At the Kent house, Damian held little Jonathan with a lifeless expression. On his face, you could still faintly see a few traces of wet water stains, exuding a strange fishy smell.

After wrapping little Jonathan's diaper again, Damian looked at the little guy smiling playfully under his hands.

"When you get older, I will definitely spank your ass!"

But little Jonathan was not afraid of his threat at all, and thought Damian was making faces with him. The more ferocious Damian's expression became, the louder he laughed, and his little hands kept waving in the air. There was no sign at all. Scared.

Damian was helpless and could only wipe the urine stains on his face with a towel. He wanted to go into the bathroom to wash it, but little Jonathan couldn't live without people.

He now regretted it very much, why he was so straightforward in the first place. Did he just take over this hard job? What a sin!

This is not a child, he is simply a devil. The key is that he cannot beat or scold him, so he can only serve him like an ancestor.

Damian helped little Jonathan change his diaper. After that, he picked up the kid again, and then"rubbed" his face hard on little Jonathan, hoping to"rubb" the strange smell on little Jonathan and make him stink together.

Little Jonathan naturally He didn't know Damian's"bad intentions" and just thought his elder brother was playing tricks on him, so he giggled very happily.

Under his laughter, Damian's depression couldn't help but dissipate, and he couldn't help but feel happy. smile

"Brat, for the sake of your youth and ignorance, I won't argue with you."

After that, seeing little Jonathan's innocent and cute smile, I couldn't help but pinch his baby face gently, as if I was afraid of crushing the little meatball.

Little Jonathan grabbed Da Mian's hand and sweet smile made Damian's last bit of depression disappear.

Who would have thought that the eldest son of the Wayne family would become a dad before he was an adult.

Watching the interaction between the two brothers , the atmosphere was harmonious, and Dane, who was peeking at the screen secretly, nodded happily.

Damian, a naughty kid, had to find a kid who was even naughtier than him to treat him and let him understand how difficult it is to be a parent.

It didn’t take long to watch, After knowing that there was no problem on Damian's side, Dane turned off the monitoring screen. It was enough to pay attention to Damian's predicament for a while. He was not interested in staring at the two children all the time.

Dane continued to work on what he was doing. He now has the resources of three worlds in his hands, and a lot of work needs to be handled by him personally.

Although the Justice League has mastered the door to safely travel to other worlds, this matter has not been announced to the outside world.

Even in Ambrey Only a few core personnel within Umbrella know about it.

Dane knows that there must be spies from other countries inside Umbrella, but no matter how well these guys hide, they can't compare to Dane, who is almost omniscient and omnipotent standing on the land of Khandak. Everyone has registered with him.

He now keeps these spies, and from time to time gives out some unimportant information in exchange for these guys working diligently within Umbrella. The

Justice League of China has been very active recently, compared to As a result, the activities of the Justice League have decreased a lot.

Amanda is very puzzled by this and often secretly inquires about the information here.

Not to mention, the spies sent in by the Sky Eye are basically good talents, otherwise Umbrella will not recruit them.

Several Danes can often be seen in inspirational dreams. It has to be said that various countries are quite willing to take advantage of them.

But even they have not been able to get help from Umbrella. Get any news about the members of the Zhenglian.

This makes Amanda a little depressed. How did she know that now the scope of the Justice League has expanded to other parallel universes. Not only is everyone not idle, they are now so busy that their feet cannot touch the ground.

Dai Well, now I don't have time to deal with this fat black woman. I have basically left this guy to Grid and Cyborg to deal with. In the information age, there is no existence in this world that can be their opponent when they join forces.

As for the two of them joining forces. On Barry's side, since the arrangements have been made, he will not continue to interfere and everything will take its course.

In Central City, Barry Allen returned to his real home from Earth-3. Now there are only two people living in the Allen family. He and his father Henry.

Regarding the fact that he is the Flash, Barry has not actually told Henry yet. He is worried that Henry, who knows the truth, will prevent him from continuing to be a superhero.

Moreover, he still supports the hero's principle of confidentiality. He didn't want the enemy to use his family to deal with him.

Therefore, he couldn't tell Henry about trying to modify the timeline.

But after all, he was his father, so it was okay to ask him for his opinion in a subtle way.

Let's start with"I have a friend."

With this thought, Barry walked into the house. As soon as he entered the door, he saw another Barry standing in front of him.


Doomsday Flash:......

