Here we go, this is what it feels like!

Barry looked around and saw that the surroundings were no longer dark. He seemed to have broken through an invisible portal and arrived at a magical place.

He lowered his head. He was clearly running forward, but his legs seemed to be moving backwards.

He was a little unclear about his current state, because he felt that he was walking in place. This feeling was a bit like being on a cosmic treadmill, but it was a little different.

Facing the unknown situation, Barry couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. He couldn't help but ask his smart butler

"Xiao Shen, what's going on?"

"It's incredible that you broke through the barrier of time and space, and you still relied entirely on your own strength!"

The surprise in Little Flash's tone was not fake. Although it had made rigorous calculations and speculated that Barry Allen had such potential, it thought it would take at least ten years to achieve this. It didn't expect that Barry would do it now.

This What caused it?

Could it be reverse lightning? Flash's database began to allocate a large amount of computing power to analyze .

After hearing this, Barry wanted to continue asking, but his surroundings suddenly changed.

Countless like quicksand Things began to surround and change around him. After a while, a ring-shaped"stage" was formed with him as the center. On the stage were all the people, things, and scenes that Barry Allen had ever experienced. Not only the pictures, but even And there are voices, Dane's voice, Batman's voice, Superman's voice, Reverse-Flash's voice...

These sounds came from all directions, making Barry Allen's brain feel swollen. He couldn't help but stop. When he stopped, the shadows around him stopped and the sounds disappeared.

Barry opened his eyepiece and saw the surrounding scene clearly.

Those figures and the surrounding environment were all scenes that had appeared in his memory.

Now that he thought about it carefully, the voices he just heard seemed to be what those people had said to him before.

393"Where am I?"

"It looks like a intersection of time and space. You run into a position axis that can look at different times."

"So, these are all true, right? Is it all the history and time I have experienced in the past?"

"It seems so, but I don't understand, it shouldn't be possible."Xiao Shen was a little confused, because everything in front of him somewhat subverted his understanding of time.

"Let's see and find out."

After that, Barry didn't wait for Xiao Flash to object, and stretched his head towards one of the scenes. His face seemed to have touched a layer of water film, and when it penetrated, the world became different.

In front of him was the watchtower. Barry still remembers this scene. It can be said that he was deeply impressed.

"This is the destiny of you and me, Barry Allen. You and I are destined to be eternal enemies. Without me killing your mother, you would not have become the Flash. If you had not become the Flash, I would not have become the Reverse-Flash. I Completed a closed loop of fate, you and I are destined to be entangled until the end of time!"

Barry heard the familiar words and turned around suddenly. He saw another Barry Allen stabbing the vibrating hand knife into Reverse Flash's chest.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to stop something, but failed.

Then. He saw with horror that Reverse Flash, who had been stabbed in the chest, suddenly glanced this way, and his eyes seemed to contain sarcasm.

Barry immediately retracted his head and returned to the intersection of time and space.

But Reverse Flash's glance was still there It made him feel frightened

"Flash, did you see it?"

"If you mean the scene where you killed Reverse-Flash, yes, I saw it. Xiao Shan replied:"By the way, the action, time and environmental factors are consistent with the action, time and environmental factors you used to kill the afad lightning.""

The implication is that it is not a memory fragment. People's memory fragments are sometimes distorted, but the data recorded by Little Flash are objective facts.

Therefore, Little Flash is telling Barry that what he just saw is time. A real historical fragment online.

Barry's expression was a little strange, and he asked:"You mean, this is the timeline of my current experience?"

Xiao Shen answered uncertainly:"I can only say that there is a high probability that this is the case, but it does not rule out that this is just a parallel timeline.

Barry's eyes flashed and he said to himself:"Why don't we just give it a try?""

"Barry, don't do that, it's dangerous!"Little Flash's voice suddenly sounded in his ears, interrupting Barry's thinking.

He seemed to suddenly wake up. Little Flash's reminder suddenly reminded him of the conversation he had just had with Dane, and then thoughts began to appear in his mind."The Butterfly Effect》、《Back to the Future" and other movie scenes.

Thinking of the possible consequences of his actions, Barry flinched, so he said to Little Flash:"Maybe you are right, I shouldn't do this."

Seeing that he was still rational, Little Flash relaxed very humanely. tone

"I don't want to interfere too much in your decision, Barry, but you must understand that any action you take in the Speed ​​Force can lead to changes in the real world, changes that even Dane will find difficult to stop.

