"How come there's no news at all?"Barry didn't believe in evil, so he searched for the term"Dane Davis" again.

There are tens of thousands of people with this name across the country, and some of them have no contact information.

"Let me tell you, the founder of Pioneer Technology has never exposed private information, as if he was deliberately hiding something."Little Barry said.

Barry thought about it quietly and suddenly came up with an idea. It's just that it's a bit risky, but now he can't care so much.

"I have another idea."

Hitting his fingers on the keyboard, Barry began to hack into Pioneer Technology's server.

"What are you doing?"Little Barry didn't expect this to be his idea," Pioneer Technology's AI is very good, and it's impossible for you to hack in."

Barry also knew this, but his purpose was not to actually hack into Pioneer Technology, but to attract the attention of a"person".

Soon, a red warning entry appeared on the computer screen

"You have violated the security protocol, please stop your behavior immediately!

Repeat, you have violated the security protocol, please stop your behavior immediately!"

"We're screwed."Little Barry was frightened when he saw this line. He didn't want to go to jail.

"No, we won't."After Barry saw this line of words, his face actually lit up with joy. He carefully typed on the keyboard:"Cortana?"

The other side was silent.

"Who is Cortana?"Little Barry was puzzled.

But Barry didn't mean to answer him. He looked at the computer screen expectantly.

After a moment, a line of words appeared on the computer display again:"Barry Allen, why do you know my name? ?"

"Why does it know our names?"Little Barry was also asking this question.

Barry took a look at the computer camera and said firmly:"They should have seen us through the computer camera, and then found out our identities through big data."

"This seems to be illegal, right?"

"Let’s break the law first. After Barry dropped this sentence, he hurriedly started typing on the keyboard:"This matter is very complicated. In short, we need to see Dane Davis as soon as possible. We need his help with some things.""

"please wait."

After the other person said these words, there was no movement.

Barry and Little Barry looked at each other, and Little Barry whispered:"Did it succeed?"

"I have no idea."Barry was a little depressed,"I am not familiar with Dane now, and I don't know if he is willing to see us. But a few minutes later, a line of text appeared on the computer again:"You can meet Dane at the Pioneer Technology Building in Detroit.""

After seeing the good news, Barry immediately pulled the little boy to his feet.

"we need a car"

"Let's drive Henry's"

"He is actually willing to let you drive?"

"He doesn't want to, but now is obviously not the time to worry about this, isn't it?"

Not long after, the two people who drove Henry's pickup truck drove onto the highway and arrived at the place Cortana said two hours later.

In the lobby of Pioneer Technology, the front desk asked politely:"You two, are you there? What can I do to help you?"

"We have an appointment, Barry Allen."

The front desk lady's face changed and she became more enthusiastic.

"The place you want to go is on the top floor. The elevator is here. Please follow me."

Under the enthusiastic guidance of the front desk, the two Barrys took the elevator to the top floor. As soon as the elevator door opened, they were stunned.

"This place is so big and luxurious!"Little Barry said in a voice that only the two of them heard.

Barry nodded subconsciously, and then pulled Little Barry in. He was okay, because he had seen the scenery of the watchtower, and he was somewhat immune to it.

But Little Barry It didn't work. He seemed to have never seen the world and was curious about everything.

The entire top floor was not like an office, but more like a large flat floor. The huge floor-to-ceiling windows gave a panoramic view of the entire Detroit.

In front of one of the floor-to-ceiling windows, a The boss's chair suddenly turned around, revealing the figure of Dane Davis

"Dane!"Barry was very happy. This was the second familiar person he saw at this time.

Dane's eyes flashed, and his expression was a little unclear:"You seem to know me? It's strange, I seem to have never seen you before"

"This matter is a bit complicated to say......"

But Dane looked at Barry, and then at Barry, who was standing next to him looking around, as if he suddenly understood.

"You are from the future."His tone was very determined.

Both Barry's were shocked and couldn't believe he found the truth so quickly.

"how do you know?"Little Barry blurted out.

But Dane did not answer his question, but crossed his hands on his chin:"So, what is the purpose of you coming to me?"

Barry said impatiently:"You should have seen what Zod posted on the Internet. I don't understand why you didn't solve this problem. Dane frowned, feeling that his words were a bit puzzling:"I am a businessman, not a soldier. Shouldn't this be done by people with superpowers?""

