Faced with Barry's suggestion, Doomsday Flash was a little moved, but he was a little embarrassed.

Barry didn't let him hesitate for too long. Although the two were in the same body, they were like twin brothers when they got along on a daily basis. He regarded the older Barry as his older brother.

Barry tapped his fingers on his chest, and a metal object like a button fell down and was caught by him.

Barry's suit uses the most cutting-edge nanotechnology, and the entire suit is condensed into this small button, which surprised the Doomsday Flash.

He took the button from Barry's hand smoothly, thought for a moment, took off the ring marked with the lightning symbol on his hand and handed it to Barry.

"This is my battle suit, but it's not a shuttle suit, it's the one I used before.

It doesn’t have a lot of features, but it’s very wearable and...Very stretchy."

After hearing this, Barry pressed the lightning mark curiously, as if some switch was activated. The lightning mark separated, and something suddenly popped out from the small hole.

Barry was startled and hurriedly hid aside. But when the thing fell to the ground, he saw clearly what it was, and couldn't help but feel a little speechless.

It was a red tights, and it seemed to have shrunk a little, like it was for a baby.

Doomsday Barry was a little embarrassed, He explained:"Actually, you should put it on before it falls to the ground."

Barry squatted down and picked it up. It was very elastic. He couldn't help but pull it and found that the suit could be stretched very long.

After looking carefully, Barry seemed to understand the principle of this suit. When the air in the suit is completely evacuated, the suit will become very small, small enough to fit into a ring.

When it is released, it will quickly absorb the surrounding air, making up the volume of the fiber material of the suit. As a result, it will expand rapidly and become a size that normal people can wear.

He pulled on the clothes. Although the suit looked like something worn by a child, because it was very malleable, it could actually be worn by a child. An adult of his size would wear it.

Barry thought that his suit was worn by Doomsday Barry. He couldn't travel through time naked, right? Wouldn't that be considered a pervert?

So he didn't refuse. It took less than a second to put on this suit.

Although this suit looks small, it actually looks very bloated after putting it on, especially the trapezius and thigh muscles, Barry Such a slender figure gave off a short and stocky look.

Barry looked in the full-length mirror and felt like he was just a red-skinned goblin. Who designed this suit? It’s too damn good. Ugly!

"How about it? It looks pretty good!"Who knew that this guy Barry at the end of the world didn't even have the slightest bit of success, and he said proudly to Barry.

Upon hearing this, Barry could only pull out an ugly smile and said reluctantly:"It's still.........not bad......"

This brother's aesthetics are simply amazing...

He wanted to take it off now and throw the dress into the trash can, but he was afraid of hurting Barry's self-esteem in the end. Moreover, the dress was ugly and Barry still needed it.

Hopefully this piece of clothing won't disappoint in terms of functionality. Barry could only think sadly.

On the other side, Doomsday Barry also began to wear the suit. This suit does not need to be put on manually like the one in the ring, it can be slapped directly on the body.

Doomsday Barry put it on himself. In just a moment, the metal suit unfolded on Doomsday Barry and took shape in the blink of an eye.

"Wow, this dress smells like a new car!"

The Doomsday Flash doesn't need to look in the mirror. He has already seen Barry wearing this suit. He just wants to try out the function of this suit."

"Can I run a lap?"He looked eager to try

"certainly."Barry responded in the affirmative, which was also his purpose.

At the end of the day, Barry cheered, and with a flash of lightning, he disappeared directly, and he didn't know where he went.

Barry took this time to quickly get familiar with it. To be honest, he is still a little uncomfortable with the suit he wears, especially in the crotch area, which always feels a bit cramped.

This suit is equipped with a low-level AI system, and the watch on his wrist can monitor his blood sugar in real time. concentration, as well as some basic navigation functions, communication functions, etc., which are basically similar to the sports bracelets on the market, but with more powerful functions. After getting familiar with the suit, Barry left home quietly.

After putting on this suit, he didn't dare to use the Speed ​​Force directly at home. It would be terrible if lightning struck everywhere.

After feeling that everything was ready, Barry started running directly on the road. He suddenly increased his speed and quickly entered Full speed mode.

But there was no small flash in his ear to remind him. He was still a little unaccustomed to it, but soon, as his speed gradually increased, the familiar feeling appeared again.

Barry looked forward, staring straight at Looking straight ahead, a dark cave appeared in front of him.

This is it!

Barry yelled in his heart, then speeded up again, raised his legs and jumped over the black cave.

