[Our father in heaven]

[May everyone hallow your name]

[May your kingdom come]


In the increasingly darkened path, the three of them walked deeper and deeper along with Irene's firm voice.

At this time, there were water drops on the walls on both sides of the dim path that was only three meters wide.

Under normal circumstances, ordinary people will at least feel that there is a damp and cold air spreading around them.

But Healy, who had been at the very back, didn't know if it was an illusion. He felt that the air-conditioning that had been lingering around him seemed to have become a little warmer. Healy tilted his head and stared at the trainee nun in front, feeling something in his heart again. Some recognition.


[May your will be done on earth]

[Like walking in heaven]


Not only Healy, but Irene, who had been reciting prayers, also felt this way. She stared at the back in front of her that seemed to be blocking everything, and stared at the fleeting white footprints left by the priest's soles, thoughtfully. .

I don't know what happened to the two people behind him, but Yorks was already pointing his grenade gun at the front.

The prayers of the novice nuns behind her were like poking a hornet's nest here.

But that's exactly what he did on purpose.

The only thing that can imprison the nun is her own body and the control within her body.

He wants to clear the level all the way, weaken the negative power that the devil can absorb, and walk up to the devil with the blood of Jesus and say, he is coming.

Roar! !

A roar like a beast sounded from the depths, accompanied by a rush of footsteps.

Bang bang bang!

This time, even Healy and Erin heard it.

The footsteps are getting closer.

Irene was so shocked that she subconsciously stopped reciting and stared straight ahead.

Healy, who was at the rear, had already raised his SHAK-12 and pointed the muzzle at the front.

"I am here."

Sensing the tension between the two people behind him, Yorks said this smoothly, magic power spread in his eyes, staring at the blurry black shadow approaching in front, he raised his revolving grenade gun and fired a shot.


Dazzling fire erupted from the muzzle.

The next second.

Along with the roar, a burst of fire suddenly exploded in the void more than ten meters away.

At this moment, both Healy and Irene could clearly see that a ferocious-looking nun was easily blown to pieces. The upper body turned into pieces and scattered around, and the lower body that could still be preserved fell down.

But as the fire went out in an instant, they could see nothing.

But at this moment.

Footsteps one after another kept ringing in the dim path.


Through his magical eyes, York saw a group of nuns with ferocious faces rushing towards them. He silently took out a sacred grenade from the ammunition belt and listened to the stopped recitation, indifferently. said.

"Keep reading."

"Okay, Father."

Erin looked at the unclear darkness in the depths that could swallow everything, suppressed the throbbing in her heart, and continued to read.

[Our daily diet]

[Given to us today]

[Forgive our debts]


Listening to the recitation behind him, Yorks smiled, still feeling the same.

As Irene recited, he opened the grenade ring with one hand, stretched his right hand back and threw it forward.

puff! Explosive sound!

With the strength beyond ordinary people's imagination, this sacred grenade wiped the air and reached a place about twenty meters away in an instant. It hit something and fell to the ground, making a clanging sound.


boom! ! ! !

Holy white light exploded with the fire, illuminating everything.

Both Healy and Erin's eyes widened.

At that moment of sudden light, they saw a group of nuns who were as dry as skeletons and neither human nor ghost were blown into pieces, flying in all directions.

Then they couldn't see anything anymore, they just felt a strong shock wave erupting in front of them.

Before the two of them could react, York was already facing the shock wave that broke out. He clenched his left hand into a fist and pounded forward.

In order to save magic power, he only used a little magic power to spread on his fist, and the rest relied on his own physical fitness.


The oncoming white and red shock wave was instantly defeated by the sandbag-sized fist, and the aftermath hit York's majestic chest, but he could not move an inch.

The remaining strong wind dispersed to both sides, blowing Irene's long hair behind him.


Hearing Irene's subconscious call, Yorks held the revolving grenade gun in his right hand, patted the dirt on his chest with his left hand, stared at the nuns who were gradually appearing in front of him, and said calmly without caring at all.

"It's okay, keep praying and give the nuns a ride."

With that said, Yorks continued to lead the way forward.

Erin took a deep breath and looked at the tall figure in front of her. She could only keep up while reciting the unfinished verses.

[Just as we forgive our debtors]

[Lead us not into temptation]

[Deliver us from evil]


Healy, who was at the very back, stared at the useless SHAK-12 in his hand, muttered in his heart, shook his head and continued to follow the steps of the nun in front.

He found that he seemed to only be able to fly a helicopter, and was not as useful as the trainee nun in front of him who looked young but was actually strong and brave.

At least the nun could see something, but he couldn't see anything. He could only feel that someone was watching around him.

[Because the kingdom, power, and glory are all yours]


Along with Irene's firm and gentle recitation, Yorks also walked up to the first nun. Seeing that the soul body gradually became clear, her face was filled with a kind of holy nuns, and then she stopped and scratched her chest. Made a cross.

"Called to go to heaven and rest in the arms of the Lord."

The nuns who emerged looked at each other and smiled. Under the leadership of the old nun at the front, they clasped their hands at the passing Yorkist, lowered their heads and closed their eyes...

After passing the last nun with a soul body and looking at her bursting into dots of light, Yorks sighed and continued to move forward with Irene, who continued to recite in silence, and Healy, who looked confused.

Ten seconds later.

Another wave of turbulent footsteps suddenly sounded in the dim path.

But the next second there was a roaring explosion, and everything returned to calm, except for Irene's recitation.

Until fifteen seconds later, the three of them walked deeper and deeper, and the light outside was gradually swallowed up by darkness.

The path made of rough and heavy stones stretches downwards as if there is no end.

"here it is……"

When he reached a door made of wood that appeared on the side wall, Yorks stopped suddenly and pushed it open immediately.

He sensed something inside.

In the quiet alley, the wooden door creaked open.

Roar! ! !

Sure enough, a nun whose face had turned into flesh and blood came towards her. She looked like a zombie and rushed towards her with a roar.

The moment Erin suppressed her scream and Healy quickly moved the muzzle, Yorkist leaned back to avoid its skinny hands and kicked out suddenly.

A powerful burst of force.

The nun was kicked out and hit the wall behind.

"I come!"

Healy finally found an opportunity, lifted SHAK-12 and pulled the trigger repeatedly towards the nun who had not yet fallen from the wall.

Bang bang bang!

It's a pity that several shots only broke the nun's body, but could not eliminate the erosion control inside. The nun could continue to move.

Upon realizing this, Healy's high mood suddenly dropped.

"Father Yorks, is this an ordinary bullet?"


Yorks responded, raising his revolving grenade gun and firing a shot at the nun who continued to stand up.

"Who told you to come without your own gun?"

His own double buff can only be used by himself, which means that only he can exert the effect on things that have been double buffed.

The SHAK-12 is naturally just an ordinary firearm in Healy's hands. It can cause damage when hitting people, animals, and entities, but it cannot deal with supernatural beings.

boom! ! !

The grenade ejected from the muzzle of the gun, directly blasting the nun who was still trying to pounce.

Yorkies' clothes are windless and automatic.

The protective circle formed by magic power automatically blocked the debris and dirt flying in front of you.

With a pop, the humanoid corpse fell down.

Sensing that there was no more movement inside, Yorks took the lead and stepped into the stone room.

In the dim light, both sides of the stone room were filled with bookshelves filled with books and information, and inside were desks and chairs with some information.

It is not difficult to imagine that the nun who fell on the ground had been sitting here checking something.

Thinking of this, Yorks looked at the star point above the corpse that was about to turn into a human form...

Thanks to Yu Jing for the tip! Thank you for your support, boss!

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