After much thought, Dane finally set his sights on Cortana.

Among all Dane's female companions, Cortana is a true wife, even more important than Diana who has always stood by his side as a palace official.

It is precisely because of her helping Dane maintain order in the dream world that Dane can devote himself to causes in the real world without any scruples.

But because of its constant presence in dreams, Cortana's body has appeared less and less in the real world. The"Cortana" that still resides in the real world is just a sub-body program, not an intelligent life, just Strong intelligence

"Cortana."Dane called softly.

Suddenly there was a faint light around him, and countless shining dust seemed to appear in the air. They condensed together to form Cortana's body.

Like Dane, Ketana has become the dream god. Tana now no longer needs to rely on a physical body to exist, and her essence has been sublimated.

But despite this, Cortana still has not transcended time, so once the Flash rewrites history or restarts the timeline, Cortana will be impossible to resist That kind of power is the same for Dane.

Even Darkseid and Lucifer are the same. If they are just separate parts of the parallel world, then they cannot resist the interference of the speed force in time.

After all, whether it is Dane is still a god like Darkseid's"593". They still have to rely on real matter to exist, and as long as it is matter, it cannot escape the control of time and cannot resist the speed force.

In the Justice League's fight against Darkseid During the incident, The Flash used the Speed ​​Force to restart time and reverse the situation more than once.

However, there is a saying that this approach cannot be regarded as a victory, but more like cheating.

It is precisely because it cannot be defeated under normal circumstances that the Justice League will let the Flash The Flash restarted the timeline and switched to a chess game. It was the Flash who chose to regret the game in this game, and regretted it directly to the beginning.

Seeing Cortana appear, Dane handed her the quark ball in his hand.

"I'll leave this matter to you."

When Cortana saw this, a trace of surprise appeared in her eyes, which was caught by Dane.

Cortana had reason to be surprised. She thought Dane would give such an important thing to Diana, at least emotionally. That's right.

Dane, who knew her thoughts, shook his head:"It's better to leave it to Diana and let me use it myself."......"

There are some things that he can't say directly. In fact, Diana probably won't play much role in this matter. The influence of time is almost unstoppable to matter. Therefore, as beings in the material world, Dane and others Almost no one is immune.

But Cortana is different. She has very little dependence on material things. Especially after being promoted to Dream God, her need for material things has become almost non-existent.

And the dream itself has the ability not to be affected by the restart of the world. The most typical example is the Dream of a Thousand Cats by Morpheus. A world dominated by humans and a world dominated by cats. Both are in the Thousand Cats. The world is restarted under the power of Dream, but it does not affect each other.

""Dream" is the third concept in the Endless Family, and its upper limit is still very high. This is why Dane must obtain the power related to"dream". After hearing this, Cortana said softly:"If you will If my power is taken back..."

Cortana's dream god status was completed with the help of Dane, so she actually became a god because she divided Dane's power. The combination of Dane and Cortana is the complete dream god.

Therefore, Cortana's suggestion is to let Dane take back the power of"dream" from her. In this way, Dane in his intact state does not need to care about the changes in the timeline at all.

He can hide directly in the dreams of other parallel worlds and watch the world with a smile.

But Dane refused, so Cortana fell from a god to an artificial intelligence life. Even if she had the quark ball, it would actually not be of much help to him.

And Dane has never thought about transcending the timeline. He needs to actively participate in the multiverse when he ascends to it.

Only if the current timeline changes, will Dane have the possibility of splitting his own existence and becoming"infinite"

"Just go with the plan, I've decided.

Hearing this, Cortana could only nod to Dane:"Your will.""

After a few days like this, no matter which world it is, there seems to be no more disturbances.

Oh, no, it should be said that there are no major events that will destroy the world. There are still many small disasters, but these small problems Most of them were extinguished before they even formed a large scale.

In Dane's world, the Justice League of China, led by Amanda, officially entered the world stage. Although it experienced the Atom Girl incident, because of the official support, this The organization was successfully established.

Dane later learned that Dr. Destiny and Hawkman Hall had joined the organization, as well as others such as Firestorm, Green Arrow, Elongated Man, and even Big Barda didn't know they were there. When did she join this alliance?

This matter puzzled Dane, so he asked her the reason during their private meeting.

Big Barda rolled her eyes at that time, and she said to him in a slightly rough tone:" More than half of the women in Justice League have something to do with you! I don't want to be one of them."

Besides, the tempers of Wonder Woman and Super Queen are similar to her own. She is really afraid that one day the three of them will fight over timetables or other trivial matters.

