Mera followed Dane's idea and brought his proposal to Mera, the Queen of the Sea.

According to Dane, the underwater kingdom of Earth-3 is currently only an illegal organization and is not recognized by the United Nations, and therefore is not protected by United Nations law.

Because Dane killed the Sea Overlord, it can be inferred that this underwater kingdom will not give up easily. The main reason why there is no movement at present is that they are not sure.

No one knows what this underwater civilization is secretly planning now. Dane plans to let Mera, Queen of the Sea, take Atlantis to test them.

At the same time, this is also a test of Mera, Queen of the Sea. Although Atlantis lost many precious things, it also lost many invisible shackles, which made Dane have more expectations for them.

Mera obviously didn't know anything about the anti-matter world, but she realized from this incident that Dane had more than one parallel world in his hands.

This gave her a greater sense of urgency, and she now felt that Atlantis must not fall behind.

Although she had already decided to accept Dane's proposal, she still asked the questions that needed to be asked.

So I saw her and asked:"But with Atlantis's current ability, can it eat the other side?"

When it comes to issues related to the survival and development of civilization, there are no high moral standards. Mera, Queen of the Sea, said this It has been secretly revealed that Atlantis will become the plundering party.

Mera smiled after hearing this:"On this point, you can rest assured that my father will help you."

Mera's eyes flashed, and she seemed to have tasted something.

It seems that in Dane's world, Xabel and Dane are the closest among the Seven Kingdoms.......Doesn’t it seem strange?

She secretly thought that with the relationship between Mera and Dane, it was normal for Nereus to surrender to that man. Her father had always been decisive in taking sides on such issues.

"Okay, I don't have any more questions, let me prepare a little more, I will lead the Atlantean army in there. Mera continued her words:"And we will build a stable time and space gate for you and provide you with necessities.""

The two Meras smiled at each other and shook hands in a tacit understanding, as if they had reached an agreement.

The two of them tacitly understood that this matter was"dirty" and not suitable for the Justice League to know, and Dane also They would never admit that their actions were legal, but secretly asked Umbrella to help.

During this period, Dane traveled back and forth between Apokolips and Earth several times, and Darkseid already knew that he abducted Orion to Earth. The two almost fought again because of this matter.

But in the end, both parties still maintained restraint. Although they lost Orion, Darkseid got a more useful tool from Heavenly Father.

Dane threatened with the Life Equation He, if Darkseid continues to be entangled, he will let Heavenly Father awaken from the control of the Anti-Life Equation.

Both sides have their own concerns, which is why they finally chose to reconcile.

But since then, Dane has become The most unpopular person on Apokolips, I heard that Darkseid is asking his scientific researchers to study a method of space shielding for Dane, so that he cannot enter Apokolips even if he holds the Mother Box.

But This technology will obviously take a long time to complete. Until then, Apokolips can only endure his harassment. It is worth mentioning that after careful consideration, Orion finally decided to stay and work on Earth, just as Dane proposed In that way, he became the only diplomatic ambassador of Apokolips on Earth.

Dane also negotiated with Darkseid on this matter, and he finally chose to acquiesce.

Dane did not regard the fact that his heavenly father was controlled by Darkseid. He told Orion about something, and he was worried that this guy would be stupid and challenge Darkseid beyond his own capabilities.

After repeated pulls with Darkseid, the relationship between Doomsday Earth and Apokolips finally began to normalize. After Darkseid solves the problem of Apokolips, they can fulfill the promise made by Darkseid.

Seeing that things are on track, Dane returns to his own world.

With the help of the Flash, Dane Created a gate that can directly connect the two worlds. Just in case, this gate was built within the Justice League's station so that they can monitor it at any time.

"What do you plan to name this door~?"

The person who helped this time was the Flash in the post-apocalyptic world. His world has been reborn, and he himself seems to have regained his past lively personality. At this time, he is looking at the door that can absorb the Speed ​​Force with interest.

Dane thought for a moment and said,"Why don't we just call it Tannhäuser Gate?"

"Tannhäuser? Why is it called this name and what does it mean?"There seems to be no"Blade Runner" movie in this world, and The Flash doesn't know its origin.

Dane just smiled:"It's just a name, it doesn't mean anything."

"Welcome back, Mr. Dane."

In the Hall of Justice in Kandak, Grid's data face appeared in mid-air, and its sudden sound startled the Flash.

