After a warning, Hespera let Calypso go, and the two sisters, who were almost infighting, quickly got down to business.

"You found their weakness?"

Calypso coughed for a moment, then inhaled heavily before relieving.

Hearing Hespera's words, she stared at her back hatefully, but she didn't dare to mess around anymore, Hespera may really consume a lot, but the power to pinch Calypso to death is still there.

Therefore, although she hated in her heart, she still answered the question honestly.

"The iron birds are all controlled by one man, and that person is hidden in the body of one of the birds. "

Hespera raised his head thoughtfully and looked in the direction Shazam was chasing: "You let that puppet chase you, is that the controller?"

Acknowledging Calypso's approval, Hespera began to summon a tempest in an attempt to affect Hal's fighter, but due to the distance, Howl's fighter was not affected as much as expected.

Although the mother plane he is riding on is similar in appearance to other UAVs, the internal structure is very different, this fighter is not equipped with too many powerful weapons, in order to reduce weight, even missiles are not loaded, only a total of four Vulcan cannons are installed on the left and right~.

With the advantage of neural connections, his artillery hits accurately, and most of the cannon bullets can fall on Shazam-.

But the power of those bullets couldn't penetrate Shazam's body, and it did nothing but create a series of sparks on it.

"What the is this monster?" Hal scolded.

If it weren't for the fact that his fighter plane was equipped with the latest alien technology engine and had an absolute advantage in speed, he would have been caught up by Shazam at this time, and he hadn't forgotten what happened to those drones that Shazam had caught up.

As if hearing his words, Hal's headset suddenly sounded Karl's voice: "Hal, the man chasing you is named Shazam, he used to be a superhero, you have to pay attention, he can release lightning... This ability is very bad for you......"

Hal raised his head violently, the fully wrapped helmet did not have any eyepieces, but there were dozens of sensors on the mother fuselage, which could transmit the external environment to his mind through integrated circuit imaging.

As a result, Hal was able to see things through these sensors that ordinary people couldn't see, and the sky was overcast, the clouds were silent, and everything seemed to be normal, but Hal was able to see that a large amount of electrical charge was accumulating in the clouds.


Carl's voice fell, and a beam of thunder suddenly fell from the sky without warning and struck the mother plane!

Most of the sensors on the outside of the body were overloaded and burned under the lightning attack, and Hal suddenly felt that it was pitch black in front of him, and he couldn't see anything.

At this dangerous moment, he suddenly had an idea, switched his field of vision to the drone, and determined his own position through the drone's third-party perspective.

This also helps Hal determine Shazam's trajectory.

However, using drones as the main field of vision requires a strong spatial imagination to control one's own spatial position, which is not easy, but fortunately, Hal does not lack such talent.

Knowing that the clouds in the sky were Shazam's arsenal, Hal immediately took control of the fighter plane and dived to the ground.

Although Shazam was able to summon thunder, his quasi-head was very average, except for the first thunder, the next few lightning summons failed to hit Howl's fighter, which made Shazam a little anxious, strictly speaking, Calypso was a little anxious.

Hal relied on his coquettish position to bring the situation to a stalemate for a while.

Although the drone formation led by him did not directly destroy the enemy as Karl imagined, it did a good job of delaying the enemy's offensive and buying time for the next ground troops to enter the city.

Just as the battle between Hal and the goddesses was deadlocked until the fifteenth minute, the ground armored forces stationed near Philadelphia finally arrived belatedly.

All kinds of armored vehicles, tanks, and rocket launchers drove into the city and began to purge the wreaking havoc of demonic beasts.

These monsters were all premature babies who were born and were not very strong, and they could not break through the armored vehicles covered in iron armor, but were killed one by one by the machine guns, artillery, and rockets loaded on them.

The troops soon advanced to the position where the two goddesses were.

"Aim at those two women and fire!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

An armored vehicle fired an anti-tank missile, which hit Hespera's magic shield with great accuracy, and even she was knocked back a few steps before she regained her footing.

"Your strength is too much to consume. "

Although she had her own little calculations in mind, Calypso didn't want Hespera to die here now, which would leave her alone to face these armies.

As a last resort, Calypso could only summon the demonic beasts in the city to his side to protect them, temporarily putting aside the plundering of human life.

Radon was also summoned by Calypso to return to the vicinity of the Tree of Life to prevent the ground armor from attacking the Tree of Life.

By this time, the magic shield covering the Tree of Life had shrunk to the extent that it could only cover the roots and part of the trunk.

After a series of offensive and defensive confrontations, the divine power in Hespera's body was consumed extremely quickly, and it was already a little difficult to maintain, and countless demonic beasts swarmed to the stadium to confront the armored forces.

There was a huge disparity in the number of people on the two sides, the armored vehicles immediately shifted the target, and a series of artillery sounds rang out, "crackling" hit the monsters attacking at the front, and the first row of monsters fell in pieces, but there were still a large number of monsters in the rear, rushing up like ant colonies, and drowning the armored vehicles in the blink of an eye.

"There are too many of them, we need support!"

Diveling downward, Hal brought support, and dozens of drones roared down, firing at ultra-low altitudes, shattering the bodies of countless monsters with overwhelming firepower.

In a short period of time, most of the demonic beasts in Philadelphia began to concentrate on the stadium, and the armored troops that had been exterminating the demonic beasts everywhere also began to gather towards the stadium, thus forming a strange encirclement.

This encirclement consisted of several concentric circles, the innermost of which was the first armored vehicle unit to enter, and it was they who forced Calypso to withdraw all the monsters.

The middle layer is made up of demonic beasts returning from all over the world, they are huge in number, forming a black oppressive patch, pushing the innermost armored vehicles, and from time to time they are bombarded by drones in the sky. []

The outermost layer is the last tank unit to arrive, they surround the monsters, and bombard the interior with tank guns, the bombing targets are two, one is the middle layer of the monsters, in order to annihilate them, the firepower used is quite fierce.

The second goal is the Tree of Life.

Dane saw that there were also some arrow launchers firing missiles in the distance, aiming at the giant tree.

I saw several strong lights appear in the sky, and finally the light exploded on the crown of the Tree of Life, and a huge sound resounded throughout the stadium, and even set off a wave of hot winds.

Then the canopy of the tree burned, and the wind swept the tongue of fire and licked upward, emitting a scorching smell.

Ladon roared wildly, and its anger spread in all directions through the sound, deafening!

Then it was like it had suddenly gone berserk, attacking the armored vehicle units of the human race, dragon breath, dragon claws, tail attacks, Ladong did not distinguish between friend and foe, except for the two goddesses, even the monsters also suffered a disaster!.

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