Bruce doesn't pursue accountability, that doesn't make any sense

"So, there is a guy named Superman who can stop Zod?"When Bruce said the word"Superman", a smile appeared on his face.

The upright Barry nodded:"Yes, now that Dane has not obtained superpowers, only Superman can stop Zod."

"He can fly and has laser eyes? Bruce questioned.

Barry answered honestly:"Yes, he can fly and has laser eyes.""

Little Barry:"Cool~!"

"no one thinks...The name Superman...Is it a little too deliberate?"Bruce couldn't hold back his laughter.

But Barry Jr. interrupted at this time:"But, you still call yourself Batman?"

"Yeah, but I don't call myself Batman"

"None of that matters. Dane spoke and pushed the crooked building back,"We have good news and bad news.""

"Then you'd better say it once and for all, I don't want to choose"

"Let's start with the bad news. I have researched information about this Superman and have determined that this man does not exist, at least not on earth."

Hearing this, Bruce frowned slightly.

"The good news is that I have checked all the UFOs from extraterrestrial origin in the past fifty years, and found one that matches the target the Kryptonians are looking for, and it was intercepted by Eros.

I hacked into their internal network and discovered a female Kryptonian being held captive in a secret base in Siberia.

Bruce questioned:"You mean, we are going to rescue an alien who has been imprisoned by humans a long time ago, and we are asking her to help us fight against her people regardless of past suspicions?""


Bruce sneered:"Why would she do that?""

"Because to her, Zod is also an enemy. You don’t really believe that Zod came to Earth with great fanfare and hijacked the global network to save her, right?"

"Maybe that's the case. Bruce shrugged,"I'm retired now and people don't need me anymore.""

"But, we need you!"Barry stood up quickly

"Why don't you let this one help you?"Bruce pointed at Dane,"He is not as simple as he seems."

A person's body posture can reflect many problems. As the world's greatest detective, Bruce has already developed a pair of sharp eyes. He can tell at a glance that Dane's body has been trained for a long time and is by no means inferior to his prime.

So. , he simply didn’t believe that Dane was just an ordinary businessman. What kind of businessman would train his body into a deadly weapon?

But Barry obviously couldn’t understand what Bruce meant. Seeing that Bruce seemed unwilling to help, he was so anxious Like ants on a hot pot.

Just when Bruce was about to leave, Dane spoke again.

"Do you really want to sit back and watch this happen? Even if billions of people die?"

Bruce stopped. He turned his head and looked at Dane with burning eyes:"What do you mean?"

"The purpose of General Zod coming to Earth is not only to capture the Kryptonian left here, he also wants to transform the Earth into a new Krypton."

Barry suddenly remembered something very important. The Kryptonian Creation Engine is a machine that can completely transform the entire planet's ecology.

"Yes, it is the Creation Engine. Krypton has been destroyed. Zod will most likely transform our planet into an environment suitable for Kryptonians to live in, but that environment is definitely not suitable for Earthlings to survive."

Bruce did not delve into the source of the information. Even if there was even a slight possibility, he had to nip it in the cradle.

At this point, he was as extreme as Batman in another time and space.

So Bruce's attitude changed. In a U-turn, in the face of global disaster,"retirement" is no reason for him to sit back and watch.

"Give me an address. Bruce said in a lowered voice.

Dane smiled and reported the longitude and latitude coordinates. After getting the coordinates, Bruce walked out of the kitchen without saying a word.

"so...He agreed, right?"Little Barry was a little confused.

"Get ready, we are going to Siberia!"

Bruce put on his Bat suit again, took off in the Bat fighter, and flew towards Siberia.

Dane also took the two Barrys on board the Quinjet, also heading towards Siberia.

Regardless. Neither Batman nor Dane paid attention to Eros' air traffic control. Their fighter planes' stealth capabilities were powerful enough that Eros' radar could not detect them. In

Siberia, somewhere in the snowy mountains, there is an old satellite launch base. , has now been transformed into some kind of military base.

Batman sneaked into this base first and did not wait for Dane and others behind.

"OK, what's our plan."Barry held on to his desk and chair tightly, fearing that Dane would suddenly eject again.

"We go in, get the Kryptonian out, and get out"

"It's that simple?"Little Barry is in disbelief.

"It's that simple."Dane didn't take it seriously, and then when the two Barrys weren't paying attention, he pressed the ejection device again.

"No——! Dane, I hate you.——!"

Barry's horrified voice came from the distant sky, and Dane felt happy.

The two Barrys landed with screams again. Fortunately, they were outside the base. Their voices were carried away by the cold wind and were not heard by anyone inside the base.

