Barry Allen's desire to save his mother was never for himself. His father Henry has been feeling guilty for failing to save his wife Nora's life for so many years. This is also true for Barry.

And not only the death of his mother Nora, Barry also regarded his father's unjust imprisonment as his own responsibility.

If he could work harder and be more capable, his father might be able to clear his name earlier and avoid spending more than ten years in prison.

The laws of the United States are sometimes very strange. In some cases, the evidence is clear, but the suspect can be acquitted in court.

Some cases were decided directly despite insufficient evidence.

When Nora was murdered, Henry was the only one at the scene. He was the first suspect, and what was worse was that Henry did not witness the perpetrator.

Of course, no matter what, Reverse Flash would never be seen committing a crime by a mere ordinary person.

At that time, Henry did not know how to protect the scene, let alone have any sense of self-protection. When he tried to rescue Nora, he accidentally touched the murder weapon and became the only fingerprint provider on this important piece of evidence.

This is why he was eventually identified as a suspect. Even though Barry testified that he was innocent, his testimony was not used because he was not the first witness at the scene and was related to the perpetrator.

Iris was a little stunned:"So this is why you want to enter the Physical Evidence Technology Center?"

Barry nodded. He was determined to find evidence that could prove Henry's innocence, so he learned about this aspect.

"I know it's stupid, but......"Barry's eyes were red,"If I can give her a chance, if Nora can survive, what if she is not with me?

I only need to know that among countless parallel worlds, there is one world where she lives a happy life." Now."

Iris held his hand tightly:"No, this is not stupid, Barry, if this is what you want, I will support you!"

She thought very simply, Barry didn't want to change the past, just I want to make up for a regret.

This approach would not affect anyone, but it might untie Barry's knot. Thinking from Barry's perspective, she naturally hoped that her boyfriend would get what he wanted.

What's more, Barry doesn't want much, and even the ultimate beneficiary is not himself, but another lucky Barry.

Iris' support gave Barry a little confidence, and Dane's reminders to him were temporarily forgotten by him.

Looking at the cute and charming Iris beside him, Barry's otaku heart was a little bit ready to move.

Iris seemed to be aware of the change in the atmosphere. She was not shy, but looked at Barry openly, with some expectation in her eyes.

This actually made Barry, the younger brother, a little embarrassed, but the relationship between the two of them had progressed to this level, how could they refuse close contact just because of shyness.

So when Iris' old father William returned from outside, he found that the two young men were no longer in the living room.

William thought the two kids were out on a date. He had just opened a bottle of beer from the refrigerator and took a sip. He accidentally spotted a square plastic bag on the ground out of the corner of his eye, and he immediately spit out a mouthful of wine!


Old William quickly stepped forward to check and found that it was indeed the thing he had guessed. The old father was furious at that time and felt that the blood all over his body was rushing to the Tianling Cap.

Without saying a word, he took out a Remington M870 shotgun from his room and rushed directly into Iris' room.

What followed was a flurry of excitement. Covered by Iris's angry voice and Old William's roar, Barry used the Speed ​​Force to put on his pants.

He ran out of Iris' house in embarrassment, and old William chased him to the door with a shotgun on his shoulder, the gun seemed to be aimed at something.

But fortunately, William didn't completely lose his mind. He just held a gun to scare people and didn't actually shoot.

"Brat, next time you let me see you, I will castrate you!"

After saying that, old William still felt uneasy and held up the gun bitterly, as if he wanted to shoot something.

But after all, he took his professional status into consideration and did not do so.

Although he did not object to his daughter falling in love, he also He knew that he was powerless to stop his daughter from doing what she liked with the boy she liked, but he couldn't see it with his own eyes.

This was the last stubbornness of an old father!

What Barry didn't know was that his conversation with Iris was secretly revealed by Flash. The artificial intelligence was sent to Dane, but the artificial intelligence was still measured. It only sent things related to business to Dane and did not expose Barry's privacy.

After Dane received the message, he realized that time was running out. It is very likely that Barry will try to modify the timeline in the near future.

Not only does Barry know a little about the Speed ​​Force, but in fact, Dane also does the same with his research on the Speed ​​Force.

He always feels that the"Speed ​​Force" is a bug, and any attempt to use technology It is futile to use any means to analyze its behavior.

The Speed ​​Force can even distort the laws of physics, so how can we figure out its principles through general scientific research?