The latter was wearing house clothes, and after shaving off his beard, he looked much younger, almost exactly like Barry.

He looked at the real owner of this house with an awkward expression on his face. He raised his hand and waved it in the air:"Hi......"

"Barry, who's here?"

Barry was having black lines all over his head when he suddenly heard his father Henry's voice, and he suddenly panicked. What if Henry saw two Barrys here?

So he clicked"X" and turned into a line. The lightning disappeared in place, and the next second, the person had already hid in the room. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But after he stood firm, he suddenly realized,"No, I am the one who belongs to this family." The real master, okay!

Why should I hide?

At the entrance, Henry walked out of the living room with some confusion on his face:"Barry, who were you talking to just now?"

The face of Doomsday Flash also showed the same panic as Barry, but he had experienced more at least, and immediately answered:"Nothing, he is a manager promoting stocks...."

Henry immediately believed it. Due to frequent disasters in recent years, the stock market has not been in good shape, and Wall Street is now in dire straits.

All stock managers who make a living have to leave their comfortable offices and go to the streets to solicit customers like salesmen.

Henry had no sympathy for these vampires, and immediately said:"If such people appear again in the future, just drive them away!"

After that, he went back to the house. The Flash breathed a sigh of relief, closed the door and hurried back Go to your own room.

In the room, Barry was looking depressed. He suddenly felt like his family had been taken away from him.

But if you think about it carefully, Doomsday Flash's situation is worse than him. At least he has a father and a girlfriend, while the other person has nothing.

So when the Flash came in with an apologetic look, he had already calmed down, but now was obviously not a good time for father and son to have a heart-to-heart talk.

"Sorry, Barry, I did this without your permission......."

"You don’t have to apologize, even though it’s not the same world, this is still your home."

Seeing himself in another world find solace here, Barry is actually a little happy inside. Since the other person can do it, he can do it too!

If he can modify the timeline and let Nora have a happy life, maybe he can too. You can participate from time to time, as long as the Barry Allen of that world doesn't know about it.[]

Thinking of this, he no longer felt depressed, but instead felt a little happy.

But before doing this, he had to arrange Xiao Shen first.

He was worried that Flash wouldn't agree with his idea and told Dane about it.

If Dane was determined to stop it, he wouldn't dare to do it. Although he and Iris had a good idea and it sounded reasonable, this kind of thing still involves a bit of gambling. Element.

If Batman also knew about this, it would be even more impossible for him to complete it.

So Barry wanted to put aside Flash for the time being, and he couldn't modify the timeline under his eyes.

But to send Xiao Shan away 497, you need a justifiable reason. You can't just say to Xiao Shan directly:"I have some personal things to do. You can stay alone for now." Is that so?

In this way, everyone knows that there is something fishy, ​​and Xiao Shan is very smart.

Seeing Barry deep in thought, the Doomsday Flash thought he was still worried about what had just happened, so he wanted to say something to divert his attention.

So he started a topic:"How did you do that just now? Use the Speed ​​Force in the house, and my lightning will hit everything around."

Lightning is a by-product of the Speed ​​Force. Although the speedster can roughly converge They are powerful, but cannot completely contain them.

When Barry uses the Speed ​​Force, random arcs are often triggered on his body. Although the power is not great under his deliberate control, the movement is not small, and it can easily cause electrical short circuits.

Not to mention the sound, the light exposure of the arc is very bright, brighter than the light bulbs embedded all over the body.

But when Barry ran just now, the arc reaction on his body was very small and there was almost no sound, so Henry was not noticed.

Hearing Doomsday Flash's question, Barry's heart moved and he followed his words:"I definitely can't do this on my own, but there is an artificial intelligence on my suit that can help me adjust my speed. side effects of force..."

In order to arouse the other party's curiosity, he also introduced in detail that with the help of Xiao Shen, he was able to devote himself better to running, and he rarely had the problem of being unable to continue moving due to insufficient blood sugar.

Doomsday Flash was just as he expected, with an envious expression on his face.

Although he has a shuttle suit made for him by Batman, because Batman does not trust artificial intelligence, the AI ​​on his suit is not very smart, and there is still a lot of trouble.

Originally, he didn't think it was anything, but when compared with the Barry in front of him, there was an immediate gap.

Seeing that the heat was almost over, Barry revealed his true purpose

"you...Do you want to try on my suit?".

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