"You're not going to use all the beast soldiers to resurrect those people, are you? Circe said doubtfully.

"Of course not, I plan to plunder the population from the human world."Diana said coldly.

At this time Dane expressed a different opinion:"No."

Diana immediately turned her head and stared at her, her eyes clearly showing"I've tolerated you for a long time", but Dane turned a blind eye.

"What you are doing is killing indiscriminately. I remember that Amazons never attack the weak."

"I can catch those soldiers"

"Isn't that the same? Those soldiers are no match for you either"

"They owe us this!"

"I think the common people of Great Britain have something to say."

Although the Amazons on New Paradise Island were wiped out by humans, in the final analysis, if the Amazons had not occupied human land and killed all the men on it, humans would not necessarily use dirty bombs to attack. Compared to Recalling the irresponsible United States governments that Dane had experienced in the past, Dane felt that they had been very restrained in this world, and they actually delayed using nuclear weapons against the Amazons until now.

Diana's dissatisfaction was about to reach its limit:" Which side are you on? Circe and the newly resurrected Amazons hid aside and did not dare to speak.

Now that the words had been said, Dane felt that it was time to show off, so he said bluntly:"I think what you did is wrong. From now on You shouldn't have dragged humans into this war in the first place. Your enemies are obviously only the Atlanteans, so why did you provoke humans? They didn't mess with you at all, right?"

Even if the woman in front of her is not Dane's Diana, their growth trajectories should be similar. And even if Diana, who has received an orthodox Amazon 077 education, is not a person with great love, she should not be the person she is now who does not distinguish between good and evil. Killing innocent people indiscriminately.

To be honest, Dane was a little disappointed in her.

Although Dane didn't care what happened to the United States, what he hated was only a very small number of garbage and pests among humans. He always had a certain disapproval of the entire human group. Good impression, because he comes from them.

Diana was silent, and the time of her silence was as long as a century in the eyes of Circe and the Amazon warriors. They all felt that Diana at this time was like a volcano, as if it would erupt at any time.

"That bomb before, did you have the ability to stop it?"Diana asked suddenly.

Dane looked at her indifferently and nodded without hesitation:"Yes, I watched it explode."

"Why?"At this time, Diana calmed down.

"This war was unfair from the beginning. The human casualties were real, and they had no way to resurrect like the Amazons.

I don’t know what you think of human life. It’s not something you can trample on at will. If you can’t recognize its value, then I think you should feel it for yourself. You should remain in awe of death."

"Then why did you save me? Wouldn't it be better to just let me die on that island?"

"If you die, you will only ascend to the divine realm under the guidance of the gods, or be resurrected by them through other means.

Besides, if you die, how will you feel the pain of losing your relatives and friends?"

"I know! I've felt it!"Diana roared at him.

How could he say that? She had obviously lost Hippolyta.

In this regard, Dane said softly:"In that case, why do you still want to inflict this pain on What about people you don’t even know? Do you think the innocent humans you killed didn't have families?"

Because it is difficult for Amazons and Atlanteans to die, they have become insensitive to death itself. Dane feels that these people are playing real-life games, and humans are treated as NPCs. It has become something that can be sacrificed at will.

He doesn't like this. With the life equation, he understands the value of life. Even if he is going to die, those people should not lose it in such a meaningless way.

Since these"players" don't Taking human life seriously, Dane simply let them experience death collectively, but he did not expect that Diana would not repent and continued to use humans as consumables, trying to capture them as sacrifices.

How is this different from the evil god?

"Do you have to stop me?"Diana said with a gloomy face.

The scepter appeared in Dane's hand again, and the magic light flashing in the crystal illuminated Diana's beautiful face. Unfortunately, her gloomy expression destroyed this beauty.

"Your Majesty, I hope you know that I can open the barrier in this place, and I can naturally close it again."

Diana clenched her fists, and Circe was also surprised. She didn't want to be locked up in a ghost place without magic, otherwise she wouldn't even be able to maintain immortality, and would eventually become Hespera and Calup. She is as old as Suo, this is absolutely not allowed!

So she immediately expressed her loyalty to Dane:"Dane, I am on your side!"She said nervously.

But unfortunately, Dane ignored her and just stared at Diana, waiting for her reply.

You know, the scepter can take away divine power. The only remaining divine power in Diana may be used depending on the situation. It was no longer hers in one second.

