After completing the double kill, Dane left the base feeling refreshed. He chose to turn a blind eye to the Amazon warriors who looked at each other with different expressions.

He couldn't do it anymore, he would make him vomit if he did it again, and Dane felt that he had to take a breather.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that my body can't bear it, it's mainly that I've done too much in the past two days and I feel a little tired mentally.

Although all kinds of knowledge are used, the movements that the human body can make are limited after all, and it only takes a complete set.

Although the Super Queen proposed at the time that she wanted to play something more exciting, but those who were a little curious, Dane was a traditional person and did not agree.

After walking out of the base, Dane felt that he had to take a break before looking for Mera. He had been working on the bed for the past two days, which was not good.

So he went to another ground base and found Barry Allen there.

Ever since Reverse-Flash died at his hands, he had been acting preoccupied, and Dane felt it was time to play the role of a confidant.

On the training ground at the base, Barry Allen stared at the ground blankly, his mind completely empty.

This training ground is a huge runway. Both ends of the runway penetrate the two gates of the base and extend far away.

Its two ends are connected to two old disjoint highways, which have been abandoned long after the earth's civilization was destroyed by Apokolips.

But these two highways run through tributaries and divergences of other highways across the United States, generally connecting the United States together.

Although it cannot be compared with the High-speed Spider Web 04 of the Infrastructure Maniac, it is still a very good transportation network.

Barry Allen and Doomsday Flash usually use this track to run away from each other and into the two highways at the end to warm up.

Moreover, when running on the highway, he will pass by some resistance bases. Before the earth's communication network is restored, the Flash collects intelligence from various bases in this way and summarizes it into Batman's hands.

This is why the major bases are spread out so widely, but Batman still knows them well.

After Barry Allen came to this world, he also started working as Hermes (the messenger god in Greek mythology) under the leadership of The Flash.

Now the earth's communication network has only been partially restored with the help of the Justice League. After all, this is an infrastructure project that requires a lot of manpower and material resources. There is no rush, so the bases still need messengers and the Flash.

But Barry Allen has been a little absent-minded recently. The Doomsday Flash has already set off, but Barry is still here and doesn’t know what he is thinking.

"What are you thinking about?"

Barry's thoughts were interrupted by a sudden voice. He looked up and found that Dane was walking over in regular clothes, with a bottle of water in his hand, which was high in sugar.

For ordinary people, this kind of drink is somewhat unpleasant. Too healthy, but just right for energy-guzzler Barry

"Thanks."Barry was not polite and took the drink, but he was not in a hurry to drink it.

"Are you having troubles recently?"Dane took the initiative to open the topic.

The expression on Barry's face was complicated, as if he was hesitant to speak.

"You know, Barry, if you have any difficulties, you can talk to me and I will help you in any way I can."

Barry thought about his father's case and academic matters, which were all handled by Dane. A grateful smile appeared on his face, and he let go of his guard and told Dane about his recent troubles.

"It's Reverse Flash, and the words he said recently keep echoing in my head."

"Can I just ask what he said?"

"It's about my mother."Barry has nothing to hide. After all, Dane helped his father recover his innocence and has a certain understanding of his mother's murder case.

Barry clenched his fists and began to lose control of his emotions.

"Reverse Flash, that guy...He said, he said my mother was killed by him!"

There was no expression of surprise on Dane's face. He had known about it for a long time, and he knew more.

On the day Barry's mother was murdered, there was not only the murderer, but also the Flash, and even DC circles. A famous meme.

No one could count how many Flashes were in the room that day.

"Your father has been cleared of his crimes, and you killed an enemy not long ago. Logically speaking, you should be able to let it go."

"I know...I know..."Barry lowered his head, his tone a little frustrated:"But my dad has been in prison for too long, and he has lost a period of time that can never be recovered. And I killed Reverse Flash, but what's the use? Mom can't come back...."

Dane vaguely smelled something bad. He turned his head and looked at Barry carefully.

Barry Allen was a little uneasy when he looked at him, so he had to lower his head deeper.

Dane slowed down his tone and continued:"Barry, the dead are gone, but the living still have to move forward. Everything in the past has made you who you are now. What are you denying? What are you hesitating about?"

