Erin's attitude was a little cautious.

But somehow, when she saw the appearance of the priest she was about to follow, Irene felt her heart suddenly start to drop, and the suffocating tension before gradually softened.

Perhaps the Yorkist priest was not the unusually cold priest she thought.


Yorkist responded, looking at the novice nun and raising his eyebrows in surprise.

He began to vaguely understand the old man's arrangement.

In perception, this trainee nun has a naturally calming aura about her, just like the holiness of the Virgin Mary.

"You now know where you will be assigned, right?"

Yorks said, carefully observing the other party's expression and demeanor.

Fortunately, this trainee nun passed the test, and even though her future was uncertain, she was still able to maintain her sobriety and calmness.

The trainee nun nodded seriously.

"I know that I will accompany you to the Monastery of Santa Cata and will assist you in your work at the Church of Pluto."

"Well, since you already know, I won't say more."

Yorks glanced at the statue of Jesus in the center, turned around and left.

"Come on, we're ready to go."

York's resolute attitude made Irene slightly dazed, but looking at his back that was about to disappear, she took a deep breath and trotted to follow him.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Yorks subconsciously looked to the side.

The young novice nun had already followed, trying to keep the same frequency next to his shoulder.

Looking at her expression of forcibly suppressing her breathing, Yorks curled up the corner of his mouth. If he wanted to become a nun in his church in Pluto, he had to exercise his physical strength first.

With the idea of ​​​​exercising, Yorks took her to where Bishop Rovshan was.

A spacious office filled with sacred attributes.

"It seems you are satisfied? Yorkist."

Bishop Luofshan sat in front of a luxurious desk and tilted his head to glance at the trainee nun who was standing several meters behind the priest, panting rapidly, with his chest heaving ups and downs, and said calmly.

"But she is still just a trainee nun, so you have to take her abilities into consideration."

Yorkist was unmoved, "Bishop Rovshan, I will take care of this myself."

"Well, this is your nun from Pluto Church, so of course it's up to you."

Bishop Rovshan withdrew his gaze and said no more. After all, one sentence was enough. He took out a folded map and information from the drawer, put them on the table and pushed them over.

"A map of Santa Carta Monastery and a helicopter have been arranged in the backyard."

Yorks smiled, took the map and bowed his head in salute.

"Thank you for your help, Bishop Rovshan."

The old man also smiled and waved.

"Go ahead, I'll wait for news from you."

After getting the map, Yorks took Irene to his room.


Listening to the heavy breathing, Yorks looked back at Irene and smiled.

"If you feel tired, you can take a rest here first."

However, what Yorks didn't know was that his words aroused Irene's strong heart. She took a quick breath to regain her breath, shook her head and said firmly.

"Father York, if there is anything I can do to help, please tell me."

"Okay, then please send this backpack and these backpacks to the helicopter in the backyard."

Yorks picked up the backpack, which contained an RPG-7 rocket launcher and weighed about seven or eight kilograms, and handed it over with a calm look on his face.

"It can be pretty heavy, just do your best."

Erin glanced at the tall and sturdy priest in front of her, and took the backpack in front of her with both hands. All the previous feelings had long since disappeared.

Feeling the weight of the backpack in her hand, and looking at the backpacks indicated by the priest, Irene said seriously.

"Okay, Father York, I'll try."


With a rare expression of satisfaction, Yorkshire took out his cell phone and walked out the door.

Erin pursed her lips and watched the priest stride away, then walked toward the backyard with her backpack in both hands.

"This is a test God has given me." she thought.


On a busy road.

A Harley-Davidson motorcycle with simple and smooth lines and domineering sideways was speeding through it.

The powerful sound of the engine was even mixed with extremely loud singing, which made the drivers of the vehicles nearby and the pedestrians walking on the sidewalk look sideways.

However, its owner ignored it and even took control of the car alone. He reached out and took out his mobile phone, which had been specially set to vibrate.

"Hello! Father Yorks."

He was afraid that the people on the other side wouldn't hear him, so he shouted loudly.

The call was connected, and when Yorks heard the rapid and whistling wind and the powerful singing, he subconsciously took the phone away.

"Are you ready to arrive?"

Healy's voice suddenly sounded on the phone.

"Hurry! Be there soon!"

It was indeed the case. At a certain intersection, the dark, very smooth Harley motorcycle turned into another intersection.

Healy shouted, looking up at the church tower that appeared at the end.

"Father Yorks, I can already see the church."


York hung up the phone and glanced at the monk on guard next to him. Without his response, Healy, who had a particularly obvious aura, would have been blocked from the door.

Before he could think about it, a roaring engine sound appeared at the end.

Buzz! !

Yorks looked over subconsciously.

A dark and very flamboyant Harley motorcycle appeared in his eyes.

Buzz! !

Seeing that both the Harley motorcycle and its owner Healy exuded a kind of arrogance, Yorks twitched the corner of his mouth.

This guy is as flamboyant as ever.

"Father Yorks!"

Healy was obviously very happy. When he saw him at the door, he raised his hand, waved vigorously, and shouted loudly, regardless of the occasion.

"Father Yorks!"

The sound seemed to drown out the sound of the engine.

Yorkist glanced again at the frowning monk guarding the door, and still couldn't help but feel a headache.

This special code is a problem child.

Forget it, as the distance got closer, Yorks even heard the lyrics.

Have fun in this city.

Putting on canvas shoes and a brand-name bag, I almost fall in love with myself, so handsome.

Brother is so sexy, call the police and firefighters to cool me down.

Brother is so sexy, even his bad temper is extinguished by my handsomeness.

Brother is so sexy, you know who I am when you shout my name

Brother is so sexy, brother has a bright future...

The powerful song that can make people shake their mouths gets closer and closer, until the Harley motorcycle stops in front of them with a strong wind.

Yorks looked at Healy, who was wearing a denim vest and jeans, a pair of black sunglasses, and a colorful belt around his neck. He was grinning and couldn't help but pat him on the back.

With bang! With a sound, York's helpless voice also sounded.

"You guy, I didn't dare to be as arrogant as you when I was young."

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