If you make a mistake, no one can help you, so you must proceed with caution."

For a long time, Dane has been helping to support almost all major events. This has been recognized in the league.

Everyone believes that as long as Dane is there, things will never get to the worst state. This is also The reason why everyone believes in him so much is that even Batman rarely refutes his opinions directly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

These trusts are due to Dane’s practical actions for so long. He earned it by himself.

When Barry heard that he might have caused a mistake that even Dane couldn't fix, he flinched even more. Little Flash was playing a trick here.

Although it said it would not directly interfere with Barry's decision, the words in his words The words always imply that Barry is wrong to do this, and in fact it indirectly interferes with his choice.

But can it really extinguish Barry's inner expectations?

Before leaving this intersection of time and space, Barry reluctantly took a look at this place. Then he turned and left.

Since he could do it once, he could do it a second time, a third time or even countless times. Barry, who had already broken through the limit once, no longer had any barriers to seeing and seeing.

Xiao Shen discovered that even under normal circumstances, Barry's The speed is also far faster than before, and even very close to the reverse lightning at that time.

It speculates that it may have broken through the time and space barrier and opened up the obstacles that originally shrouded Barry's heart, so that he can finally release his potential.

This is a good thing!

This is why Dane added Flash to the Flash suit to help Barry Allen break through his limits.

So that night, Flash reported the incident to Dane, and was Submitted, there was also the matter of Barry breaking through the time and space barrier and entering the intersection of time.

At that time, Dane was lying on the bed with Mera in his arms.

When he received the news, he immediately sat up.

Mera was moved by him Awakened by the movement, he stood up with sleepy eyes. The quilt slipped, revealing the beautiful scenery.

Dane reacted, smiled apologetically at Mera, and then lay back down again.[]

Mera didn't know why, but she didn't care at all. She cherished the time when only two people were alone.

So she lay on Dane's chest again, quietly listening to his strong heartbeat.

At this time, Dane's mind was not on the love between his children at all. He was thinking about the information that Xiaodian had just sent him.

Barry has learned how to travel through time, which means there's no telling when he'll try to go back in time, to the moment before his mother died.

He was also a little curious, if Barry really decided to change the history of Nora's death, what would happen to the current timeline?

Is the entire timeline being rewritten, or is a new world line different from the current timeline being opened?

If it's the latter, what happens to Dane? Will another him be separated?

Like other people's peers?

Dane was originally thinking about finding a way to restrict Barry and prohibit him from changing the time.

But then I thought about it, now that his strength has reached this stage, it is difficult to continue to improve other than continuing to sort out his super powers.

The improvement here does not mean improving strength, but the essence of life.

He knows his own affairs, and Dane is very clear that his current strength can basically walk sideways in any parallel universe, and he dares to touch any single universe-level enemy in any parallel time and space.

Even Lucifer is not afraid at all if the opponent is just a clone, but not at the level of the multiverse.

A great god at that level can use the universe as a toy at his fingertips.

If someone blows a breath, a slightly fragile single universe may be destroyed, and the life living in this universe will not even feel anything. It is as easy as killing bacteria.

Because he knows that there are people outside the world, there is a sky outside the world, so Dane is not satisfied with his current strength. Although he is already strong in everyone's eyes, he still feels that he is not enough.

He wants to take it a step further, he's going to try to advance himself to the multiverse level.

After talking with Lucifer and his own research, he knew that at the level of the multiverse, he needed to expand his existence and spread himself throughout the multiverse.

Like Darkseid, Yuga Khan, Lucifer, etc., they spread their existence and legends throughout the infinite parallel universes. On this basis, the entities in each parallel universe must share the same consciousness network to form an overall unity. of integration.

Dane feels that this method has some shadow of cluster consciousness, but the individuals in these clusters are all peers of each other, and their consciousness, soul and fundamental characteristics are highly consistent with each other, and the unified cluster consciousness formed will not exclude each other.

Their thoughts are very different from ordinary people. This kind of existence regards every"I" as part of the"true self", but also allows independent individuals to maintain the personality they want. The personality is ever-changing, but the self is one.

This state of mind is difficult to describe in words. To put it simply, each individual avatar must recognize that it is part of the entire cluster, but this does not prevent the individual from considering itself independent.

This is a higher dimension of self-awareness..

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