Although he doesn't have a psychic physique, his eyes with spreading magic are not bad either.

The star points emitting white light gradually formed a human shape in York's eyes.

Not long after, a nun of some age with a wrinkled face wearing a black monastic uniform appeared next to her body.

She glanced at her body that had been blasted into pieces, with regret in her eyes, and then looked at Irene, who could see her and had spiritual energy, with a gentle look, and then looked at the confused, but seemingly Healy, who could feel her presence, finally stopped at Yorkshire, who was standing quietly.

She clasped her hands together and bowed her head slightly.

"Father, after hundreds of years, you are finally here."

Hearing this, Yorks showed a trace of pity in his eyes. He didn't know what it meant to be imprisoned for hundreds of years, but based on his feelings, it was already very uncomfortable for him to be imprisoned for just a few years, not to mention hundreds of years.

Even so, the old nun could not be freed yet. There was only one last step left: after he personally exorcised the demon, he performed a requiem prayer.

It is true that Irene has a psychic constitution and is also a nun, but she is only a novice nun after all, and her prayers are only used as a source of attraction to notify the nuns and the demon, telling them that they are coming...

"Young priest, you don't have to be too sad." The old nun, who exuded a holy light, stared at the young priest and smiled.

"This is our destiny at Santa Carta, and my destiny is to wait for you here."

Hearing this, York's eyebrows raised slightly.

"What do you mean?"

The old nun wearing a black monastic robe and a nun's hood did not answer, but turned her words in another direction.

"The Monastery of St. Carta was established during the Dark Ages. Countless nuns came here voluntarily to pray day and night to suppress the gates of hell..."

This is the information he knows. There is no disturbance in York. No matter what the old nun is saying, it is very rare for a broken soul to maintain such behavioral habits and sanity.

But Eileen was listening, her expression becoming extremely serious.

"It's a pity that life has its limit. Even if we are willing, we will still have negative emotions. The devil lurking in the darkness has been secretly absorbing our negative emotions. Over time, his power becomes stronger and stronger... …”

As the old nun spoke, a look of memory appeared on her face, and she subconsciously walked towards a small candle hole in the wall next to her. As a result, she realized that she was just an ordinary spirit body and could not touch anything.

Eileen observed the words and went over to them immediately, recalling the old nun's actions just now, and picked up the tinder box at the bottom.

However, this tinder box was a product of more than ten centuries. Over time, it became damp and unusable.

"Child, thank you for your understanding. This can no longer be used." The old nun said with some regret.

Erin pursed her lips and looked at the priest who had been standing quietly. She wanted to accomplish what the old nun wanted to do.

Yorks smiled and nodded, looking at Healy who was quietly beside him.


He knew Healy was a chain smoker like his father, Father Mac.

"Okay, Father."

Without the aid of anything else, although Healy couldn't see, he still knew what was going on. He took out an exquisite and gorgeous lighter from his pocket and lit it towards the small hole with beeswax inside, and then Then he clicked towards the entrance of another small hole on the opposite side...

The candlelight on both sides lit up slowly, illuminating the entire stone room.

"Thank you so much."

The old nun thanked her and walked naturally to the desk inside, continuing to talk about unfinished business.

"In the end, His power has become stronger. Our dean noticed this and wanted to use the remaining blood of Jesus to strengthen the seal. Unfortunately, she was just short of the last step. She was still overwhelmed by the increasingly powerful power of the devil. It eroded the sanity..."

As the old nun spoke, her calm voice began to fluctuate.

"We tried our best to control the dean, but we couldn't resist the invasion of the demon. Only the poor child was left..."

The simple words revealed a cruel reality, and Erin silently clutched the cross on her chest.

Only Yorks narrowed his eyes. He knew that the last child was probably the suicide, but he noticed a flaw.

"So the remaining vial of Jesus' blood is missing?"

As soon as these words came out, before Healy could raise his eyebrows, the old nun had already nodded.

"Before the dean was corroded, he hid in another place. It's a pity that we didn't know about it, otherwise..."

Having said this, the old nun, whose figure was almost disappearing, looked up at the young priest who had always been calm.

"I'm sorry, Father, but there's nothing I can do to help you with the blood of Jesus."

Hearing this, Yorkist was about to shake his head to express that it was okay, but the old nun continued.

"But I also found some information and the accompanying words of this demon. I hope it can help you."

After speaking, she gestured to a dusty book on the desk, clasped her hands together, lowered her head and closed her eyes before disappearing, and then exploded into dots.

The stone room returned to calm, with only the dim candlelight shining on it.

Compared to Healy who was observing the words and digesting the conversation about the blood of Jesus just now, Irene kept her hands clasped in front of her chest and looked at the exploding stars, feeling a sense of sadness in her heart.

Yorks glanced at her and said comfortingly, "They will all be liberated and return to the embrace of the Lord."


Erin took a deep breath, put away her complicated emotions, and nodded seriously.

Seeing this, Yorks looked at the stars that had disappeared without a trace, and walked towards the desk.

The things on the desk were in disarray, but there was an opened book and a piece of folded paper placed very neatly.

Skipping the paper, Yorks picked up the dusty book, shook it off, and looked at it.

Judging from the not very bright candlelight, the book that happened to be opened showed an abstract image of a demon with related patterns.

The Winged Child rides a two-headed dragon with two wings.

Next to the image is a large ancient saying...

"Father York, have you found anything?" Healy asked subconsciously while holding SHAK-12 in his vigilance.

"The Defiler..."

Yorks squinted his eyes and read out the words recorded inside.

"The Blasphemer, the Marquis of the Snake, the servant of the King of Fear, gives people true knowledge and knowledge, and is good at exploring the fear in people's hearts..."

At this point, Yorks paused. Through this passage, he instantly thought of a demon recorded in the secret room, and chose to recite it silently in his heart.



Yorks, who was already prepared, calmly put down the book in his hand.

Looking at the surrounding space besides the desk, it changes instantly.

Gaze into the abyss and be gazed into by the abyss.

Yorks already knew what would happen when he pronounced the name.

The surroundings also look like stone chambers.

Four ancient load-bearing columns made of boulders hold up the platform above.

In the middle was the shape of an altar, extending upward, York finally saw the nun.

He sat on the stone seat with his head lowered, and behind him were all the formal nuns in black monastic uniforms who were howling silently.

Although he couldn't see each person's face clearly, Yorks could feel the pain of these nuns.

This is the negative emotions and pain accumulated by the nuns at the Santa Carta Monastery for hundreds of years...

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