Among the three goddesses, Hespera is the most scheming, while Calypso is the most ambitious. Anthea, the youngest sister, is actually a white lotus.

Dane stretched out his hand to unlock Circe's magic:"Capture that goddess, but don't hurt her."

He pointed at Anthea.

Circe felt that her magic power could be used again. After hearing Dane's words, she subconsciously looked at Anthea. She looked good, but she had a very childish temperament.

Does he like this type of woman?

As a witch, Circe knows a lot of magic. If the three goddesses were in their prime, she might be a little more troublesome to deal with.

But now that the opponent has lost all his magical power and is no different from an ordinary person, Circe's magic will be fully effective.

Circe didn't see any movement, but Anthea's eyes suddenly lost their luster, and she walked towards Circe numbly.

Hespera was about to pull her, but Dane, who was approaching at some point, grabbed her wrist.

She looked at Dane fiercely, and a light seemed to flash in her eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

No, you can't be impulsive. Your strength has not been fully restored. Even if you use magic, you are no match for them. She lowered her head, seemingly resigned to her fate

"It's that simple?"Diana was surprised. There were also three gods on the opposite side, and they were able to occupy the magpie's nest so easily.

However, just as she had such an idea, the floor under her feet suddenly shook, as if a large army was rushing towards them. The same thing happened.

Diana tied Calypso tightly with the mantra to ensure that she would not escape, and then looked in the direction of the movement. There was a group of strange-looking creatures there. They were said to be orangutans, but they looked like Humans, but their whole body seems to be covered in a layer of metal armor. When they open their mouths, you can still see a row of fine teeth.

This group of weird soldiers cannot speak, and they open their mouths to make beastly roars.

"Kill them!"Calypso, who was imprisoned by the mantra, roared and was kicked unconscious by Diana.

But her order had been issued, and the orc army immediately charged towards the three of them.

While there was still some time, Dane looked back Diana asked after a moment:"Your Majesty, are you coming or am I coming?"

"Humph, back off!"Diana glared at Dane. She could tell that this man only respected her verbally and did not take her as a monarch seriously at all.

Her territory and army were destroyed by human nuclear weapons. , there is no one available on hand, at least until Circe resurrects her subordinates, she really can only bear with Dane.

Besides, the other party has not actually touched her bottom line, she needs a She wanted to fight to vent the anger she had accumulated in her heart. So after Dane gave up her position, Diana took the Vulcan Sword and countercharged towards the orc army.

Ten minutes later, thousands of orcs were killed by Diana alone. , with such combat skills, even the ancient heroes were no more than this, and Hespera was in a bad mood.

This meant that they had no way to prevent the temple from changing owners for a long time.

The three of them were like this After occupying the small divine world where the three goddesses had lived for many years, Anthea was controlled by Circe and went to the temple's treasure house. Although this place had no magic power, there were still some divine materials.

Diana took Kalu Puso and Hespera went to check the army here. Although the orc army just now was vulnerable to her, they were much stronger than ordinary humans. They might be an effective supplement to the Amazon army, or they could be used as cannon fodder..

And Dane brought the scepter to the Tree of Life. This giant tree that once bore golden apples has now become a candle in the wind, with very little vitality.

If it hadn't been for it, this small world of gods would have become a A dead place.

Dane was already familiar with doing this kind of thing. He raised his scepter high, and the situation above the Atlas Mountains instantly changed.

Even Diana, Circe and others were attracted and moved towards Looking outside the temple.

Hespera already had a little bit of magic power, and she noticed that a powerful divine power was gathering in the air.

"he is a god.?"Hespera turned her head sharply and stared at Diana with burning eyes.

Among the three of them, only Diana introduced herself. She only knew that this woman with excellent combat skills was a demigod, but she didn't know much about the other two.

But being able to cause such a celestial phenomenon shows that the man is qualified to use power and is definitely a God with authority.

"That's none of your business, keep leading the way."Diana said coldly. Calypso's mouth was too dirty and had been sealed by her. Now he was tied up by Diana like a mortal.

Hespera was suffocated by Diana's attitude and could only He held back his anger and continued to lead the way, thinking to hold it in for a while longer, and wait until his strength was fully restored to make the other party look good.

Dane raised the scepter in his hand high, and a bolt of thunder descended from the dark sky, striking the scepter and covering it. The thousand-year-old barrier surrounding the Small God Realm was finally completely opened.

The scepter struck the ground, and thunder was introduced into the earth. The divine power in it was absorbed by the Tree of Life along the roots underground.

