Soon, Barry and the others saw the aircraft called"Fighter No. 3", which was a Quinjet fighter.

It is worth mentioning that there are no Marvel comics in this world, so there is no need to worry about copyright issues

"Wow, this guy has hot pants!"Little Barry's eyes lit up.

"You said you were just a businessman, right?"Barry looked at Dane with blank eyes. This fighter plane is equipped with anti-air and anti-ground weapons.

Dane said calmly:"My company is also involved in the arms industry. Okay, let's board the plane."

After that, Dane walked into the fighter plane, and the two Barrys quickly followed.

The Quinjet flew very fast, flying in the stratosphere, with a limit of 4 Hz, and it arrived in Gotham in a short time. , over Wayne Manor

"You actually know who Batman is?"Barry was surprised.

"There are not many things in this world that I want to know but cannot know."Dane just said that. He didn't explain much.

The Quinjet began to dive from the stratosphere, hovering at an altitude of several thousand meters away from Wayne Manor.

"Get ready for ejection. Dane said and began to press the buttons on the console.

The two Barrys began to panic:"What?""

Whoosh!" Two Barrys flew out of the fighter plane accompanied by screams.

"ah——!"The X2

Barrys howled and rolled in the sky. When they were about the same height, the parachutes on the seats opened and they landed lightly.

When they got off the ejection seat, their hearts were still pounding.

"I thought I was going to die."Little Barry clutched his chest and said with lingering fear.

Barry was stunned and didn't speak. If he hadn't seen that he was still breathing, Little Barry would have thought that he had been frightened to death.

"You should trust me more."Dane suddenly walked over at this moment, still meticulously dressed.

"how did you do it?"Barry said in surprise:"I don't think I saw you ejecting."

Dane did not answer this question, but instead set his sights on Wayne Manor. The current Wayne Manor is in a dilapidated state, with dead branches and leaves scattered throughout the manor.

"Has this place always looked like this?"Little Barry said doubtfully.

"This is what I want to say to you, Batman has been inactive for a long time because Gotham City has now become the safest city in the country"

"Gotham? you sure?"Barry lost his voice, how could this city be safe with those lunatics from Arkham?

"Remember, this is not the world you're familiar with, Barry, and it's best to think of it as a whole new world."

The three of them walked into the dilapidated Wayne Manor, and Dane entered the door as if there was no one else around.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard a very dynamic rock music, which was played on a vinyl record. Opposite the record, there was a strange An oil painting.

There are two little angels with wings and red sausages on the painting, which gives people a sense of unknown meaning.

Barry looked at the painting with a strange expression:"I didn't know he could paint."

"《, I think the people who listen to this kind of music must be different from the Batman you have in mind. Dane said with a smile.

"How would you know?"Barry has wanted to ask this question for a long time. No matter which world Dane is in, he seems to know everything.

But now Dane clearly does not have the ability! It should be impossible to talk about predicting the future.

"This is not important. I think we can go to the kitchen to look for it first."

The three of them found the kitchen, but Dane stood at the door and seemed to have no intention of going in.

"You go in first."

Barry felt a little strange, but he didn't think much about it, but he was a little excited when he thought that he would see another old acquaintance soon, so he couldn't wait to walk in.

Little Barry has super powers, and now his self-confidence is inflated When he came, he followed in without hesitation.

Not long after, there was a sound of ghosts crying and howling in the kitchen.

Of course Dane, who was familiar with the plot, knew that Barry Allen would get a good beating inside, but given the time The chaos on the line was all due to Barry's time travel regardless of the time-space continuum. Dane felt that he was not unjustly beaten.

After a few minutes, the movement in the kitchen disappeared, and Dane walked in calmly.

"You knew this was going to happen, right?"

Barry had a nosebleed and looked at Dane with resentful eyes. No wonder Dane had just asked them to come in first. Who would have thought that Batman would be so aggressive.

He has lost his superpowers now and can't resist Batman's attack at all. But Barry was very happy to see it. With the speed force, it was impossible for him to be hit by Batman.

"In fact, you should be lucky. According to Batman's past practice, you now don't just have a nosebleed, but also have to break a bone or two. Dane laughed.

"You seem to know me well?"

Sitting opposite Barry, there is an old man with gray hair and a sloppy beard. He is Batman. At this time, he is looking at everyone.

It is indeed the Keaton version of Batman. Dane secretly said, he has not been to Gotham City before. He clocked in and rarely paid attention to Gotham news.

Before establishing his own business empire, he did not want to have anything to do with these psychopaths. After establishing his own business, he separated Batman and Gotham City because he was busy with business. He had forgotten about it.

