Then walked up and sat on the other side of Dane, opposite the Super Queen

"From today on, I am yours, and everything about me is yours, including this base and everyone in this base."

Poison Ivy smiled slightly, she was completely conquered..

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