This conversation did not untie Barry's knot. His mother's death and his father's unjust imprisonment were the eternal pain in Barry's heart. Others may be able to relate to this pain, but it can never eliminate the impact.

He can only pass this level by himself.

Dane never thought of telling anyone else about this, especially Batman. He already had too many things to be wary of, so it would be better to reduce his burden a little bit.

Thinking like this, Dane suddenly realized that he should make some arrangements in advance, so that if one day in the future Barry really breaks the paradox and changes history, he will not be completely unprepared.

Nowadays, Dane's powers are complex, but they have been roughly classified.

His strength basically comes from the magic side, with the power of God as the main body and divided into three major powers.

One is the power of the God of Death, which is mainly based on the gift of life given to him by"Death". This is the ability to completely control, transform and shape the soul, which is similar to the ability of the real person in"Spell Return". Different approaches but similar results.

However, Dane's ability is much stronger than that of a real person. Under normal circumstances, he can do things that the other party needs to activate the realm of life.

But the premise is that Dane must switch his body to the body of Death. In Shazam and Zamsha mode, he can only use the power of Death to a limited extent.

The second is the power of the dream god. This power is obtained from the dream demon Morpheus, which allows Dane to control the ability of inspired dreams. Talented people will enter this dreamland when their inspiration bursts most intensely.

Dane and Cortana were able to collect the whimsical ideas of these geniuses in their dreams, allowing all the heroes in the world to fall into their captivity.

The only thing that made him feel inconvenient was that the inspiration of these geniuses was divergent, extended, and even disordered. They rarely focused on a certain topic, so Dane or Cortana needed to sort it out. Pick out useful ideas and organize them.

And to be honest, not all of these inspirations are unique. Some inspirations have a very high repetition rate because they are easy to understand. Truly unique inspirations are rare in the entire universe.

There is one stone in the world for talent, but the people on earth are divided into three groups.

Although the number of three buckets seems to be very small, when measured on the scale of the entire universe, the earth is simply the chosen one.

It's just that the people on earth suffer because their history is too short, and their development time is far less than that of the old interstellar civilizations in the universe that can easily last tens of thousands of years.

But if natural development continues at the current rate, I am afraid that in less than a thousand years, the earth will become a powerful technological civilization that is number one in the entire universe.

The third is the power of the devil. This power is the ability that Dane obtained by materializing the function of"Lord of Hell". The original Lord of Hell was Lucifer, who was the destined Satan.

But Lucifer did not accept this fate. He separated the power of the"Lord of Hell" in the form of a key and established the Trinity in an attempt to get rid of his own responsibility.

Until Dane asked him for this key in pursuit of power, and used sacrificial magic, at the cost of hundreds of millions of demons and the seven deadly sins, to become a demon god and gain complete control of hell.

The power of the devil symbolizes Dane's"grid" in hell. In the devil mode, he is both hell and hell is him. As long as hell is immortal, he will be immortal and immortal.

Moving down the power spectrum, there is super magic, which is the top magic that can only be used by gods. Shazam's Power and Zamsha's Power both belong to this category.

Under the influence of these two kinds of super magic, Dane can freely use the power of the old gods, but each power alone is not as good as the power of the corresponding god.

After all, whether it is Shazam or Zansha, their methods of obtaining the power of the old gods cannot be said to be aboveboard, and it is normal to have some restrictions.

But even so, this kind of divine power accumulated through collective means still has a very high starting point and has good growth potential.

But since it is the power of the old gods, it is naturally closely related to the intensity of faith. After all, the old gods originate from human faith, so they will naturally be shackles of faith. This is a fundamental problem that no one can solve.

Therefore, although it also has the strength of power, it is generally not stable. It is very magical when it is a super god, and it is also very ghost when it is a super ghost. Therefore, Dane placed this power under the power of the three powers of appeal, which is regarded as the second time. Level of power.

One more thing, he took the power of the God of War from the God of War. The powers of other old gods plundered in the battle of hell are now integrated into the power of Shazam. The power of Shazam and the power of Shazam have been merged again, and they should now be collectively called The power of the old gods.

The divine power he plundered from Hades, the Lord of Hades, was put into the power of the God of Death. He had a plan to merge Hades' underworld with hell, giving the Hell Demon God one more authority to control the souls of the dead.

It's just that part of Pluto's power in the underworld is in the hands of the Queen. If he wants to complete this plan, he must first deceive the authority of the underworld from the goddess.

This requires long-term thinking.

The power of power and the power of the old gods are the two most important forces in Dane's body. When facing enemies, he usually uses the power of the old gods. Its power is slightly weaker than power, but it is highly flexible and has a very high upper and lower limit of power. Loose.

At least when using the power of the old gods, Dane didn't have to worry about accidentally crushing someone's palm when shaking hands with him.

