When Mera came to Mera's office, she saw that there seemed to be faint black marks under her eyelids, forming two circles around her eyes.

She asked curiously:"Did you sleep well last night?"

Haihou Meila rolled her eyes at her indifferently, but she didn't want to tell her such embarrassing things.

She pulled a document from under her desk and handed it to Mera.

Mera took it and found that it was all Zebel's supply list. At the bottom of the list, the name of a substance was marked with a key symbol - Orichalcum.

When the two of them returned to Zebel some time ago, as expected, they did not find any living Zebel people in that country.

They speculated that the survivors had either escaped or joined other surviving Atlanteans, and that there was no need for them to stay in the destroyed kingdom of Xebel.

However, as an undersea kingdom with a long history, many treasures of Zebel have not been destroyed. Of course, it may be that Apokolips simply doesn't care about it, or that they are not in a hurry to search, so most of the kingdom's treasures have been preserved..

The Kingdom of Zebel is located in a secret alien space, and its treasures are naturally hidden in another alien space. Only the blood of the royal family can open the treasure.

Both Meras meet the conditions for unlocking the"Nine Nine Three" treasure. It is said to be a treasure, but the items stored inside are not gold, silver and jewelry. The undersea civilization has moved away from the level of being obsessed with precious metals.

This treasure contains the technology and material reserves left over from the most heyday of the Atlantis Empire. Before the empire split, the Atlanteans had conquered the sky and the ocean, and were only one step away from flying out of the planet.

If their belief in Poseidon hadn't kept them trapped on this planet, Atlantis might have developed into an interstellar civilization.

But even so, the Atlanteans' technological achievements are still second to none.

Compared with the current undersea civilization technology, the knowledge of the old empire is not completely outdated. This is mainly because the undersea civilization class is severely solidified and has insufficient innovation. The design and aesthetics of technological products may have made some progress, but the underlying science has not There is no particularly big improvement.

This is also reflected in surface civilization. As we all know, theoretical science is always far ahead of applied science, and this phenomenon is even more obvious in underwater civilization. Their technology has not advanced for a long time.

When the underwater kingdom was invaded by Apokolips, most of the documents and carriers containing their science and technology were destroyed. This directly led to the degradation of Atlantis' civilization over a long period of time. , fell to the tribal age.

Without machines, the people on the seabed do not know how to grow marine plants. Fortunately, they still have good physical fitness and a martial spirit that has not been eradicated, and they can also obtain food through fishing and hunting.

If not, it would be hard not to suspect that these undersea people would die of starvation within a short time of being hit by Apokolips.

Later, in order to change the poor living environment of her people, Mera, the Queen of the Sea, led the remaining survivors to scavenge on the seabed, and finally recovered some of the technology and equipment that had not been completely destroyed, thus improving the Atlantis people's state of existence.

In the past, when they had no worries about food and clothing, underwater people might subconsciously ignore class issues, but when survival becomes a problem, many conflicts that were hidden in the past can easily explode, like a dynamite barrel with just one spark left.

Mera, the queen of the sea, has a very keen sense of politics. She had already seen some signs at that time, so she led the Atlanteans to scavenge in search of the science and technology lost by the people under the sea.

But I also know that scavenging alone can only meet urgent needs, but cannot completely solve this problem.

For a long time, the sea queen Mera struggled to regain their science and technology.

When Batman came to them at the end of the world, Mera barely recovered some of Atlantis's technical strength.

Only after losing technology did she understand what science and technology are the primary productive forces. Without the material prosperity brought by the prosperity of science and technology, many social contradictions began to emerge one after another, which made her physically and mentally exhausted.

But what she didn't expect was that the solution to this problem lay in her home country, Zebel.

Mera, the queen of the sea, has no idea what King Nereus originally thought about, but he did have the foresight to leave a valuable legacy for underwater civilization.

In Zebel, the Meras found treasures scattered around the world through the codes left by Nereus. Who would have thought that Zebel did not hide the most precious things in Zebel, but scattered them around the world.

Some of the treasures were even located in the Lost Kingdom. Even if they had the keys to the treasures, it still took them a while to get them.

Among these treasures is a high-energy mineral inherited from the old empire era called"Orichalcum". This material is small in size but has a high energy level. It can store more energy per unit volume than any other high-energy battery in the world.

Even in Atlantis, which is highly technologically advanced, orichalcum itself is a black technology.

But this high-energy mineral has a shortcoming. It is not very stable. It condenses huge energy into a small triangular prism, and the atoms inside it are undergoing fierce collisions all the time.

Therefore, as long as it is subject to a slightly larger external force, this high-energy mineral may directly cause an internal energy reaction and produce a huge explosion.

