Dane saw Khandak's gentleness.

The spirit of the city has no physical body, so everything happens in an illusion similar to a dream, which makes Dane feel like"Jia Baoyu's sleepwalking in the fantasy wonderland".

The spirit of Khandak is indeed much stronger than before. Before Dane settled in, she would not have been able to pull Dane into the illusion without his knowledge.

The feeling of communion between God and spirit is deeper and more evocative than mere physical communion.

Of course, what he gained from this communication with the spirit of Khandak was not only sensual enjoyment, but also something else.

In the Hall of Justice, Dane opened his eyes, and he felt that his connection with the land of Khandak had become closer.

This feeling even made him feel like he was in hell, as if the whole world was obeying his will and following his orders.

The grid seemed to notice something, and it asked:"What happened? Sir?"

The Flash looked confused.

Although Dane stayed in the illusion for a long time, only a short moment passed in reality, and only the artificial intelligence grid noticed the abnormality in this short moment.

Dane just smiled at this:"It's okay, it's a good thing."

Grid didn't say much, what things should be asked and what things shouldn't be asked, it was already very measured now.

Dane said to the confused Flash:"My business is over, you can do your own business now."

After saying that, he disappeared directly in front of the Flash.

In other worlds, someone might restrict the flow of people from other parallel worlds to different universes, but in Dane's case, he has no restrictions on this. Anyone he recognizes can freely pass through the Tannhäuser Gate.

The Doomsday Flash thought about it. In his 573 own world, his father had died in the war, and his girlfriend's whereabouts were unknown, so in this parallel world, what he wanted to see most were these close people.

So after saying hello to Grid, he ran towards Central City.

Antimatter Universe, Earth-3

Barry Allen also returned to Central City. Although there are no parents here, there is a woman who truly loves him.

"Barry! You're back!"Iris went out to throw away the garbage, and she screamed in surprise when she saw Barry.

Barry looked a little tired and smiled at his girlfriend:"I'm back, Iris...."

Before he could finish his words, Iris jumped directly into his arms.

After several minutes, the young lovers, who had fully expressed their longing for each other, reluctantly separated.

Iris took Barry's hand and led him through the door.

As soon as he entered the door, he looked at the middle-aged man sitting on the sofa, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Iris secretly thought that something was wrong. She actually forgot that her father was also at home, but since they had already met, she could only bite the bullet and introduce them to both parties.

"William, this is Barry Allen, Barry, this is my father William."

William is a burly middle-aged man. He is a policeman. Today is his day off.

He put down the beer bottle in his hand and stood up. Although he was not taller than Barry, he looked younger than Barry was stronger.

He stared at Barry with a somewhat unhappy expression:"So, you are that guy?"

He had known for a long time that his daughter was in love with a boy. Iris was already a college student, so it was okay to fall in love.

But as an old father, William knew about this, but he didn't want to be with the boy who had taken over his family. Cabbage and pigs are facing each other.

Especially like now, when both sides are unprepared. The usual Barry Allen might have been so nervous that he was panicked or even at a loss.

But at the moment, Barry was worried, but Instead, he no longer had the worries of gains and losses. He stretched out his hand with a smile and said politely:"Hello, Mr. William, I'm sorry for bothering you but I didn't have time to prepare any gifts."

William raised his eyebrows. The boy in front of him didn't seem to be afraid of him at all.

It wasn't his fault. As a policeman, he looked quite fierce. Without being fierce, he couldn't suppress criminals.

So few young people dared to Looking at him, at least none of the boyfriends Iris had dated before had such courage.

As time went by, Ais stopped bringing her boyfriends home.

William thought that the creamy-looking boy in front of him was not the same as those soft-footed ones before. He was like a shrimp, but he didn't expect to have a bit of backbone. He smiled meaningfully and held his big hand with Barry's.

"You are welcome to be a guest, but you are not allowed to stay overnight!"At this point, William held Barry's hand with a little strength.

But Barry didn't seem to feel anything and just answered with a smile:"Of course, sir."

