But Dane already knows his own specialness. He is not a native of this world, at least not in soul and consciousness. He has confirmed this in his conversations with Lucifer and Sandman.

This actually made him feel a little confused.

When he first came to this world, when he opened his eyes, he saw the hospital doctor responsible for delivering him. From this point of view, his body should be a natural product of this world.

Logically speaking, then, excluding his soul and consciousness, his physical body should be a"legal account" registered in this world.

In this case, he should also have other peers, but the facts told him that this was not the case.

Is it possible that not only his soul and consciousness, but also this body are unique?

"Are you worried? Mera seemed to hear something from Dane's heartbeat. She raised her head slightly and looked at him with concern.

Dane put his palms on Mera's red hair and smooth face, as if stroking. A Persian cat, her skin is very good and feels like a freshly peeled egg

"It's a small thing, don't worry. Mera was relieved. She trusted him and believed that nothing could trouble this man.

After returning to calm, Dane thought to himself that maybe Barry's time travel was not a completely bad thing.-...

He closed his eyes gently, as if falling asleep again.

The next morning, Mera woke up first from the water bed.

She glanced at Dane who seemed to be still sleeping, kissed him gently on the face, and then walked out of bed quietly.

After getting dressed, Mera walked out of the air cave chamber.

Although Dane is able to adapt to the underwater world, as a native of the surface, he still prefers a drier environment. Merav followed his wife and slept in a dry air cave room.

Even so, it is in a marine environment after all, and the air chamber is still very humid.

But compared to sleeping completely in the water, this was already good, and Dane didn't ask for more.

When Mera arrived at the Atlantis Government Hall, there were already many people busy working here.

Recently, the reconstruction of civilization on Earth has been officially launched. As a member of Earth's civilization, Atlantis must also actively participate in it.

The Atlantis in this world was not made public as early as in Dane's world. Before Darkseid's army attacked, Atlantis was still a legend in human society.

In the process of integrating into globalization, Atlantis is even worse than the Amazon, which has a hatred of mankind. Under the leadership of Wonder Woman, the Amazon Paradise Island of this world has long since left the center of the world.

If Wonder Woman in this parallel world hadn't died early, maybe Paradise Island would have joined the United Nations like the Paradise Island in Dane's world.

Some people saw Mera coming in and quickly stopped to salute. Those who would do this were basically nobles, and they were full of respect for Mera's status.

"Is Mera here? Mera asked if Mera was there. This kind of thing sounded a bit weird, but the Atlantis in front of her seemed to be used to it.

She replied:"She is in the office.""

"Thanks. Mera politely thanked her, pushed the water with both hands, and swam toward the office.

In the office, Queen Mera was handling official business.

After she and Mera returned to Atlantis from Zebel, this guy Arthur Curry Just give up the job.

For a reckless man who is more adept at using muscles to solve problems, sitting at the desk and processing documents is simply a kind of torture. It just so happens that the earth is planning to undergo reconstruction work recently, as the only surviving kingdom in the underwater world , Atlantis must participate in it.

The pattern of the world has changed, and Atlantis must also change, otherwise it will be abandoned by the times.

This time the people under the sea will adopt a more positive attitude and let Atlantis Si wanted to completely enter the world stage. This was Arthur's suggestion.

Fortunately, Apokolips cleared all the old guard, which allowed Arthur's idea to proceed smoothly.

You must know that in the original world, if it were not for the force of Dane and It is impossible for the forces of the Justice League and the Undersea Kingdom Alliance to join the United Nations with such an attitude.

Like Orm, there are many undersea people who want to conquer the surface world. They just lack strength and excuses, but they do not lack ambition.

The largest undersea civilization The characteristic is not the technology tree that is very different from the surface civilization, but their ideology. Their social structure is closely bound to the theocratic kingship, and radiates to all aspects of the kingdom.

Unlike the surface world, which has an ambiguous attitude towards faith, the undersea people firmly believe in Gods, and they have conclusive evidence that gods are real.

Therefore, the hierarchical system based on blood is unbreakable here. Nobles are nobles, and commoners are commoners. The deep gaps between them cannot be bridged. Classes are not only solidified, but also It’s fixed.

To put it bluntly, in terms of the class issue of citizens, the Undersea Kingdom is no better than Asan. The only difference between them is that the Undersea Kingdom has advanced technology and extremely high productivity, and does not need to be like Like Asan, he drives 99% of the livestock to support only 1% of the people.

Therefore, even if the status of the common people is lower than that of the nobles, they do not need to do anything like Asan's untouchables. Low-level jobs such as digging out manure and pouring night incense.

However, there are still restrictions on positions or rights. For example, civilians cannot hold military positions, cannot enter parliament, have no right to vote, etc.

Among all hierarchical divisions, there is another level for all underwater people. Underneath, that is a hybrid, a hybrid between the seabed and the surface.