Fortunately, Dane himself does not rely on technology to achieve his goals. If this were changed, In the world of Zuochao Seminary, the Speed ​​Force may have been confused as the force of the void.

But Dane can analyze the Speed ​​Force from a magical perspective. In the DC world view, the Speed ​​Force is the origin of speed. , is one of the key forces that maintains the operation of the DC universe.

It is closely related to a basic property of matter, speed is its appearance, and its true essence is the concept of"motion".

The universe originated from a big bang, this The Big Bang gave all matter the initial motion, and the scale of space was also created in the movement of matter, and by extension, particles also created the concept of time due to movement.

If matter does not move, time is meaningless, because matter time Time has a definite meaning only when it is in a state of motion all the time.

This is why the Speed ​​Force can affect or even directly interfere with time, because it represents the concept of"movement" in the operation of the universe, so it is closely connected with time.

Time and space are also Indivisible, therefore, the Speed ​​Force can have almost omnipotent power in time and space, which is determined by its nature.

From this point of view, the Speed ​​Force is not a unique ability of the Speed ​​​​Family, but everything. It has some basic attributes, but ordinary people cannot use them directly.

But Barry Allen can.

Although there is a setting in the DC worldview that Barry is the creator of the Speed ​​Force, because the various settings are in a mess, So Dane can't figure out why this is from those paper settings.

If according to the settings, then the essence of the Speed ​​Force is most likely Barry Allen. He himself is the Speed ​​Force, but there is another human being.

Just like the existence form of Haruhi Suzumiya, on the surface he looks like just an ordinary high school student, but in fact he is an almighty god, but the god himself does not know it. In fact, the speed force is in comics or other forms of works There have been specific physical incarnations on more than one occasion.

Dane therefore believes that the existence of the Speed ​​Force is complex, and it cannot be simply defined as energy, matter, or form.Things like the concept of"movement", anything essentially related to the concept of"motion", may be part of the Speed ​​Force.

It can be matter, it can be energy, it can be a field, it can be light, it can be lightning, it can even be a person or something else.

The more he studies, the more Dane feels that he should not be too obsessed with the nature of the Speed ​​Force. This thing has an evil nature, just like the Wall of Origin. The closer you are to the truth, the easier it is to get lost in the truth and be obsessed by the truth. assimilation.

Dane estimated that he would have to wait until he reached the level of the multiverse and was able to create the world on his own before he could explore the true nature of the Speed ​​Force without any scruples.

Fortunately, what Dane is about to do does not require delving into the nature of the Speed ​​Force, just like humans can create high-tech products without understanding the nature of materials.

In the dream of inspiration, Dane opened a huge laboratory. After spending three years in this dream laboratory, he finally completed something-a quark ball.

Quark is a basic particle that participates in strong interactions and is one of the basic units of matter. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Quarks are microscopic particles smaller than hadrons.

At present, humans have no way to directly separate particles as small as this size. Human research on quarks basically comes from the observation of hadrons.

This is mainly because in the real world, it is difficult to establish an experimental environment that can satisfy the stable existence of quarks.

But in the Dream Laboratory, this environmental problem was solved very easily, but even so, it still took Dane three years to create a quark ball as big as a fist.

Fortunately, the time lapse between the dream world and the real world can be freely set, so from a realistic point of view, it took Dane almost only one night to create it.

The quark ball is an upgrade to the energy-focused ball invented by Doomsday Batman. It has the ability to automatically absorb the Speed ​​Force and allows the wearer to use the Speed ​​Force.

More importantly, the Quark Ball can completely become a"stand-in" for The Flash. As long as Barry Allen's DNA is recorded in the core of the ball, the Speed ​​Force will regard the Quark Ball as the real Barry Allen.

There are infinite Barry Allens in infinite parallel universes. Even the Speed ​​Force does not have the intelligence to distinguish all Barry Allens one by one.

Therefore, as long as this quark ball is worn, the wearer himself will not be affected by the restart of time caused by the Speed ​​Force.

But Dane, who made the quark ball, was a little embarrassed at this time. There was only one quark ball, which meant that it could only be worn by one person.

He had previously thought about creating multiple quark balls and sharing them with others, especially Dane's girlfriends, but that didn't work.

Although the quark ball can trick the Speed ​​Force into thinking it is Barry, it cannot mistake the Speed ​​Force for a fool.

If there are dozens or even dozens of Barry Allens in a world, even a true fool would know that there must be something wrong with it..

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