Midway, Michigan, Skyeye Base.

In the empty basement, a spherical mechanical artifact is connected by a dozen thick cables, suspended in the air, and on closer inspection, it is not difficult to notice the green glow emanating from the sphere.

The green light pulsed like a living, as if it were breathing, and like a heartbeat.

Directly below the sphere, dozens of tiny fiber-optic cables fell vertically, stretching along the ground until they connected to something like a repeater, and at the other end of the machine, several more cables branched out to connect with a red-robed man who was half-kneeling on the ground.

I don't know what material the robe worn by the red-robed man is, the red robe is patterned with gold threads, and a golden skeleton and an upside-down cross are embroidered on the back, revealing a strange atmosphere.

The person was covered in a red robe, and one face was completely hidden under the hoodie, and the cable was connected to the inside through the opening of the hoodie, and it was unknown where it was connected to the face.

The red-robed man kept his head down, holding a strange handprint in both hands, as if he was casting a spell and as if he was praying.

In the middle of the night, the basement door opened, and a dark-skinned woman walked in, it was none other than the right-hand man of the Tianyan Society, Ah 25 Mandawall.

She walked over to the red-robed man, her eyes fixed on the orb hanging in mid-air.

"How's it going?

The red-robed man's deep voice came out from under his hoodie, "It's not close." "

Waller seemed a little dissatisfied: "The last time I came, you said the same. "

The red-robed man was silent for a moment, as if thinking, and after a moment, he replied again: "A little closer to success than the last time." "

Waller swore that if it weren't for the other party's special abilities and the fact that she was not under her control, she would have shot him at this time.

The red-robed man seemed to be able to sense her thoughts, and it was rare to say a few words: "This ring is very special, it has its own consciousness, just like some special artifact, and will find its owner by itself."

I wasn't the one it chose, I could only use magic to forcibly control it, but I couldn't use its full power because of this, and being able to do it to the extent I am now is the best result of hard work. "

Waller naturally knows this, but as a qualified manager, she naturally wants to squeeze all the value out of her hands, even if the other party is only working with her temporarily, she has to find ways to squeeze it out.

"Since it's as special as an artifact, it means it has the same power as an artifact, right?"

The red-robed man didn't speak, as if he acquiesced.

Waller struck while the iron was hot: "In that case, if we can fully master it, it means that we have completely mastered an artifact, right?"

The red-robed man finally spoke: "I know what you mean, but a strong way can't solve this problem completely, and the only way to solve this problem is to find the person who was chosen by the ring." "

"Who?" asked Waller.

The red-robed man shook his head: "I don't know, the owner of the ring has its own criteria, and I can't interfere with it." "

Waller was not satisfied with the answer: "At least you should know what its selection criteria are, right? There are nearly 10 billion people in the world, and I believe that there is always one person who meets its criteria." "

This is not wrong, the red-robed man was silent for a moment, and then replied: "According to my observation of it during this time, the energy characteristics of this ring are related to willpower, and I speculate that the stronger the will, the more favored the ring. "

Waller pondered: "In this case, is it more likely that a battle-experienced warrior will be recognized?"

Seeing that the other party nodded, Waller didn't talk nonsense, and immediately called his subordinates, asking the organization to select a group of excellent agents first, in addition to screening out people with strong willpower, but also requiring these members to have unreserved loyalty to the organization.

What she wants is a tool man who completely ends up with them, not to create a new superhero.

Thinking of this, Waller suddenly asked: "If I find a person who is eligible, but the other party does not listen to my orders, can I control him through nanobombs?"

Because the red-robed man said that the energy of the ring is related to willpower, Waller inevitably fears that the chosen one will get out of her control under the influence of the ring, and threatening others with her life is Waller's forte, after all, she has never believed in loyalty.

The red-robed man warned: "I advise you to give up this stupid idea, although I don't know what the specific function of this ring is, but judging from the energy intensity contained in it, your nanobomb is a joke!" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

Waller frowned, not paying attention to the red-robed man's insults, just thinking that if the nanobomb couldn't deter the ring user, she would have to come up with another way to deal with him/her.

What had happened in the past period of time had made her realize how difficult it was for the superheroes to control, how difficult it was for the Suicide Squad, and that Waller would rather leave the ring empty than use it if there was no real check and balance.

Otherwise, if an uncontrolled superhero comes out again, it will be a huge loss for the Sky Eye Society.

In other words, where did all those superheroes go?

Since the disappearance of Cyborg and the others, the Sky Eye Society, led by Waller, has never heard of the superheroes and members of the suicide squad.

And it is unknown what methods those people used, even the detonator that controlled the 010 nanometer bomb in the minds of the suicide team members was ineffective.

"By the way, there's one more thing I haven't told you yet. The red-robed man suddenly remembered something interesting.

"What's the matter?"

"I remember you gave that spaceship to an aircraft manufacturing company?"

"What's the problem?" said Wallerch, who had been on the ship except for the body of an alien who had been dead for a long time, and that was the ring in front of them.

These two most valuable items were pocketed by the Sky Eye Society, and the remaining spaceship was split and sold to several private airlines for technology transactions.

The Sky Eye Society thinks that it has obtained the most valuable thing, so it is extremely generous in the disposal of the spaceship.

Waller heard some time ago that the people of the Ferris Aircraft Manufacturing Company had already studied some results, and it seemed that they were in a heated battle with the Air Force Department recently.

"I saw another person's perspective when I was visualizing the ring. Waller's surprise was what the red-robed man said, "That man's name is Hal Jordan, he's a pilot, and the ring somehow connects his vision, which is unusual... I suspect that person is the one chosen by the ring, and you should keep an eye on him. "

Waller frowned, "Where is he now?"

"Philadelphia. There was a faint hint of schadenfreude in the red-robed man's voice, "There's a war going on there. "。

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