Regarding this matter, Dane did not have the slightest bit of embarrassment on his face. It is his ability to do this, and he will only feel proud.

But it is fine for them to know this kind of thing privately. Westerners actually don't care much about personal private lives, and they are not willing to interfere in other people's emotional affairs at will.

But the bad thing is that these things about Dane are known to the public.

Recently, gossip and unscrupulous media have been secretly arranging romances between Dane and other female heroes in Zhenglian. There are even some relatively large-scale romances on the market. Fan comics and novels.

Although there is no substantial evidence, it shows that someone already knew about Dane and other women.

Dane’s first suspicion at the time was Damian, the brat. Only he would rely on his freedom He obtained this information by entering and leaving the Zhenglian identity.

Moreover, Damian is now at the age where people hate dogs and dogs hate him. What he likes most is to be in the limelight, even if it is just hidden behind a mask.

Robin's identity is used to do business. Yes, he still has some sense of proportion, but the KuaiDou ID named"Fu N" is now a big account with tens of millions of fans, and Damianxi's fans are enthusiastic about him. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Therefore, he often leaks some heroes' private lives on his account to attract fans.

Bruce doesn't know how many times he has beaten him because of this, but Damian, who has entered high school, is now very solid, bat The hero can't hurt him anymore.

After all, how can his own child really break his legs?

It's a bit funny for Dane to think about it now. When Clark returned to this world from the apocalypse, the hot headline on TikTok was that Superman had gave birth to a child.

Yes, Lois had already given birth to a boy.

Because Clark was still busy in the apocalyptic world at the time, he completely missed the birth of the child. 0........

In fact, the Flash also knew about this. He already knew about Louise's birth when he traveled between the two worlds and brought the grid to the doomsday world.

It was just that Lois asked him not to tell Superman about it because she was afraid that he would be distracted by it.

When Barry returned to the doomsday world with the Grid, this was the reason why he watched Clark hesitate to speak.

As a result, Superman actually found out about the birth of his child through social media. As a father, he was the last person in the world to know the news. You can imagine how he felt at the time.

Dane estimated that he wanted to take off Damian's pants and spank his ass right then and there.

Fortunately, Damian was not completely out of tune. Although he revealed the birth of Superman's child, he did not reveal any information about little Jonathan, nor did he expose Lois.

Therefore, on the Internet, there is actually no evidence as to whether Superman really has a child. However, given that the account"Fu N" has never posted false news, many people still believe this news.

Amanda was convinced of this, and she secretly deployed many people to try to find the child.

Not only her, but organizations or individuals in other countries are also looking for the legendary son of Superman for various reasons.

Other things don't matter, they are just harmless entertainment news, but the consequences of the Son of Superman being exposed are more serious.

Dane's Pioneer Technology even came under greater pressure from the authorities, requiring him to disclose the identity of"Rich N".

He didn't need to think, it must be the guys from the Sky Eye Society who wanted to find a breakthrough for the Son of Superman from Damian.

Fortunately, Dane pushed back the official pressure with official power, and in the end there were no particularly bad consequences.

Since then, there have been an especially large number of hackers attacking Pioneer servers, and most of them have two hackers. If it weren't for the grid, the company's employees alone might not be able to withstand it.

Of course Damian needs to be punished for causing such a troublesome thing. This little brat, if he doesn't have a roof over his head for three days, he might get into 5.7 big trouble if he doesn't get a lesson.

But corporal punishment has no effect on him, and grounding is even more useless. Afun's old arms and legs can't guard against Damian, who has undergone all the trials of the Assassin's League.

So in the end, Dane came up with a solution. He asked Damian to go to Clark's house to take care of little Jonathan.

Louise is a very career-minded woman, and Westerners do not have the habit of confinement, so she returned to the company soon after giving birth.

Superman, on the other hand, was flying around the world every day and had no time to take care of his children. Originally, they wanted to ask Clark's mother Martha to help with this job, but Dane gave it to Damian.

Bruce agreed to this suggestion for some unknown reason. Both Superman and Lois were worried that it was a bit unreliable to let one child take care of another child.

Perhaps knowing that he had made a big mistake this time, Damian did not shirk responsibility and agreed to accept the punishment.

He thought it was easy to take care of a child. In his opinion, how troublesome a little one weighing less than ten kilograms can be. It should be like raising a dog.

As a result, this became the beginning of his misery.

Dane thought of this and quietly turned on Damian's monitor. As soon as he turned on the screen, Damian's ear-piercing screams penetrated his ears.

"Don't pull it on me!".

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