American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 105 Priest and Nuns

But thinking about it seriously, Yorks doesn't think it's that troublesome.

After all, the other party is just a trainee nun, so he could just knock him out with a knife...

"Are you sure, Yorkist?" Bishop Rovshan still seemed a little worried.

"Sure," thinking of Healy, Yorks smiled. This was something about him, how could he be careless, but it turned into another sentence in Yorks' mouth.

"Bishop Rovshan, don't you understand my character? You must be fully prepared in advance when encountering problems, so I am fully prepared."

However, Bishop Rovshan looked at him seriously and choked with a calm expression.

"It's just because I know your character that I feel a little worried."

York's calm and confident expression froze for a moment. Fortunately, the old man added another sentence and asked him to step down.

"However, Father York, fortunately you took over this matter,"

York's expression returned to calmness and he looked at the old man.

Noticing his gaze, Bishop Rovshan continued.

"If someone else had been sent here from the headquarters, I might still feel uneasy, but now I feel a lot calmer."

York's expression became gentle, "So can you make arrangements for me?"

"Of course," Bishop Rovshan put his hands behind his back and smiled lightly.

"Yeah." Yorks thought of something and continued to push further.

"Bishop Rovshan, I may need one more help from you."


Yorks smiled and asked tentatively, "Can you let Irene, the trainee sister, stay here first?"

Bishop Rovshan refused directly, "That's not possible, Father York, His Majesty Gregory has told me that this is the Lord's arrangement."

As he said that, Bishop Rovshan glanced at York, as if he was waiting for these words.

"He also told me that if you refuse Sister Irene's company, the map marked with the Santa Carta Monastery will appear in someone else's hands."

As soon as these words came out, the old man's calculating expression appeared in York's mind, and his face couldn't help but twitch.

Okay, this old man is really cruel. Without a map, he really doesn’t know where Santa Carta Monastery is.

After all, no one can simply know where a strange place is, not to mention that the Santa Cata Monastery is located deep in the mountains and forests, so it is even harder to find.

If he could, he would just slam the door and go home without any shame, but...for the 40-point reward, he endured it!

"She is coming."

At this moment, Bishop Rovshan noticed something from the front and spoke.

Yorks subconsciously looked in the direction of the old man's gaze.

Two people appeared in the side passage.

An old nun wearing a black monastic uniform and a young nun wearing a white novice monastic uniform walked in cautiously.

Yorks narrowed his eyes, ignored the old nun leading the group, and stared directly at the young trainee nun behind him.

From his personal point of view, the novice Sister Irene who will accompany him to the convent of Santa Cata and may be placed in the church of Pluto is not bad.

He has a standard oval face, which looks sweet and cute, but exudes a gentle and homely temperament.

The oncoming sense of déjà vu made him feel that this trainee nun might have a gentle heart.

"Go and have a look, York." Looking at the two nuns who had entered the building, Bishop Rovshan made the sign of the cross.

"This is the Lord's arrangement."


At this point, Yorkshire accepted the fact that the nun was accompanying him. After all, it was okay not to accept it. He also wanted to get the map of Santa Carta Monastery to complete this big task.


"Dean." Erin followed cautiously, she still had some doubts about this matter.

"I'm just a novice nun, not a real priest yet."

"I know, Eileen," the old nun Tracy, who was leading the trainee nuns to the agreed place, seemed to have thought of something after speaking, and her calm expression also changed slightly.

"I am also surprised by this matter, but I also know that this is your best opportunity. If you can study with that Father Yorkist, you will get a lot of experience."

Hearing this, Irene couldn't help but think of the rumors about the Yorkist priest.

Jealous of demons, exorcised countless demons, killed a red archbishop's heretic in court, and other deeds...

Although she had never met this Yorkist priest and didn't know the truth behind it, Eileen could still feel a sense of bloody cruelty from these untrue or false deeds.

"So have you ever met Father York? Dean." Erin couldn't help but wonder about the priest she would follow in the future.

Tracy took a deep breath and then shook her head, "I haven't seen it yet."

Irene wanted to ask anything else.


But when the old nun saw that she had reached a hall and looked at the statue of Jesus in the center, she stopped and interrupted Irene's words.

"We're here, Erin."

With that said, old nun Tracy turned to look at Irene and whispered softly.

"Son, I know you are upset, but please also trust the church's arrangements."

Irene pursed her delicate lips and stared at the dean who took her to the university for a long time, feeling reluctant to leave.


Tracy smiled and stretched out her hand to adjust Erin's nun's hood.

"Child, you have to believe in yourself. You are the most outstanding child in Montra Monastery. I believe you will find your own path."

Hearing this, Irene remained silent, took a deep breath, and then nodded seriously.

The old nun's smile did not change, she arranged Irene's clothes in front of her, took back her hand and said with a smile

"Well, I'm leaving then."

Erin stared at the old nun and nodded silently.

"Okay, Dean."

Tracy nodded as well, walked past Erin, and left the hall.

In the end, only the young nuns were left in the hall waiting for their fate.

Erin withdrew her gaze, glanced around the altar in the hall, which was only illuminated by candlelight and was silent. She breathed out gently, suppressing her heartbeat that was jumping due to nervousness.

However, when the dean was not there, Erin felt more and more nervous and her heart beat faster.

She knew that the fork in her life was here, and she didn't know whether it was good or bad.

At this moment, along with a burst of heavy and rhythmic footsteps, a gentle and steady voice suddenly sounded behind her.

"Novice Erin?"

At this moment, Erin's heart suddenly rose to her throat, and she turned around stiffly.

A priest wearing simple robes was reflected in her eyes.

Erin's pupils dilated.

It was different from the priests she had seen.

The priest was taller and more well-proportioned than the other priests.

He also has extremely neat and trimmed short hair, his powerful facial features exude a resolute and masculine temperament, and his deep eyes shine with determination and courage.

"About... Father York?"

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