The landing point chosen by Dane was very precise, almost right above the base and close to the gate.

When the Barrys stood up tremblingly, they could see that the gate into the base was very close at hand.

"In your time and space, was Dane's character also so bad?"Little Barry was swaying and rubbing his arms. This suit didn't keep him warm at all. He was freezing to death.

"No, in my time and space, Dane was a very nice guy." Barry explained

"I think I heard someone talking bad about me?"

The sudden sound startled the two Barrys. Little Barry rubbed his eyes and wondered:"Why do you arrive before us every time?"

It was the same at Wayne Manor. They obviously ejected first, but when they landed, they found that Dane was already waiting for them on the ground (bceb)

"I have some special skills."Dane just said with a smile, and then he fiddled with his watch. The watch began to transform like a Transformer, and soon formed a spray gun.

This scene made the two Barry's eyes widen. When had the two big boys ever seen such a cool thing?

But now was obviously not a good time to ask. They could only suppress their itching for the time being.

After using the spray gun to open the door, the three climbed into the base. ( To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After landing, they saw the mercenaries all over the ground, most of them only breathed.

"Batman did this?"Little Barry said in surprise

"Looks like it, let's keep going."

The people continued walking along the"lying corpses" and finally came to the secret room where the Kryptonians were imprisoned. Batman was standing in front of the door of the secret room, looking like he was cracking the code.

Barry looked at Bat He asked what Xia was doing, then turned around and smiled quietly at Dane and Barry:"He's going to use this flip phone to hack into their network security system."

This method...Well, there is a beauty that does not belong to this era.

Dane rolled his eyes and said,"Go and try all the passwords."

Bari saluted playfully, and then there was a burst of lightning, and the door to the secret room finally opened.

Dane took the lead and walked into the secret room. In the most corner of the secret room, he saw the woman curled up into a ball.

"Kara Zor-El?"Dane tried.

The skinny woman opened her eyes, filled with raging anger and overwhelming hatred.

But Dane turned a blind eye to this look:"It seems to be you."He nodded as if he was satisfied.

At this moment, a red light suddenly lit up around the secret room. Kara became weaker under the red light. This was red sunlight. It seemed that those old guys were very interested in the Kryptonians. The research has been very in-depth, and they even know that they are afraid of red sun light.

Dane immediately asked Cortana to hack into the base's internal server and download the red sun light manufacturing technology. Although it is not as effective as kryptonite, it is Red sun light is still an effective weapon against Kryptonians.

Although he can research it by taking some time, why should he develop it independently when it is already available? Isn't it time-consuming?

"They have discovered us, take her quickly and let's go!"After Batman finished speaking, he immediately stood up and walked to the door of the secret room.

Dane hugged Princess Carla in his arms and left the secret room under the cover of the two Barrys.

At this time, a group of Maozi mercenaries had already arrived outside the secret room door, attacking The intruders were met with a hail of bullets.

Batman turned around and blocked the bullets with his bulletproof cloak, but he was also shaken by the huge impact of the bullets. The dense rain of bullets made Barry There is no chance to use the Speed ​​Force. He can't be as fast as Barry yet, and he will be caught up by bullets.

"We're screwed!"Baby Barry screamed, forgive him, he is just an 18-year-old child now, how have he ever seen such a battle.

Kara tried to open her eyes, trying to see who the person who saved her was, and she saw Dai En's jawline, I heard his voice in my ears

"Not always."

Then Dane handed Kara to Barry Allen, and he pressed a logo on the down jacket. The entire down jacket suddenly spread out and reorganized as if it came alive, and finally turned into a streamlined piece that was full of professionalism at the same time. Iron suit.

If there are any Marvel fans here, they will definitely recognize this red and gold suit. This is Iron Man’s Mark 50. Dane directly hit the spot and created Tony Stark’s most attractive suit. Proud of the Nano Suit

"Awesome!"Little Barry's eyes lit up when he saw it, and even Barry looked dumbfounded.

Dane walked out of the secret room wearing Mark 50, his hands transformed into two sonic cannons, and only heard a"buzz" sound, and the mercenaries on the opposite side collectively Collapsed to the ground, the sonic cannon destroyed their central nervous system and paralyzed their bodies.

After wiping out all the mercenaries at once, Dane took Kara from Barry, then activated the anti-gravity system under his feet and headed upwards towards the base. fly away

"I don't think you need to ask me for help at all."Batman was speechless. It's just such a base. Dane can kill it by himself, right?"

"Now I finally know why he always lands before us. It’s great to have money. You can become a superhero without super powers."

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