This is why Arthur was not welcomed by the Atlanteans at first, and why Atlanna was exiled.

As a hybrid, Arthur is The lowest blood level, but the other half of the Atlantis blood he inherited is the noblest royal blood, which makes the people under the sea very conflicted about him.

But when the noble council was discussing how to deal with Arthur, the... Half of the royal blood is an important reason why he can live to adulthood. Even if he is the lowest hybrid, he is still a descendant of Poseidon.

As for Atlanna, she is more unlucky.

In the eyes of the people under the sea, as a queen Atlanna's fornication with the people on the surface polluted the blood of the royal family, and also polluted the blood left by the great god Poseidon. This was a heinous act.

It was precisely because of this that a queen was tried by the parliament, and was finally thrown into the The Trench Nation fends for itself.

It is conceivable how deep-rooted the class concept of the people under the sea is, and how powerful the idea of ​​theocracy is here.

Dane was aware of this at that time, so he deliberately appeared in front of the underwater people with the power of Poseidon.

If he is just a surface person, then no matter how strong he is, the people under the sea will still be discriminating against him in their hearts.

But he is a god, and what he wields is the power of the Poseidon. So he not only became the highest-ranking god, but also became the ancestor of the people under the sea.

This is the reason why King Zebel not only did not prevent Mera from getting close to him, but even deliberately matched her.

In front of God, Wang Na is nothing.......

Due to the extreme abundance of resources, under normal circumstances, there is no barrier between nobles and civilians in the underwater world, at least on the surface.

Only at a higher level, where ordinary people are not even qualified to know, can we see the privileges of this civilization that belong to the rulers.

For example, the golden trident in Arthur's hand is an artifact that only the royal bloodline is qualified to master. Ordinary civilians, let alone using it, will be split into pieces by the magic lightning on the trident, even if they just touch it lightly. Ash. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Therefore, this trident can become a symbol of royal power. Only the king can lift it or even use it.

As for the common people, those whose blood does not contain royal blood, are not even qualified to touch it. This is the absolute contempt of the superiors for the inferiors.

If it were not for the situation when civilization was on the verge of extinction, the arrogance of the people on the seabed would never allow them to communicate with the people on the surface on an equal footing. Even the order of King Arthur could not change their deep-rooted discrimination against the people on the surface.

Why is he a mixed race? If you ask Orm to give this order, maybe the noble council will consider it carefully.

Misfortunes are where blessings depend, and blessings are where misfortunes lie.

An extermination invasion by Apokolips not only almost wiped out the country of the undersea people, but also destroyed their pride, the social system and ideology they were accustomed to before.

Nowadays, communication between the underwater world and the surface world is much easier than in Dane's world. In front of foreign enemies, no matter whether they are people under the sea or people on the surface, everyone is an earthling.

With this consensus, we can continue to discuss many things.

Under such circumstances, Arthur, a so-called hybrid with blood from two worlds, became very popular.

He also used this as an excuse to get rid of the mountain of documents and was able to return to the surface world and conduct political activities with surface people as the king of Atlantis.

But Dane knows that that guy actually doesn't do anything serious. He just does chivalry with other members of the Justice League every day. He still prefers being a superhero than a king.

His so-called diplomatic activities with surface civilization are basically done by Batman. As for Arthur, he only drinks and says"Okay, okay, no problem" and then stamps the documents.

Dane suspected that if one day Batman wanted to buy Atlantis for one dollar, Arthur might also sign the transaction documents.

Mera, the Queen of the Sea, obviously knew about his aggressive nature, so she took the initiative to take over the government affairs after Arthur left Atlantis. Now she is the one trapped in the document.

Fortunately, she already had rich experience in this matter. Before Arthur came,She was already doing all this work, so it’s okay to start over again now, even though it’s a little more than before.

But recently, there is something bothering Mera.

Because she is busy with government affairs, she has no private life, and her body will inevitably suffer from endocrine disorders after being idle for a long time.

It didn't matter at first, she was already used to being alone.

But I don’t know when she started to have an indescribable connection with Mera, her counterpart in another world.

She can occasionally feel some strong stimulation from Mera's body. For example, a few days ago, Mera was shot in the abdomen by Speedmaster. At that moment, Mera also felt a strange tingling in her lower abdomen..

If Dane knew about this, he would be able to give the answer. This is actually the same as the connection between Louise and her peers. It is the phenomenon of quantum entanglement between the two peers.

Theoretically, the more similar the personalities of two homotopes are, the easier it is for this quantum phenomenon to occur.

There is nothing wrong with this phenomenon. It is not continuous and only happens occasionally.

But yesterday evening, Mera's mood was particularly high and her senses were extremely stimulated. This feeling was synchronized with Mera the Queen of the Sea.

Keep her up all night working..

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