The battlefield began to deflect toward Center Stadium, making the rest of Philadelphia safer as a result.

But the city is littered with rubble, panicked people are still fleeing everywhere, and the city police department has urgently dispatched personnel to put out the fires, but it is still a drop in the bucket.

In front of the ruins of a certain part of the city, three figures appeared in the void, and it was none other than Dane and his party.

Cersei took two steps forward, and with a wave of her slender fingers, the ruins in front of her parted to the left and right like Moses' sea, revealing the unconscious people inside.

"You can bring her back to her senses, can you?" asked Diana, looking at Artemis lying in the ruins.

"I'll try. Cersie replied cautiously, the power of chaos was Calypso's mastery, and she could not necessarily undo it.

Most of the magic that Cersei is proficient in belongs to the dark line, and even if it is well-intentioned, it will give people the feeling of forcible invasion.

The power of chaos involves "193" and the spiritual will of people, so if Cersie wants to remove the magic exerted on Artemis, she must let her magic enter the other party's sea of consciousness.

But when Cersie's magic just entered Artemis's mind, she was immediately counterattacked by the other party's spirit, and the mental contest was very dangerous.

It happened in an instant, and by the time Diana noticed it, Cersei was already shaking all over, turned around and fell into Dane's arms.

"Dane, she's attacking me!" Cersie turned pale and looked up at Dane pitifully, and I couldn't help but feel pity for the pity.

When Diana saw this witch behaving like this, she immediately understood that she was playing on the topic, and her chest hurt with anger, and if the other party didn't touch Dane's chest muscles with a smile, she might still believe her.

On impulse, she immediately stepped forward and pulled Cersie away, and she was so strong that she almost didn't throw Cersie away.

Fortunately, Dane subconsciously pulled Cersie so that she didn't become a meteor in the sky.

Cersei barely managed to stand still, and then looked at Diana with a strange expression.

"Do you want to kill me?"

Diana didn't know how to explain her aggressive behavior, so she could only pretend to stare at Cersie fiercely, but no matter how she looked at it, she felt a little eager to cover it up.

Cersie's eyes flashed, and the feeling in her heart became stronger and stronger, speaking of which, Diana never seemed to have experienced it...... Thinking of this, she snickered like a fox who stole a chicken, which made Diana even more angry.

Dane sensed the open and secret fight between the two women, and he didn't see it.

In the ruins, the stimulated Artemis suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes still the color of black dyed by the power of chaos, she turned her head and put a murderous look on Dane and the others.

"What if you kill her first and then resurrect her?" Dane had a bad idea.

Hearing this, the two women no longer continued to stare at him, but rolled their eyes at him in unison before turning their attention to Artemis.

"Hold her in hand. Diana frowned and took the mantra from her waist.

However, Artemis, although she lost her sense of self, did not lose her wisdom and memory, and she saw Diana take out the truth rope and immediately jumped up from the ground, dodging the rope that flew over.

Diana silently tied the mantra back to her waist: "Artemis, please cooperate a little." "

Artemis' weapon had been lost when it had been knocked out of the air, so she pulled out the marker in her path, intending to use it as her makeshift weapon.

Seeing that the other party was going to resist stubbornly, Diana decided to subdue the other party first.

As a sign of respect for her opponent, Diana began to disarm herself......

When Cersie saw Diana's movements, she suddenly looked at her with a look at a rare animal, she didn't have an advantage, she was a fool, right?

"If you look at me like that again, I'll gouge out your eyes!" Diana whispered to Cersie.

Cersey's eyes suddenly cleared...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ignoring the two women, it didn't seem like a bother, and he suddenly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, a hand had already grabbed Artemis's neck.

Suddenly attacked, Artemis did not have the slightest panicked expression on his face, as if he didn't know that the hand could easily crush his neck, grabbed the road sign with both hands and smashed it directly on Dane's head, of course, the person was fine, the road sign was broken.

With a slight force on Dane's hand, Artemis suddenly felt unable to breathe, the power of chaos could allow her to ignore fear and any mental intimidation, but it could not allow her to ignore physical damage and normal physiological reactions.

Deprived of oxygen to his brain, Artemis soon lost consciousness.

Diana and Cersie walked up and took a closer look at Artemis's state, revealing that she was only temporarily unconscious, and otherwise fine.

"You're too rough, aren't you?" Cersie was speechless, "she's a woman." "

Dane didn't bother to deal with her, and the reason why he didn't choose to kill her directly and resurrect her was not clear whether death could refresh the other party's state, but that Cersei wanted to use this opportunity to see if she could crack Calypso's ability.

In this way, when facing her abilities again in the future, you can also be prepared.

This is also a good opportunity to test the power of the gods, there will be more gods in the future, first find a weaker god to practice hands, promotion is Sessi's established plan.

"She'll leave it to you. With that, Dane threw Artemis at Cersie, nearly crushing her down.

"Why is this woman so heavy?" she was a little staggered, from the outside, Artemis was only slightly more toned, but the weight was almost equal to two people or more.

Dane knew that although Artemis had not yet left the realm of mortals, she was a powerful person, so her muscle density was obviously greater than that of ordinary people, although her size was not exaggerated, but her strength was compressed into that unusual weight.

"Then, I'll take her back next~" Cersie's eyes winked at Dane and Diana, a little ambiguous, "The rest of the time is yours..."4

Before Diana couldn't help but pull out the Vulcan sword, Cersie disappeared with a smile, she had the coordinates of the small god realm and could travel back and forth between the two worlds freely.

Diana casually put her sword back into the sheath and said in a calm tone, "Do you see what you want to see?"

"A little bit. Dane shook his head, "There must be support from the wizarding world on the human side, but it seems that those magicians don't want to be exposed so quickly, they are still hiding themselves. "

As soon as the military came, the target was directly at the tree of life, which was obviously someone pointing them behind the scenes, and this tree was the focus.

There is also the technology on Howl's car, although most of it is a technological creation, but Dane can see some traces of magic in it, which is why Calypso was able to find him.

Following the traces of the use of magic, Howl's location is easy to determine.

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