Because the energy level is too high, most of the energy inside the orichalcum after the explosion will be emitted into the atmosphere in the form of heat energy, causing the environment to heat up.

In the old imperial era, this defect in orichalcum caused widespread melting of Arctic glaciers and mass extinction of Arctic species.

Even for the sinking of Atlantis, one of the humble but important reasons was that the melting of Arctic glaciers indirectly led to the rise of sea levels.

The Atlantis Empire, which was originally far away from sea level, came close to the ocean in just a few years, laying the foundation for the subsequent sinking of Atlantis.

After making a huge mistake that caused drastic changes in the environment, the old empire decided to sequester these high-energy substances and prohibit anyone from using them.

Since Orichalcum is difficult to destroy, and destruction will still cause it to emit a large amount of waste heat, the old empire at that time sealed this material in several fixed deep-sea warehouses.

The location of these warehouses later became the main headquarters of several kingdoms.

Atlantis originally had such an orichalcum storage warehouse. To be honest, after Atlantis was destroyed by Apokolips, in order to solve the food and fuel problems of the tribe, Queen Mera violated the ban and opened the orichalcum storage warehouse. library.

The waste heat caused by the use of orichalcum will heat up the atmosphere, thereby melting glaciers and causing global sea levels to rise. However, this problem has the greatest impact on people on the surface. For people under the sea, rising sea levels are more like a good thing.

The temperature rise caused by global warming is not a big problem for people on the bottom of the sea. At most, it is a challenge to the survival of marine animals and plants, which may affect the food of people on the bottom of the sea.......

At that time, all human beings in the world were on the planet Apokolips and the blackened Superman.Forced to take care of herself, Mera never thought that the earth would have a future, so she did such a desperate thing.

In order to make the lives of the remaining tribesmen better, she used these orichalcums without hesitation. This seemed to be no problem at the time, but now it is a bit embarrassing.

After the earth has passed the Apokolips stage, surface civilization has also begun reconstruction work. At this time, the environmental problems caused by Atlantis' use of orichalcum will become very prominent.

The reason why it has not yet been criticized by people on the surface is that, on the one hand, Apokolips's extraction of geocentric energy on the earth is much more serious than the use of orichalcum by the Atlanteans, and it also causes greater ecological problems. , so no one has discovered the trouble caused by the Atlanteans.

On the other hand, people on the surface don’t know about orichalcum.......No, that shouldn't be said. At least Doomsday Batman knows that when he was conducting research in Atlantis, he used orichalcum energy.

But Mera, Queen of the Sea, didn’t know if this man had discovered the hidden dangers of using orichalcum. If he knew, then this matter might not be hidden for long.

When the time comes for people under the sea to cooperate in all aspects with people on the surface, the orichalcum incident is likely to have an adverse diplomatic impact on Atlantis.

After returning to Atlantis, what Mera wants to solve most is this hidden danger.

After Mera read the entire document, her beautiful eyebrows frowned.

"You actually used orichalcum? that is not......"

Mera, Queen of the Sea, raised her hand to interrupt her:"I know that's forbidden, but we were at the end of our rope at that time, you know? We had to do this."

Although the undersea people can withstand the high pressure and oxygen environment of the deep sea, and they also Can withstand low temperatures, but these have limits.

Especially at low temperatures, in order to withstand the low temperatures of the deep sea, people on the seabed themselves must emit a higher body temperature to regulate their own internal environment temperature.

This high body temperature is bound to consume a lot of bioenergy, and bioenergy comes from food 1.0. However, after the civilization was destroyed, their crops were burned, and fishing and hunting alone could not fully meet the survival needs of the people on the seabed.

So at that time they were not only hungry, but also cold. Using orichalcum, firstly, it could provide energy for the technological tools that could still be used, and secondly, the heat generated could prevent the Atlanteans from freezing to death in the cold low temperatures.

Mera had nothing to say after hearing her explanation. Considering the terrible living environment at that time, it was understandable for the other party to do so.

If they don't do this, they may not be able to hold on until the Justice League arrives, and even Doomsday Batman won't have a chance to make a shuttle here. but...(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Mera pinched her head with a headache:"Does Arthur Curry know about this?"

Mera rolled her eyes at her. The meaning is obvious.

How could Arthur, that stupid guy, understand all the twists and turns?

"Then give me this..."

Mera adjusted her voice and tried to use a more normal attitude and said:"I heard that you are familiar with Dane from the Justice League...."

Mera's face is slightly red, that doesn't mean she is relatively mature, that means she is quite mature, very mature.

"So, I hope you can ask him for help on this matter"

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