"God, why don't you make any movement?"

"I am an artificial intelligence, I have no arms and legs, the data has no voice, Mr. Flash from another world."

The level of intelligence of the grid seems to be higher. It now communicates completely like a normal human being.

Dane said:"Grid, can you connect your body here? The grid's data flashed, and after a few seconds, it responded:"Yes, I can, sir.""

Dane nodded with satisfaction. With the Tannhäuser Gate open, the electromagnetic waves between the two worlds are also connected, which allows Grid to share the network signals of the two worlds.

From this moment on, Grid's consciousness will Spanning two universes, holding the digital world of two earths in her hands.

Of course, this is the same for Cortana.

But Cortana has now become Dane's personal butler. The functions have been handed over to Grid and Cyborg.

As for her body, she spends most of her time in the dream world, helping Dane deal with the affairs in the dream world.

Not long after Dane returned to Kandak, Kandak The spirit of Kandak noticed it and instantly pulled his consciousness into another world.

Dane took a closer look and was happy.

It turned out that the scene in front of him was the scene when he and the spirit of Kandak met for the first time. It was almost A perfect reproduction.

The gorgeous long table was filled with fine wine and delicacies. Girls with cool clothes and dark brown skin walked between the tables. When

Dane looked down, he found that his clothes had also become very kanda. The traditional clothing with the characteristics of Christianity, that is, the upper body is not worn, directly exposing the sharp muscle lines, and the lower body is only wrapped in white cloth, which is very like the Toti of India. At this time, all the girls seemed to have received some instructions. , exited the hall in an orderly manner, leaving Dane here alone.

Dane didn't care, he sat directly on the main seat and began to tear up the barbecue steak in front of him with his hands. He took a bite, well, it was Mutton.

The taste was very real, almost exactly the same as in reality.

He had just swallowed the meat in his mouth and was about to pick up the cup at hand, when he realized that the gold cup was empty.

Before he could speak, a gust of fragrant wind suddenly came out., pour the wine into the gold cup.

Dane looked up in the direction of the wine, and the spirit of Khandak came into his eyes with his little face half-covered by gauze.

"'The world you created is becoming more and more real now."

Dane smiled and drank the wine in the glass. The taste was more mellow than any wine he had drunk before.

"Thanks to you, Khandak is more prosperous than before."The voice of the Spirit of Khandak is soft, and it sounds as comfortable as a slap in the ear.

The ability of the Spirit of Khandak is closely related to the development of the city of Khandak. The better the city develops, the more powerful her strength will be. It will also rise with the rising tide.

"However, your layout here is still the same......There is history."Dane wanted to say it was outdated, but after thinking about it, he changed his words.

"I'm old, Dane, and don't pick up on new things as quickly as young people do."For their own age, the spirits of Khandak are not as sensitive as human women.

In other words, for the spirits of cities, the long history is what they are proud of.

Dane heard the words of the spirit of Khandak, but he raised his head carefully Looking at her face that could be broken by blows, the thin veil did nothing to cover him:"You are not old at all."

Kandak's spirit quietly avoided his gaze, seeming to become a little cautious.

"you......Will you leave this time?"

Dian's eyes flashed and his tone was teasing (Zhao Zhaohao)):"how? Are you very reluctant to leave me?"

Kandak's spirit didn't say anything, but poured wine into his glass again. Dane's expression remained unchanged, but he was a little surprised in his heart.

Although Kandak's spirit didn't say anything, his emotional changes were obvious.

So Dane He reached out and grabbed her hand. It felt a little cold in his hand. Her body temperature was lower than that of normal humans. Just like the impression she gave people, she was cold.

Khandak paused for a moment, but did not withdraw himself. Dane was even more surprised and decided to go a little further. He picked up the entire body of Khandak Spirit and placed it on his lap.

Despite such a rude move, Khandak Spirit still behaved submissively. She had no intention of stopping him.

As if sensing Dane's inner doubts, the spirit of Khandak moved her head close to his chest. Not only her body, but also her heart seemed to be moving closer to Dane.

"In Kandak, the king controls everything here. You are the king here, so naturally you are the king.

You have done everything you promised, and I will treat you as king. Everything in this land is your property. Dane lowered his head and smiled slightly:"Including you?""

He didn't see the face of Khandak's spirit, but he saw the red tips of his ears and heard an inaudible voice.

"including me"

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