Amid Natural Disasters, The Country Asked Me To Be A Diplomat

Chapter 60 That Man's Name Is Lu Chengfeng! ! !

Just when the three of Lu Chengfeng got the news that the warring parties were unwilling to negotiate and fell silent collectively, a figure who looked a little thin in the wind and rain came over.

At some point, the female reporter stationed abroad, Lin Ran, also came near Lu Chengfeng and the others, and happened to hear Lin Xiangqian's words.

The camera that followed the female reporter behind her also captured the dignified faces of the three of Lu Chengfeng.

"Ambassador Lin, how is the current situation? Can you briefly introduce it?" The female reporter always kept her duties in mind, and when she realized that the situation was wrong, she immediately came to the three of them and asked in a deep voice.

Countless people in the country are paying attention to the current situation here.

Now that the pictures have been taken, any more concealment will lead to wild guesses from the public, and Lin Xiangqian obviously understands this.

Lu Chengfeng frowned slightly, revealing the situation truthfully at this time would undoubtedly be detrimental to guiding the emotions of the domestic people.

But in front of the camera, it is obviously not easy to hide.

The two exchanged glances with Yun Cangqiong.

Afterwards, Lin Xiangqian made a decision.

He led the female reporter aside, then faced the camera, and roughly introduced the current situation

"Currently, nearly a thousand people are still in the war zone and have not withdrawn. We are trying to find a way to negotiate with the warring leaders"

"It can be said that the situation is not optimistic, but fortunately, with the timely support of Lu Chengfeng and Commander Yun, my pressure has been greatly reduced. Please believe that we will definitely remove all trapped people

Bring them back safely..."

The footage of the interview was spread across the country. Netizens who were in a good mood because of watching the lively "673" in the past suddenly became serious, and the atmosphere of the barrage became a little heavy.

Many people have actually guessed that it is obviously very difficult to withdraw so many people in such a short period of time.

Now, after hearing the exact news from Lin Xiangqian, I realize the seriousness of the matter. There are still nearly a thousand people who have not safely evacuated...

"There are still so many people. I heard that the battle zone is now raging and fighting fiercely. Nothing will happen to those people..."

"It's too difficult in such a short time! The evacuation of tens of thousands of people can't be done casually, especially in such an environment!"

"The previous diplomat seemed to say that the leader over there didn't want to talk about it at all! What should we do now? There's a hail of bullets over there, and I'm really anxious..."

"That was brother Chengfeng just now, right? He will definitely find a way, even if it is difficult, he will definitely not give up!!!"

"Those trapped people, I don't know how panicked they are now. You can vaguely hear gunshots in the city from the port side, let alone those people who are still trapped in the city. It's me, I must be scared to death......

"I just heard from a friend who was trapped. They are now staying in an opera house. There are gunshots everywhere outside. They can't get out!!!"

The netizens who got the latest situation became silent in an instant.

Many relatives or friends of the trapped people even posted the news they got from the trapped people, which made the tense atmosphere on the Internet more obvious. At this moment, the hearts of countless people in the country, They all raised it.

While paying attention to the situation, he was also praying silently.

In China, a filming scene of a crew.

Lin Qingya had just returned to the rest area after filming a scene, and her assistant Xiao Shu hurriedly greeted her and handed her a bottle of unboiled water.

"Sister, you have worked hard!"

Lin Qingya shook her head, seemed to remember something and said:

"Xiaoshu, give me your phone!"

"Oh!" Xiaoshu nodded quickly, took out Lin Qingya's cell phone from her bag, and handed it over.

Just as she picked up the phone, Lin Qingya found that several news items popped up, and the content was exactly what she cared about, the latest news about the Hippo Country.

"A warship has arrived... is evacuating..."

"Nearly a thousand people are still trapped in the war zone, Lu Chengfeng has arrived..."

"The warring parties are unwilling to cease fire, and the negotiating request has been rejected..."

"Heavy rain... Evacuation operations are more difficult..."

Looking at the content of the news, Lin Qingya's pretty brows were lightly frowned, a look of worry appeared on her face involuntarily, and her expression became serious.