After more than ten seconds, the tree of life opened. Flowers appeared, and the dry trunk gradually began to fill up. The tree of life has not returned to its heyday, but it has escaped the crisis of death. The vitality of the human world began to flow into the small god world as the barrier was broken, and at the same time it also brought The source of magic.

The essence of magic is actually vitality. Under the complex reaction of the ecosystem, the air will be filled with weak magic elements. This is also the source of magic for many spellcasters in the DC universe.

However, due to modern industrial pollution, human beings The magic power of the world is somewhat unclean.

In addition, after entering modern times, human society is full of desires, and the seven deadly sins are flooding the world.The fall also dyed the supposedly pure source of magic with a layer of gray.

This leads to the fact that in modern society, black magic is always easier to perform than white magic. The effect of magic is actually deeply affected by the environment.

Modern spellcasters have adapted to such magic, just as modern humans have adapted to and coexisted with the turbid air quality.

However, the three goddesses were imprisoned in the Little God Realm thousands of years ago. At that time, the magic elements had not been so seriously polluted, so although they felt the magic starting to flow in the Little God Realm, they were temporarily affected by this"pollution" The magic power is so suffocating

"How could this human magic happen?...So dirty?"Hespera's face turned green. She felt like a fish that suddenly entered the sewer and was polluted by this dirty magic.

This was not like just now, when the Rock of Eternity was isolated from the real world. The magic in it naturally remained clean, but when Hespera faced the magic in the world, she was not as happy as before.

Diana thought she was inexplicable and just urged her to lead the way.

Three days later, Diana initially conquered the magic here. Beast soldiers, these soldiers who look like big-headed orangutans are not smart enough and cannot speak, but they are obedient and strong. With a little training, they can form good combat effectiveness. Diana plans to let these beast soldiers serve as Cannon fodder, to make up for the shortcomings of the Amazon's lack of troops.

In the past few days, Circe has also rearranged the new altar, and in order to enhance the effect of the resurrection ceremony, she deliberately set the altar in the square where the Tree of Life is located.

This big The roots of the tree are connected to the new divine realm. Placing an altar here can bring you closer to the gods.

"`.The altar has been set up, and now the resurrection ceremony can be directly carried out as long as the sacrifices are placed."Cersei found Dane and Diana.

Dane has been familiar with his divine body these days. Strictly speaking, he was born less than a month ago, and he was far from tapping the potential of this body.

For this reason, he directly He refused all the tasks that Diana wanted to give him. Diana was very angry and felt that Dane was not under control at all, but she had no other choice but to be angry. She had fought with Dane before, but she was no match for him.

As everyone A world-destroying weapon made by God, the strength of Dane's divine body is ridiculously exaggerated. The defensive power that cannot be cut by the sword of Vulcan has already destined him to be absolutely invincible. After all, even the

Kryptonians are Dain did not dare to resist the sword that was said to be able to cut atoms.

During the battle between the two, Dane did not even use any magic or energy radiation methods, and easily defeated Diana with his indestructible body and fighting skills.

From that time on , no matter how dissatisfied Diana was with Dane, she could only hold it back, so much so that the queen actually had to handle chores by herself.

Fortunately, in name, Dane still recognized Diana as his monarch, which gave Diana brought a little comfort.

She couldn't complain to her father, could she? It was already embarrassing that she couldn't control the weapon.It would only be more embarrassing to sue the parents again, and Diana (Qian Nohao), who has a strong self-esteem, would never do such a thing.

But what Diana didn't know was that unlike them, Dane's goal was never Atlantis or humans. He focused on the gods who controlled everything behind the scenes.

With the scepter in hand, he has a way to seize the power of the gods once they appear.

Although he didn't know what the gods were planning, he couldn't escape the goal of controlling the world.

If the earth must have a god to become the master of the world, Dane feels that this god can only be himself, Zeus? It’s better to continue to stay in the New God’s Realm, drink and have fun and play with women!

Diana led a team of beast soldiers to the altar in front of the Tree of Life. This altar looked much larger than the one on New Paradise Island.

Not sure about the effectiveness

"You, commit suicide."Diana coldly ordered an orc soldier.

The orc soldier was simple-minded and absolutely loyal. After receiving Diana's order, he immediately stepped forward, slit his own neck with a knife, and let the blood splatter on the altar.

Circe She closed her eyes and entered a state of spiritual vision, chanting a spell in her mouth. After a while, the rocks on the ground gathered together, gradually forming a human figure, and gradually turned into flesh and blood. An Amazon warrior wearing armor was resurrected.

She faced Diana single-handedly Kneel down:"Queen Diana!"

Diana almost shed tears. This is the attitude that subjects should have when facing their monarch!"

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