"Can...But, you are a super human, aren’t you Shazam?"

"Wait, who is Shazam?"Little Barry is looking for a sense of presence again.

"Shazam is the patron saint of magic, as well as Dane, whose superpowers he gained from the Rock of Eternity."Barry briefly explained to young Barry.

But Dane's eyes across from him flickered, as if he was thinking about something.

"You say I am Shazam, why? Could it be that in your time and space, I gained the power of Shazam?

Barry was in disbelief:"Don't you have superpowers yet?" Impossible. You should have acquired this ability a long time ago, and you should have teamed up with Superman by now......."

"You mean Superman? Dane smiled,"You may have made a mistake. There is no Superman in this world.""

"This is impossible!"Barry blurted out, and then said anxiously:"Zod has come to Earth. If he is not here for Superman, who else can he be for?"

"Zod only said that he came to find a Kryptonian citizen, but that did not mean that the person he was looking for was Superman."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dane tapped his fingers on the table, and the floor-to-ceiling window behind him suddenly turned into a display screen.

"After Zod appeared, I looked up all the UFOs that had appeared on Earth in the last fifty years and found one that met the criteria, but it was now in the hands of Eros."

A very blurry photo appeared on the floor-to-ceiling window, but it was clearly a small aircraft.

Dane continued:"I hacked into the organization that contains the aircraft and found something."

The two Barrys' eyelids twitched as they listened to his words. As expected of you, you can even hack into the secret places of other countries without restraint.

"There was a person in that aircraft, but it was a woman"

"This is impossible..."Barry muttered to himself, desperately grabbing his hair,"Oh my god, what have I done? Superman is gone, Dane has not gained his powers, so who else can stop Zod?"

But soon Barry seemed to remember it again. What, he said quickly:"It doesn't matter, we still have Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Green Lantern."..."

Dane looked at him with a strange expression, a little reluctant to break his fantasy, but Barry had to face reality after all.

"Barry Allen, none of the people you just mentioned exist in this world."

When Dane first learned that there was a city called Gotham in this world, he guessed that this was the world of DC. At that time, he secretly collected information about the members of the Justice League, but found nothing.

Except that Batman is real Apart from the existing world, other superheroes seemed to have disappeared from the world, as if they had never appeared in this world.

For a time, he thought that this was a personal independent movie world with Batman as the protagonist. As long as he avoided the weird Gotham The city and other places are no different from the normal world.

But the appearance of Zod today broke his speculation. This situation is clearly the plot of"Man of Steel". Is it a linkage?

Definitely not. After seeing Barry Allen, Dane knew in a moment that this was the plot of"The Flash", the revised timeline.

But what surprised him was that Barry Allen actually knew him.

Does this 990 mean that in another world? In a parallel universe, is there another self, and he is also a member of the Justice League?

When Dane said that there were no people Barry was familiar with in this world, Barry was almost petrified. He said anxiously:"What if they all Doesn't exist, so how should Zod solve it?"

When Dane heard this, he focused his attention on the aircraft on the big screen.

"Maybe, she can."

Barry was excited and immediately said:"Yes, since that guy is also a Kryptonian, will he be as strong as Superman?"

"But I have to warn you. Dane saw Barry's excitement and was about to cool him down."The other party has been imprisoned for so long. I'm afraid she has a deep prejudice against humans. She may not be willing to help us.""

When Barry heard this, he immediately withered like a wilted eggplant. As Dane said, this is very likely to happen.

"But this is only one of the possibilities. Maybe the other party is selfless and willing to help us?

After all, for her, Zod is also her enemy, so this matter is still worth a try."

Barry got excited again. This kid is so easy to deceive.

Dane chuckled inwardly, then adjusted his expression and said seriously:"But before that, we need more manpower. Although super heroes such as Wonder Woman, Superman, and Green Lantern are... Heroes don't exist, but Batman does"


Barry was overjoyed. Batman's intelligence is not inferior to that of Dane, and he has many high-tech weapons that can play a certain role on the battlefield."

"So shall we go to Gotham now?"[]

"Of course, let me prepare first"

"Wait, Batman? Do you know Batman?"Barry Jr. was very surprised,"He is also a member of the Justice League?"

"In my world, yes."Barry couldn't wait.

Dane put his palm on the table. After electronic scanning, Cortana's small virtual image appeared.

"Cortana, prepare Fighter 3"

"Okay, Dane."

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