"Sister Qingya, I'm afraid little brother Chengfeng's task will not be so easy to complete this time!" Xiaoshu rang at the right time with a hint of worry in her tone.

Hearing this, Lin Qingya frowned even deeper.

But soon, she shook her head lightly, and said with a hint of certainty in her tone: "He can definitely do it!"

"In the waters of the joint military exercises of various countries, he was able to face such a terrifying natural disaster in a crisis, and he will definitely be able to bring everyone out calmly and calmly this time!

"It's just that those people who are trapped must be very desperate now... In the battle zone where there is a lot of bullets and bullets, they don't have any self-defense capabilities..."

"In such a situation, even experienced fighters may not be able to keep calm, let alone them..."

As an actress, Lin Qingya's empathy ability must be much stronger than that of ordinary people. When she thought of such a scene and put herself into it, her face became more serious. She looked at her phone and fell into silence.

However, I thought of Lu Chengfeng, the firm back when he left, and the promise he made when he looked at the people and nodded slightly.

For some reason, Lin Qingya felt a special sense of security in her heart.

That man, the man who let her be voluntarily fanned...

Maybe it can really be done and complete this seemingly impossible task!

Tanhe Maya, port.

Netizens' worries seemed to be contagious, and Lin Ran's expression became serious. She looked at Lin Xiangqian who had left in a hurry to arrange the evacuation, turned around and spoke to the camera in a serious tone. road:

"Although the situation is urgent and difficult, we still have to believe that the soldiers and diplomats who came all the way to the rescue will do everything possible to rescue the trapped people and resolve this crisis..."

Lin Ran raised the morale of the people in the country with a firm tone.

The temporary live broadcast will end soon.

Female reporter Li Ran looked at Lu Chengfeng who was still discussing with Yun Cangqiong, gritted her teeth lightly, and walked over.

Li Ran's work here has actually been completed, and with the current situation in such a chaotic situation, he should have been evacuated.

But at this moment, an idea suddenly sprouted in her heart, she felt that she couldn't just leave like this.

The things here are not over yet, there are still so many people working hard to save lives.

And she may be the only one who can send the situation here back to China immediately.

Thinking of the sarcasm of those little people who were left behind, she has already made a decision.

She can't just leave like this, she wants to record the entire evacuation operation live, so that the whole world can see our attitude and determination in protecting the people

It also allows the country to pay attention to the situation here for the first time.

This is her responsibility and mission as a foreign correspondent!

The torrential rain poured down continuously for a whole hour.

The city's waterproof system is obviously not working well, and the continuous rainfall has caused water accumulation in the city to appear soon, and it is getting worse.

Under such circumstances, the sound of gunfire and artillery fire in the city seemed to gradually disappear, only the sound of heavy rain falling on the city, which became more and more clear as time went by.

Somewhere in a war zone.

The gunfire here had stopped an hour ago.

It's not that the two sides don't want to fight, but that there is no way to fight...

The pouring rain blurred the soldiers' eyes, and the rain completely wetted the firearms, as if they were fished out of the water.

In such an environment, let alone fighting, as more and more water accumulated in the city, it would be a big problem for them to even move in the streets.

In an ordinary civilian house, several soldiers of the Peace Army were sheltering from the rain, and at the same time kept observing the situation outside through the windows.

However, the heavy rain pouring outside covered up all the sounds.

Moreover, the field of vision was also extremely poor, which made the spirits of several soldiers tense all the time, for fear that a group of enemy troops would emerge from it and surround them.

"This damn heavy rain, if it keeps falling like this, it's really impossible to fight this battle, so we might as well just hide and sleep..."

"It's strange to say that the sun was shining brightly here a few hours ago, why did it rain so heavily in the blink of an eye, and it seems to be getting bigger and bigger?"

"Those damn rebels won't take the opportunity to sneak attack?"

"Impossible, in this kind of weather, you can't go out at all. Didn't you just go outside to see it? It's difficult to even cross a road, and the outside is full of stagnant water..."