But this time it seemed a little different, the place he saw turned into a blue In the colored space, Barry was a little confused and didn't know where this place was.

He was about to ask Xiao Flash, but then he realized that Xiao Flash was not around.

Barry raised his wrist to see what other functions the suit had, but he But he found that his palms were twisting, stretched out like a boneless plastic man.

He was frightened, and his mouth widened as if shouting loudly, but his mouth was also stretched by an unknown force, like a It sounded like a trumpet in the wind.

Barry panicked. He tried to find a way out of here, but there was no way back. Everything was blue and loud in all directions, and he couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and south.

He didn't dare to stop, either. If the protection of the Speed ​​Force is lost, who knows what will happen?

At this time, Dane remembered what Xiao Shen once said to him, and he also muttered to himself:"Run Barry Run."

So he cheered up and worked hard. He ran forward desperately, even if his body was dragged into a long length, he only focused on the front. He didn't think about anything but running now. A miracle happened, and the surrounding scene began to change again. Barry I'm very happy. As long as there are changes, there is the possibility of escaping from here.

Soon, that familiar film stuck to Barry's face. He was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, and increased the speed again, even if the watch was moving towards him. He didn't care at all about calling the police.

The next moment, Barry finally broke through the membrane and came to the place where he had been not long ago. Barry named this intersection of time and space,"The Bowl of Time", because this place is really... Like a bowl.

Barry looked down and found that his legs were moving backwards just like the last time he came here.

He was now sure that this was where he came before.

This made him let out a long sigh of relief. , although a little accident happened, but fortunately the final result was not bad.

Then Barry focused on the surrounding scenes, those scenes in the past.

He kept running and running, always moving forward, while the time of the surrounding scenes was moving backwards. Not long after, he saw the person he had been longing for, Nora.


Barry continues to run forward, trying to find that point in time, the point in time when his mother Nora was murdered.

Soon, he found it!

Barry rushed towards his target......

2004, Central City, Allen's house.

At this time, Nora was busy in the kitchen singing cheerful Mexican tunes, unaware that there was a strange person standing behind her.

Reverse Lightning's whole body was shaken, and his face was blurred. His red eyes stared closely at the woman with her back to him, and a bloodthirsty and happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

When Nora accidentally turned around, she was startled. The shaking figure of the reverse lightning was like a yellow ghost, but it was clearly broad daylight now!

Nora immediately picked up the kitchen knife on the chopping board, grabbed the handle of the knife with both hands, and pointed the tip of the knife at Reverse Flash.

"'What the hell are you!"

It can be seen that Nora is a very brave woman.

Most people will scream in fear when they see Reverse Flash like this, but Nora won't.

Her son Xiaoli is still upstairs. , Nora couldn't make too much noise, lest it attract Barry's attention and expose him to this strange thing in front of him.

Reverse Flash saw Nora trembling, but still mustered up the courage to face him with a knife, and suddenly stopped Got a shock

"Great maternal love, ha..."

Perhaps thinking of his own life experience, the expression on Reverse Lightning's face suddenly became less happy. He originally planned to play with this woman, but now he is no longer in the mood.

So he decided to kill her efficiently! (Wonderful)

Nora felt her eyes suddenly flicker, and she felt something was wrong in her hand. She looked down and saw that the knife was gone. When she looked up again, the knife was in the hand of the man in strange clothes in front of her.

She seemed to realize what was about to happen[]

After Reverse Flash grabbed the knife, he immediately pushed the tip of the knife forward, and was about to pierce Nora's chest.

Suddenly the county!


A voice seemed to fly from a far away place, and Reverse Flash turned his head suddenly. A circular space-time wormhole suddenly appeared in the void, and crackling lightning burst out from it.

Reverse Flash's expression changed, and he immediately changed the direction of the knife in his hand and stabbed it in the direction of the wormhole. Just then, the Flash emerged from the wormhole, and the tip of the knife had already touched his chest!

"Ha, Flash!"Reverse Flash was trembling with excitement. Even if he couldn't kill Nora, killing The Flash would be good, or better!

But he failed!

Barry didn't know what time period the Reverse Flash in front of him was from, but he didn't care about it. , he was so angry that he had already stimulated his own potential.

The knife passed through his chest, but it failed to cause any trouble to Barry. He avoided this fatal attack through resonance.

Then Barry raised his shaking arm and suddenly He stabbed down, directly into Reverse Flash's chest.

The ferocious look on Barry's face flashed away, and he squeezed Reverse Flash's heart hard with his palm!

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