Gotham was a poor place, and there wasn't much money anyway. The entire city was the exclusive domain of the Wayne family, and he didn't care about this market either.

"Look, Bruce, please give me a moment and I can explain all this."Barry tried to reduce Bruce's hostility.

Bruce Wayne looked at Barry carefully, as if judging something, and then he suddenly said:"Are you hungry?"

"To be honest, I'm really hungry."Baby Barry touched his belly.

Since he got the Speed ​​Force, he has been hungry all the time. He feels like he can eat a whole cow now.

Bruce smiled at him, got up and went to work on the stove..

And Barry took this opportunity to explain everything to him, about who he was, who they were, about time, about Zod, and about the Justice League.

And Dane also took this opportunity to learn about the In Barry's time and space, there were things about him

"What you said makes absolutely no sense. Dane was thoughtful.

Barry was stunned for a moment and said strangely:"What?""

"You just said that I was very aware of your abilities in that time and space and even talked to you about it, right?"

"That's right"

"If that's the case, why didn't I stop you from doing this?"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Barry was shocked, and then murmured to himself:"Yes, with Dane's ability, everything that happens on the earth should not be hidden from him...."

"I don't know who you are talking about, but is this possible? Is that Dane really able to monitor the world all the time?"Little Barry questioned

"Let’s not talk about whether this can be done."Bruce frowned a little,"It's very abnormal for such power to be handed over to one person. It's hard to imagine that the other one didn't object to me."

"In fact, Dane did this kind of thing through an artificial intelligence called Cortana."Barry explained.

Dane's eyes flashed when he heard this. Did he also create Cortana in another world?

In fact, the creation of Cortana was a complete accident. At first, he just wanted to create a person similar to Jarvis. Artificial Intelligence, but when he wrote a program, he had endless inspiration, and finally found that the AI ​​he completed was much more intelligent than he originally imagined.

Thanks to her, Dane's business Only then can an empire be built as quickly as possible.

After listening to Barry's words, Bruce turned his attention to Dane:"So, who are you?"

Little Barry couldn't wait to say:".He is Dane Davis, who is also the founder of Pioneer Technology. Bruce looked at Dane with a meaningful look in his eyes:"So, you are the so-called Shazam?""

"No, at least not yet. Dane smiled at him,"I am just a weak businessman now. The task of saving the world has to be left to you superheroes. I can only help you with some logistics work.""

"hehe."Bruce smirked twice and said no more.

This atmosphere made the two Barrys feel a little uncomfortable.

"What happened?"Little Barry asked Barry in a lowered voice.

"I don't know wow."Barry also replied quietly, Dane and Batman in the other world are not that unruly.[]

He thought about saying something to break the current deadlock, so he said:"Bruce, you seem to be more serious than I thought."..."

Before he could say anything, Xiaobali answered:"Old!"

"This is what I can't figure out."He picked upTake a piece of spaghetti, stretch it out, and then use your fingers to

"I went back in time, from here to here, but I don’t know why, I seem to have returned..."He pointed to the other end of the pasta,"I don't know, when were you born?"

Bruce's age change really puzzled him. Logically speaking, modifying the timeline would only create a new time branch, but before the time fulcrum, History should remain unchanged.

But Bruce had a different opinion:"We11, time is not linear, right?"

Barry seemed stunned for a moment, and subconsciously answered:"Yes."

Then Bruce brought the cooked (Zhao Zhao's) pasta to the table , took the noodle in Barry's hand:"Time doesn't work like this, it doesn't work like this. When you modify the timeline, you are not creating a new time branch, but creating a time fulcrum." He took it Take a new piece of pasta and stack it on top of the original piece of pasta. There is an intersection between the two pieces of pasta.

"You've arrived at a new stick of pasta. He pointed at the two ends of the new pasta,"New future, new past, it is reverse cause and effect.""

Barry was a little panicked.

At this time, Dane suddenly said:"If you really modify the timeline, things will develop even worse. He reached for the pot of spaghetti that Bruce had just brought and poured the noodles on the plate:"The timeline will become like this. You will create multiple universes. Some timelines are almost parallel, and there will inevitably be intersections between them." point.

But other timelines will...It's so divergent that it's just a mess, just like throwing dice, with no rules at all."

The TV in the kitchen was still playing news about Zod, and Bruce pointed at the TV.

"So, it is because of you, that guy named Zod, that you want to destroy the earth?"

"possible?"Barry felt a little guilty.

"This is too much to say. According to Barry, Zod was also encountered in another parallel world, but he was taken care of by the Justice League in that world."Dane rarely said something fair.

Barry was immediately moved.

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