"If you want me to say, the truce was won, and after fighting for a few days, I was sleepy..."

Several soldiers kept complaining, talking to each other. Although they were still vigilant about their surroundings, they gradually began to relax...

It’s okay if it’s just normal rain. In this kind of weather, the probability of the enemy’s surprise attack is really too low. As for the stagnant water outside, it takes a few minutes for people to walk up and cross the road. “They can definitely spot the enemy’s movements easily.

In the city, as the heavy rain became heavier, the sound of gunfire had completely disappeared.

Even in the most fiercely fought war zone, there is no way to continue fighting in such an environment, unless two groups of people go to the street and confront each other.

Obviously, this is also impossible

The two-story building is the temporary headquarters of the Peace Army.

Bass stood by the window, watching the rain outside getting heavier and heavier. For some reason, the feeling of uneasiness in his heart became more and more obvious.

He previously refused to negotiate with Hua Guo, the reason is actually very simple, now is the most critical period of the war, he can't guarantee that if he stops, the other party will stop honestly, if the other party launches a surprise attack, they will lose heavy.

At such a critical time, he believed that the leader of the rebel army must have the same idea as himself. This is an unsolvable situation.

A ceasefire is impossible!

Unless the winner is decided, one side will be completely defeated!

If we can really talk about it, this time the conflict will not break out so fast, so fast, it is precisely because both sides have gone crazy.

In the office, there were several other high-ranking members of the Peace Army at this time.

They were called back by Bass to listen to their opinions, because he always had a bad premonition in his heart.

It seems that there is a voice in my heart telling me.

The negotiation requested by Hua Guo should not be rejected.

"General, in fact, I don't think you need to worry too much. Anyway, you have already rejected it, and the rebel army is definitely not willing to talk about it..."

"Yes, General! Let's wait and see what happens.

Just when the crowd was expressing their opinions, a frontline commander named Taino, who had never spoken, suddenly spoke.

"General, I always feel that something is wrong... Could this rain be too weird..."

"How to say?" Hearing this voice, Bass turned his head sharply, looked at the frontline commander, and his expression became extremely dignified in an instant.

To put it bluntly, the current Bass has actually loosened his heart and started to negotiate with Huaguo, but he still needs a reason.

A reason that can convince him, as well as the leader of the rebel army.

At this time, Tai Nuo also spoke again.

"I specifically asked the Meteorological Department. They hadn't detected the heavy rain at all before. That is to say, the heavy rain appeared suddenly. This is the first strange 2.1 point..."

"Secondly, judging from the climate conditions on our side, there shouldn't be such a large amount of precipitation and such a long-lasting heavy rainstorm. This is an extremely rare thing! And now the rain is getting heavier and heavier. It's even weirder..."

"Third, under normal circumstances, a normal rainstorm will definitely take time to brew, but this time it didn't happen at all. The sun was still shining brightly a moment ago, but in a blink of an eye it was cloudy and rainy. You must know that it is not a rainy season yet... ……”

Speaking of this, Tai Nuo paused for a while, as if to give the people present time to digest the information.

Then, under the signal of Bass, he spoke again.

"I don't know if you have paid attention to the natural disasters that have occurred one after another in Xiaotian and the joint military exercises of various countries?"

Tai Nuo's gaze swept over everyone on the field, reminding them of the large-scale shipwreck in the military exercise that had been raging a while ago.

Suddenly, there was a sound of discussion on the field.

"Of course, the situation at that time was too weird. First, the typhoon ravaged the small day, causing the warship to be sunk, and then the natural disaster vortex in the military exercise area sank countless warships. I'm afraid no one would not know about this... "

"That is, what exactly do you want to say, hurry up and say it!"

"Don't whet your appetite..."

Seeing everyone's attitude, Tai Nuo pondered for a while, and then continued to speak after Bass' gesture, his tone had already brought a trace of inexplicable weirdness.

"Since you know about the disasters that occurred one after another, you should also know that the diplomat from Huaguo who visited Xiaotian was called Lu Chengfeng..."


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