Barry hesitated. After a while, he finally said what he had been thinking about recently:"Dane, I...I have an idea, since Reverse Flash can use the Speed ​​Force to travel through time, does that mean that I can too?"

He was a little cautious when he said this. In fact, Barry could also think of the risks of traveling through time. He had seen many movies about the butterfly effect and knew that it was easy to change the established history accidentally.

But at the same time, he could not restrain himself. Thinking about this, especially after learning from Reverse-Flash that he was so insane that he was murdering his mother in every parallel world, Barry wanted to go to those worlds and kill every Reverse-Flash.

Dane Without speaking, he was thinking. According to his understanding of time, what happened on the same timeline is actually irreversible, because the existence of the grandfather paradox will make any attempt to modify history evolve towards the known history.

Of course he understood what Barry was saying. He wanted to travel back in time and save his mother.

This is human nature. It is impossible for ordinary people to have this opportunity to save relatives who have been dead for many years, but Barry's opportunity is right here. In front of him, he has it at his fingertips.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for him not to think more.

Despite this, Barry is also worried about the impact his actions will have on the world, so he is hesitant. Recently, even doing serious things has become boring..The

Speed ​​Force is an evil thing, and ordinary physical laws cannot act on it at all. So, can the normal rules and paradoxes of space and time prevent the Speed ​​Force from tampering with history?

《"The Flashpoint Paradox" has told Dane that the principle of time is bullshit in the eyes of the Speed ​​Force, just let it rub it.

This is also a manifestation of the extremely buggy ability of The Flash. His existence itself has the ability to modify the timeline and history. You must know that many famous gods do not have such strength.

Even the God of Time cannot modify the timeline at will like The Flash. After all, gods exist based on rules and beliefs, and are not as omnipotent and arbitrary as most people think.

"Barry, your ideas are dangerous, have you ever considered that if you changed the history of your mother's death, you probably wouldn't become the Flash.

Moreover, the working principle of time is different from what you think. It is not a single line. A small jump on your timeline may result in countless branches of time. I believe you can understand the risks involved."

Barry lowered his head when he heard this.

Seeing him like this, Dane couldn't say any harsh words. Although Barry is an adult, mentally, he is still a college student who has not left school.

Students of this age are sensitive. , prone to random thoughts, and he is not the heartless character of Plastic Man.

So he slowed down his tone

"Barry, I'm not blaming you. I can understand your desire to save your mother. I just hope that you will think more about the consequences before making a decision, so that you will not regret it when you cause a big disaster."

Dane, who is familiar with the plot, naturally knows what kind of disaster he will cause if he does this, but he doesn't know which version of the disaster it is.

"I.173..I know."Barry became more careful, and he said tentatively:"I was just thinking, what if I don't change my timeline? If all I changed was the history of another parallel world, wouldn't it be okay?"(To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dane frowned slightly:"But what's the point of doing this? Even if you try your best to save Nora (Barry's mother) and change her destiny, so what? Can you replace your peers and enjoy maternal love?"

Barry quickly shook his head and waved his hands:"No, I don't have such an idea....I just...I just want to create a world where my mother is still alive, as long as I can see her occasionally..."

Dane felt a little soft when he saw his eyes were blank and he was mumbling to himself, but this matter was not as simple as Barry imagined.

If Barry really saves Nora's fate in other worlds, there is no guarantee that he will not interfere in other parallel worlds.

In the end, it is very likely that like Reverse Flash, he will be lost in the vast forest of the multiverse and become a shadow chasing the past.

And once Barry gets a taste of it, it's hard to argue that he won't be dissatisfied with his current situation.

Dane never raises a person's moral standards, even superheroes. They also have human shortcomings. The Flash created"Flashpoint Paradox" for his own selfish reasons.

He may not have expected that his actions would have such a huge impact on the world, but he should have thought about the losses of doing so and considered them acceptable.

From this point, it can be seen that Batman always questions the correctness of his teammates because they don't know when big news will come out.

Even if these people finally made efforts to remedy the situation and finally wiped their butts clean, it is still undeniable that they are actually unstable.

There is such a thing as ability, but not using it requires extremely high levels of restraint and wisdom.

At present, in the entire Justice League, it is estimated that only Batman can do this, because he does not even trust himself..

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