"snort."William knew that he might have made a mistake. Barry was much stronger than he looked.

He let go of his hand, glared at his daughter Iris, and then said reluctantly:"He looks more presentable than the previous ones.."

Iris didn't want Barry to hear her relationship history, so she quickly pushed her father to let him leave.

William loved his daughter very much, so even though he was driven away, he just muttered in a low voice and walked out of the door.

Will his biological father?""Kick him out of the house", Iris breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the living room, only to see Barry sitting on the sofa in a daze, his eyes unfocused. The smart girl quickly realized that Barry had something on his mind, so she sat next to him, She held his hand.

Her voice was very soft:"What happened, Barry."

Barry seemed to be interrupted from his thoughts and turned to look at her:"Iris......"

"If you have anything on your mind, you can talk to me.

Barry smiled helplessly:"I acted so obviously?"

Iris also smiled lightly:"It couldn't be more obvious (ahdh).""

Barry Allen has never been able to hide his feelings. Everyone close to him knows this, and he himself can't change it.

"So, would you like to talk about it?"

Barry hesitated. Apart from his father, Iris was the person closest to him, and he was sure at this moment that he trusted Iris.

So he took a deep breath and asked Iris a question:"What if , I mean, if you have something that has to be repaired, and you have the ability to do so, it is very likely that doing so will affect other things that have nothing to do with it......."

Having said this, Barry suddenly felt that his words were not confident, and his voice involuntarily weakened. This was the Barry Allen that Iris was familiar with, shy, shy, but kind-hearted.

She squeezed Barry's hand, as if she wanted to give him strength in this way. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So Barry continued:"Repairing this thing can save a family from a tragedy, but it may lead to other worse consequences. Do you think......What should be done in this case?

After listening to Barry's seemingly meaningless words, Iris thought for a moment and asked a question:"Barry, there is no subject in your question. Can I think that it is what you want to fix?""

Barry knew Iris was smart, so he didn't deny it, just nodded.

"You're trying to fix something, but this behavior could lead to something much worse, right?"

Barry nodded again. He suspected that Iris might have guessed something.

But Iris didn't say it as Barry thought. He just continued to ask:"Barry, what you said will have other worse consequences. , is it a definite conclusion, or is it just your guess?"

"It's just a guess, but even if there's only a slight possibility, the price is likely to be very bad."

Barry hasn't started modifying the time yet, so he can't be sure what the consequences of his actions will be, but unknown things are often the most dangerous.

But Barry heard Iris's feelings for him from her words. Support, which moved him very much

"You already guessed something, right?"

Iris held his hand tightly and said softly:"I guessed it when you said that repairing this thing can prevent a family from a tragedy."

Barry's things, his mother's things, his father's things, Barry didn't hide it from his girlfriend, so it's not surprising that Iris can relate to it.

"So, do you think I should do it? Dane says......Doing so would most likely destroy the integrity of the space-time continuum. Oh my gosh, I don't even know what disaster this might cause......."

Barry held his head in his hands, his expression very tangled.

But at this time, Iris said:"Maybe...Nothing will happen?"[]

Barry's head snapped up to look at Iris.

Iris smiled and said:"Barry, I don't know what the Speed ​​Force is, but I know that time doesn't work like this. You should know that you can't change what has happened."

Iris would do this She said that it is because she is from a mortal perspective and does not know that the entire universe is based on creationism. She is"superstitious" about science like other people on earth.

"Assuming you can really go back to the past, then this past is actually your future, and all you change is an undetermined future.

Barry thought thoughtfully:"So, I can actually only create a new time branch at that point in time, but it cannot change my current timeline, because the history on this line has already been determined.""

"That's it."Iris said with some regret.

In fact, if Barry's existence had not confirmed the correctness of the parallel universe theory, Iris would not even believe in going back to the past and time branches.

However, on this issue, Iris Same as Dane's view:"But Barry, even though you can create a new timeline, you can't replace another you and enjoy that complete family, so......"

Does this make sense? Iris didn't say the next words.

But Barry's eyes were firm:"It makes sense!".

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