If you use the power of power, this kind of strength is difficult to control. Sometimes what Aizen, a pretender, says makes sense.

It is difficult to master the power of stepping on an ant without killing it.

In addition to these two powers, Dane also has powers that the power of Zanza plundered from other superhumans. There are many kinds of powers, including technological ones, magical ones, and even some involving...Otherwise.

Because these abilities are so varied, it is difficult to define them with specific levels. There is the"Intelligence Technique" which has almost no effect on combat, but is very significant in terms of spiritual blessing. It can make people concentrate, and in Speed ​​up the functioning of the brain to a certain extent.

At first, Dane only used this ability for fun, but he later discovered that this ability actually had a certain chance of triggering inspiration, causing him to enter an epiphany involuntarily.

This also allows him to often enter his own inspirational dreams in non-Dream God mode and contribute to the construction of the dream.

This little thing made Dane realize that he might be sitting on a huge treasure, but what troubled him was that the treasure was so big that it was not easy for him to sort it out.

He is now like Cheng Shifei, with martial arts secrets written all over his body, but he can only find the corresponding abilities when needed.

These superpowers are not as good as the power of power in terms of improvement in combat power, and most of them cannot keep up with the power of the old gods. However, the performance of some superpowers in non-combat aspects surpasses power and reaches the level of rules.

For example, if time is paused, can you believe that the power of Zansha actually possesses such an ability?

However, it is different from the time pause that Dane thought. During the time pause, not only everything around him is immobile, but even the user himself is immovable.

This is the embodiment of the absoluteness of time. When time stops, the surrounding environment remains absolutely unchanged in position, weight, and form.

This means that the macroscopic phenomenon of each particle is absolutely motionless, so the position of the air around the user remains absolutely unchanged, thus forming an unbreakable cage that locks the user in place. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dane once tried to use this ability in a vacuum environment, but unfortunately, he was no longer imprisoned by the air, but was affected by dark matter invisible to the naked eye. Trapped.

That is to say, the ability to pause time can actually only allow the user to stand in place and think. In addition to mental freedom, there is no way to move physically.

This is also the reason why Zanza Alexander did not use it when he fought against Dane. For Zanza who was not very willing to use his brain, the time pause could only be used to stare and had no value at all.

But this is not a big problem for Dane, because Dane can attack his opponents through out-of-body experiences.

After the spirit body leaves the body, it is actually no longer in the same dimension as the real material world, so the soul can move freely, but this will expose the fragile soul to the enemy, so it should be used with caution.

There are many more superpowers like this in Zanza Power.

One of Dane's great interests now is to immerse himself in searching and see how many treasures he can find.

And now, when he was thinking about the Flashpoint Paradox, a superpower appeared in his sight....

After Dane left, Barry's inner thoughts were still in chaos. The words of Reverse Flash repeatedly appeared in his mind like a curse. The 360-degree surround sound made him full of irritation.

"`~What’s wrong with you?"

On the runway, the suit's artificial intelligence Flash noticed something unusual about Barry. It was just a warm-up exercise. He had been warming up for almost half an hour.

"Xiao Shen, I want to challenge the record."Barry's eyes were facing forward, the eye mask was lowered, and the mask completely covered his chin. The suit separated him from the whole world.

The little flashback said:"No problem."

This is a common thing. The most important thing in Barry's training program is to challenge his own limits.

Through (the king's) observation and calculation, Xiao Shen concluded that Barry is actually capable of running faster, but he His thinking limits his performance, and the psychological problems can only be overcome by himself. Xiao Shen is just an artificial intelligence, and there is not much he can do to help.[]

"Timing begins!"

At Xiao Shan's command, Barry started immediately. As soon as he started to speed up, he used all his strength.

Xiao Shan reminded:"You start too fast, which will greatly consume the energy in the body."

"Then help me inject energy fluid!"Barry answered without thinking.

In response to the Flash's huge consumption of energy, Umbrella has developed a more efficient energy supplement that can quickly replenish the lost energy of the speedster, and has quick and gentle effects.

Little Flash No more persuading, and focused on timing.

Barry ran with all his strength, but he knew that he was not fast enough, at least not as fast as Reverse Flash.

He kept saying in his mind:"Faster, faster! Faster than the Reverse Flash! Faster than light! Compare...Time flies!"

The surrounding light and shadow began to change, the matter was stretched, the front was no longer clearly visible, and a kind of darkness was coming towards him.

Barry was not afraid, he rushed towards the darkness, he knew that when the darkness arrived in front of him, That's when the speed of light couldn't catch up with him.

The next moment, Barry felt a familiar feeling, like he was running on a cosmic treadmill.

He felt a lightness on his body, and something broke!.

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