The two were in a stalemate for a while. Just when Dane thought that she was still stubborn and he was about to"kill her relatives out of justice", he finally heard a tired voice:"If we don't use humans, then we should use What is the sacrifice? Let me remind you that ordinary animals cannot serve as sacrifices because their souls are not of sufficient quality."

Although it was not stated explicitly, everyone who knew Diana knew that her behavior was already showing weakness.

The newly resurrected female warrior was very surprised. Ever since Hippolyta died and Diana ascended the throne, she had never I didn't see anyone the Queen compromised with.

Dane nodded with satisfaction. He didn't know which god had exerted influence on Diana, so it was not easy to completely correct her, but as long as there was a possibility of reversal, it would be easy. Well, he didn't mind being patient with her.

The scepter disappeared from Dane's hand, and Dane smiled at her and said:"Actually, I have already planned on this issue. I have found a race that is very suitable to be used as a sacrifice.""

"Which one is it? You don't mean Atlantis, do you?"Diana frowned. Although she hated these undersea people very much, Amazons and beast soldiers cannot fight in the water. Is it possible that she and Dane should go directly into the water to catch them? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu novels Net!)

Then when will they be caught?

The strength of the underwater kingdom cannot be underestimated. The last time she went into the water in anger, she only killed one Mera and failed to expand the results. The underwater environment is not suitable for her kind. The suppression is very great for terrestrial organisms.

Unless......Diana looked at Dane thoughtfully.

Dane seemed to see what she was thinking and couldn't help but feel speechless:"What are you thinking about? I can't help you do something like a human trafficker.""

"The sacrifices I am talking about are not from Atlantis, but they are indeed one of the underwater kingdoms. I wonder if you have heard of the Trench Kingdom?"

"Trench country! Circe said in surprise. As a witch who has survived for a very long time, she has some knowledge of most of the hidden histories of this world, including the underwater kingdom. The

Trench Kingdom is the only one among all the underwater kingdoms where the intelligence of the whole family has deteriorated. , and finally turned into a country of sea monsters. It is said that only the royal family members can retain the basic wisdom of being human, and the remaining citizens are all irrational monsters.

But these monsters are different from real beasts. After all, their origins They are human beings, so the quality of their souls is equivalent to that of humans, and they are enough to be used as sacrifices to resurrect the Amazons. So, these monsters are indeed enough to serve as sacrifices. Circe thought, besides, the number of Trench people is extremely large, so there is no need to worry about not having enough.

Since The method given by Dane made Diana feel relieved for the time being. If she was not forced to do so, she would not want to turn against him.

Amazon has declined to this point and cannot afford to lose any more support.

"I hope this doesn't happen again today."As a queen, Diana couldn't stand someone trying to get over her.

In this regard, Dane just said perfunctorily:"My approach depends on your situation, Your Majesty."

The implication is that you dare to do it next time.

Diana couldn't help raising her eyebrows. When Circe saw that the two were about to quarrel again, she quickly stepped forward to persuade him. She was afraid that Dane would really seal this place off.

So she pulled He asked Diana to argue with Dane and said all the nice things to her in private.

Poor thousand-year-old witch, when had she ever done this kind of work? It was enough that she had to be a lobbyist for two juniors. It was hard to persuade Diana to stop. , Circe walked back again, and saw Dane acting like nothing was wrong, as if he didn't know that he had just threatened the monarch to whom she was supposed to be loyal.

She was a little angry, but soon she sighed helplessly. In one breath, Dane's confidence stems from his strength, and to be honest, if he hadn't found this place, she and Diana might have been displaced at this time.

As a mature witch, she knows how to focus on the key points

"By the way, Dane, the Amazons on New Paradise Island are all wiped out, and what about Neptune?..."

"He couldn't guard against the bomb. Dane shook his head,"However, as an important chess piece in this war, he shouldn't quit so easily.""

"piece? Circe frowned. She seemed to hear a word that contained conspiracy.

Dane laughed and said,"You don't think this war is really just because of hatred, do you?""

"Is there anything wrong?"Cercy really doesn't understand very well.

"Let me ask you, what are the causes of war?"

"The Atlanteans tore up the peace treaty and attacked Paradise Island..."Circe said subconsciously.

Dane asked:"Why did they do this?"

"because...because..."Huh? Circe was suddenly confused, why?

"What can destruction of Paradise Island bring to the Atlanteans? Weird isn't it? They don't seem to want anything from the Amazon. When it is clear that peace is close at hand and is almost within reach, what reason do the people under the sea have to destroy Paradise Island?"[]

Circe suddenly felt shuddered..

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